View Full Version : Its Winter Time, Drive Defensively!!!

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12-17-2008, 09:36 PM
To all the idiots on the roads who tailgate other drivers, BACK THE FUCK UP! Give the car in front of you at least 3-4 car lengths. You don't have magical fucking winter tires that can stop you in time if something were to happen, especially on Deerfoot! FYI, its 100km/hr on Deerfoot, not 110, not 120, not 140, ONE HUNDRED, IF THAT WITH ICEY CONDITIONS. If you are in a hurry wait for an opportunity to go around, DON'T FUCKING TAILGATE ME!!!

12-17-2008, 09:38 PM
Agreed, its time to start adjusting for the conditions, which i find people either a. OVERDO IT BIGTIME, or b. dont do it at all.

Pain and suffering cap is removed....tailgate me if you must...but if you tailgate me and hit me because you were too close, there is no "ill pay for the repairs". Theres "nope, gimme your insurance"

12-17-2008, 09:39 PM
word, i drive a rx8... and its a rearwheel meaning hard to get the car up to speed while maintaining car goin striaght without fish tailin

stupid douche bags and there trucks and VANS (believe it or not), tail gated the shit out of me, and waa la, a pedestrian crosses and i break in time and that fucken idiot van almost rear ended me...then he started driving slow and smarter...

seriously, people wonder why theres so many accidents in calgary when it snows

12-17-2008, 09:40 PM
Fuck I know what you mean , I was going speed limit and had some fuck head in a work van going about 140 towards me , then thinks its cool to tailgate me as I merge... ugh fuckin tools.

12-17-2008, 09:46 PM
Some drivers are just plain stupid. That's why if a douche is tailgating me, I decelerate slowly. I even time it so that he couldn't overtake just to get the fudger more frustrated. :D

12-17-2008, 09:50 PM
Either people are driving too slow (30KM/hr on a 90Km/hr strip) or they drive too fast (70Km/hr on a 50Km/hr strip).

Today as I was driving down Beddington Trail there was a lady in a little silver hatchback who was 2 cars infront of me who was going literally 35km/hr. She had the far right lane backed up all the way near the bridge where Deerfoot is. I know it's winter and all but you don't have to go that slow, I can understand if she was being defensive and driving 10km under but holy hell you can tell everyone behind us was getting frustrated.

On Deerfoot I had this huge ass pick-up truck riding my back like no tomorrow. This douchebag kept swerving back and forth trying to change lanes almost fish tailing into other people in other lanes. I don't care how big your truck is stop being such a douchebag.

Not all pick-up truck drivers are like this but I noticed in the summer time pick-up truck drivers like to drive 20km under the limit and in winter time they like to drive 20km over the limit.

Rat Fink
12-17-2008, 09:52 PM

12-17-2008, 09:56 PM
:werd: people are still driving like its +30 out there

12-17-2008, 10:01 PM
Originally posted by Rat Fink
That's why I am happy I do the majority of my driving these days weighing upwards of 80,000 pounds.

C'mon, tailgate me. I won't even feel it when I have to slow down and you run into me. Hit me just right and you'll be decapitated. Sounds like fun!

On another note....I just love it when stupid fuckers cut in front of me while slowing down for a light. Those assholes don't know how close they really are to dying at times.

I cringe everytime I see a bonehead move like that.... but you gotta love the horns on a semi though.

12-17-2008, 10:09 PM
Originally posted by Power_Of_Rotary
word, i drive a rx8... and its a rearwheel meaning hard to get the car up to speed while maintaining car goin striaght without fish tailin

stupid douche bags and there trucks and VANS (believe it or not), tail gated the shit out of me, and waa la, a pedestrian crosses and i break in time and that fucken idiot van almost rear ended me...then he started driving slow and smarter...

seriously, people wonder why theres so many accidents in calgary when it snows

I had to wait for like 40 min on elbow the other day because some rx8 got stuck on the hill. Maby instead of bitching and whining you should wake up and realize that a RWD rx8 isnt exactly the best car to drive in 1' snow conditions!

12-17-2008, 10:10 PM
da da dada da......


12-17-2008, 10:17 PM
Originally posted by 3g4u

I had to wait for like 40 min on elbow the other day because some rx8 got stuck on the hill. Maby instead of bitching and whining you should wake up and realize that a RWD rx8 isnt exactly the best car to drive in 1' snow conditions!

So? I even saw a guy in RSX stuck on a hill, I am sure its FWD.....

12-17-2008, 10:21 PM
I think we should 1 up Quebec and make it mandatory for everyone to own a 4 wheel drive vehicle. Hell why not tell em to take a rally car driving course while their at it.

12-17-2008, 10:22 PM
if you know your car will get stuck keep it off the road... thats what i do, if i have to go somewhere i have the wife's 4x4 to borrow. if you are driving 30km/h on a straight road with no traffic and you can see cement... either you are not fit to drive in this weather or you vehicle is not... in either case just remove yourself from the roadway

12-17-2008, 10:23 PM
Darwin has been knocking on the doors of so many summer equipped drivers, that it's only a matter of time...

It's ridiculous to hear:.. "OMG I wasn't ready for the snow storm last week, and got caught with my summers or crap all seasons still on"

Thanksgiving weekend is a mulligan, not the first weekend of December. :facepalm:

12-17-2008, 10:30 PM
Im driving my piece of shit crx with all seasons, i dont seem to be having a problem. In fact, im my 10 years of driving, i havent hit the ditch once, and never even close. I dont recall EVER having winter tires.....all seasons all the time. Learn to threshold brake, learn to keep a good following distance, and give yourself time, and drive at the speed you are comfortable and NOT slipping around. If i have to do 80, i do 80 in the slow lane, go around me.

12-17-2008, 10:47 PM
If you're holding up the left lane then there's no mercy...

12-17-2008, 10:48 PM
Originally posted by whiskas
If you're holding up the left lane then there's no mercy...

There is no fast lane during the winter fuckhead!

12-17-2008, 10:48 PM
I love my AWD and winter tires.

But I'm still not motoring around like I'm invincible. Some people are just idiots.

I heard on the radio while I was driving home that there's been over 1000 accidents since the snow started falling on Friday.

12-17-2008, 10:53 PM
Originally posted by 89coupe

There is no fast lane during the winter fuckhead!

No, there isnt, but you shouldnt be occupying the PASSING lane. Thats the thing....everybody calls it the "fast lane". Its not....its the passing lane, everybody should be in the middle or right lane. If any lane is the "fast" lane it should be the middle, as per the signs, "slow traffic keep right"

12-17-2008, 10:56 PM
Originally posted by 89coupe

There is no fast lane during the winter fuckhead!

Can you tell me where that is stated in the highway traffic act?

Keep right except to pass at all times (that includes winter).

12-17-2008, 11:03 PM
Originally posted by 89coupe

There is no fast lane during the winter fuckhead!

That's because tools are driving 30km in them waiting to cause an accident. If you're not comfortable driving you should stay of the road and it would be a safer place for everyone.

12-17-2008, 11:11 PM
I'm doing a 100km/h or slightly less, if some mother fucker comes up behind me while I'm in the "passing lane" and tailgates me, I'm going to slow down even more.

Its winter, I don't fucking care if you are professional fucking rally driver in an AWD monster, stay the fuck off my ass and respect other drivers.

Its not your personal race track.

12-17-2008, 11:17 PM
Originally posted by kevie88

Can you tell me where that is stated in the highway traffic act?

Keep right except to pass at all times (that includes winter).

Can you tell me where in any traffic act that it says you can go faster than the speed limit to pass me?


Then i can do the speed limit in the left lane if I want. Just not any slower.

12-17-2008, 11:19 PM
Originally posted by 89coupe
I'm doing a 100km/h or slightly less, if some mother fucker comes up behind me while I'm in the "passing lane" and tailgates me, I'm going to slow down even more.

Its winter, I don't fucking care if you are professional fucking rally driver in an AWD monster, stay the fuck off my ass and respect other drivers.

Its not your personal race track.

Why would you camp in the fast lane anyway?

Do what I do. Move into the right hand lane as soon as it's safe and watch these people crash. It's entertaning! How are you going to watch them crash if they're behind you?

12-17-2008, 11:20 PM
Originally posted by Alterac

Can you tell me where in any traffic act that it says you can go faster than the speed limit to pass me?


Then i can do the speed limit in the left lane if I want. Just not any slower.

Correct. As soon as you pass the vehicle you are passing, move into the right lane. Then watch carnage ensue.

12-17-2008, 11:23 PM
Normally thats exactly what I do.. I leave the leftmost lane for the douchebags to fight over.

buttt......Technically as long as im going faster than the people in the rightmost lane, I am passing someone at all times.

12-17-2008, 11:30 PM
Originally posted by 89coupe
I'm doing a 100km/h or slightly less, if some mother fucker comes up behind me while I'm in the "passing lane" and tailgates me, I'm going to slow down even more.

Its winter, I don't fucking care if you are professional fucking rally driver in an AWD monster, stay the fuck off my ass and respect other drivers.

Its not your personal race track.

It has nothing to do with respect...if your going too slow in the passing lane then change lanes and the let the person pass you...It actually makes you look like a total douche when you slow down just to frustrate the driver. I honestly hate people like that," I once had to drive from the airport to signal hill on deerfoot and I had to run home for an emergency and this "mother fucker" tries to dictate the road and slows down thinking straight bitch like "that I shouldn't be driving this fast" "It's not your place to do anything, change your lane and get PASSED if they crash, then they crash, just don't come here start venting about respect..and besides who the fuck does 100 km/h on the passing lane on deerfoot.( I did 140 last sunday and it was crisp dude) Better believe if you do 100 on the left lane on deerfot IM GONNA TAILGATE YOUR ASS

12-17-2008, 11:33 PM
Originally posted by Alterac

Can you tell me where in any traffic act that it says you can go faster than the speed limit to pass me?


Then i can do the speed limit in the left lane if I want. Just not any slower.

So you camp in the left lane on Deerfoot going 100 km/h even in perfect road conditions?

12-17-2008, 11:33 PM
100km/hr on Deerfoot in the winter is not SLOW!!!

12-17-2008, 11:37 PM
Nope.. I avoid the douche lane.. like my previous post said, but in bad conditions I dont see any problem with people doing 100 km/h on deerfoot in winter.

12-17-2008, 11:42 PM
Originally posted by 89coupe
100km/hr on Deerfoot in the winter is not SLOW!!!

who gives a shit, you are right the roads are not personal race tracks, so do not dictate what speed everyone can travel when they are SHARING the roads with you

just remember this, " whoever is driving faster then me is reckless and everyone that drives slower then me are pussies"

...or something like that

12-17-2008, 11:48 PM
Originally posted by Alterac
Nope.. I avoid the douche lane.. like my previous post said, but in bad conditions I dont see any problem with people doing 100 km/h on deerfoot in winter.

I wish I could go that fast on it. Last few days it's been 0-40km/h most of the way. :banghead:

12-17-2008, 11:58 PM
I can't believe what I'm reading here,...

By reading between the lines on some of the posts,.. It seems that alot of you will still speed (+100kph) on the deerfoot during the wintertime with snowpack like we have.

No consideration to possible black ice, frosting or a light dusting of snow, which can send you flying.

If that's what you guys are not insinuating, then I'm sorry. Maybe my sarcasm detectors aren't working properly and pulling some false readings.

"camping" in the passing lane at 100 these days I think is fine.

However in perfect sunny, dry, weather, ... stay right as I like to pass the odd person now and then.

In my opinion, 100 kph in the passing lane, under these driving circumstances and weather conditions is already risking an accident of somekind.

Maybe I'm just getting old and don't have balls anymore,..

Maybe I value the lives of other people a little bit more as I age,...

I drive 80 MAX in the right lane and it still doesn't feel steady.

Edit: ya know what,.. I'll stay in the right lane,.. you guys can do your +100 and etc,.. I hope darwin catches up

12-18-2008, 12:10 AM
Originally posted by 89coupe

There is no fast lane during the winter fuckhead!

Oh you invented a rule there, due to your uncoordinated apprehensiveness?

You're a tentative city driver, whom feels entitled to drive only the speed limit in the fast lane.. We got that in your recent whiney post.

Don't let inclement weather be your crutch, bitch.

Originally posted by barmanjay
It seems that alot of you will still speed (+100kph) on the deerfoot during the wintertime with snowpack like we have.

Your car/experience helps quantify your appreciation to conditions. Granted with the snowpack on the Deerfoot, 100 is very reasonable max speed.

Edit: ya know what,.. I'll stay in the right lane,.. you guys can do your +100 and etc,.. I hope darwin catches up

12-18-2008, 12:19 AM
I'm pretty sure this trumps everything here, but last friday, I witnessed a real champ driving his Viper GTS on summer tires. He held up traffic all of the way down 32 ave, then up barlow trail. Every time someone tried to pass him on barlow, he would try and gas it....swinging the back end out into traffic.

12-18-2008, 12:26 AM
Originally posted by cam_wmh

Oh you invented a rule there, due to your uncoordinated apprehensiveness?

You're a tentative city driver, whom feels entitled to drive only the speed limit in the fast lane.. We got that in your recent whiney post.

Don't let inclement weather be your crutch, bitch.

Your car/experience helps quantify your appreciation to conditions. Granted with the snowpack on the Deerfoot, 100 is very reasonable max speed.


Its stupid fucking punks like you who think they are the reincarnation of Colin McRae.

Do everyone a favor and keep off the fucking road, I'm sure it will be a better place without fucktards like you on it.

12-18-2008, 12:29 AM
Originally posted by 89coupe

Its stupid fucking punks like you who think they are the reincarnation of Colin McRae.

Do everyone a favor and keep off the fucking road, I'm sure it will be a better place without fucktards like you on it.

Oh cupcake, did I strike a nerve? :)


12-18-2008, 12:31 AM
The left lane has and will always be the passing lane. That doesn't change with the road conditions. I think the only time it "changes" is depending on the traffic. If deerfoot is backed up then there is no passing lanes or anywhere to pass other motorists.
So if you are driving down deerfoot at 1am during the week when there is almost no traffic, there is NO reason why you should be camping in the left lane.

12-18-2008, 12:32 AM
Originally posted by 89coupe
100km/hr on Deerfoot in the winter is not SLOW!!!

Thinking that you are justified in holding up drivers because you feel that they're going too quick is just being selfish.

If you just accept that some of us have more balls, skill and a car that's properly prepared for the conditions then this discussion would have never taken place. People like you are barely worth the energy it takes for me to flash my highbeams.

12-18-2008, 12:32 AM
Originally posted by cam_wmh

Oh cupcake, did I strke a nerve? :)


I'm just laughing at your fucking idiot response and praying you are not on the road when I have my family in the car.

Fucking know it all punks, who think they know how to drive.:facepalm:

12-18-2008, 12:34 AM
Know it all punk? You invented a rule due to you being a scared lil bitch, bitch. :)

12-18-2008, 12:35 AM
Originally posted by cam_wmh
Know it all punk? You invented a rule due to you being a scared lil bitch, bitch. :)

Are you fucking stupid, do us all a favor and walk to the nearest corner and hit your head against it.

Fucking loser!:facepalm:

12-18-2008, 12:37 AM
I'm going to ":facepalm: " because of you for venting out your midlife crisis episodes online.

12-18-2008, 12:37 AM
Read the posts after mine. Am I alone in your ridiculous statement. hahahah. I'm going to laugh myself to sleep at your baby-like whining, & uncoordinated misfortune tonight.

Well unless you cry uncle. Uncle?

12-18-2008, 12:42 AM
Maybe you little fucking punks should just respect the rest of the people on the road.

But I forgot, you are all fucking invincible and think you own the fucking road.


12-18-2008, 12:44 AM
Originally posted by 89coupe
Maybe you little fucking punks should just respect the rest of the people on the road.

But I forgot, you are all fucking invincible and think you own the fucking road.


this is very hypocritical... very


12-18-2008, 12:46 AM
Maybe you little fucking punks should just respect the rest of the people on the road. But I forgot, you are all fucking invincible and think you own the fucking road. Pathetic.
I think it's time for you to go to bed Sir, you need to be at your best, when driving defensively against us punks!

12-18-2008, 12:46 AM
Originally posted by 89coupe
blah blah, whine, blah blah, whine..

That sounded/read NOTHING like Uncle.

Try again?

12-18-2008, 12:47 AM
Originally posted by cam_wmh
Read the posts after mine. Am I alone in your ridiculous statement. hahahah. I'm going to laugh myself to sleep at your baby-like whining, & uncoordinated misfortune tonight.

Well unless you cry uncle. Uncle?

Wow... This guy has to be compensating for something.

I gladly ablige to let all the people who are able to drive faster by. Maybe they will be asking for my help later trying to dig them out of a ditch.

I am noticing that the road conditions in certain areas are in such bad condition that the AWD's can't even go anywhere quickly. Makes me wonder how some people get away with going 100+km/h right now.:dunno:

12-18-2008, 12:47 AM
Originally posted by cam_wmh

That sounded/read NOTHING like Uncle.

Try again?

Hit it harder, you are still typing.:banghead:

12-18-2008, 12:49 AM
i agree with most of the people in this thread. if anyone wants to go 100+ on the left lane, i will gladly move aside to let them do so. if they are willing to take the chance, i have no say in what they do with their lives. slowing down a lot on a 100km/h road could have caused a bigger risk in being in a accident. people behind the "ass" could have slid in to him

12-18-2008, 12:49 AM
Originally posted by Tomaz

Wow... This guy has to be compensating for something.

I gladly ablige to let all the people who are able to drive faster by. Maybe they will be asking for my help later trying to dig them out of a ditch.

I am noticing that the road conditions in certain areas are in such bad condition that the AWD's can't even go anywhere quickly. Makes me wonder how some people get away with going 100+km/h right now.:dunno:

AWD cars can't stop any faster then a FWD or RWD car. Some people just don't get that though.

12-18-2008, 12:51 AM
Originally posted by 89coupe

AWD cars can't stop any faster then a FWD or RWD car. Some people just don't get that though.

100% true. Makes me wonder what makes them think they can stop if they can't even go!

12-18-2008, 12:51 AM
Originally posted by Projek01
i agree with most of the people in this thread. if anyone wants to go 100+ on the left lane, i will gladly move aside to let them do so. if they are willing to take the chance, i have no say in what they do with their lives. slowing down on a 100km/h road could have caused a bigger risk in being in a accident.

Its pretty tough to move over when all 3 or 4 lanes are all driving 80/90km/hr side by side.

So riding my ass isn't going to make the person beside me, or in front of me go any faster.

12-18-2008, 12:52 AM
Originally posted by 89coupe

AWD cars can't stop any faster then a FWD or RWD car. Some people just don't get that though.

Couldn't agree more. It seems to be SUV drivers driving the most aggressively, they don't seem to realize that while they may get traction better, they can't stop any faster.

12-18-2008, 12:55 AM
Originally posted by 89coupe

AWD cars can't stop any faster then a FWD or RWD car. Some people just don't get that though.

no need to stop if no one is camping in the left lane and slowing down when they see you :dunno:

and if a car has winter tires it will stop quicker.... how do you know what that car passing you is equipped with?

there is a few different types of people passing you on the highway in the snow... some are idiots, some know their car really well and know what it feels like on the edge, it is not your job to decide which are which, or who is driving too fast, there are these guys with light bars on their roofs... yeah i think they are called police? ... not 100% on that, but yeah they are hired just for this reason! to keep the roads safe :thumbsup:

12-18-2008, 12:58 AM
in that case, i agree with you. if the lanes beside you are all occupied in a traffic jam, then he just has to live with city driving. what makes me so mad is when two cars drive side by side and the guy on the left refuses to either speed up or move aside. it doesnt hurt him to move aside. i am sure EVERYONE has had one of those days when you are willing to take risks to get from point A to point B faster than the speed limit. as long as you are not ripping along carelessly, it is pretty fair.

Originally posted by 89coupe

Its pretty tough to move over when all 3 or 4 lanes are all driving 80/90km/hr side by side.

So riding my ass isn't going to make the person beside me, or in front of me go any faster.

12-18-2008, 01:03 AM
Originally posted by ercchry

no need to stop if no one is camping in the left lane and slowing down when they see you :dunno:

and if a car has winter tires it will stop quicker.... how do you know what that car passing you is equipped with?

there is a few different types of people passing you on the highway in the snow... some are idiots, some know their car really well and know what it feels like on the edge, it is not your job to decide which are which, or who is driving too fast, there are these guys with light bars on their roofs... yeah i think they are called police? ... not 100% on that, but yeah they are hired just for this reason! to keep the roads safe :thumbsup:

I sure as hell hope everyone on the road during the winter has winter tires on. It should be illegal to have anything but winters.

So yeh, AWD, RWD, or FWD, you are not stoping any faster.

12-18-2008, 01:10 AM
i dont see it going as far as quebec but i think it should be illegal to drive with summer tires:banghead: i was at the crescent heights hockey rink and saw 3 cars in the high school parking lot with 17"s and summers! i dont get how they can manage to get around in those. my yokohamas had no grip on dry pavement when it was below zero in october, let alone snow and -20 degree weather.

12-18-2008, 01:16 AM
Some people are more comfortable driving in snow than others. The left lane is meant for passing regardless of the conditions. The road is meant to be shared by everyone but the left lane is meant to be shared by the faster drivers only.

12-18-2008, 01:26 AM
Originally posted by Redlyne_mr2
Some people are more comfortable driving in snow than others. The left lane is meant for passing regardless of the conditions. The road is meant to be shared by everyone but the left lane is meant to be shared by the faster drivers only.

Thank you. A sensible post through all that garbage. LOL

12-18-2008, 01:29 AM
Originally posted by 89coupe

I sure as hell hope everyone on the road during the winter has winter tires on. It should be illegal to have anything but winters.

So yeh, AWD, RWD, or FWD, you are not stoping any faster.

Not everyone can afford winter tires however...are you going to buy some for everyone who doesn't have some? Its the way it is...however to make sure you are safe...drive as fast or slow as you want...HOWEVER do not stay in the left hand lane if you are not going to be passing people...YOU actually make the road more dangerous...the guy tailing you is getting more upset and will take a stupid risk to try to pass you and guess what...if he tries to go around unsafely and fishtails/skids etc he could hit YOUR car and injure you (or worse).

You might feel driving 100km/hr on deerfoot in the winter is plenty fast...others might not...regardless stay out of the left lane if you are not passing and you will also help make the road a better place

12-18-2008, 01:40 AM
Originally posted by 89coupe

Its stupid fucking punks like you who think they are the reincarnation of Colin McRae.

Do everyone a favor and keep off the fucking road, I'm sure it will be a better place without fucktards like you on it.


I agree with most of this thread with the exception of those fuck tards who have ignorant opinions about the left lane.

The passing does not give you permission to accelerate past the posted speed limit. The speed limit of 100km/h is acceptable on any lane of deerfoot trail during this time of year. Do not cut off semis or large vehicles while they are coming to a stop. Keep your distance from the car infront of you and be very careful near icy intersections. I'm NOT stating the obvious and I know that becuse of the ignorance i've seen in this thread. Last but certainly not least. For you speed racers out there, please go as fast as you can in an open highway, late at night, where there's nothing for you to kill but yourselves. And when you are injured and slowly dying from your horrific high speed crash, i hope the blistering windchill kills you faster.

Originally posted by whiskas

Thinking that you are justified in holding up drivers because you feel that they're going too quick is just being selfish.

If you just accept that some of us have more balls, skill and a car that's properly prepared for the conditions then this discussion would have never taken place. People like you are barely worth the energy it takes for me to flash my highbeams.

Stop being a douche, refer to my last recomendation up there please ^.

12-18-2008, 01:53 AM
Originally posted by Projek01
i agree with most of the people in this thread. if anyone wants to go 100+ on the left lane, i will gladly move aside to let them do so. if they are willing to take the chance, i have no say in what they do with their lives. slowing down a lot on a 100km/h road could have caused a bigger risk in being in a accident. people behind the "ass" could have slid in to him

There should not be any sliding into each other if you keep your distance, or better yet, if you weren't going so damn fast.

Why I think going at 100km/h, never mind anything over that, is dangerous is becuase if someone hits a patch of ice at say 120 km/h right now, in the left passing lane going around a curve that bends to the left, they will slide into the lane to the right and with those speeds and the given road conditions right now, there would be a big "accident". Sure deefoot has banked curved around bends, but i know for a fact that they won't do much help when there is black ice and you are going over the speedlimit.

adam c
12-18-2008, 01:58 AM
speed limit or not, if you go around a corner at 100 and hit black ice and slide, you're still fucked

12-18-2008, 02:30 AM
Originally posted by adam c
speed limit or not, if you go around a corner at 100 and hit black ice and slide, you're still fucked


Whats worse, sliding out of control at 100km/h or 130 km/h?


12-18-2008, 02:43 AM
simple physics tells me that you will not be going 130km/h by the time you hit something... again this comes down to driving experience that can only be learned with practice. if you ask me, i would rather come into a corner in the snow with my car planted at a constant speed (i dont give a fuck if it is 50km/h or 200km/h) if you come in planted you are going to be better off then coming in and braking and transferring that weight to the front of the car like half the people that end up in the ditch do, if you cant feel the understeer of your car then you are not very aware, it is not hard to drive smart in the snow/ice

and this whole argument is retarded to begin with since all day long deerfoot is packed with cars and you can not go over 50km/h anyway

12-18-2008, 02:46 AM
give me a break if ur going 70/80 in the left lane, u ARE obstructing those that want to go faster.

12-18-2008, 08:23 AM
So do all you guys who feel entitled to force people to go as slow as you, make sure that nobody goes faster then the posted speed limit on the highway too?

12-18-2008, 09:40 AM
Its extremely clear who's balls haven't dropped in this thread yet. When you guys actually grow up and start having families, maybe you will realize how fucking stupid you really were.

For those that can't afford winter tires, stay the fuck off the road. Its winter, if you can't own and operate a vehicle responsibly in the winter, you shouldn't be driving.

12-18-2008, 09:53 AM
Originally posted by 89coupe
Its extremely clear who's balls haven't dropped in this thread yet. When you guys actually grow up and start having families, maybe you will realize how fucking stupid you really were.

For those that can't afford winter tires, stay the fuck off the road. Its winter, if you can't own and operate a vehicle responsibly in the winter, you shouldn't be driving.

I'm pretty sure everyone agrees with you about giving good distance and not tailgating, but no body wants to be told how fast they should be going, it's just driver preferance.

P.S. I saw a 1995 neon yesterday with intense chain wrapped tires. :bigpimp:

12-18-2008, 10:00 AM
You havent learned to swear until you've driven in winter in Calgary. Fucking ladies going 20 on road where you can see the pavement clearly :thumbsdow

12-18-2008, 10:12 AM
How about we make a law where if you see some fucktard with summer tires on in the dead of winter, you can legally slash his tires no questions asked.


I say this after I saw 3 seperate incidents of summer tire douchbaggery yesterday.

adam c
12-18-2008, 10:36 AM
Originally posted by luxor


Whats worse, sliding out of control at 100km/h or 130 km/h?


who cares, go back to your transit thread

12-18-2008, 10:43 AM
Originally posted by 89coupe
Its winter, if you can't own and operate a vehicle responsibly in the winter, you shouldn't be driving.

Don't take this as an attack man, but it's a lot easier for you to stay out of the left lane on Deerfoot, or at least move to let faster people through, then to try to convince half the city to slow down.

12-18-2008, 10:50 AM
Originally posted by 89coupe
So yeh, AWD, RWD, or FWD, you are not stoping any faster.

This is true. However, with proper following distance, an AWD car is much more stable than its RWD/FWD counterparts. So if you leave lots of room in front of you, know the traction limits of your current driving surface, and are a reasonably talented driver, you can definitely drive exactly the same as in the summer. I have been going 9km/h over everywhere and my WRX is perfectly fine. People going half the speed limit are retarded.

In your case though, GTFO of the left lane. You are only going to cause an accident that kills your entire family when you brake check someone who is not at all ready for that to happen. You don't like getting tailgated, well theres a simple solution...

You aren't going to change anyones driving habits by being a dick on the road. Just worry about your self, and stay the fuck out of the left lane. Thanks.

Originally posted by krazykhoja
Not everyone can afford winter tires however

Well then sell the car and buy a cheaper one so that you can afford winters. It's ridiculous that people drive in these conditions with no winters. The rubber isn't doing shit but keeping the rim warm if you're running summers or shitty All Seasons in the winter. Below a certain temp, those tires will harden too much to be of any use, all their great sticky properties are minimized greatly.

Everyone please get winter tires so that you don't have to drive so Goddamn slow.

12-18-2008, 10:55 AM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok

Don't take this as an attack man, but it's a lot easier for you to stay out of the left lane on Deerfoot, or at least move to let faster people through, then to try to convince half the city to slow down.

I was doing the speed 'LIMIT', 100km/h. I was passing the slower drivers, doing 80km/h. Some stupid fuck was on my ass.

You do understand the word 'speed limit', right?

12-18-2008, 10:57 AM
Originally posted by 89coupe

I was doing the speed 'LIMIT', 100km/h. I was passing the slower drivers, doing 80km/h. Some stupid fuck was on my ass.

You do understand the word 'speed limit', right?


12-18-2008, 10:58 AM
Originally posted by Idratherbsidewayz

Well then sell the car and buy a cheaper one so that you can afford winters.

Do you think its that easy? I drive with all seasons and still manage to get around with people better than winters.

Buying winter tires tend to give people an insanely stupid attitude like they own the road. I'll stick with driving safely in my all seasons.

12-18-2008, 10:59 AM
Originally posted by Idratherbsidewayz

This is true. However, with proper following distance, an AWD car is much more stable than its RWD/FWD counterparts. So if you leave lots of room in front of you, know the traction limits of your current driving surface, and are a reasonably talented driver, you can definitely drive exactly the same as in the summer. I have been going 9km/h over everywhere and my WRX is perfectly fine. People going half the speed limit are retarded.

In your case though, GTFO of the left lane. You are only going to cause an accident that kills your entire family when you brake check someone who is not at all ready for that to happen. You don't like getting tailgated, well theres a simple solution...

You aren't going to change anyones driving habits by being a dick on the road. Just worry about your self, and stay the fuck out of the left lane. Thanks.

Read my last post, I was doing the 'speed limit'. Its against the law to drive any faster, I was passing, some fuck was on my ass.

My car drives just fine in this weather, your AWD car won't stop any faster then my RWD car, PERIOD!

12-18-2008, 10:59 AM
Originally posted by krazykhoja

..YOU actually make the road more dangerous...the guy tailing you is getting more upset and will take a stupid risk to try to pass you and guess what...if he tries to go around unsafely and fishtails/skids etc he could hit YOUR car and injure you (or worse)

Without jumping into the right vs wrong of the passing lane, I think this particular statement is wrong. This appears to be an example of passing the buck to me. It's my fault because the guy behind me decides to do something stupid? No, I'm sorry, I'm not going to accept responsibility for his dumb decisions. He can take responsibility for them himself thank you very much. If he continues to make unsafe decisions, then he is the one that shouldn't be allowed behind the wheel.

I will agree that his doing something stupid may impact me, (no pun intended), but it was totally his decision. He would be making the road more dangerous by driving in a dangerous fashion, and failing to adjust for the conditions. The conditions being shitty road, slow drivers, sun in the eyes or whatever.

I'm sorry, but I can only take responsibility for my own actions. I cannot take responsibility for the choices of other people, no matter how stupid they may be.

Now, that all being said, it's an entirely too fluid scenario to make a hard and fast rule as there are simply too many conditions at play. I would personally move over if I felt safe in doing so. If not, then I wouldn't. That's the reality. No amount of e-thugging or chest beating or flashing of high-beams is going to change my mind.

12-18-2008, 11:00 AM
Originally posted by codetrap

Without jumping into the right vs wrong of the passing lane, I think this particular statement is wrong. This appears to be an example of passing the buck to me. It's my fault because the guy behind me decides to do something stupid? No, I'm sorry, I'm not going to accept responsibility for his dumb decisions. He can take responsibility for them himself thank you very much. If he continues to make unsafe decisions, then he is the one that shouldn't be allowed behind the wheel.

I will agree that his doing something stupid may impact me, (no pun intended), but it was totally his decision. He would be making the road more dangerous by driving in a dangerous fashion, and failing to adjust for the conditions. The conditions being shitty road, slow drivers, sun in the eyes or whatever.

I'm sorry, but I can only take responsibility for my own actions. I cannot take responsibility for the choices of other people, no matter how stupid they may be.

Now, that all being said, it's an entirely too fluid scenario to make a hard and fast rule as there are simply too many conditions at play. I would personally move over if I felt safe in doing so. If not, then I wouldn't. That's the reality. No amount of e-thugging or chest beating or flashing of high-beams is going to change my mind.

Finally someone with some common sense.

12-18-2008, 11:05 AM
Originally posted by 89coupe

Finally someone with some common sense.

As opposed to you. He will actually move over if he feels its safe, where, from your posts and self-entitlement attitude, seem to think everyone should drive around you.

You are the one who needs growing up, as when on the road with your family need to do everything to PROTECT them, not make a statement by slowing down the idiot doing over 100 on an icy road, and getting all raged on them.

12-18-2008, 11:17 AM
Originally posted by Idratherbsidewayz

Well then sell the car and buy a cheaper one so that you can afford winters. It's ridiculous that people drive in these conditions with no winters. The rubber isn't doing shit but keeping the rim warm if you're running summers or shitty All Seasons in the winter. Below a certain temp, those tires will harden too much to be of any use, all their great sticky properties are minimized greatly.

Everyone please get winter tires so that you don't have to drive so Goddamn slow.


No one buys a car without considering other expenses that come with the purchase: insurance, maintenance, etc... Winter tires should be factored in when the purchase is made, imho.

If you can't afford them, I get that... but can you afford to be off of work for 3 months with a back injury waiting for the insurance $$$ to come thru when you slip and slide into someone else or someone slides into you? The insurance companies like to drag things out, squeeze you a little so when they dangle a bit of cheddar in front of you, it gets snapped up hungrily cuz you have bills piling up... I've seen it countless times.

I get that there are varying skill levels with drivers and I'm the first to admit I am not the best driver on the planet, but I'm certainly not the worst either: but remember that even professional drivers crash. (That's what makes watching races fun!)

There are some things that are plain and simply beyond (no pun intended) your control. Maybe it's a douchebag that cuts you off, maybe it's black ice, maybe it's someone swerving to avoid something and gets in your lane a bit... Sometimes no matter your skill level behind the wheel SHIT JUST HAPPENS.

A few hundred dollars is a small price to pay to (possibly) save yours or someone else's life. Forget saving someone's life; what about the time/hassle of getting your car fixed/dealing with insurance when/if you hit a curb or have a fender-bender?? Having winter tires is no different than buying extra insurance, imo. Maybe you need 'em and maybe you won't. But they're awfully nice to have when you need em!

What I did for my first set when I moved to Calgary in my early 20's (when I was a little lighter in the wallet), was to buy winter tires one at a time beginning in late August so that by the time the middle of November rolled around I had all 4 of them and had them installed. Takes a bit of the sting out of an $800 set of tires when you buy them one at a time. And I had a hook-up so the tires actually cost a lot less than retail...

Everyone here has hook-ups... the whole board is full of them; there's really not much of an excuse NOT to run winters... when you got the hookups and everyone on Beyond is already a baller... :bigpimp:

Just my .02

12-18-2008, 11:20 AM
I got honked at for passing somebody doing 30 in a 50. I got angry, who are they to tell me how to drive?
I got passed doing 80 in a 100. I got angry, how can they drive that fast? It's unsafe!

I became aware of the fact that I was being hypocritical and it made me a better driver because now I DON'T GIVE A FUCK what anybody else is doing.

If you're going slower, I'll pass you.
If you're going faster, I'll get out of your way.

It is not my, or anybody else's, place to tell anybody else how they should or should not be driving. I am not aware of you, your driving ability, your vehicles ability, your current situation, etc. So what gives me the right to get upset with you?
I may say "Oh, they're going too fast, they're going to cause an accident", but how do I know? I don't.
I could say "They should be going slower because it's always safer to go slower!" but then when do you draw the line?

I think this entire thread is filled with people telling others how to drive when they have no right. None whatsoever. If you think that these people are putting others in danger then get out of their way and stay a good distance behind them. If you're upset that they're dictating how you drive then how can you immediately turn around and dictate how they drive? There can't be a winner in this argument so try taking the high road. Let others drive how they please. It's not your responsibility to protect other drivers from whoever you consider to be an idiot and by doing so you're simply putting yourself and others in increasing danger.

12-18-2008, 11:22 AM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok

As opposed to you. He will actually move over if he feels its safe, where, from your posts and self-entitlement attitude, seem to think everyone should drive around you.

You are the one who needs growing up, as when on the road with your family need to do everything to PROTECT them, not make a statement by slowing down the idiot doing over 100 on an icy road, and getting all raged on them.

Oh yah, so how do I move over with a truck and trailer to my right, and another truck in front of him and another and another.

Do I speed up?

How is the person behind me riding my ass making the situation any better?

adam c
12-18-2008, 11:25 AM
Originally posted by 89coupe

Oh yah, so how do I move over with a truck and trailer to my right, and another truck in front of him and another and another.

Do I speed up?

How is the person behind me riding my ass making the situation any better?

wtf, are you a man or woman?
stop trying to be like kritafo and grow some damn balls

if you're so scared to drive on deerfoot then DON'T, if you're worried someone is gonna ride your ass in the left lane then DON'T GO IN THE LEFT LANE. it's not up to you to decide the flow of traffic

12-18-2008, 11:26 AM
It's in everyone's best interests to keep traffic moving as smoothly as possible. That is to say, if some asshole is driving too fast, or riding your ass, or whatever, it's in your best interests to get out of his way before you both end up in the ditch. It has little to do with courtesy, it's about keeping you and yours safe by putting as much space as possible between you and the offender.

Additionally, keeping "gates" open to allow for the flow of traffic (which is always going to include people driving at different speeds) increases your options if something happens, and drastically reduces the chances of accidents because you don't have people lining up and jockying for position.

Driving like a douchebag and locking up the left lane to piss of the guy behind you might make you feel like a big man, but it's a terrible fucking idea. Especially if you have a family. You can't control the way other people drive, you can only control how you react to it. It's like strolling obliviously out into the street as soon as the crosswalk light comes on. Legally, you have the right of way and aren't doing anything wrong, but your legally correct ass is going to get run the fuck over by that moron sending a text message from behind the wheel, so it's probably a good idea to check first. Putting yourself and your family in danger in order to teach someone a lesson they surely won't get anyway is a pretty stupid fucking thing to do, IMHO.
Swallow your pride. Don't put your safety, and the safety of your family, in danger in order to stroke your own ego.

Regarding regulations on winter tires: It would do precious little good.
IMO, we're over regulated enough, and that's the cause of a LOT of our problem, but that aside (since I realize not everyone agrees with that), it's a pretty simple cost/benefit issue. We, in general, don't have much of a problem with accidents in poor driving conditions. The VAST majority of accidents (both fatal and minor and everything in between) do not occur in poor driving conditions. IMS, something in the neighborhood of ~25% of accidents occur on ice/snow/etc. When you figure that about 25% of our driving is done in icy/snowy conditions, it's right about where you'd expect it. I know, I know, "But the body shops will be backed up for months"...but that happens, typically, after the first snow fall, when people aren't used to driving in it. Given that, and the fact that that first snow fall tends to sneak up on us so fast that even if everyone had winter tires, they likely wouldn't have them on until after that first snowfall, the regulation would do precious little good.
Additionally, not only would it make operating a personal vehicle much more expensive (and cost prohibitive for many), the costs to taxpayers would be huge. They were talking about this on CBC the other day, and I can't remember how many vehicles they said the city owned, but I did some quick math and IMS, it would cost millions upon millions of dollars every year to keep winter tires on public vehicles.
It would cost a shitton of money, be nearly unenforceable, and, at best, would have a marginal impact on road safety.

12-18-2008, 11:37 AM
Its very apparent this site is filled with young boys who can't see beyond their own nose.

When you grow up, or should I say, if you grow up, you will hopefully realize that speeding down Deerfoot or any other road for that matter in the dead of winter isn't worth the extra couple minutes.

12-18-2008, 11:37 AM
Originally posted by 89coupe
My car drives just fine in this weather, your AWD car won't stop any faster then my RWD car, PERIOD!

How about my AWD car with studded snows? I bet I can stop in roughly half the distance of a similar car on all seasons. As soon as my car's back from the shop we can set up a test in a closed location if you like.

12-18-2008, 11:42 AM
Originally posted by kevie88

How about my AWD car with studded snows? I bet I can stop in roughly half the distance of a similar car on all seasons. As soon as my car's back from the shop we can set up a test in a closed location if you like.

Hey, how about my my D9 cat on steel tracks? LOL, WTF.

If a FWD, or RWD car had studded winters on as well, stopping would be no different then your AWD with studded witners.:rolleyes:

12-18-2008, 11:44 AM
Originally posted by kevie88

How about my AWD car with studded snows? I bet I can stop in roughly half the distance of a similar car on all seasons. As soon as my car's back from the shop we can set up a test in a closed location if you like.

Not to poke a hole in your test. The statement was regarding AWD cars stopping quicker than FWD or RWD. It wasn't taking the tires in consideration.

12-18-2008, 11:51 AM
all i have to say is my all seasons work fine in this weather, considering my car is heavy as fuck...
im more than comfortable driving in this weather and i haven't had any close calls *knock on wood* because i don't tailgate, i don't speed and i know when to take it easy and what not,
to say everyone should have winters is ridiculous, why would i buy winters when i can drive responsibly and avoid accidents??

12-18-2008, 11:55 AM
Originally posted by 89coupe

Hey, how about my my D9 cat on steel tracks? LOL, WTF.

If a FWD, or RWD car had studded winters on as well, stopping would be no different then your AWD with studded witners.:rolleyes:

Like I said, I'm willing to put that to the test.

Your D9 cat isn't street legal, so that's not a valid statement.

12-18-2008, 11:57 AM
Originally posted by adam c

wtf, are you a man or woman?
stop trying to be like kritafo and grow some damn balls

if you're so scared to drive on deerfoot then DON'T, if you're worried someone is gonna ride your ass in the left lane then DON'T GO IN THE LEFT LANE. it's not up to you to decide the flow of traffic

It's funny how he (89coupe) doesn't even acknowledge your post and rather quotes other users. I shouldn't bother either but I really think it has much to do with you being a random troll. Why don't YOU go back and troll your other 10,000 random rant threads instead of stating the obvious and repeating what others have already said on here.

12-18-2008, 11:59 AM
Kevin brings up a good point though. Not every car on the road has studded winters. But maybe the car driving behind you does, and can safely go faster than you.

If you are blocking up the passing lane you should move over to let them by.

12-18-2008, 12:01 PM
Originally posted by 89coupe
Its very apparent this site is filled with young boys who can't see beyond their own nose.

When you grow up, or should I say, if you grow up, you will hopefully realize that speeding down Deerfoot or any other road for that matter in the dead of winter isn't worth the extra couple minutes.

This is funny. You are probably one of the older members on this site and apart from your semi-proper use of english you've got the most growing up to do.

adam c
12-18-2008, 12:01 PM
Originally posted by luxor

It's funny how he (89coupe) doesn't even acknowledge your post and rather quotes other users. I shouldn't bother either but I really think it has much to do with you being a random troll. Why don't YOU go back and troll your other 10,000 random rant threads instead of stating the obvious and repeating what others have already said on here.

right.. i have about 40x more posts than you do and i'm a troll? all you can do is talk about how you would sleep with the members of calgary transit if you could

he's also pissed off at me since i PS'd a photo of him.. so who is one to talk now?

12-18-2008, 12:01 PM
89coupe, stick with your $200 lunches......leave the driving to the rest of us. You're making all of us infinity owners look bad. :guns: :guns: