View Full Version : Just got a ticket..

12-29-2008, 12:13 AM
Ok so I got a ticket and the cop told me I was loosing 3 demerits. How many demerits taken off does it take to loose your license?

So what happened 1am last night, I came to a stop at a red light and there was snow couldn't really see the pedestrian line. My car was about half in the intersection, I looked back and I couldn't reverse cause there was a car behind me. A car was coming and was going to come close to hitting me a few hundred meters down the road so I just went trough the light. The car behind me was a cop.

Im thinking of challenging it. Yellow light, I came to a stop and ya I was partly in the intersection to avoid a collision and my passengers safety I drove forward cause there was a car right behind me and couldn't reverse back. You guys think I got a chance?

12-29-2008, 12:16 AM
He told you that you were losing 3 demerits? You should take it cuz demerits are usually accumulated.

12-29-2008, 12:18 AM
k well i guess i said it wrong im getting 3 demerits
how many do you start with and how many till your license gets taken away ?

12-29-2008, 12:19 AM
might stand a chance of fighting it, i had a cop tell me to go fight a ticket as he was handing it to me for going 47K over the speed limit so it couldnt hurt. he basically said i might be able to get it knocked down in price.

btw its 8 demerits on that gdl shit and 15 on a full license

12-29-2008, 12:23 AM
Couldn't stop before the intersection? driving too fast for conditions

Stopped then went again after stopping in the intersection? driving with undue care and attention

You don't say what ticket you got, but at 3 points its proly a red light ticket. You earned it, go pay it.

12-29-2008, 01:20 AM
Originally posted by 5oarer
Ok so I got a ticket and the cop told me I was loosing 3 demerits. How many demerits taken off does it take to loose your license?

So what happened 1am last night, I came to a stop at a red light and there was snow couldn't really see the pedestrian line. My car was about half in the intersection, I looked back and I couldn't reverse cause there was a car behind me. A car was coming and was going to come close to hitting me a few hundred meters down the road so I just went trough the light. The car behind me was a cop.

Im thinking of challenging it. Yellow light, I came to a stop and ya I was partly in the intersection to avoid a collision and my passengers safety I drove forward cause there was a car right behind me and couldn't reverse back. You guys think I got a chance?
You should have told him that you were going to try to back up but when you looked in the rear view you realized that the car behind you had pulled up way too close to allow you to do that. So to be safe you felt your best choice was to pull threw the intersection out of the way of oncoming traffic. I got out of a ticket for speeding 50km's an hour over because the officer was tailgateing me on a dark road he pulled up close enough that I could not see his roof lights or the color of the car, I felt uncomfortable so I dropped a gear and sped up, he did the same and got into the same position so i did it again. After doing that three times over the distance of about 10km's he finally pulled me over. Got out of the ticket as soon as he heard my reasoning.

EK 2.0
12-29-2008, 01:25 AM
Originally posted by 5oarer

So what happened 1am last night, I came to a stop at a red light and there was snow couldn't really see the pedestrian line. My car was about half in the intersection, I looked back and I couldn't reverse cause there was a car behind me. A car was coming and was going to come close to hitting me a few hundred meters down the road so I just went trough the light. The car behind me was a cop.

Im thinking of challenging it. Yellow light, I came to a stop and ya I was partly in the intersection to avoid a collision and my passengers safety I drove forward cause there was a car right behind me and couldn't reverse back. You guys think I got a chance?

First off you are not supposed to back up at an intersection...

Secondly...depending on the lane why not flick on a blinker and make a right hand or left hand turn depending on the adjacent road??...Those make better choices than running through a red light and possibly killing you, your passengers and a car traveling through the intersection on their right of way...

12-29-2008, 04:16 AM
Wait so you came to a stop at a red light then ran it because you were a little over the line, why are you now saying at the last paragraph that you ran a yellow?

12-29-2008, 04:56 AM
say it was icey and the car behind you was traveling too fast for conditions, and he was clearly about to rear-end you, so you had to move forward to give him some room, and by the time he stopped sliding, you were in the intersection and reversing was not an option (illegal, and he didnt leave you enough room), so after making sure it was clear, you had to proceed through the intersection. say the stop line was covered by snow too.

12-29-2008, 05:35 AM
Originally posted by 5oarer
k well i guess i said it wrong im getting 3 demerits
how many do you start with and how many till your license gets taken away ?
you start with zero, they accumulate. i think it's 15 demerits within 2 years and your license is gone. 3 demerits is nothing if it is your first ticket in a few years.

12-29-2008, 08:06 AM
You could have looked over to your right to see where the light post is (for traffic coming from the left/right)... That would have given you an indication of where the pedestrian lines are.

12-29-2008, 09:36 AM
Originally posted by 5oarer
A car was coming and was going to come close to hitting me a few hundred meters down the road
