View Full Version : Downloading music

01-10-2009, 12:43 AM
Just wondering what other sources besides Limewire you ppl use to DL your music?

01-10-2009, 12:46 AM

01-10-2009, 12:47 AM
Still using good ol BitTorrent + Mininova.org

01-10-2009, 01:01 AM
are/is torrents (sorry never used/know how it works so i dont know exactly what it is) better then downloading from limewire etc? virus wise/quality wise etc?

01-10-2009, 01:06 AM
Originally posted by rumeo
are/is torrents (sorry never used/know how it works so i dont know exactly what it is) better then downloading from limewire etc? virus wise/quality wise etc?


torrents seem a little complex at first, but it's really simple

01-10-2009, 01:19 AM
feel like giving me a quick tutorial on how to use them/what programs to download?

does it take a big toll on the computer?

im assuming its more for just music, can i get tv shows/movies from this?

and will it take a big hit on my bandwith?

sorry for all the questions, im just curious:D

01-10-2009, 01:28 AM
I use utorrent, the most complex thing is opening a port in your router so you can get a better d/l speed. After that it's just about going to pirate bay, or isohunt, mininova, or some private sites to find the torrent to d/l

You can get everything from torrents. Bandwidth will take a big hit while your d/l and u/l, so I turn on the schedular, which i set to only turn torrents on between midnight and 6am (when I'm not typically on)

Once you find out how much you can d/l with torrent though, expect your usage to be HIGH.

01-10-2009, 01:30 AM
lol seriously?

alright, just download a Bittorrent program (such as utorrent).

Install it. Then go to a website such as mininova.org (referencing to DJ Rice's post).

Find the file you want. Download the ".torrent" file from the website. Double click on it and the bittorrent program will automatically start up and go through with the download. Or you can open it via the program itself. The torrent program will download the file to your compy.



01-10-2009, 01:31 AM
I use Azereus with Mininova

just install both, find a torrent with more then 100 seeds and you're laughing

I've been virus free for the last 2 years, between switching to torrents and switching to firefox.

plus my music collection is massive and actually ORGANIZED thanks to the torrents, so now even if I do buy an album, I dont have to re-rip the whole thing just to get proper song titles and ordering.

01-10-2009, 02:21 AM
Im actually looking at doing something like this too. Since i don't have anything to download music anymore im gonna try this. Quick question though, how big are the Utorrent and Mininova programs?

01-10-2009, 02:30 AM
lime wire?

01-10-2009, 02:44 AM
complete albums... just google em and get the rapiddshare links..
single songs from: http://www.mp3raid.com/

01-10-2009, 09:38 AM
^Wicked site but dated tracks

01-10-2009, 10:31 AM
Originally posted by 03ozwhip
Im actually looking at doing something like this too. Since i don't have anything to download music anymore im gonna try this. Quick question though, how big are the Utorrent and Mininova programs?

utorrent is the program that opens the *.torrent file you download. mininova is just a website. There are many others like www.torrentz.com is a torrrent search engine...and you can even get a firefox plugin that searches torrent files I believe. The utorrent program is very small and takes very little resources to run. There are full writeups on how to set up your computer on most torrent sites using whatever client you choose (bitcomet, bitlord, azareus, utorrent). I recommend utorrent though as it doesn't hog resources like azareus does.

The system relies on people seeding the file(s). While you are downloading a file you are connecting to a few people (or seeds)up to a hundred or more people all with little bits and pieces of what will make up the final file. Once you are done you will have a complete download (be it an .iso file or a folder containing a bunch of mp3's or whatever) Ideally the more seeds there are the faster your download will be. And if all the seeds close their program or delete the file before you are done then you cannot finish and will just have to wait for someone to come back and seed so that you can finish your download

The entire time the program is open on your computer you are seeding what you have....meaning other people are connecting to you and grabbing bits and pieces of what you have. Therefore as long as people seed for a while after they have downloaded the system works. Some private torrent sites are invite only and rely on your seed ratio (that is the amount you upload or seed versus the amount you download) so its always a good idea to seed a file until youir ratio is at least 1:1 then it is fine to delete the file.

01-11-2009, 09:05 PM
I use bitcomet to download my torrents.... seems like utorrent is pretty popular, i might give it a try.

Torrents are awesome, watch out if your going to download software, that might have viruses in it so be careful. Torrents are very simple to use as already pointed out.

1.install a program that downloads the files you want (just like you had a program like limewire to download music) i use bitcomet, or use utorrent, they all do the same thing

2.go to a torrent website. This is a search engine for what is available to download (just like google is a search engine for the web). i use mininova.org its porn free so thats nice. or thepireatebay.org these are all search engines

3.find what you want, and there will be a link on the site "download this torrent" you click on that, and it download a small .torrent file onto your computer. double click the .torrent file or sometimes you wont even have to double click the .torrent file as it auto starts downloading what you want.

4.torrent program pops up (bitcomet/utorrent, whatever you installed) and starts downloading. the more seeds and peers there are (people that already have the file on their computers or are in the process of downloading from others as well) the faster your download will go. and while you are downloading you are also seeding (sharing/sending) the file to others that are downloading it.

be patient as your download will not start right away, it takes a little time depending how many people are online with that data that you want to download.

PS. ever since i installed Kaspersky internet security it seems that my torrents have went to shit, takes forever to connect to seeds and just seems slow? anyone got any suggestions?

01-11-2009, 09:08 PM
newsgroups are also good for new shit

01-11-2009, 09:11 PM
u torrent is the way to go.. Read the comments on mini nova if possible before downloading.. Aviod rar torrents or rar'd with pasword if possible.

01-11-2009, 09:12 PM
uTorrent uses little to no RAM, it's just a client anyway, they all do the same shit. I use piratebay and demonoid for all my torrents

01-13-2009, 02:32 AM

01-15-2009, 11:29 AM
Does anyone have an invite for demonoid? If so, could you PM me?

01-15-2009, 11:39 AM
bittorrent with isohunt.com

For complete CD's, trance compilations, and movies!

torrents blow limewire away....

01-15-2009, 11:56 AM
The only shitty thing about torrents is with their increased popularity there are a lot of fakes out there. So you may download something expecting to have a good CD and then its locked with a key and theres no actual password to unlock it but they try to send you on a wild goosechase to find the password to access the files.

Always check comments on items you are trying to download so you know for sure what you are getting.

01-15-2009, 12:05 PM
zippyshare your search queries, usually only for newer stuff.

beemp3, binary booty, hypem, various rapidshare libraries, alot of the russian mp3 sites are good too.

personally if i've exhausted all my resources i use DC++, that is a never fail for anything.. all thanks to those crazy europeans and they b-legging

01-20-2009, 10:37 PM
i downloaded utorrent last night and started dling a couple movies, but holy shit im getting terrible speeds

for one of the movies highest i got was about 80 kb/s. The two right now that are dling are about 10-20 kb/s.

why the hell is it so slow?

01-20-2009, 10:39 PM
Originally posted by rumeo
i downloaded utorrent last night and started dling a couple movies, but holy shit im getting terrible speeds

for one of the movies highest i got was about 80 kb/s. The two right now that are dling are about 10-20 kb/s.

why the hell is it so slow?

It depends on how many seeders there are for each torrent.

01-20-2009, 10:54 PM
one of them has 15000 and the other 6000
but only 20 of them get connected

01-20-2009, 10:58 PM
iTunes & waffles.fm



09-08-2009, 06:39 PM
Originally posted by rumeo
i downloaded utorrent last night and started dling a couple movies, but holy shit im getting terrible speeds

for one of the movies highest i got was about 80 kb/s. The two right now that are dling are about 10-20 kb/s.

why the hell is it so slow?
Bump. I'm getting really bunk ass speeds also with files that have lots of seeders. Can anyone explain how to increase download speeds?

09-09-2009, 01:44 PM
its all in your port settings, and possibly the torrent client settings. CHeck the faq in the help part of your client and they will tell you how to increase your speeds

09-11-2009, 12:46 AM
^Totally - It's probably a firewall slowing your torrents down, either one on your computer, or if you use a router, the one built into that. You need to open the port on the firewall that your bittorrent client is using.

If you're using utorrent, go into preferences, then click on 'connection'. The port should be listed there. you can also check off 'Add windows firewall exception' and 'use UPnP mapping.' If your router is not ancient, the UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) mapping will automatically open up the port on the router for you.