View Full Version : National Geographic: The Whale that Exploded

D'z Nutz
02-08-2009, 06:32 PM
Haha, I'm watching this right now and it's gotta be the grossest documentary I've ever seen:





Weird that I've never heard about this until now:

Just a heads up for people who might find this interesting (BCS, I'm looking at you!) :barf:

02-08-2009, 06:35 PM
Double you tee EF.

The only exploding whale I've heard of is that one that was blown up on the beach...and then pieces started raining down on people in the area.


02-09-2009, 05:55 AM
Looks really gross, I think no need to watch more. I'm full, thanks! :thumbsdow lol

02-09-2009, 07:33 AM
Seen these pics on the net a loooooong time ago but its neat to see the documentary. That white car with the blood looks pretty awesome, I'd like to just drive around with blood on my car all the time.

02-09-2009, 07:45 AM
That was awesome! Could you imagine going back out to your scooter and have it a foot deep in intestine. :rofl:

02-09-2009, 08:45 AM
As I saw that first pic I was like, 'I wish the whale had a Predator-like self-destruct device that, upon detonation, sends bone fragment flying in all directions to fuck up some near by humans.' Then I read:

Passers-by and cars were soaked in blood and body parts were sprayed over a road after the bursting of the whale, which was being carried on a trailer.
That made me LMAO for a few minutes, a nice small bit of revenge from the whale.

Too much funny shit in that scene. Like look how far back the spray fest goes, the pics don't even show all of it. Classy, how they decide that it's fine to drag the tail on the ground for the whole trip like primitives. Also, most marine biologists do autopsy work on the beach. Analyzing the stomach contents is top 3 on the priority list, these fucking guys just let it spoil and dump onto a city street, hahaha amateurs.

02-09-2009, 11:37 AM
Originally posted by D'z Nutz

Just a heads up for people who might find this interesting (BCS, I'm looking at you!) :barf:

Hahaha, guilty as charged! :D I remember reading about this and seeing those pics back when it happened, I'll see if I can find a download for it anywhere.

D'z Nutz
02-09-2009, 12:04 PM
Haha, I think the best line in the show was when the Chinese journalist said that people were panicking and thought it was a terrorist attack or the US was developing "Weapons of Whale Mass Destruction"! If that's not paranoia, I don't know what is :rofl: