View Full Version : Workout Help

01-26-2009, 05:42 PM
So today, I decided to stop being lazy and get back to getting in shape. Simply put, I miss being able to play sports for long periods of me instead of just picking up a ball , shooting around , then feeling spent. I went from someone who did every single sport they offered in junior high, to a guy who sits around playing Xbox after school once I hit senior high. I think its time for a change.

Now I've signed myself up (along with some friends) to do the "Ride to Conquer Cancer" event in June. Now riding 200 km for 2 days seems a little scary to me since I haven't done anything physical like that for a while but I think this will motivate me to get back into shape even more.

I've never gone to the gym so Im not familiar with how the machines work so I did some searching and found a simple workout to do http://www.teenbodybuilding.com/brent2.htm . Now Im wondering if this is suitable for the event or should I make any changes or even get a completely different work out?

Also is asking for donations here a big no-no to the mods?

01-26-2009, 05:45 PM
Looks like a very intense routine. Definitely do it up if you have the time to commit as well as the desire to do so. Don't neglect your diet either.

As far as asking for donations, PM Rage or Kenny and ask if it's okay.

01-26-2009, 06:10 PM
200km over two days isn't that bad. You'll be able to work into it.

Be sure to spend plenty of time on a bike before the event. You need to build your endurance to spend that long on the pedals. Calgary has great bike paths, so you're in the right city to make this happen.

As far as diet, lose weight if you need to and focus on good quality healthy food. Don't eat refined sugars or fatty foods. Eat lots of fresh stuff and high quality proteins. I try to do all my shopping by only visiting the periphery of a grocery store (bakery, butcher, deli, produce, dairy). That's where you find the stuff you want to eat. If that's a scary though, learn to cook, it ain't that hard to eat well.

Don't forget that any excess weight you have you'll have to carry with you on that bike ride. 10 lbs of chub around your midsection might not look like much, but you'll feel it after 3 hours in the pedals. Tone up.

Congrats on getting off the couch! It's the best thing.

01-26-2009, 07:54 PM
Make sure you get in a lot of mileage leading up to the event. Get your body used to being on a bike for 4+ hours in a day.

01-26-2009, 10:04 PM
Thanks for the advice so far guys! I've been reading your 5 Month Challenge thread A790 and it looks good!

I think diet will definitely be the hardest change Ill have to make haha. Im not one for planning out what to eat but at least I can cook and Im not picky with food.

As for riding before the event, will riding on a stationary bike be different than riding out on bike trails? I dont have a bike yet and dont plan on getting one before two months to the event.

01-27-2009, 12:28 PM
Time on a stationary is helpful, but there is really no replacement for time on a real bike. I ride stationary bikes during the winter to stay in shape, and in the summer I ride 20km to and from work every day. Being out in the real world of changing grades, wind and uneven ground is a lot different. Get started on the stationary, but definitely plan on getting on a real bike as soon as you can.

When you ride the stationary, don't just hop on for 20 minutes. Get on it and pound out a good sweat for an hour. You need the endurance.

01-27-2009, 12:31 PM
as intimidating as it might seem, if you are unsure how to do a specific workout or use a certain machine, just ask a dude at the gym who looks like he knows what he's doing. 99% of people will be happy to show you, the other 1% are dicks so who gives a shit about them.