View Full Version : How the HELL can i get motivated to work out

01-28-2009, 12:23 PM
I recently built a new house...I spent a wack of money building a gym in my basement..which has it all....I have been in that room maybe 5 times in like 8 months...My question is...How do all of you guys do it, I really need to start working out?

Any tips, ideas that will help motivate me to start?

(I have a TV, music in the gym)

Thank guys

01-28-2009, 12:28 PM
One day at a time. Going to the gym sucks for the first few weeks, then you get to crave it a bit.

If you watch the news every night, or hockey, or whatever, start doing it on the treadmill, even if you're just walking at first.

Get used to using the room and you'll spend more time.

You have a great benefit of a home gym, your workout can take half as long as elsewhere when you don't have to drive to the gym, change, etc.....

01-28-2009, 12:28 PM
you should work out because you want to and because you like it. i found out working out at a gym (talisman center, SAIT) is better than at working out at home because once you get there and pay you want to do it and not let that money go to waste :nut:

01-28-2009, 12:31 PM
keeps watching "Big Fat Loser" and all those reality show. motivate you because you dont want to turn into one of them :)

01-28-2009, 12:31 PM
I did work out alot prior to my daughter being born..now i just always put it off or make excuses..I do love it when iam back in it..I just cant seem to get my head in it...though i really want to

01-28-2009, 12:31 PM
look at yourself in the mirror


01-28-2009, 12:32 PM
like has been said... it sucks doing it at first, and once it becomes routine, you really hate missing it.

I took three weeks off this jan because we moved and it sucked. My first day back, I just about puked after some squats :rofl:

01-28-2009, 12:32 PM
Originally posted by MIWYFSHOT
I did work out alot prior to my daughter being born..now i just always put it off or make excuses..I do love it when iam back in it..I just cant seem to get my head in it...though i really want to

making excuses is the problem. Just don't let yourself make any excuses.

01-28-2009, 12:33 PM
Take a picture of yourself now without a shirt on from the front, sides, and back. Then, after 60 days of working out. If the differences in appearance don't motivate you, well, I don't know what would.

I've lost 4" off my waistline since October. I had to go buy all new clothes. I tried on my dress clothes (that I haven't worn for 6 months) and they were TOO BIG for me (they used to be snug before). That's motivating.

01-28-2009, 12:34 PM
^^^ Yeah i agree with all of you...Now do you all wqorkout the same time everyday? maybe i just need a routine, like maybe work out late at night say 9ish or work out early morn.

01-28-2009, 12:38 PM
For me the first few weeks as tough. Like said above once you start to crave it there is no stopping you. For me once i started seeing results i just want more and more. I now work out 4-5 times a week and im excited to go each time.

01-28-2009, 12:43 PM
You gotta have a routine set out. What exercises, how many sets, and a rep range. Make up a schedule, like MWF or one day on one day off and just get it done. You will never get anything done if you go down there and have no goals.

01-28-2009, 12:43 PM
Since your house is so baller, I'm sure you'll have no problem getting friends to come over to work out and provide encouragement. Just provide punch and pie.

01-28-2009, 12:45 PM
When you stop thinking of it as a chore and start thinking of it as a positive experience, you would want to do it.

It's all about attitude.

01-28-2009, 12:45 PM
Originally posted by Jeremiah
Since your house is so baller, I'm sure you'll have no problem getting friends to come over to work out and provide encouragement. Just provide punch and pie.

rather a bunch or women:thumbsup:...my wife may have a problem with that

01-28-2009, 12:53 PM
Dude, your house is sick. The fact the gym is so easily accesible to you should be enough motivation. Plus everyone likes an in shape succesful man more than a fat one hahaa :D

01-28-2009, 12:55 PM
Originally posted by MIWYFSHOT
^^^ Yeah i agree with all of you...Now do you all wqorkout the same time everyday? maybe i just need a routine, like maybe work out late at night say 9ish or work out early morn.
I try to hit the gym between 2 and 3. That way it's not completely packed and I have similar energy levels on a day to day basis.

01-28-2009, 12:57 PM
Originally posted by JfuckinC
Dude, your house is sick. The fact the gym is so easily accesible to you should be enough motivation. Plus everyone likes an in shape succesful man more than a fat one hahaa :D

haha true that...thank god for good jeans..from the look of me iam on ok shape..just need to be in better shape and get healthier.

01-28-2009, 01:04 PM
Originally posted by teggypimp95
For me the first few weeks as tough. Like said above once you start to crave it there is no stopping you. For me once i started seeing results i just want more and more. I now work out 4-5 times a week and im excited to go each time.

X2, and have a picture in your head of what you want to look like, have a goal in mind, and keep working to that goal.

01-28-2009, 01:09 PM
Ask a friend to work out with you. A workout partner makes a huge difference.

Keep your workouts short. Even a 10 min workout is better than nothing. Don't NOT workout because you think you can't devote 1 hour to it.

TV and music are just distractions. When you workout, just focus on getting in there, working out and getting out.

Dont stress over a workout schedule. This may hinder motivation on days where you can't meet that schedule.

Go downstairs right now and do a set of something. Don't worry about the fact that it's not your workout time or you didnt do your preworkout ritual etc.

Stick to basics, especially when starting out after a long layoff. Benchpress, deadlift, squat, barbell curl, shoulder press. Don't stress over a routine with 100 different exercises and 20 sets of each.

Don't worry about counting reps and sets. Your body will tell you if you've had enough or if you need to push it harder.

Most people get into ruts because they have a boring long workout schedule day in day out that feels like a job. Working out should never feel like a job.

Get motivated. Watch some old school workout movies like Pumping Iron etc.

01-28-2009, 01:11 PM
Getting in to the routine can be pretty hard, expecially when your at home, their are many distractions. I find that when I take a break from working out it is the hardest to get started again, but it only takes that one day to go in and then I'm back on track. The best way to keep your self motivated is to try different work out routines, try joining a class somewhere to get your slef started and from there it will pick up, you dont want to get bored with the same stuff.

01-28-2009, 01:11 PM
work it into your daily routine

as as mentioned, you will probably start craving it

my work gym is closed sat/sundays and i always want to work out on the weekends, but i like only paying $15/month haha

01-28-2009, 01:13 PM
Originally posted by BigMass
TV and music are just distractions. When you workout, just focus on getting in there, working out and getting out.

I find that a good thing! When im on the bike i watch movies usually, it keeps me distracted from the length of time i have been pedling and i always seem to go longer!
And for me music is like my biggest motivation, but then again i listen to like hardcore/screamo when i work out haha.. gets me happy and pumped up.

01-28-2009, 01:19 PM
make it a MUST do, start easy and be realistic, say three times a week and don't skip out on your day and if you have to skip out, make up the next day

i heard that to get into the habit of things, it will take six months of doing it constantly; once you do that, it will be routine

01-28-2009, 01:23 PM
There's no way to start working out regularly unless you're doing it for yourself and you're ready for it. You can't force yourself to work out, you have to be in a mental state where you're willing to try, commit, and change. I believe it's been mentioned by posters earlier, but once you start seeing results, it gets addictive. So try to commit to a plan for at least as long as it takes to make some progress (whether that be fat burning, muscle definition, pure strength, etc).

For short-term inspiration (i.e. motivation for a day or two), look to movies, songs, etc. Watching Rocky movies makes me want to workout, as does some of the 90s west/east coast rap :P Sounds stupid, but it works, and everyone has something that will make them urge to do some physical activity.

01-28-2009, 01:40 PM
and wear sleeveless shirts hahaha

it actually motivates me when i do lol

01-28-2009, 01:42 PM
I have 2 children and need to go to a commercial gym.

Couple a things I do
- Cardio 5AM go for 30-45 minutes. By the time I get home I can get ready for the day and the kids are just waking up
- Lift only 3 times a week on Mon-Wed-Fri and keep this appointment with myself. Normally right after work. I keep this as an appointment and let my wife know not to schedule anything around that time/days. Only require 60-70 minutes

After that its basically will power to get through the first few weeks. Good luck.

01-28-2009, 02:48 PM
Well I'm in a completely different position than you and probably 10-15 years younger but...
What motivated me is I am small (150lbs) and want to get bigger. Not just bigger as in the average 200lb 6' tall guy, but the ripped dude that you can tell that he works out 4 times a week and could break you in half if he so chose. Not only that, but I love the pain I get at the gym. When your arms burns and you can barely extend them at the end the workout; when you finish a 20 rep set on the leg press and can't help but walk like a retard to the water fountain; the feeling is great. Once you get into the habit of working out, you crave it. You notice improvement and you crave it even more. I'm an Engineering student so I have to put the gym pretty low down on the priority list but I never go less than 3 days a week.

01-28-2009, 02:50 PM
This enough motivation for ya?


01-28-2009, 04:03 PM
set a goal and live by it.... im sure with selling houses and stuff you have mental dealines that things have to be done by... same with working out, even if its a simple goal like im going to work out 4 times this week no matter what.. you will make the time for it. My goal is to drop another 10 lbs by spring. If you constantly strive to the goal, you will make the necessary time and effort to make it happen. If you work out for the shit of it... there is no motivation behind it. Its pointless to put your heart and soul into working out for 6 weeks just to quit for a year... its just wasted time. Start small, 3 times a week but set a realistic goal and work towards it until you reach it.. bigger arms? triceps? weight loss? pick something and go for it. you will enjoy the rewards of hard work and i cant imagine the wife hating on the new look either. win win!!

01-28-2009, 04:10 PM
^ nice Jimbo

Id say make goals for yourself to lose weight or try a heavier weight and stick to it. I wouldnt push yourself hard to start because you will just get hurt/sore and not want to continue. Start slow and steady and when the time is right you will pick up the pace.

I would first start with cardio and full body workouts, dont concentrate on certain muscle groups. look online for good workout plans, there are decent ones

01-28-2009, 08:17 PM
I got motivated when I watched fight club :rofl:

Here's what you can do.....buy clothes that barely fit you and get rid of the ones that you're completely comfortable in. This should be enough motivation to get your ass to gym....

01-28-2009, 10:17 PM
Stand up, look down. Can you see your dick? No? Hit the gym.

Also, admitting weakness does not justify it.

Cooked Rice
01-29-2009, 01:05 AM
I found that it can be tough at home. Like said, too many distractions. And you always want to put it off because you go "oh, i'll do it later, cause it's right there in my basement" but you never end up doing it. As for getting a membership at a gym, if your clueless, get a customized routine and an orientation on all the machines and such. Cause if your afraid of not knowing what to do, or how to properly workout, use the equipment, you won't go to the gym with the fear of looking like an idiot. Schedule your workout times in your weekly schedule. Work out as much as you feel comfortable with, challenge yourself, and if you stick to it, you'll start feeling good about yourself. And that's when it starts to get easy, when you realize how much better you feel when you are active and keeping healthy/fit.

01-29-2009, 01:44 AM
It's tough because you are super busy, always running around, kids etc. You just have to fit it in and make it part of your schedule. You have to want to do it otherwise you'll just hate it.

01-29-2009, 02:22 AM
My son goes to bed around 7:30, I lift at 8. Keep it short and focused.

Masked Bandit
01-29-2009, 02:50 PM
I’ve always had problems with consistency (I’ve been training for about 20 years now) with the exception of the past two years. The biggest factor was making the attendance an honest priority and planning other activities around it. With kids at home, you will ALWAYS be able to find something else to do instead but you HAVE to make it a scheduled, priority event.

01-29-2009, 04:08 PM
Originally posted by Masked Bandit
I’ve always had problems with consistency (I’ve been training for about 20 years now) with the exception of the past two years. The biggest factor was making the attendance an honest priority and planning other activities around it. With kids at home, you will ALWAYS be able to find something else to do instead but you HAVE to make it a scheduled, priority event.

Same problem here. Been going on and off for the last 5 years but I don't have kids. My poor attendance was due to the fact I was unorganized with school and couldn't set my priorities straight. Everytime the school year started, I would stop working out. Been going straight for the last 3 weeks, hopefully I will be consistent this time. Most motivated I have ever been...:burnout:

01-29-2009, 04:10 PM
Originally posted by ragu

Here's what you can do.....buy clothes that barely fit you and get rid of the ones that you're completely comfortable in. This should be enough motivation to get your ass to gym....

I tried this except I didn't throw out my other clothes. It never worked and there are still few shirts I have never been able to wear over the past couple years..haha.

01-29-2009, 04:26 PM

1) Get a partner. I will come work out with you if you give me free real-estate advice.

2) Eat eat and get fat ( not literally ) but until you feel disgusted of yourself to push your head in the I HAVE TO mode.

have fun! after 2 weeks you'll crave working out..

gotta love the sore ness

01-29-2009, 05:36 PM
got any pics of the home gym? It sounds really sweet.got any pics of the home gym? It sounds really sweet.

01-29-2009, 06:02 PM
I can't workout at home. No motivation to do anything there.

I am a single mother to a 16 month old, and recently moved out to Cochrane, which turned my commute from 5 mins to 35 mins (still not bad). There is a gym and a daycare at my work. Daycare opens at 7, work starts at 8:30, so realistically, I'd like to be there by 7 to have enough time to workout, shower and get ready. For the first month after I moved, I was always like "damn, I am not getting there by 7, there's no point" and stopped going every morning.

One week about 3 weeks ago, my little man started waking up earlier. So early that I had time for us to get ready and go in early. Now in the morning I make no excuse. I used to feel bad waking him up, but too bad. I'm up at 5:45 to wake up myself, get my gym clothes on, pack my clothes/shoes/makeup/hair crap for the day, get his outfit ready, a bottle for the car ride ready. At 6:15 or 6:30 I wake him up, get him changed and dressed and we are out the door by 6:45ish. I used to think that wasn't enough time but now I don't care. If all I can get in is a 20 minute cardio session, then so be it. That's better than nothing. If I can fit in 30 mins cardio and 10 mins abs/stretching, sweet. Either way I'm at least doing a bit of something each day and if my session is shorter, I'll go harder.

There are no good excuses really! Just force yourself to do it... they say it takes 21 days to create a habit... so force yourself for 21 days and after that, you won't even think about it, you'll just want to do it.

Masked Bandit
01-29-2009, 06:02 PM
Originally posted by IhateDomestic

2) Eat eat and get fat ( not literally ) but until you feel disgusted of yourself to push your head in the I HAVE TO mode.

have fun! after 2 weeks you'll crave working out..

gotta love the sore ness

While I can't actually recommend this idea, there is some truth there. For me, it was the same thing as a drunk / drug addict hitting "rock bottom". I can remember the day clear as a bell and motivation has not been a problem ever since.

01-29-2009, 06:15 PM
Originally posted by IhateDomestic

1) Get a partner. I will come work out with you if you give me free real-estate advice.

2) Eat eat and get fat ( not literally ) but until you feel disgusted of yourself to push your head in the I HAVE TO mode.

have fun! after 2 weeks you'll crave working out..

gotta love the sore ness
I see your intentions, but that's not really a great idea. All he'd be doing is setting himself further back and possibly demotivate himself even further when his results don't come as quickly as he wanted them to.