View Full Version : Effects of smoking when pregnant

02-05-2009, 11:21 AM
I've got a friend whos girlfriend is pregnant and she continues to smoke. It doesn't help the fact that the mother and father both smoke as well and do nothing to stop it. What are some of the effects on the fetus that this will have? Every time I see them I beg her to stop but it just goes through one ear and out the other. Any suggestions to get the dumb fuck to stop?

02-05-2009, 11:27 AM
Low birth weight for starters...



02-05-2009, 11:29 AM
is it legal to smoke when prego?

dumb question maybe

02-05-2009, 11:34 AM
this one chick i know smoked during pregnancy
but then again, she quit weed while prego
i've only seen her once since she had the kid.. her biceps must be like 30" around when they used to be like 14

02-05-2009, 11:44 AM
Originally posted by Hakkola
Low birth weight for starters...
I have friends that smoked during pregnacy (2 kids), and it was the biggest babies I've ever seen haha.

We went through generations of moms that smoked while they were pregnant. I'll bet theres a few of us here whos parents smoked when they were pregnant. We all turned out fine.

Risks of complications, low birth weight, etc. probably does go up, definately something I wouldn't recommend, but it probably one of those things that are blown way outta proportion like second hand smoke.

02-05-2009, 11:56 AM
A buddy of mine's wife is smoking as well while pregnant and I think it is absolutely discusting. Not very responsible at all, in my opinion.

02-05-2009, 12:01 PM
Yeah honestly if you even care about your unborn children just tough it out for 9 months and quit smoking and drinking...even though the risk is low, risking your child's health is just not worth it.

02-05-2009, 12:02 PM
Quite a few doctors lately have been telling pregnant women to continue to smoke while pregnant. Supposedly the withdrawl is worse for the baby than the smoking. :dunno:

02-05-2009, 12:08 PM
My mother smoked with my sister and my sister is perfectly healthy.
My mom quit smoking soon after my sister, 8 years later she had me and I end up with asthma when I was very young. Go figure.

02-05-2009, 12:10 PM
My mother continued smoking while she was pregnant with me and my brother on doctors recommendations. We both were fine.. no problems at all.

02-05-2009, 12:10 PM
asthma, childhood obesity, nicotine addiction, miscarriage, ugly baby syndrome, aids, etc

02-05-2009, 12:12 PM
The doctors tell women not to stop smoking , just cut back... The stress of trying to stop can cause a miscarriage sometimes.. So dont stress about it. Alot of our parents smoked or grandparents smoked while they have kids.. Its just not healthy.

02-05-2009, 12:13 PM
Originally posted by rage2

Risks of complications, low birth weight, etc. probably does go up, definately something I wouldn't recommend, but it probably one of those things that are blown way outta proportion like second hand smoke.

Of course, it is always just risk, no such thing as 100% rates, that's not what I meant to suggest.

02-05-2009, 12:27 PM
When we did our child birth classes in 94' they use to show a video of a mom smoking and the ultrasound showing fetal heart rates before, during and after the mom smoked. Some babies hearts almost stop beating.

But here is the website from Health Canada.


02-05-2009, 12:56 PM
I have a friend that smoked through her whole pregnancy, She keeps complaining that her child is ALWAYS in the hospital...
Just this week he's in the hospital with a partial collapse lung, and RSV or RVS not sure what it is... but this kid is ALWAYS SICK.. and he's gonna be 2 years old this month and by the looks of it Every birthday he's gonna be spending it in the hospital.:banghead:

02-05-2009, 02:25 PM
I guess I just don't get smoking it's not one of those thing health officials have ever flip flopped on. Like eggs are good, eggs are bad..leaves you wondering what to eat and what to do.

Smoking...it's just always been bad. Bad , Bad. The end result can be a sick child or a child that has no mother because of smoking related deaths.

Your friend should have a say, why would anyone choose to risk their babies health.

02-05-2009, 02:35 PM
Originally posted by Jlude
My mother smoked with my sister and my sister is perfectly healthy.
My mom quit smoking soon after my sister, 8 years later she had me and I end up with asthma when I was very young. Go figure.
pwned. Pics of sister?

Originally posted by JAYMEZ
The doctors tell women not to stop smoking , just cut back... The stress of trying to stop can cause a miscarriage sometimes.. So dont stress about it. Alot of our parents smoked or grandparents smoked while they have kids.. Its just not healthy.
Interesting, did not know that.

02-05-2009, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by rage2

pwned. Pics of sister?

To top that, I end up smoking and my sister never does.

No pics... picture me with long hair... haha that oughta do it for ya.

02-05-2009, 03:20 PM
Originally posted by Jlude
No pics... picture me with long hair... haha that oughta do it for ya.
You look like a bitch, so that might just work! :rofl:

02-05-2009, 03:26 PM
Originally posted by rage2

You look like a bitch, so that might just work! :rofl:

Fucker. I've got nothing at the moment. Once I do... you'll be first to know! haha

02-05-2009, 03:43 PM
Taking care of your body is during pregnancy is so clutch... I don't know how some people in this day and age, with all the information at our fingertips, are so brutal that they don't give a shit and just pop out kids while continuing their bad habits while hoping for the best.

The baby shares everything that the mother puts into her body during pregnancy. The effects (especially on the baby's epigenetics (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epigenetics)) can be substantial. Just because it doesn't mean that the baby will, with 100% certainty, come out fucked up doesn't justify taking the risk.

Smoking while pregnant? For fuck sakes... come on, why would you?! If you're having a kid, do the right thing and don't let your own selfish choices stunt the kid's potential.

I've hit the point where I don't give a shit though... when I have a kid I'm going to do all that I can to skew the odds in my kid's favor. If other people want to fuck around with their kid's future that's no sweat off of my back... not everyone's kid gets to be an astronaut ;)

02-05-2009, 04:12 PM
Originally posted by Super_Geo
Taking care of your body is during pregnancy is so clutch... I don't know how some people in this day and age, with all the information at our fingertips, are so brutal that they don't give a shit and just pop out kids while continuing their bad habits while hoping for the best.

well said... God... I ate wendy's last night after a massive 4 days craving and I felt bad for baby after eating a chicken strip meal... I dont know how people can still smoke and keep up their bad habbits and not feel bad about it!

02-05-2009, 04:15 PM
Originally posted by Super_Geo
I have a kid I'm going to do all that I can to skew the odds in my kid's favor.

+1^ like blast classical music when the wife is pregs so the baby can be a musical genius when he comes out, or yell the alphabet at her stomach and the kids first words will be all the vowels :D

02-05-2009, 04:25 PM
Originally posted by nat_skyline
well said... God... I ate wendy's last night after a massive 4 days craving and I felt bad for baby after eating a chicken strip meal... I dont know how people can still smoke and keep up their bad habbits and not feel bad about it!

'You are what your mother eats.'

Good on you for fighting the fast food cravings... I'm sure an occasional personal indulgence is fine, but people who eat McDicks every day while pregnant are affecting their kids more than they (care to) think.


Let me tell you this much... my wife is going to be eating nothing but lean chicken that hasn't been pumped full of estrogen, fresh veggies, low mercury fish, etc.

When my mom was pregnant with me she had to have a tooth pulled, and she chose to do it without any anesthetics. I respect the hell out of that decision of hers, and I'm not surprised she made it considering she was doing her Ph.D in biology.

Originally posted by n1zm0

+1^ like blast classical music when the wife is pregs so the baby can be a musical genius when he comes out, or yell the alphabet at her stomach and the kids first words will be all the vowels :D

Holy shit I nearly lost my drink when I read that :rofl::thumbsup:

02-05-2009, 04:39 PM
when I was pregnant we read children's stories listen to classical music . Babies definitely recognize voices. When we did diaper changes we played head and shoulders knees and toes. I was so sick I didn't get a chance to indulge in anything food related.

I lost 30 lbs in my first pregnancy. Dr.'s wanted me to take a prescription for Hyperemesis gravidarum which is severe morning sickness that lasts the entire pregnancy, but I refused. There are no known side effects to the baby as long as you get IV treatments for dehydration. I gave up everything in hopes of giving our baby a great start. At 14 she has no known allergies, no asthma...etc.

02-05-2009, 04:52 PM
Man you guys are gonna be disappointed when you don't give birth to a little Hendrix or Mozart lol.

Funny that this article came out recently. Remember the crack baby epidemic?


Not that I recommend smoking crack while preggo... but a lot of the "scare" that we get from pregnant smokers, crack babies, second hand smoke... are all moral issues disguised as serious health risks.

So Super_Geo, your mom who didn't use anesthetics, did it all for nothing :).

02-05-2009, 05:09 PM
Originally posted by rage2

Not that I recommend smoking crack while preggo... but a lot of the "scare" that we get from pregnant smokers, crack babies, second hand smoke... are all moral issues disguised as serious health risks.

It's not that crack has no effect, of course, but it does no more harm than tobacco, and less harm than alcohol. It could be argued that alcohol is the most dangerous substance of all for a fetus, considering that, according to recent surveys, only 5.2 per cent of pregnant women use illicit drugs, while 11.6 per cent use alcohol. Yet, unlike mothers who drank and smoked, mothers who used crack were, during the drug's heyday, routinely prosecuted, jailed and stripped of their children.

The fact that they consider crack and smoking's effects on kids to be comparable is something I'd consider a win for crackheads and a loss for smokers :rofl:

I also don't agree with the correlations that the author of the article is drawing, that 'crack babies' were targeted purely because crack is illegal. I'll guarantee you that crackhead moms aren't going to win any Mother of the Year awards anytime soon. If you're doing crack during pregnancy, I'd say there's a good chance your daughter will be sucking dick to help you cover rent by the time she's 14.

Originally posted by rage2
So Super_Geo, your mom who didn't use anesthetics, did it all for nothing :).

I dunno, your article didn't really convince me otherwise... it just said that crack didn't affect babies as much as previously thought, but that it still did affect babies (to the same degree as smoking).

Regardless, not using anesthetics helped my mom build character if nothing else :devil:

02-05-2009, 05:11 PM
Originally posted by rage2
Man you guys are gonna be disappointed when you don't give birth to a little Hendrix or Mozart lol.

I dunno... if skewing the odds in the kid's favor didn't help him succeed in life, imagine how badly he would've done if the odds were skewed against him.

If you had two genetically identical mothers living identical lives and you had one do crack during pregnancy and the other eat healthy and do everything the baby books tell you to do, and you ran this experiment 100s of times and tracked the hundreds of kids, I'd be willing to wage a year's salary that the kids who were better cared for in the womb go on to do better in life.

02-05-2009, 05:29 PM
Originally posted by Super_Geo
I dunno... if skewing the odds in the kid's favor didn't help him succeed in life, imagine how badly he would've done if the odds were skewed against him.
My Hendrix and Mozart comment is an argument against "skewing the odds". Seriously, that classical music myth has been going on for decades, even though tons of moms listened to classical music during pregnancy. And today in 2009, we have very little musical talent out there compared to the good old days. All the talented music was because of drugs, but that's another argument haha.

All Classical music does is relax the mother. Your wife will thank you for that. It's not gonna increase the odds of another Hendrix or Mozart.