View Full Version : some help?

02-09-2009, 08:11 PM
I today got into a car accident and got a due care ticket for going through a yellow light and hit a person driving taking a left across my lane of traffic in the intersection. He also had a yellow light. the other driver did not get a ticket but i did. i would think he was liable just for the accident. there were no witnesses besides my girlfriend who was with me and she could say the same thing. Is it worth to fight this in court with my honest story? or take the ticket? What is due care? how many points?

Im thinking the cop wanted to pin point this accident on someone and of course it would be a 21 year old being blamed instead of a 30 year old guy in a buisness suite taking notes. Any help from anyone would be much appreciated

02-09-2009, 08:15 PM
Driving with undue care and attention is a pretty big one, theres a list of demerit points, google it. Usually the person turning gets an undue care and attention, not the person going straight thru. Youre saying he was at a light, taking a left turn at the intersection you were going thru? How does that work, if you have a yellow, they have a red....or did he change lanes in front of you?

explain more

draw a picture

02-09-2009, 08:19 PM
This is also Calgary Alberta. Not Byron Minnesota.

02-09-2009, 08:23 PM
yes you have it correct it was a rainy day and i was going the speed limit up to a busy intersection the light turned yellow and i knew i could not stop. and this guy was already in the turning lane seeing it turned yellow so he had to cross my lane and yeild to on coming traffic to take his left. because i was only just going straight through it. So i just hit his back right of his car and my car is totalled. But the cops came and had me push my car down to a parking lot while they waited for the tow truck and thats when i think the other guy was talking shit about what happend. I really dont think this is right. The cop explained to me that the DUE ticket was because i did not have control of my car. which i dont no anyone that even seen the accident that could even say that!

02-09-2009, 08:25 PM
Originally posted by Kona9
This is also Calgary Alberta. Not Byron Minnesota.

I didnt notice that one, haha why do i never look at people's locations :eek:

02-09-2009, 08:38 PM

02-09-2009, 08:40 PM
Originally posted by thegoodolboys

Well, come on guy, dont you think canadas rules of the road are slightly different? Find a site that atleast covers U.S. rules.