View Full Version : 10 demerits off????

02-08-2009, 12:48 PM

Can you guys help me? I need some opinions.

I got caught speeding from driving back to Edmonton from Calgary in Airdrie. I didn't have much high way driving experience and It was my first time driving to and from Calgary.

Well I got caught speeding at 172 km/h in a 110/km/h so I have a mandatory court date so that's 6 demerits. I also got a ticket for driving to close so that's 4 demerits. I was in a rush and wanted to get back to Edmonton. I know I am wrong and this is a painful lesson.

My driving record is pretty clean until now. I only had 1 accident about 6 yrs ago and now I don't really know what I can do with those tickets and demerits I got off.

What is my expected increase in insurance premium? Is it possible to get any demerits taken off? I just request this AMA proactive/defense driving course that claims it will take off 3 demerits.

Should I talk with a Lawyer? I was getting a bike in Calgary and now I don't even know if this will affect my bike insurance a lot.

02-08-2009, 12:49 PM
:facepalm: wish they had taken ur license entirely

02-08-2009, 12:52 PM
Well it is hard sometimes in the highway not to pull that speed with my car. I am sorry if I caused any damage to people reading my message. I just want to know what are my best choices.

adam c
02-08-2009, 12:57 PM
1. it's the weekend
2. you're speeding in the corridor between two cities, you wouldn't do that between leduc and edmonton
3. it doesn't matter what kind of car you drive, any car now can reach that speed
4. what the hell does hi-way experience have to do with going 172 in a 110?
5. kiss your car goodbye once the judge throws the book at you, unless you have a shit load of disposable income your rates will skyrocket
6. you said you're picking up a bike in calgary, were you towing it with your g35? that's pretty ghetto and stupidly dangerous

02-08-2009, 01:00 PM
Your insurance will likely go up, bike insurance depending what bike will also be expensive. There's a online course you can take for 3 demerits off, do a search its been posted. Btw not much highway experience you say in your first post but in your second post you says its hard sometimes in the highway not to pull that speed with your car....bs

I would talk to a lawyer if I were you

02-08-2009, 01:02 PM

Well I only drove short trips from Edmonton to Red Deer a few times.

This is such a painful experience knowing the fact that I might get my car taken away and etc.

02-08-2009, 01:03 PM
Start looking into your options, go to court early say a few weeks prior to your appearance date and enter a plea see if they'll knock off some points. Get in contact with a traffic defense lawyer ASAP.

dj_rice, don't be such a hyprocrite. All of us on this board are car enthusiasts I am sure you have and everybody here has driven their vehicles unreasonably over the speed limit at one point in their lives.

02-08-2009, 01:05 PM
Originally posted by ruggedboy

. I didn't have much high way driving experience and It was my first time driving to and from Calgary.

Well I got caught speeding at 172 km/h in a 110/km/h

So with little to no experience on the highway you decided to go 62Km over the speed limit? Glad to see you have common sense :rolleyes: :thumbsdow :facepalm:

Most people in that situation with having little no experience would take it slow maybe goin 100km on the highway.

02-08-2009, 01:07 PM
Oh man, that sucks. I know we've all done something dumb like that in our lives. Best thing to do is contact a lawyer, one that specializes in traffic law. I believe POINTS does that? They would know more of what to do then you, or they might laugh at you and tell you you're screwed. But it doesn't hurt to try right?

Good luck

02-08-2009, 01:09 PM
Originally posted by nadroj23

So with little to no experience on the highway you decided to go 62Km over the speed limit? Glad to see you have common sense :rolleyes: :thumbsdow :facepalm:

...beat me to it.

But dude, you are just retarded.
I hope they take your license away.... i really do.

Why the hell would you do 170?... maybe 140 if your in a huge rush, but still.

02-08-2009, 01:09 PM
Originally posted by ruggedboy
Well it is hard sometimes in the highway not to pull that speed with my car.

:facepalm: :rofl:
VVEL just kicked in y0

02-08-2009, 01:11 PM
Originally posted by CelicaST-162
Start looking into your options, go to court early say a few weeks prior to your appearance date and enter a plea see if they'll knock off some points. Get in contact with a traffic defense lawyer ASAP.

dj_rice, don't be such a hyprocrite. All of us on this board are car enthusiasts I am sure you have and everybody here has driven their vehicles unreasonably over the speed limit at one point in their lives.

I'm sure all of us have gone 172 in a 110... :rolleyes:

I know that in my car, it's just so hard not to speed... :rofl:

I mean, I love going fast.. It's just SOOOO intoxicating, it's not like getting there 1/2 hour earlier is a BAD thing right... and if I happen to hit someone, and kill them, it's their fault for being in my way... right? :banghead:

02-08-2009, 01:12 PM

But for liability based insurance the premium isn't bad for my driving record based on this site:


Worst comes to worst is if insurance is too expensive Ill just sell my car and get a cheaper vehicle and insure it only under liability.

Thanks for the help and I hope this stuff doesn't happen to you guys.

I think even for a bike, for liability only it should be 300-900 dollars which is okay for me.

Thing is I just want to have a really clean record, I know this will only last on my record for 3 yrs and it should disappear after that.

02-08-2009, 01:14 PM
You gotta be smart about speeding, basically anything above 50kph will get you bent over and raped by the long dick of the law. From there the ass rape comes in flavors of up to 15 over and up to 30 over.

Pick your poison.

02-08-2009, 01:15 PM
Except, that if your telling the truth, the speeding ticket should be pink, since it's more than 50kph over, and it's a mandatory court date.

The judge has the power to take your license away, even if you have demerits remaining if he thinks that your too dangerous on the road.

02-08-2009, 01:15 PM
Don't come here for sympathy or advice. You knew what you were doing. You don't deserve to be on the roads mate, simple as that.

Hope your license is taken off you. :)

02-08-2009, 01:17 PM
I learnt my lesson, I am not gona speed like that again. I never had a speeding ticket in my life except a few photo radars. I guess that day was just too dark and bad luck.

Well I can afford get my license taken away because I usually take the bus to work to downtown. So It possible help me save some gas $ for a few months. I think my insurance premium probably jump between 500-1500, so this means I just need to really tighten up my spending to make it back.

02-08-2009, 02:27 PM
if you lived in Toronto like me, your car would be impounded and towed (you'd be responsible for towing charges), you'd be facing a fine of a minimum of $2000 and a max of $10k (probably 7k fine to be honest), your drivers license suspended for a week, your insurance rates which would already be minimum $5k a year with collision if you've had an accident 6 years ago, would now be $9 or $10k a year. So be grateful. Ontario has brutal brutal laws for speeding. One ticket and your rates go up, huge.
And to all the people saying "you deserve your license taken away, don't speed," STFU. You have all sped at enormous speeds like that, even if its just been once in your life.
On the beyond cruise, the average speed was 150-160, sometimes 170. In a 110 zone. Good luck fighting it man, get a solid lawyer and get ready to pay the big bucks, and get prepared for high insurance rates and for an ass raping.

02-08-2009, 03:32 PM
don't listen to these guys, just look at my avatar ;)

anyway, here is an idea: prove your speedometer wasn't working properly (ie: the needle was off 20km/h)

take your car to the place off blackfoot, its an alberta certified speedo testing facility, they say, yes its off x amount, you get a paper saying this. then show good will by correcting the problem, go get tested again, now its correct, get another paper. submit this evidence at court, and you will only be ticketed for 152.


02-08-2009, 03:46 PM
Hopefully the judge is on Beyond and reads this thread

02-08-2009, 03:56 PM
Call Poiints


Yes going that fast is dumb but I am pretty sure most of us have gone that fast or even faster at one point in our lives.

02-08-2009, 04:32 PM
I'm surprised that no one else picked up on the driving too close violation. So not only were you speeding ridiculously (which I'm sure the vast majority of the people on this board have done at some point) but you were also tailgating? Now that is retarded.

02-08-2009, 04:44 PM
Everyone here has gone that fast at one point or another...i like how everyone gets on this guys case and acts like they've never done it themselves.

I hope you can keep your license man, just only if you've learned your lesson...and don't do it again.

02-08-2009, 05:08 PM
So many people on high horses in this thread haha. You wannabe sheriffs always come out and make asses of yourselves.

The OP is definitely an idiot. Speeding smart means not getting caught. You can definitely speed safely between Calgary and Edmonton. I usually average 140-160 depending on traffic and the amount of cops. Ive never been caught and have done it 10s of times.

First of all, theres no reason to tailgate. People hate it and will not move out of your way just to prove a point.

If the guy in front of me is cruising super slow in the fast lane and has room to move over to the right side I will maintain my speed so that he notices something coming up fast in his rearview/side mirrors (if its someone with a trailer, it helps to stick to the left side of the lane so they can see you) and then brake to a safe following distance. He then realizes that he is inconveniencing me and 9/10 times he moves over. A highbeam flash fixes the 1/10.

Always carry a radar detector (Except in Ontario) and make sure you know who is around you. If there is a car following you closely, your radar detector goes off and you panic brake, he will definitely rear end you.

Don't weave like an asshole, wait for the people to get out of your way. They'll move eventually. Weaving is horrendously obvious, can cause people to call the cops on you, and is dangerous as shit.

If you speed smart, people won't mind. Respect is the key...

02-08-2009, 05:39 PM
Originally posted by Idratherbsidewayz

The OP is definitely an idiot. Speeding smart means not getting caught. You can definitely speed safely between Calgary and Edmonton. I usually average 140-160 depending on traffic and the amount of cops. Ive never been caught and have done it 10s of times.

First of all, theres no reason to tailgate. People hate it and will not move out of your way just to prove a point.

If the guy in front of me is cruising super slow in the fast lane and has room to move over to the right side I will maintain my speed so that he notices something coming up fast in his rearview/side mirrors (if its someone with a trailer, it helps to stick to the left side of the lane so they can see you) and then brake to a safe following distance. He then realizes that he is inconveniencing me and 9/10 times he moves over. A highbeam flash fixes the 1/10.

Always carry a radar detector (Except in Ontario) and make sure you know who is around you. If there is a car following you closely, your radar detector goes off and you panic brake, he will definitely rear end you.

Don't weave like an asshole, wait for the people to get out of your way. They'll move eventually. Weaving is horrendously obvious, can cause people to call the cops on you, and is dangerous as shit.

If you speed smart, people won't mind. Respect is the key...


Yup, most people don't care if you speed on the highway, just don't be an asshole when you're doing it!

02-08-2009, 05:51 PM
How did he get you? Radar? Clocked? Where was he? Was there any other cars on the road near you?

What's with the following too close?

Were you actually going 172 or did the cop make a mistake?

When you go plead 'not guilty', make sure to ask for 'disclosure' so you can see the cops evidence and notes.

But you may be better off with "Points" cause of the serious nature of the ticket.

This giving multiple tickets is now standard procedure it seems, gives them bargaining room in court, and they will easily (usually) drop one.

02-08-2009, 05:51 PM
If you're going to go that fast get a damn radar detector. I think most people here have been faster then 170, but knowing what you're doing is key, I wouldn't ever go that fast on a primary highway.

02-08-2009, 05:51 PM
Honestly, just don't speed at all there is no smart speed or bad speed. The sheriff actually caught me accelerating passed him and clocked my car speed somehow. I don't know how fast I was even going.

Well at least I know now to go above 170 km/hr on the highway anymore. Id probably won't even go pass 110 km/hr now.

02-08-2009, 05:51 PM
Originally posted by bart
don't listen to these guys, just look at my avatar ;)

anyway, here is an idea: prove your speedometer wasn't working properly (ie: the needle was off 20km/h)

take your car to the place off blackfoot, its an alberta certified speedo testing facility, they say, yes its off x amount, you get a paper saying this. then show good will by correcting the problem, go get tested again, now its correct, get another paper. submit this evidence at court, and you will only be ticketed for 152.


This only works on photo radar tickets not tickets were the person was pulled over.

02-08-2009, 05:52 PM
I actually do have a radar detector, I got no clue how he clocked me.

02-08-2009, 05:53 PM
Originally posted by nadroj23

This only works on photo radar tickets not tickets were the person was pulled over.

Not true

02-08-2009, 05:53 PM
Originally posted by ruggedboy
Honestly, just don't speed at all there is no smart speed or bad speed. The sheriff actually caught me accelerating passed him and clocked my car speed somehow. I don't know how fast I was even going.

Well at least I know now to go above 170 km/hr on the highway anymore. Id probably won't even go pass 110 km/hr now.

They have radar in the front and back of their car that can be used while driving.

02-08-2009, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by ruggedboy
I actually do have a radar detector, I got no clue how he clocked me.

Well, better for you if it was not radar. If the ticket says 'clocked', or 'guesstimated', you will get it reduced.

02-08-2009, 05:57 PM
Originally posted by Toma

Well, better for you if it was not radar. If the ticket says 'clocked', or 'guesstimated', you will get it reduced.

What are the chance of him getting it reduced when the ticket isnt in Calgary? Does this work the same way for Sherriff tickets aswell, can you go talk to somebody like the JP?

02-08-2009, 06:05 PM
It says Radar on my ticket but my Radar detector didn't detect it at all. I don't know why.

Anyways Im thinking of just pleading guilty, I emailed my ticket information to POINTTS, and see what they charge and what they can do.

Worst comes to worst is Ill get a cheaper car and go liability only.

I have 6 yrs of driving experience, NOW I should have 1 traffic safety conviction, 1 seriousy traffic safety conviction due from yesterday, and my 1 accident will expire next yr or this yr as it will be over 6 years.

So when my insurance renews I should have 6-7 yrs experience 1 seriously traffic conviction and 1 traffic conviction and maybe 1 accident if still exist in my record. Then 2-3 yrs I should be clean again and cheap insurance.

02-08-2009, 06:20 PM
You must be a real idiot, or one of those guys with a couple of screws loose up there if you received this ticket PASSING a sheriff...I hope you get screwed in court and loose your license.

In regards to your radar detector not warning you...LOL...remember you flew past a cop on the highway at 170km/h, it wasnt like he was hiding somewhere and waiting to clock you.

02-08-2009, 06:24 PM
IRL, it's I hope you lose in court and lose your license. If I am the idiot that has better grammar than you, then I must be the real idiot.

It is also: remembered you flew past a Sheriff (not a cop) on the highway. Please get your tenses corrected.

02-08-2009, 06:30 PM
Originally posted by ruggedboy
IRL, it's I hope you lose in court and lose your license. If I am the idiot that has better grammar than you, then I must be the real idiot.

It is also: remembered you flew past a Sheriff (not a cop) on the highway. Please get your tenses corrected.

Worst rebuttal ever... :banghead:

02-08-2009, 06:38 PM
First dibs on his G35

02-08-2009, 06:39 PM
Originally posted by Idratherbsidewayz

Worst rebuttal ever... :banghead:

LOL..it was bad....

but not near as annoying to all the morons in these threads that think speeding is the end of the world lol....

02-08-2009, 06:46 PM
Originally posted by ruggedboy
IRL, it's I hope you lose in court and lose your license. If I am the idiot that has better grammar than you, then I must be the real idiot.

It is also: remembered you flew past a Sheriff (not a cop) on the highway. Please get your tenses corrected.

Sooooo a SHERIFF isn't a big enough indication that you should slow down! :facepalm:

Last time I checked a Sheriff is pretty much the same as a cop when it come to the traffic rules. :facepalm: ... again :nut:

02-08-2009, 07:08 PM
I am also guilty of the occasional 50+ over the speed limit (just like most of us on beyond).

last time I did it there was a cop but thankfully I was just slowing down. I got a ticket for going 25 over. Lets just say I got lucky. I think I have honestly learned my lesson and wont be doing speeds like that again for a long time.

Fuck everyone that says you should lose your license and that your a fuck tard just because they never got caught. Just make sure that you learned your lesson, pay the fines and higher insurance and get on with your life.

Good luck in court.

02-08-2009, 07:57 PM
pointts is really good actually.

Helped me with a huge ticket on my ass a few years ago.
Charlie Pester is 'da man!

02-08-2009, 08:19 PM
Thanks for the info, how could pointts actually help me? I sent them an email today.
Reduce the fine? reduce the demerits?

Originally posted by swak
pointts is really good actually.

Helped me with a huge ticket on my ass a few years ago.
Charlie Pester is 'da man!

02-08-2009, 08:24 PM
They can do both man,
I was ticketed for a careless or wreckless driving (cant remember) just after i bought my first turbo'd car. It was late at night and i was speeding but nothing stupid. I went passed a undercover work looing cop truck and had the book thrown at me.
I never even had to get POINTS involved. I went down and talked to a crown prosecutor and they reduced it to a improper lane change. $140 and 2 demerits or something.
If i had used POINTS they may have been able to do even better.
If you record is as good as you say it is then that plays a big role in court. I wouldnt worry to much about it....Just admit you were a idiot and lesson learned.

And finally seeing as everyone is taking sides as to he is a idiot for speeding or everyone does it I think i have to go with the "im sure everyone has done it at some point".

02-08-2009, 08:28 PM

They'll represent you and get your ticket/fine reduced!

170kms/h on a 110 highway isn't that bad man. At that speed I was just getting warmed up during the Banff cruise this past summer. ;)

Depends on the circumstance too. If OP was weaving in and out of traffic and just being a dick on the road, then sure he deserves it. Otherwise, not speeding or varying your speed on the QE2 and going exactly 110kms is a bigger hazard aka falling asleep at the wheel from being bored!! :zzz:

02-08-2009, 08:28 PM
beyond always just jumps on the gun for speeding....

Everyone has done it on this site.... I could venture a guess that 80% of members have hit+50 on a highway.. You were just caught. Get a lawyer and get proper advice.

02-08-2009, 11:52 PM
Originally posted by ruggedboy
then I must be the real idiot.

:thumbsup: Thanks for proving my point without having to respond to you.

Here is some constructive criticism, go buy some anal lube...you are going to need it... :D

02-09-2009, 12:18 AM
Originally posted by IRL

:thumbsup: Thanks for proving my point without having to respond to you.

Here is some constructive criticism, go buy some anal lube...you are going to need it... :D

IRL, you should of said: Here is a unconstructive advice,...

#1 You said SOME constructive criticism but you didn't give me any criticism or even multiple criticisms. You only gaved me an advice.

#2 You just responded to me.

02-09-2009, 02:59 AM
ya i got caught going 171km/h going to edmonton
when i went to court they gave me a $1500 ticket n 4 points off
so ya i learned my lesson
i didnt have a lawyer but i suggest u get one for like $500 cuz he will reduce your fine down to like $500

02-09-2009, 08:58 AM
Originally posted by dj_rice
First dibs on his G35

first dibs on your shitty, overpriced, FWD, depreciating wannabe luxury Honda

02-09-2009, 09:04 AM
Originally posted by Generic

first dibs on your shitty, overpriced, FWD, depreciating wannabe luxury Honda

Because I'm sure what you drive is far superior, right?

02-09-2009, 10:34 AM
Originally posted by LilDrunkenSmurf

Because I'm sure what you drive is far superior, right?

LOL. I have better taste then an Acura TL, smurf.

02-09-2009, 10:52 AM
Acura TL is a decent vehicle for the average person. Not all people can afford Lexus and "Bimmers".

And what exactly is your taste that you drive?

02-09-2009, 10:56 AM
Originally posted by LilDrunkenSmurf
Acura TL is a decent vehicle for the average person. Not all people can afford Lexus and "Bimmers".

And what exactly is your taste that you drive?

unless you get an "M", BMW is overrated. and unless it has an "F", Lexus is dull.

02-09-2009, 10:57 AM
Great. What do you drive?

02-09-2009, 10:58 AM
Originally posted by ruggedboy
Well it is hard sometimes in the highway not to pull that speed with my car. :rofl: Worst excuse ever. I can do that in third gear on the bike, and yet, I don't have a single speeding ticket :banghead:

02-09-2009, 11:53 AM
Originally posted by ruggedboy

Can you guys help me? I need some opinions.

I got caught speeding from driving back to Edmonton from Calgary in Airdrie. I didn't have much high way driving experience and It was my first time driving to and from Calgary.

Well I got caught speeding at 172 km/h in a 110/km/h so I have a mandatory court date so that's 6 demerits. I also got a ticket for driving to close so that's 4 demerits. I was in a rush and wanted to get back to Edmonton. I know I am wrong and this is a painful lesson.

My driving record is pretty clean until now. I only had 1 accident about 6 yrs ago and now I don't really know what I can do with those tickets and demerits I got off.

What is my expected increase in insurance premium? Is it possible to get any demerits taken off? I just request this AMA proactive/defense driving course that claims it will take off 3 demerits.

Should I talk with a Lawyer? I was getting a bike in Calgary and now I don't even know if this will affect my bike insurance a lot.

Very well done - running 172km/h @ 110h/km. If the government going to suspend your driver's license, we will lose some big income from your speeding tickets :rofl:

02-09-2009, 12:47 PM
when i used pointts, if i took responsibility of said ticket (ie paid, and plead guilty) i could have had another party suing my ass, as well as getting my license revoked (i was on GDL at the time, and i was on my last couple demerits).

I WILL NOT, go into details about the situation, but pointts, got the entire ticket removed (no fine, and no demerits).
ie. innocent of offense.

Cost me $300ish i think, but was well worth it.
Im sure you'd benefit as well.

02-09-2009, 12:55 PM
Originally posted by LilDrunkenSmurf
Great. What do you drive?

from toronto, im guessing an early 90's calvalier with 2 white stripes.

02-09-2009, 01:05 PM
Originally posted by gretz

from toronto, im guessing an early 90's calvalier with 2 white stripes.

actually bro its a 1992 180! its so sick!!111! oh and a secret.... an '86 monster. Its under wraps though bro!

02-09-2009, 01:14 PM
I love how you completely ream other people's vehicles, yet you completely avoid the question. Very classy in itself. Your what makes beyond so entertaining these days.

02-09-2009, 03:18 PM
Originally posted by LilDrunkenSmurf
I love how you completely ream other people's vehicles, yet you completely avoid the question. Very classy in itself. Your what makes beyond so entertaining these days.
He still drives the same 2001 Mercedes his mommy bought for him for finally leaving home (though he has moved back in since several times)

02-09-2009, 03:33 PM
Originally posted by Toma

He still drives the same 2001 Mercedes his mommy bought for him for finally leaving home (though he has moved back in since several times)

ew who drives an 01 Merc?

02-09-2009, 03:35 PM
Originally posted by LilDrunkenSmurf
Your what makes beyond so entertaining these days. You're also helping :poosie: :D

02-09-2009, 03:46 PM
I like to push buttons. On the grammar Nazi's or otherwise. It's funny, I usually try to watch that on here as well. Haha. Good catch, although I'm sure if you didn't someone else would. :D

02-09-2009, 03:50 PM
Originally posted by LilDrunkenSmurf
I like to push buttons. On the grammar Nazi's or otherwise. It's funny, I usually try to watch that on here as well. Haha. Good catch, although I'm sure if you didn't someone else would. :D You have one unnecessary apostrophe and you're missing one comma. I'll give you a B+ :D

02-09-2009, 04:01 PM
Originally posted by ruggedboy

Can you guys help me? I need some opinions.

I got caught speeding from driving back to Edmonton from Calgary in Airdrie. I didn't have much high way driving experience and It was my first time driving to and from Calgary.

Well I got caught speeding at 172 km/h in a 110/km/h so I have a mandatory court date so that's 6 demerits. I also got a ticket for driving to close so that's 4 demerits. I was in a rush and wanted to get back to Edmonton. I know I am wrong and this is a painful lesson.

My driving record is pretty clean until now. I only had 1 accident about 6 yrs ago and now I don't really know what I can do with those tickets and demerits I got off.

What is my expected increase in insurance premium? Is it possible to get any demerits taken off? I just request this AMA proactive/defense driving course that claims it will take off 3 demerits.

Should I talk with a Lawyer? I was getting a bike in Calgary and now I don't even know if this will affect my bike insurance a lot.

Yeh get a lawyer, he will get you off with no demerits, don't sweat it. Everybody makes mistakes, just learn from it.

02-09-2009, 04:30 PM
Originally posted by Generic

actually bro its a 1992 180! its so sick!!111! oh and a secret.... an '86 monster. Its under wraps though bro!

No, no - the 86 is a "monster", no secret here - under wraps? - its my daily driver - typical beyond stupids

Off with no demerits

Your licence will be suspended without a lawyer, they will let you know ahead of time what outcome you are to expect

02-09-2009, 05:02 PM
All the people that are saying the OP's license should be taken away have obviously never driven on the QE2. If they have, then they would know that driving at 170 kph is similar to driving 110 kph on Crowchild since the flow of traffic is going at least 140 - 145.

Its too bad you were nailed, but if you speed you have to prepare for any tickets should you get busted.

Go talk to a traffic defence lawyer for some advice but if it were me I would contest the following too close ticket for sure. Its a ticket that is wide open for interpretation (just like stunting tickets). Here is a snippet from the HTA:

82(1) No driver shall follow another vehicle more closely than is
reasonable and prudent, having due regard for
(a) the speed of the vehicles,
(b) the amount and nature of traffic on the highway, and
(c) the condition of the highway.

02-09-2009, 05:16 PM
so how much for the G35 when your lic. gets taken away? PM me when you are ready to sell

02-09-2009, 10:21 PM
KyleTA make me an offer. I will see if I will sell it at that price. 2005 Athens Blue Infiniti G35 Coupe with 54000 km, second owner.

Anyways I had a call from POINTTS and he said he could get me off and said my license won't get suspended but nothing is guranteed. I think I am looking at 0 to 4 demerits off from what POINTTS told me from their experience.

Anyways if there are people looking at this threat in a month I will let you guys know how it went.

Wish me good luck, and don't speed and drive carefully!

See you in a month.

02-09-2009, 11:30 PM
pm sent

02-16-2009, 04:34 AM
whats with all the hate for the poor guy? especially from all of you saying you hope he gets his license taken away. nobody on here can claim theyve never gone too fast and if you do thats bullshit. youve just been lucky enough to not get caught.

good luck with youre case bud. the points guys do a pretty good job.

02-16-2009, 07:59 AM
definitely go grab a lawyer, better to pay them a lumpsum now rather than being raped by insurance rates and the fine later on. I got a pretty bad ticket for leaving the scene of an accident (hit a metal a fence outside my house, left the car and walked home to talk to parents/call police, unfortunately a neighbour informed the police before we could....bam mandatory court appearance)

anyways, lawyer handles everything, dont have to go to court, u just get a call later saying waht they've reduced it to, and if you want to push it harder u can make them push the case even further to test your luck....i think in the end i eventually paid ~1200 for a fine and lawyer fees. but it sure as hell was a big headache off my back...

02-16-2009, 11:20 AM
I also recommend hiring a lawyer. It'll be expensive but definitely be worth your while in this case. Especially if you got caught in Ponoka - that's where the majority of tickets seem to be given out and I don't know anyone who's fought them successfully on their own.

And as for the excessive speed, there are many people here who have driven that fast and have just been fortunate enough not to get caught. It's not hard to get going that fast when the left lane opens up. And if the idiots in the left lane would actually yield to faster traffic, there wouldn't be as much "following too close". But that's a whole other issue - see here:


02-16-2009, 11:24 AM
^^^ If you got caught in Ponoka, you're gonna be fucked regardless, lawyer or not.

02-16-2009, 11:59 AM
Some many asshats with their "holier than thou" attitude, Jesus H Christ.

But I have to ask, how did you not notice a Sheriff's vehicle?!

When I was working out of Fort St. John (~9.5/10 hr drive), I'd speed the whole way their probably doing 160ish. From Edmonton <-> Fort St. John there was little to no traffic but oddly enough, plenty of sheriffs out for a stroll; 0 tickets after 6 trips.

Pay attention if you're going to speed and be respectful to the people that choose not to!! :rofl:...passes a sheriff...

02-16-2009, 12:21 PM
Originally posted by rage2
^^^ If you got caught in Ponoka, you're gonna be fucked regardless, lawyer or not.

how so?

02-16-2009, 01:23 PM
Originally posted by rumeo

how so?

They're pretty strict up there with speeders.

IIRC, this guy said he was doing 172km.h in AIRDRIE :facepalm:

This is why we're all being holier than thou. Sure I've gone plenty fast on desolate secondary highways, in the middle of nowhere, but going that fast in Airdrie? :facepalm: :facepalm: for him.