View Full Version : Help your Paramedics.....

02-23-2009, 05:29 PM
As some of you know, I'm a Paramedic working here in Calgary. My job is dynamic, dangerous, stressful and rewarding. I'm currently going through the most uncertain time in my (so far) 11 year career; the Provincial EMS takeover. This transition has been long in the making, but only recent in the execution. We currently stand to be taken over on April 1 of THIS YEAR, and still have not heard anything about the following:

Where will I work?
How will my duties be affected (no, its not just "driving an ambulance")
Who are my superiors?
Will I be laid off and re-hired (at a significantly reduced rate of pay)?
Will our responsibilites suddenly include "hallway paramedicine"?

I know this may not mean very much to many of you, I also know many of you are not supportive of Unions in any form. I grew up knowing what the provincial government could do to any of their employees at any time, my mother is a nurse, and was laid off no less than 5 times through government "restructuring", the SAME government that has placed Calgarians in the position they currently suffer with the lack of hospitals, long waits, and Doctor/Nurse shortage. Unfortunately, we NEED a union to provide us a voice, and the power to be able look out for the interests of MYSELF, and the PUBLIC.

Currently we stand to likely be lumped into one of the following 4 unions, UNA (nurses), UNA (auxiliary nursing), HSAA (RT's, physiotherapy, radiology, housekeeping, etc), or AUPE (general support staff).

Why is this a problem you ask? Well, Paramedics don't fit into any of those particular groups, my job borders between 1. Healthcare, and 2. Public Safety. As a Paramedic I can do any of the following:
- perform a surgical airway in the field
- perform rapid sequence intubation in the field
- electronically and chemically stop and restart your heart
- administer over 100 critical and symptomatic relief medications at any time (without physician orders....this ain't no hospital!)
- deliver baby's in your living room, and alternatively pronounce death in the same space :sad:
- work on the side of icy roads in any weather, light, and for any length of time
- step into crack houses, domestics, shootings, stabbings. deal with animals, psychiatric crisis, any number of communicable diseases DAILY
- work entire 14 hour shifts with no break, no food, and still get overtime (yes, it happens often)
- the list goes on.....

So what am I saying? We are unique, our environment is unique, our training is unique, our responsibilities are unique, and as such we NEED to be able to represent ourselves when across the table from the Government/Alberta Health Services, not somebody who could be a Recreational Therapist, or Food Service Technician.

Please, check out this website, read the print, watch the ads, and forward the letter to your MLA showing your support for Paramedics representing Paramedics with a 5th bargaining unit, it would mean the world to me.


Thanks for reading, and please please ask anything if you've misunderstood something, or I've been a poor communicator...:) Remember, we're here to help YOU

02-23-2009, 05:37 PM
I'm all for supporting you guys, and I hope a lot of the CPS membership will be backing you fully. You all enter into much the same dangerous, unpredictable work areas that we do and without the tools and powers we do, which I have a great deal of respect for.

Here is to hoping it all works out for you guys, you know I'm backing you all 100%!

02-23-2009, 05:50 PM
Thank you! I probably know you, I spent the last 2 years working the same area as you!

02-23-2009, 06:43 PM
Sent the letter. Give em hell!

02-23-2009, 08:08 PM
I have no idea who my MLA is?:facepalm:

willing to help, if you guys can help me out lol

EDIT: Letter sent, Good Luck!

02-23-2009, 08:10 PM
Originally posted by phil98z24
I talk with you guys quite frequently, seeing as I work District 1 and we seem to have a very close relationship with EMS - and from what I can tell, there is a culture of poor treatment and BS that your management, and now the province, seems to be foisting upon you.

I'm all for supporting you guys, and I hope a lot of the CPS membership will be backing you fully. You all enter into much the same dangerous, unpredictable work areas that we do and without the tools and powers we do, which I have a great deal of respect for.

Here is to hoping it all works out for you guys, you know I'm backing you all 100%!


Paramedics face an enormous challenge and do a fantastic job - first responders working for EMS deserve just as much credit as their Fire and Police counterparts.

I think I speak for all of Beyond when I say we've got your back! :thumbsup:


Originally posted by rumeo
I have no idea who my MLA is?:facepalm:

willing to help, if you guys can help me out lol


I thought I was the only one! :rofl:

02-23-2009, 09:01 PM
Will be having a word with my MLA.

02-23-2009, 09:08 PM
letter sent. Hope everything works out, either way keep beyond updated!

D'z Nutz
02-23-2009, 11:23 PM
Someone wanna blog this?

02-23-2009, 11:40 PM
As a paramedic myself may I suggest the other side. Visit www.strongertogether.ca.

02-24-2009, 07:57 AM
The story made today's Sun:


EK 2.0
02-24-2009, 08:30 AM
I got your back mang...

02-24-2009, 10:03 AM
Calgary EMS was amazing with my dad before I lost him to cancer.. I have never seen such care and professionalism... I back you 100%.

02-24-2009, 11:47 PM
It sucks you guys are going from one crappy situation ( city classification as unskilled workers ) to the province now. I seriously think you are the most under paid emegency workers that we have. You are worth more than us or matress-backs because of got skills. Instead the city values bylaw officers more. I fear what the province will do to you.

02-25-2009, 12:11 AM
I'm with you....looking to be working hand in hand with you guys soon :thumbsup:

Rat Fink
02-25-2009, 12:16 AM

02-25-2009, 04:23 PM
Thanks all for the support!

02-25-2009, 04:30 PM
Originally posted by doublet
As a paramedic myself may I suggest the other side. Visit www.strongertogether.ca.

This isn't about staying with CUPE, going to HSAA, or anything like that. If you read the site, you will realize we are asking for a 5th bargaining unit, not one of the 4 you are currently associated with. The point is have Paramedics representing Paramedics, with a Paramedic-centric union, similar to the Nurses right now.

You would be wise to get on board :), unless you want to stay lumped in with massage therapists, radiologists, lab assistants, child care workers, cooks, electricians, glassware attendant, seating technician, etc......

Lets work together to get this 5th bargaining unit first, then lets decide who or where we'll end up....I'm not here to argue which union is better

Canadian 2.5RS
02-25-2009, 08:28 PM
Would EMTs be in the same union as EMT-P? Who's included in the new union?

02-25-2009, 11:23 PM
I hear you, and I support you .... as you well know I work the other side of the radio. I am trying to remain optimistic that the province will maintain the status quo, or even maintain a semblance of consistency with regards to how things will run. But given that they keep moving deadlines, such as the one announcing dispatch centers (we were supposed to know Nov 30 and to date we only know who won't be doing it), it's hard to keep believing.

Plus, in centers where Fire and EMS are integrated, like Cochrane, Airdrie, Medicine Hat, Lethbridge, and Red Deer, not to mention a lot of others, the province is not gaining any friends. Alberta Health Services has said that cross-trained FF/EMTs must do one job or the other, not both, when on shift for AHS. So all these agencies where firefighter-medics are rotated thru the ambulance on a regular basis are looking at having to hire additional staff who are solely paramedics in order to satisfy AHS's requirements ... especially considering AHS has told agencies that AHS will not be ready for April 1, and agencies will have to continue on with providing EMS, in some cases "for the next 18 to 24 months" !

Originally posted by TurboMedic
- work entire 14 hour shifts with no break, no food, and still get overtime (yes, it happens often)

When you're done typing all this up, I need coverage in the core. :rofl:

02-26-2009, 01:51 PM
You're lucky I like the core...haha

02-26-2009, 01:52 PM
Originally posted by Canadian 2.5RS
Would EMTs be in the same union as EMT-P? Who's included in the new union?

Yes, and they currently are too, and we are the only ones in our union local (not all of CUPE).

03-16-2009, 01:05 PM
I didnt see this post till now. First of all when CUPE realizes were not all paramedics but EMS professionals maybe I will take them more serious. As EMS professionals includes EMT-p, EMT-A and EMR's. That and I work in a ver dynamic situation as some would call my serive rural but with 3600 calls a year and 3 full- time ambulances and the biggest coverage area in western canada we put up bigger numbers than reddeer for calls per ambulance. But when it comes bargaing time Calgary and Edmonton seem to hold all the chips and couldn't care less what happens to their EMT's let alone "Rural services".

That and be careful what you wish for, if everyone gets a vote in a new union Emt-a will have the ultimate power as we out number you. Which I don't think is right when it comes to Specific Als problems but it is what will happen.

Oh and by the way I found out about what was happening with my service over 3 months ago,it would have been the job of your union steward to tell you what was happening but I guess they left you out of the loop not the Province.

05-18-2009, 10:28 PM
You got my support. I'm an emr that's worked on the rigs and one day I may upgrade to paramedic. One love

Jim Rome99
08-06-2009, 04:56 PM
What kind of money do paramedics make?