View Full Version : New traffic fines causing problems?

10-15-2003, 10:23 AM
Just thought of something regarding all those pedestrians that are getting hit by cars (another car-pedestrian accident last night in Midnapore). Recently the fines for failing to stop for pedestrians at a crosswalk have gone up from $60 to $500 as well as the demerits. This stiff fine should have increased crosswalk safety, but I am wondering if pedestrians that know about this fine increase have an increased sense of security thinking "oh, that car will stop for me, its $500 now!" as they step in front of a speeding car like someone on a suicide mission.

Hmm... weird shit, 14 pedestrian-vehicle "accidents" so far this year compared to 3 last year.

10-15-2003, 10:31 AM
interesting. well maybe there is just a dumb drug being slipped into the water. No that wouldnt make sence, or would it. people driving crazier and pedestrians getting their walk on in a more funkified manor. But on a more serious note, you could well be right.

We dont have these problems in edmonton, rather we worry about gang shootings, of which there have been quite a few in the last couple months.

10-15-2003, 10:37 AM
I'm baffled personally. I don't think Calgary drivers are THAT much worse than last year, so much so that pedestrians are dying en masse. I wonder if the sunset had anything to do with these, i.e driving into the sun you can't see shit let alone a person standing waiting to cross. Anyone's who's driven West on 17th ave out of downtown around sunset can probably relate.

10-15-2003, 10:43 AM
The cops were interviewed on the radio yesterday, and they have no clue why there's so many Vehicle vs Pedestrian accidents. They're looking into it. In the meantime, they released this PR.

In light the recent serious car / pedestrian collisions,
Calgary EMS provides the following safety tips for drivers
and pedestrians:

- ALWAYS look both ways before crossing the street and ensure
it is safe to cross
- exercise caution at crossings where other cars have stopped
or pedestrian crossing indicators have been activated
- do not cross the street in the middle of the block
- use street corners and marked crosswalks, activate
pedestrian crossing indicators where possible
- do not cross the street from between parked cars; drivers
may not see you in time and may be unable to stop
- be sure that ALL lanes of traffic have stopped before
crossing the street
- make eye contact with drivers when crossing - this ensures
you see the driver and the driver sees you
- NEVER assume that, as a pedestrian, having the right of way
makes it safe to cross the street. It does not matter if you
had the right of way or not, if you are dead.

Drivers and pedestrians can each play a role preventing
further collisions and subsequent injuries. These injuries
are preventable.

10-15-2003, 10:50 AM
Natural Selection...people assume too much. Sure in like 99% of the time the driver is at fault (even iff the pedestrian was a tool), but come on...

I know the one yesterday was bad, cars were stopped and the loser woman drove around and smoked the mother/daughter combo. No sympathy there for the driver, hope she burns, but other times like the losers on 17th ave that walk at a quick pace, reach the crosswalk, and step out without a change in speed or looking, and thats IF they even USE the crosswalk. As far as I'm concerned, those people deserve it...you gotta be pretty gosh damn stupid to pull that move off. Use your head, its crowded and the sun is low in the sky. I always think about the driver when I'm a pedestrian.

They are on a blitz now starting thursday watching for drivers not yeilding, and jaywalkers.

10-15-2003, 11:01 AM
ooh no, there lookin in to it!! at frikin tim hortons?? how do they look in to it?? go interview the ppl?? stand on street corners? that makes me feel safe!!! aaaaaaaah i hate em alll

10-15-2003, 11:05 AM
Originally posted by HTN SWCHS
ooh no, there lookin in to it!! at frikin tim hortons?? how do they look in to it?? go interview the ppl?? stand on street corners? that makes me feel safe!!! aaaaaaaah i hate em alll

That's very useful, thanks for your input.:thumbsdow And yes, they probably are interviewing the people who got smoked and standing on the street corners, how the hell else would they do it professor? Ask little birdies on the powerlines what they saw??

10-15-2003, 11:20 AM
Originally posted by B17a

Ask little birdies on the powerlines what they saw??



10-15-2003, 12:55 PM
i hate pedestrians, they are so stupid! honestly i think something got in the tap water cause all pedestrians got a shit load stupider this year! i have never seen so much incompetence... EVER. christ when people on these forums are complaining you know somethings wrong. id say 60% of the people on here are way better than your average driver

average driver = soccor moms :D

10-15-2003, 02:02 PM
Good thread kenny !! I haven't seen much of the actual facts reported. Were the drivers running through the cross walks,or were the peds crossing illegally ??
Perhaps a combination of new drivers, inattentive pedestrians,visibility impaired by the sun ??
I've noticed some of the crossings are poorly marked with faded paint.

Whatever the reasons, some common sense by pedestrians and drivers is needed.

10-15-2003, 09:49 PM
Dammit looks like I better respect the pedestrians otherwise Im going to kil lsomeone

10-15-2003, 09:57 PM
Someone on beyond said this, and I quote "Cars should have the right of way NOT pedestrians). Then there won't be anymore pedestrian collisions.

92 Teg-B18A
10-15-2003, 10:00 PM
I was noticing this too, a little weird me thinks...

10-16-2003, 04:36 PM
when i was a kid and i stepped into the streets i was taught that i was taking my life in my hands. (okay I'm from Africa - i had a lot to worry about growing up....)
Never expect a car to stop! I will teach my kids the same respect for a car that i grew up with.

The mindset - oh the car will stop for me is bull! The damn things weighs on average 3000lbs and is solid unlike me.
This new blitz that they are going to start - I smell a lot of entrapment fines for innocent motorists!

10-16-2003, 07:11 PM

10-16-2003, 10:26 PM
Originally posted by kaput
I disagree with pretty much all of you. This is the second thread I've seen bashing pedestrians and blaming them for the accidents. Sure is hard to tell this is a car forum :rolleyes:

I'll agree that if your walking across a street, you need to take responsibility and make sure it's safe, but cars move MUCH faster than people do. It's impossible to keep track of every vehicle that could turn into a crosswalk because in the time it takes to shoulder check behind you, everything ahead of you has the potential to change.

See that's the wrong way to think about it. You think a pedestrian has more to think about than the drivers? That's just silly. We could all make an enormous list of things drivers have to think about, and that's on top of the fact their piloting a few thousand lbs vehicle. If something unexpected happens the room for an evasive manouver is very tight. As a pedastrain all you have to worry about is your own ass, and given the resent events I think that's the best reccomendation for all pedestrains, watch your own ass.

10-16-2003, 10:57 PM
Originally posted by rx7_turbo2

See that's the wrong way to think about it. You think a pedestrian has more to think about than the drivers? That's just silly. We could all make an enormous list of things drivers have to think about, and that's on top of the fact their piloting a few thousand lbs vehicle. If something unexpected happens the room for an evasive manouver is very tight. As a pedastrain all you have to worry about is your own ass, and given the resent events I think that's the best reccomendation for all pedestrains, watch your own ass.


Around Churchill HS, you see those Highschool kids walk across the street when the light has been green for ages. They have a death wish.... it seems to be getting that way at the University too! I am not saying all vehicle/pedestrian accidents are the fault of the pedestrian, but some are. People just take the Pedestrians have the right of way thing way out of hand. I was taught that even if you had the right of way, look first anyway. It only takes a few seconds and can save your ass. I see people who just look straight and not notice their surroundings when they cross. People both in cars and in crosswalks just have to pay more attention.

10-16-2003, 10:58 PM

10-16-2003, 11:05 PM

10-16-2003, 11:06 PM
Originally posted by rx7_turbo2

See that's the wrong way to think about it. You think a pedestrian has more to think about than the drivers? That's just silly. We could all make an enormous list of things drivers have to think about, and that's on top of the fact their piloting a few thousand lbs vehicle. If something unexpected happens the room for an evasive manouver is very tight. As a pedastrain all you have to worry about is your own ass, and given the resent events I think that's the best reccomendation for all pedestrains, watch your own ass.

I agree with this guy....lol I have been a driving instructor in the past for a total of 4yrs and I've seen just about everything. What it comes down to is human error. It doesn't matter if you are a pedestrian, driving a car, a bike or whatever else some retards take out onto the street, if you are human then you WILL make a mistake once in awhile and sometimes it will result in an accident, period! The experts always say "it was preventable" no shit, just about every accident is preventable but the only thing we can do is try our best and pay as much attention as possible and hopfully nothing will happen to you. :)

10-16-2003, 11:11 PM
Supply & Demand?

You could say because of such increase in pedestrian getting hit, we really need stiffer fines and punishment. The more ppl we hit, the higher our fines will raise?

10-16-2003, 11:13 PM
Originally posted by Superesc
Supply & Demand?

You could say because of such increase in pedestrian getting hit, we really need stiffer fines and punishment. The more ppl we hit, the higher our fines will raise?

How would that make people pay more attention? The increase to $500 didn't do anything so raising it even more won't do any good. The best thing would be education and more training.

10-16-2003, 11:15 PM
Originally posted by Moonracer

How would that make people pay more attention? The increase to $500 didn't do anything so raising it even more won't do any good. The best thing would be education and more training.

you are right, it won't make ppl pay attention. It just make more money for the government.

10-16-2003, 11:27 PM
Originally posted by Superesc

you are right, it won't make ppl pay attention. It just make more money for the government.

True and we don't need our insurance going back up right after it goes down here in a bit either, I hope!.....lol

10-16-2003, 11:40 PM
If you take the "right" of way away from the pedestrains you will find they will pay WAY more attention, and that's what needs to happen. Don't get me wrong drivers need to pay more attention as well, and I think the current raise in fines has helped that. If you can find a way to make pedestrains pay more attention while allowing them to still have the right of way I'm all ear's. But as far as I'm concerned the only way to end their laxidasical attitude is to revoke their right of way privledges.

10-16-2003, 11:52 PM
Originally posted by kenny
Just thought of something regarding all those pedestrians that are getting hit by cars (another car-pedestrian accident last night in Midnapore). Recently the fines for failing to stop for pedestrians at a crosswalk have gone up from $60 to $500 as well as the demerits. This stiff fine should have increased crosswalk safety, but I am wondering if pedestrians that know about this fine increase have an increased sense of security thinking "oh, that car will stop for me, its $500 now!" as they step in front of a speeding car like someone on a suicide mission.

Hmm... weird shit, 14 pedestrian-vehicle "accidents" so far this year compared to 3 last year.

I think kenny hit it right on the head People know it's a $500 fine for not stopping so they figure everyone is going to stop

10-16-2003, 11:58 PM
Originally posted by RSRT-4

I think kenny hit it right on the head People know it's a $500 fine for not stopping so they figure everyone is going to stop

Oh come on....lol go poll 100 pedestrians, ones that drive and ones that don't, and see how many of them have even heard of that fine going up. Then of the ones who do know about it, ask them if they thought about the fine just before they crossed the road and felt safer about it. I'm sure the percentages would be low!

10-17-2003, 09:54 AM
what ever happened to looking both ways before crossing the street?

haha what about raising your arm out and then crossing.

10-17-2003, 10:17 AM
Originally posted by Moonracer

Oh come on....lol go poll 100 pedestrians, ones that drive and ones that don't, and see how many of them have even heard of that fine going up. Then of the ones who do know about it, ask them if they thought about the fine just before they crossed the road and felt safer about it. I'm sure the percentages would be low!

I am pretty sure a large percentage of pedestrians know about the fine going up.. and they don't actively think about the fine going up when they cross, but maybe subconciously?

10-17-2003, 12:37 PM
Tip for pedestrians, if you're at an intersection or crossing where you can't keep track of all the cars coming, DON'T FUCKING CROSS THERE! Common sense.

Today I saw two very stupid things, a truck turning from heritage onto mcleod decided not to stop for a pedestrian who had already set a foot on the road.

Second, two stupid fucking bitches that don't look both ways when they cross the street, they just hit the button and assumed the cars would stop, it must have been two seconds b/w pushing the crosswalk button and stepping on the road. Cars are supposed to stop, that doesn't mean they will, people need to smarten up.

10-17-2003, 11:59 PM
a guy on rollerblades decides to cross the street when his sign said "dont walk" while i was turning left, i was less than 1 foot from hittin him since it was dark and the fucker has the balls to finger me? holy shit i was so tempted to step otuta my car with my baseball bat, i was so pissed.

fuck it, i say open season on these fuckin retards!

10-20-2003, 08:11 PM
Ok, today i almost hit 2 of the dumbest fuckin pedestrians ever, both at same interesection, both at different times.
corner of sarcee and richmond turning into westhills, light goes green, i look for cars going threw, decide to go, a good 3 seconds after green, then all of a sudden, a kid on a bike, decides to go threw intersection when its said dont walk solid for a good 3-5seconds, and almost runs into my fuckin car, hes not only supposed to not go at this time, hes supposed to walk his bike across not ride...second, same situation, a fuckin pedestrian decides to run across when it turns green. WTF is wrong with these people, no wonder so many people are gettin hit, their being fuckin retards. Sorry for this, just venting, really pissed off at dumb people like this, i say we have it like quebec where the pedestrians yield to the cars, not cars yielding to them, we wouldnt have all this careless crossing people are doing.