View Full Version : Palestinian Doctor's 3 Daughters Killed On Live Televison

01-18-2009, 04:04 PM


Dr. Ezzeldeen Abu al-Ashi is an uncommon man. A Palestinian who works for an Israeli hospital, Dr. Ashi has been giving Israelis daily reports on the military campaign in Gaza.

Wow... he helps Israelis and yet they take his family.

01-18-2009, 04:08 PM
The actual airing on Israeli TV:


01-18-2009, 04:19 PM
Who wouldn't expect that from Israel? :thumbsdow

01-18-2009, 04:24 PM
Originally posted by Zephyr

Wow... he helps Israelis and yet they take his family.

wow :thumbsdow those types of society needs to be eliminated from the face of this Earth. (NOT saying those people, there's a difference)

01-18-2009, 04:26 PM
I'm speechless.

01-18-2009, 05:06 PM
Originally posted by Mibz
I'm speechless.

01-18-2009, 05:18 PM
Seems like Israel has a pretty good tactic... coop up all the Palestinians, they can't escape due to the border crossings... and then bomb the shit out of them.

It's almost like you have a camp with heavy concentrations of Palestinians. Hm...

01-18-2009, 05:30 PM
Nice of our government to support this -- terrorism in its purest form. :banghead: :banghead:

01-18-2009, 06:13 PM

01-18-2009, 06:13 PM
The fuck is Israel doing :thumbsdow

01-18-2009, 06:20 PM
I'm Jewish and I do not support this. I support the idea of a place for the Jews where we can be ourselves, but killing is not Jewish, and therefor not of Israel, the Jewish state.

At the same time, what did the people of Gaza think when they elected a known terrorist cell as the head of their area? Here's the worst part... A lot of the settlements that moved into Gaza are not practicing Jews, they're just Israelis. They see that land (which is at a premium in Israel already) is available for cheap, then they find that it comes at a cost of daily runs for shelter while missiles hit.

It comes down to this, most of the Israeli people just want to live life and celebrate their culture. The government however is no different than George Bush or Barack Obama, they look to exploit the people. (It's a known fact. I was pricing out making Aliyah while I had my Cobra and if I brought it over they wanted me to pay its original MSRP in taxes.) Now, in the Gaza you have a group of people that elected officials whose main goal was to eradicate Jews from the middle east. Then you add in that ruling party's tendency to use schools and hospitals as staging grounds for attacks, snipers, rockets, and kids pelting soldiers on the other side of fences with rocks. Perfect way to control people. Neither Israel or Gaza is innocent, and I still support Israel's right to DEFEND itself. This however, needs to stop.

01-18-2009, 06:38 PM
I agree that Israel should defend themselves. No country should feel pressured by the international community not to defend themselves in the face of being attacked.

With this said, lots seem to forget it's pretty much their own fault for displacing and concentrating the Palastinians in the first place. Not that it makes the actions of Hamas acceptable... it's still quite akin to terrorism. But it at least makes it somewhat understandable.

But what Israel is doing here is not the way to go about defending themselves. They need to increase border security, and directly punish the militants who attack on that border. By being so indescriminate in their attacks, they will turn peace-going citizens in Gaza into fighters, bent on revenge, which will only perpetuate the violence.

I do not see this conflict ending any time soon. But then, I did not expect the IRA to disarm either - and somehow that happened. Here's hoping it happens in this case too.

01-18-2009, 07:13 PM
Originally posted by MidnightSpecial
I'm Jewish and I do not support this. I support the idea of a place for the Jews where we can be ourselves, but killing is not Jewish, and therefor not of Israel, the Jewish state.

At the same time, what did the people of Gaza think when they elected a known terrorist cell as the head of their area? Here's the worst part... A lot of the settlements that moved into Gaza are not practicing Jews, they're just Israelis. They see that land (which is at a premium in Israel already) is available for cheap, then they find that it comes at a cost of daily runs for shelter while missiles hit.

It comes down to this, most of the Israeli people just want to live life and celebrate their culture. The government however is no different than George Bush or Barack Obama, they look to exploit the people. (It's a known fact. I was pricing out making Aliyah while I had my Cobra and if I brought it over they wanted me to pay its original MSRP in taxes.) Now, in the Gaza you have a group of people that elected officials whose main goal was to eradicate Jews from the middle east. Then you add in that ruling party's tendency to use schools and hospitals as staging grounds for attacks, snipers, rockets, and kids pelting soldiers on the other side of fences with rocks. Perfect way to control people. Neither Israel or Gaza is innocent, and I still support Israel's right to DEFEND itself. This however, needs to stop.

you are dumb

Hamas is not an elected party in Gaza. The government in Gaza does not want to eradicate the jews...

The reason you here about snipers and such shooting from homes is cause thats an ordinary man trying to proect his family. Hamas is not a super organized military that is backed by the government, but instead normal people sticking up for its country... And you imagine being opressesed for the past 30-50 years, not being able to go visit relatives on the other side of the region cause you gotta go through a dozen borders how would you feel?

01-18-2009, 07:27 PM
Originally posted by NRGie

you are dumb

Hamas is not an elected party in Gaza. The government in Gaza does not want to eradicate the jews...

Umm... it's a little complicated, but Hamas did win the 2006 Palestinian legislative election. They fought a war with Fatah and gained control of the Gaza strip and declared themselves to be government of the Palestinian Authority. Fatah retained control of the West Bank.

Hamas is effectively the government of the Gaza Strip. They control all apparatuses of the Palestinian Authority in Gaza.

You are dumb.


01-18-2009, 08:02 PM
bottom line is israel was created at the end of WWII when the land was given away by people who didnt even own it or reside there. Israel shouldnt have even been created, so their right to defend themself is kinda veto'd by the fact the country created out of nothing shouldnt have even been created.

01-18-2009, 08:21 PM
Originally posted by NRGie

The reason you here about snipers and such shooting from homes is cause thats an ordinary man trying to proect his family.

We call that murder here.

Israel may not have been created on the best of terms, but if we obliterated them now we wouldn't be any better than those that created it.

And if you want to get technical, it was their land at one time. Religion and all that aside, there was Israelites, temples, cities, etc. and they were run out by the Roman empire. It's no different than America or Canada, chase out the natives and call it our own. By your logic, we have no right to defend ourselves.

If Israel didn't defend themselves, Hamas and all the others that have tried to attack it in the past would have taken over and mad the people their denounce their Jewish beliefs or be killed. "Palestine" pre-British Mandate was a place where native Jews had to live in secrecy or be killed by the Muslims there. The British Mandate was meant to stop fighting there but the Muslims wanted it all and war continued.

You have two groups with religious belief and claims to land in the region, and a select few from each group believing in Manifest Destiny. Peace is going to be hard to come by.

01-18-2009, 11:36 PM
Please stop talking out of your ass. :dunno:

01-18-2009, 11:41 PM
RIP if this is a true story.

Hamas was elected in by their citizens? So in a democratic election, the citizens knowingly voted for Hamas and what they stood for. IMO, just as guilty as their leaders.

Originally posted by method
Please stop talking out of your ass. :dunno:
Everything he said was completely accurate :dunno: maybe take your head out of yours?

01-18-2009, 11:44 PM
Originally posted by CUG
RIP if this is a true story.

Hamas was elected in by their citizens? So in a democratic election, the citizens knowingly voted for Hamas and what they stood for. IMO, just as guilty as their leaders.

From what I understand, it wasn't so much they were voting in favor of Hamas, but more against Fatah. People had become sick of their corruption and abuse of power. The majority of Palestinians aren't as militant and batshit insane as Hamas.

It sort of backfired when governments worldwide refused to recognize Fatah as a legitimate government and cut aid to Gaza. The Palestinian Civil War wasn't very nice either...

01-18-2009, 11:46 PM
Bunch of nazis

01-18-2009, 11:47 PM
Originally posted by badatusrnames

From what I understand, it wasn't so much they were voting in favor of Hamas, but more against Fatah. People had become sick of their corruption and abuse of power. The majority of Palestinians aren't as militant and batshit insane as Hamas.

It sort of backfired when governments worldwide refused to recognize Fatah as a legitimate government and cut aid to Gaza. The Palestinian Civil War wasn't very nice either... Semantics either way you look at it.. I vote Conservative to not vote for the Liberals, but I still voted Conservative...

01-18-2009, 11:57 PM
Originally posted by badatusrnames

From what I understand, it wasn't so much they were voting in favor of Hamas, but more against Fatah. People had become sick of their corruption and abuse of power. The majority of Palestinians aren't as militant and batshit insane as Hamas.

It sort of backfired when governments worldwide refused to recognize Fatah as a legitimate government and cut aid to Gaza. The Palestinian Civil War wasn't very nice either...

They vote for Hamas because they pay and Fatah doesn't, pure and simple.

It's no secret that Fatah has been spending international aid on themselves instead of the people. They have no choice to pick the devil.

01-19-2009, 09:36 AM
Originally posted by method
Please stop talking out of your ass. :dunno:
Please stop wasting my air.

If anyone has serious questions about things involving Israel and the causes of this conflict, I took an Israeli studies class one semester and I'll see what I can do to help.

01-19-2009, 12:14 PM
The Israeli apologist and newbies step in :rolleyes:

You guys get paid to sound stupid rationalizing the murder and extermination of a population?

01-19-2009, 12:24 PM
Originally posted by Toma
The Israeli apologist and newbies step in :rolleyes:

You guys get paid to sound stupid rationalizing the murder and extermination of a population?

Would you like to point out where I said that? Oh wait, I DIDN'T. Toma at her best.

I justified the existance and explained some of the history behind this conflict.

To throw some logs on this fire...



01-19-2009, 12:32 PM
Originally posted by MidnightSpecial

Would you like to point out where I said that? Oh wait, I DIDN'T. Toma at her best.

I justified the existance and explained some of the history behind this conflict.

To throw some logs on this fire...


You came in here as is common tactic for some newbs....

acknowledging the losses and torture of the Palestinians, and then, justify them away.

How many times ahve you been banned from here? How many user names do you have/have had??


01-19-2009, 12:33 PM
On a related note, Saudi Arabia is committing $1BN to help rebuild Gaza.

It's about time the wealthy Gulf States stepped in and helped...


01-19-2009, 02:39 PM
Originally posted by Toma

You came in here as is common tactic for some newbs....

acknowledging the losses and torture of the Palestinians, and then, justify them away.

How many times ahve you been banned from here? How many user names do you have/have had??


I've never been banned.

You want to talk about justification, justify this.


01-19-2009, 02:43 PM
Originally posted by MidnightSpecial

I've never been banned.

You want to talk about justification, justify this.

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2752846334660051958&hl=en Toma thinks his long term lease on the conspiracy angle at Beyond qualifies him more than others on this issue. I've never seen a more emotional misinformed individual. Wait... no, women aren't even that bad.

01-19-2009, 03:39 PM
Sad. Too bad casualties are a part of war

01-19-2009, 06:33 PM
Originally posted by Rstar
Sad. Too bad casualties are a part of slaughter

Fixed :thumbsup:

01-19-2009, 07:22 PM
Originally posted by Rstar
Sad. Too bad casualties are a part of war against a genocidal group.

Now it's fixed.

01-19-2009, 11:35 PM
Originally posted by MidnightSpecial

Now it's fixed.

You're fucked. Who is committing the genocide?

How many Israelis are dead?

Before you respond take a long hard thought about what group of people are being killed off.

01-19-2009, 11:51 PM
And every nation in the middle east wants every Israeli dead or as the Koran puts it "pushed into the sea". These are the nations that the Gazans were getting their guns and rockets from. They have one common goal and that is the obliteration of Jews so Islam may reign supreme.

I think we're going to see a lot more details surface in the coming months.

I consider Israel "home" (what? you expected me to be proud of Indiana?) and there's a lot of people there that just want to live their life and be Jewish in the homeland. Unfortunately, for decades they've had to worry about Muslims that are angry about their existence. It's fucking scary when you're in prayer in Jerusalem while on taglit and the rocket sirens go off. You hear them, see them, and are completely helpless.

Those are the moments that Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Iran and the like wait for. They preach the word of doing a jihad (not holy war, an act seen as good by the prophet) and going to heaven, that taking land from Israel will make them better Muslims.

Hamas is smart in this way, they know every time the UN steps in they force Israel to make land concessions for using more than equal force. But isn't that what war is? Overpowering another force to defend your land?

01-20-2009, 10:20 AM
And every nation in the middle east wants every Israeli dead or as the Koran puts it "pushed into the sea". These are the nations that the Gazans were getting their guns and rockets from. They have one common goal and that is the obliteration of Jews so Islam may reign supreme.

I think we need some sources as to where you got the stuff about the Koran saying whatever it's saying. And also perhaps you should read the back story as to why things are the way they rather eat the bullshit coming out of the media these days.

01-20-2009, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by DRKM
Before you respond take a long hard thought about what group of people are being killed off.
The ones with smaller weapons? :dunno: The way it's been since the invention of war?

When was the last time you heard Israel say, "We're going to wipe Palestine off the map"? When was the last time you heard Hamas say "We're going to wipe Israel off the map"?

Israel is not killing Palestinians because they're Muslim, they're killing them because they're shooting rockets at them.