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09-13-2010, 10:13 PM
Theres a reason for everything.

As motorists we should be considering both sides of these processes:

Motorists VS CPS Traffic Law enforcement:

Some things to consider:

-Tickets cost us TIME & MONEY
-200 Tickets cause frustration / traffic jams
-Tickets for within 10km/h tolerance?
-CPS doing money grab, legally and legitimately

CPS Traffic Law Enforcement
-There has been a major accident / fatality on virtually every section of Deerfoot since it's history
-people get killed everyday
-Safety is the #1 goal and concern for ALL Motorists
-The Ends to meet the goal will justify the means.

09-13-2010, 10:36 PM
Originally posted by luxor

Ka? Please do explain. Are they the installed in the unmarked car and radar you from behind to get your speed? I know RCMP uses this a lot on the highways but rarely hear this for CPS. I usually see them laser on the side of the road (hidden) or laser from the inside of their car and then initiate a chase right after.

Lidar is popular on slower roads. Never drive in the right hand lane on 16th ave. Lidar means that they are on the side of the road, and have to walk out and wave you over (thats most common, letting cops in cars down the road know about you happens, but not as common). So you have a 3 lane road with a lidar trap....they going to walk accross 2 lanes to wave you over? Nope. Ka-band is the new radar. Narrower wavelength, more accurate. Fortunatly, for those who are in the know and have a good radar detector, Ka-Band sticks out like a sore thumb. A Ka-Band alert is either a cheap best-buy radar detector or a cop/photo van. Only falses on Ka-Band is a leaky radar detector in someone else's car....at close range. Otherwise its a cop. A year ago, only Ka-Band alerts I got were photo vans. Now (ghost cars mostly) are running it mobile. It works from behind/front/any direction. A good radar detector (V1) has a Ka-Band range of 3km. Lotsa notice. CPS don't use K-band or X-band anymore the wave is too wide, by the time they can be certain its only you they are hitting amongst traffic is when they are visible by you. RCMP still use it though, less traffic on the backroad highways so they can hit you at .5km and not worry that it was someone else they hit. So I disabled those bands on my V1 in the city, highway I still run all alerts for all radar bands. The only false alerts in the city (running lidar and Ka-Band alerts only) I get are cheap radar detectors or a false laser alert when an Infiniti SUV drives by (they have laser based cruise control). Any other time it beeps, its the police.

09-13-2010, 10:47 PM
I don't know if it has been mentioned... but I love how Sgt. Paul Sieracki is quoted saying "traffic safety is a top issue for the public in Calgary" meanwhile we have 4 inch lips separating lanes essentially making lane changes extremely unsafe, let alone the possible damage to your wheels. Also I love how the city road crews will cut out a section of road leaving 3+ inch "curbs" without any sort of ramping system to smooth out the roadway, forcing you to either SLAM on the breaks, or potentially do a fair amount of damage to your vehicle...

But these SMALL details must be overlooked when the new budget is on the line... :devil:

09-13-2010, 10:54 PM
The lips are actually quite fun when you're going down them though. :rofl:

Lowered, ok. Slammed = Probably not though.