View Full Version : got a 11 over ticket

12-12-2008, 12:11 AM
hey all, got a ticket for doing 41 in a 30, in a semi :thumbsdow
I'm not here doing the typical hey he spelled my name wrong, or wrong address bullshit.
The real thing is the speedometer in the truck was not working properly and i have VIDEO evidence of this (doing 80 on glenmore and the speedo only reading 20) Now i was not aware of the speedo being out as i left work in rush hour and did not go much faster then 30-40 so i didn't think much of the speedo only reading 20-25.


My boss is paying the fine for me, the mechanic agrees there is an issue with the speedometer, and it has been fixed, do i go to the cp to get demerits taken off, or go to court with the boss from pepsi (he is willing) to get demerits taken off?
I have a clean record and have since i was 19, would like to keep it that way.

12-12-2008, 12:18 AM
going to court is your best bet, good luck!

12-12-2008, 01:44 AM
Talk to POINTS (Traffic Defense Lawyers). My brother got a 20 over in an 80 zone from what I recall. He had his speedo tested, and was verified by "some reputable" mechanic, that his speedo was inaccurate. He saw a reduction. Bear in mind this was about 2 years ago.

12-12-2008, 07:47 AM
Was it a school zone? If so you may have a tough time with it. If not if you can prove (with proper documentation) your spedo was off you will have a good chance of getting the demerits taken off at least.

12-12-2008, 07:50 AM
I had 41 in 30 when I was in school haha, thought it was a lame ticket, but i see it happens. Sorry to hear dude, but i heard many times that if ur speedo is busted and a professional can verify that, then they might let you off

Masked Bandit
12-12-2008, 09:21 AM
Considering your insurance record, I think it's worth fighting.

12-12-2008, 09:28 AM
Originally posted by eblend
I had 41 in 30 when I was in school haha, thought it was a lame ticket, but i see it happens. Sorry to hear dude, but i heard many times that if ur speedo is busted and a professional can verify that, then they might let you off

lol, no they won't. They'll just say "if you knew it was broken, why didn't you fix it sooner?"

12-12-2008, 09:37 AM
Get paperwork from the repair and bring it to the CP. If he doesn't do anything then plead not guilty and go to court. You should get off with equipment failure at the very worst.

12-12-2008, 10:05 AM
I assume that anywhere there is a 30km/hr speed limit it is in a playground zone, which in this case is going to make it pretty hard to fight your ticket. IMO.

12-12-2008, 10:22 AM
The thing is I look St the speedo and it it appears to be doing the speed limit. I did not know that it was not correct until later in the day as I had not gone much faster then the speedo was showing. Either way I will go to see the cp if nothing at best I will go to court

12-12-2008, 10:28 AM
Originally posted by theken
hey all, got a ticket for doing 41 in a 30, in a semi :thumbsdow
I'm not here doing the typical hey he spelled my name wrong, or wrong address bullshit.
The real thing is the speedometer in the truck was not working properly and i have VIDEO evidence of this (doing 80 on glenmore and the speedo only reading 20) Now i was not aware of the speedo being out as i left work in rush hour and did not go much faster then 30-40 so i didn't think much of the speedo only reading 20-25.


My boss is paying the fine for me, the mechanic agrees there is an issue with the speedometer, and it has been fixed, do i go to the cp to get demerits taken off, or go to court with the boss from pepsi (he is willing) to get demerits taken off?
I have a clean record and have since i was 19, would like to keep it that way.

Your going to want to fight the crap outta that. Youll also need proof showing that there was a speedometer problem. Demrit will come off and you will be charged with something to do with not having proper tuned vehicle or something. (This happened to me, I was doing 90 in a 60 zone and got off) Especial with the school zone your insurance will not look good with that charge.

I also used POINTS :D

12-12-2008, 10:30 AM
have it repaired and take the paperwork proving that it was repaired... otherwise they might get you with equipment failure or ask what you did about it.

12-12-2008, 11:11 AM
How did you not know it was broken when you were doing 60-80 earlier and it was only reading 10-20? Was this ticket as soon as you left work?

12-12-2008, 01:35 PM
This ticket was before I had gone over 30 40 I was driving in rush hour then went into residential where I was pulled over. I told him I was doing under 30

12-12-2008, 02:22 PM
fair enough

Black Gts
12-12-2008, 10:31 PM
What did your pre trip say? If it was working when you checked, and have a mechanic say its out maybe you have a chance:thumbsup:

12-13-2008, 05:45 PM
Pre trips unfortunately do not have a speedometer box to check off as there is no way to really check it before your trip. I wrote it up on my post trip and have confirmed that the mechanic had to repair it.

Black Gts
12-14-2008, 02:54 AM
Hmm I dont know what to say then, whenever I find a problem, I will let the proper people know and not actually write it on my pre trip. If it is serious enough I will refuse to drive without repair. Just talk to the crown like a regular ticket and tell them you were trying to be a company guy and deal with the speedometer:D

12-14-2008, 10:33 PM
Originally posted by theken
hey all, got a ticket for doing 41 in a 30, in a semi :thumbsdow
I'm not here doing the typical hey he spelled my name wrong, or wrong address bullshit.
The real thing is the speedometer in the truck was not working properly and i have VIDEO evidence of this (doing 80 on glenmore and the speedo only reading 20) Now i was not aware of the speedo being out as i left work in rush hour and did not go much faster then 30-40 so i didn't think much of the speedo only reading 20-25.


My boss is paying the fine for me, the mechanic agrees there is an issue with the speedometer, and it has been fixed, do i go to the cp to get demerits taken off, or go to court with the boss from pepsi (he is willing) to get demerits taken off?
I have a clean record and have since i was 19, would like to keep it that way.

if the speedometer has failed it has been logged in the trucks computer. get a print out and take it to court with you. this way your boss should be held liable for having a truck thats not up to par.

so hopefully this way you should not be stuck with any demerits hopefully.

12-14-2008, 10:36 PM
hahaha I just got a 30 over ticket stop complaining hahahahaa.

12-14-2008, 10:46 PM
I was going 89 km in a 60 and they threw it out. Had a traffic defense take care of it. It is such a pain sitting around and waiting. Got a clean record!

12-14-2008, 10:49 PM
Originally posted by ekguy
hahaha I just got a 30 over ticket stop complaining hahahahaa. haha, i am not complaining really, if i had know i was speeding then it would be different, like if i was doing 30 i would know i am 30 over then i would be at fault, but when u think u are not doing anything wrong is my problem.

12-14-2008, 10:54 PM
ya, i know what you are saying. the demerits won't affect you as much, unless you have a few. Today on Macleod the cops where hiding in a parking lot and this guy couldn't of been going more than 10 km over and they where right on him. I just dont get it.

Where you in a school zone. If so then that really sucks and as for your speedo not working compared to their gun that is your responsibility to make sure it works.

12-15-2008, 12:14 AM
I'm not even going to fight mine. I haven't got a ticket in years so it doesn't really affect my life in any way whatsoever. I'll just slow down now for a year or so...Shouldn't of known better...Dunno why people get so whiny and bitchy and bent out of shape for one ticket...If I had 2 or 3 I understand but one...Who cares I broke the law and got what was coming to me...Meh...Bigger things to worry about either way...Like the exam I'm going to fail tomorrow hahahaha.

But yeah 11 over does suck though...

12-15-2008, 11:00 AM
Originally posted by 403Gemini
lol, no they won't. They'll just say "if you knew it was broken, why didn't you fix it sooner?"
Yeah seriously, this is the worst excuse in the book. I should drive around with a broken speedometer all the time, I'll get out of every speeding ticket :rolleyes:

It's your fault if your sh*t is broken.

12-15-2008, 11:09 AM
I remember when the speedometer in my mom's van was messed up, she was able to fight the ticket.

She had to take it to some special shop in calgary that specializes in Speedometers and they give you a letter confirming the speedometer is broken.

Now this was about 7 years ago, so i don't know the name of the shop or anything so.. good luck

12-15-2008, 06:46 PM
Originally posted by Eleanor

Yeah seriously, this is the worst excuse in the book. I should drive around with a broken speedometer all the time, I'll get out of every speeding ticket :rolleyes:

It's your fault if your sh*t is broken. how is that my fault? That's the first time I have ever been in that truck. Its not like it is my truck. If you borrowed a friends car and have never been in it before and you get a ticket for doing 90 when your speedo says 80 is that your fuck up? With 0 knowledge

12-15-2008, 07:16 PM
my firends parents had this happen once.. cept right there she told the cop to sit in there.. and check it out for himself...funny enough he did and let her go