View Full Version : CBC is now reporting hypotheticals

The Cosworth
12-16-2008, 08:52 AM
Nearly 600,000 Canadian jobs would be lost with collapse of Big Three: report
Last Updated: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 | 7:45 AM ET Comments147Recommend69CBC News
Canada would lose nearly 600,000 jobs within five years if the Big Three automakers completely shut down, according to a report prepared for the Ontario Manufacturing Council, an advisory panel of industry and labour representatives.

The 11-page report, which was prepared by the Centre for Spatial Economics, projects a bleak economic picture for the province and the rest of the country if the automakers went out of business.

Effects on employment would be felt right away, the report states, with Canada losing 323,000 jobs if production ceased immediately, 281,800 in Ontario alone, the report forecasts. Those figures would climb in five years to 582,000 jobs nationally in 2014, 517,000 of those in Ontario.

A cut in production by 50 per cent would eliminate 157,400 jobs nationally immediately, 141,000 in Ontario. By 2014, 296,000 jobs would be lost, 269,000 in Ontario.

The depreciation of the dollar, lower interest rates and lower production costs eventually help the economy to partially recover but the loss of the Detroit Three leaves a permanent dent in Canada's economy in terms of jobs and output, the document says.

The collapse of the Big Three would have far reaching effects, including a reduction in production by the Canadian automotive parts industry of 80 per cent, the report predicts.

The Canadian subsidiaries of the Detroit Big Three automakers had asked Ottawa and Ontario for financial aid that could total as much as $6 billion.

Last Friday, the federal government and Ontario reached a deal to offer $3.3 Billion Cdn to Canada's auto industry, contingent on the approval of a proposed $14-billion US aid package in Washington.

The U.S. bailout package collapsed in the Senate on Thursday night. But the White House has said it is considering using money from the $700-billion US Wall Street rescue fund to support the domestic automakers.

source: http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2008/12/16/jobs-auto.html

it seems that they are either:

1.) Stretching for a story
2.) Fear mongering

12-16-2008, 08:55 AM
I read it as if they were reporting on the report that mentions the loss of jobs.

12-16-2008, 08:56 AM
Its reality if they let the Big Three go down. Obviously media loves to fear monger but many people don't necessarily appreciate the collateral damage if they go down. Its not just the overpaid CAW union goof, but the truck driver who ships parts to and from the factory and the guy at the plant that makes Ford signal lights etc.

12-16-2008, 08:56 AM
The media always reports things like this, it is not new. Where is your basis that they are stretching for a story or fear mongering? What part of the study do you feel is incorrect?

adam c
12-16-2008, 08:59 AM
oh well, let ontario suck a dick in the process

12-16-2008, 09:01 AM
Originally posted by adam c
oh well, let ontario suck a dick in the process

As gratifying as that may be, when the province with 1/4 of our total population gets pounded, it means more transfer $ from Alberta to them which means more whining on here about "fucken governement not spending money fixing potholes".

adam c
12-16-2008, 09:04 AM
Originally posted by B17a

As gratifying as that may be, when the province with 1/4 of our total population gets pounded, it means more transfer $ from Alberta to them which means more whining on here about "fucken governement not spending money fixing potholes".

bailout or not, they should still suck a dick

they get money no matter what and it's all bs, yet calgary has such hard times finding money for simple things.. what ontario wants, ontario gets

12-16-2008, 09:05 AM
Unions butcher free markets... the entire auto industry needs to take a huge paycut and have their benefits and pensions cut to allow their companies to survive. They are getting slaughtered by the lower operating costs of the Japanese and Euros.

Where was the government bailout for Alberta when oil plummeted? Oh wait, there wasn't one... they just let everyone get fired and take huge pay cuts.

I don't support anything that remotely resembles a bailout for the auto industry until all the unions get dismantled and workers are forced to take a significant pay cut.

"Detroit automakers operating in Canada have about 27,000 active employees, but 40,000 retirees"


12-16-2008, 09:08 AM
Originally posted by adam c

what ontario wants, ontario gets

And this is exactly why Toronto is the "Centre of the Universe".:D

12-16-2008, 09:44 AM
Originally posted by adam c
oh well, let ontario suck a dick in the process
It's comments like this that make me proud to be Albertan :nut:

Wait until the oil industry collapses and we go begging to the federal government and they tell us to "suck a dick"


adam c
12-16-2008, 09:48 AM
Originally posted by Eleanor

It's comments like this that make me proud to be Albertan :nut:

Wait until the oil industry collapses and we go begging to the federal government and they tell us to "suck a dick"


that's exactly what they will do regardless, it's what they currently do so what's the difference?

12-16-2008, 09:50 AM
Originally posted by Eleanor

Wait until the oil industry collapses and we go begging to the federal government and they tell us to "suck a dick"

Yeah, they already did that in the 80's. Karma's a bitch.

12-16-2008, 09:59 AM

12-16-2008, 10:05 AM
Originally posted by adam c
that's exactly what they will do regardless, it's what they currently do so what's the difference?
Oh yeah, Alberta has it so rough, give me a break.

Originally posted by Tik-Tok
Yeah, they already did that in the 80's. Karma's a bitch.
I can only assume you're referring to the NEP?

adam c
12-16-2008, 10:12 AM
^^ are you having a bad period today or something?

or are you from ontario and have super pride in your previous province?

12-16-2008, 10:19 AM
^ Neither as a matter of fact.

adam c
12-16-2008, 10:20 AM
^everyone knows alberta gets shafted with everything

12-16-2008, 10:26 AM
Originally posted by Eleanor

I can only assume you're referring to the NEP?

The NEP fucked the industry, there's no question about that... but the ensuing global crash in oil prices fucked the industry even further.

There were massive layoffs and cuts in pay. Where was the support from Ottawa?

12-16-2008, 10:37 AM
Originally posted by Super_Geo
The NEP fucked the industry, there's no question about that... but the ensuing global crash in oil prices fucked the industry even further.

There were massive layoffs and cuts in pay. Where was the support from Ottawa?
So what you're saying is Harper should piss off Ontario like Trudeau pissed off Alberta? Wow, that's a great solution :nut:

12-16-2008, 12:06 PM
everyone keeps talking about the big 3 failing as if its going to destroy the lives of half the country. yeah, it would hurt the economy to have 300,000 ppl out of work.. but its temporary bad times. all the bail out will do is delay the bad times, and make them worse when it does come.

if the big 3 fail, does that mean all of north america will stop driving cars? no. the need for cars will still be there. the big 3 failing will just open the door for toyota, honda, hyuandai etc. to step in, buy a bunch of production facilities for cheap, and then up their production to make up for the big 3 not exisiting. bam, all those jobs that were lost, are now back, and we didnt have to resort to communism.

12-16-2008, 12:15 PM
Originally posted by dansmith11
if the big 3 fail, does that mean all of north america will stop driving cars? no. the need for cars will still be there. the big 3 failing will just open the door for toyota, honda, hyuandai etc. to step in, buy a bunch of production facilities for cheap, and then up their production to make up for the big 3 not exisiting. bam, all those jobs that were lost, are now back, and we didnt have to resort to communism.

If Big 3 go under, it will affect everyone who makes cars in NA. Toyota and Honda would have to bail out parts suppliers which mean either lower profits or higher prices.

Then whoever remains will become the next Big 3 and go under as well.

All the import manufacturers are enjoying Big 3 suppliers without paying all the underlying costs.

12-16-2008, 01:05 PM
All the automakers are so intertwined. The Big 3 are a systemic risk to the entire industry if they go under. They need a total re-structuring.

12-16-2008, 01:19 PM
Originally posted by dansmith11
everyone keeps talking about the big 3 failing as if its going to destroy the lives of half the country. yeah, it would hurt the economy to have 300,000 ppl out of work.. but its temporary bad times. all the bail out will do is delay the bad times, and make them worse when it does come.

if the big 3 fail, does that mean all of north america will stop driving cars? no. the need for cars will still be there. the big 3 failing will just open the door for toyota, honda, hyuandai etc. to step in, buy a bunch of production facilities for cheap, and then up their production to make up for the big 3 not exisiting. bam, all those jobs that were lost, are now back, and we didnt have to resort to communism.

Too simplistic view. These jobs will be lost to overseas forever.

12-16-2008, 07:07 PM
Originally posted by Super_Geo
Unions butcher free markets... the entire auto industry needs to take a huge paycut and have their benefits and pensions cut to allow their companies to survive. They are getting slaughtered by the lower operating costs of the Japanese and Euros.

Where was the government bailout for Alberta when oil plummeted? Oh wait, there wasn't one... they just let everyone get fired and take huge pay cuts.

I don't support anything that remotely resembles a bailout for the auto industry until all the unions get dismantled and workers are forced to take a significant pay cut.

"Detroit automakers operating in Canada have about 27,000 active employees, but 40,000 retirees"


Yeah, that $800 per car that the unions represent is really the most pressing concern :roll:

It's a concern, but godamn all the vitriol that is inspired in people about the unions as if they are even in the top 5 of reasons why the Big 3 are failing.

Germany has unions that would make American unions cry tears of joy if they could be in them, and they still sell shit loads of cars. Just a thought.

12-16-2008, 07:16 PM
Originally posted by adam c

bailout or not, they should still suck a dick

they get money no matter what and it's all bs, yet calgary has such hard times finding money for simple things.. what ontario wants, ontario gets

You're confusing the auto industry with the province of Ontario. Ontario has been a 'have' province longer than Alberta. This money is going to an industry, not to fix Ontario potholes.

While I'm not exactly a fan of the bailout, with the amount of jobs at risk as well as the economic stability of the largest province dwindling, wishing its downfall out of sheer pettiness is downright stupid.