View Full Version : Protestor Flings Flip Flop Into Crowd Outside of Bush Speech. Gets Arrested

03-18-2009, 07:49 PM
Not really sure why the original thread was deleted, but discuss:


I have nothing against people protesting intelligently, maturely and presenting themselves and their arguments coherently. I'm sure I would agree with him on most points concerning GW and his presidency if we sat down and spoke rationally over a cup of coffee.

But a middle aged man flinging a a flip flop into a crowd of people? What does this accomplish? If anything, he's being counterproductive to his cause. It's so much easier to be dismissive of these people when they act like that, even if they may have valid points.

Even worse than the guy trying to organize a protest against Condoleezza Rice because... er, well... uh, um err.... because, I think, well, actually, in the Iraq, um.... because she's eeeevill!!

03-18-2009, 07:52 PM
I think it was a humorous attempt to bring light to the shoe incident in iraq. It was harmless IMO and not worth an arrest. They were going to let him go, but then somebody insede the building told them to arrest him. Can we keep the stupid comments about "her voice" out of it? The fact is, it was a bullshit arrest, give me a break. Thats like the whole thing where a guy honked his horn and got arrested during the whole red mile thing.

03-18-2009, 07:53 PM
cps making a statement

03-18-2009, 07:54 PM
protesting should be banned, what did those dip shits accomplish today other then wasting their time and the cities time. These dumb people who are always in these should look at getting a job instead of protesting knowing you will not get anything out of it. And when they realize no one cares the idiot in the group shoves a officer or something dumb, immature people with very little intelligence gathered for this.

03-18-2009, 07:55 PM
Originally posted by sr20s14zenki
I think it was a humorous attempt to bring light to the shoe incident in iraq. It was harmless IMO and not worth an arrest. They were going to let him go, but then somebody insede the building told them to arrest him.

But again, all it does is take away from all of his legitimate arguments. All people see is some dork throwing a shoe at a bunch of people.

And why did he even throw it at a group of people to begin with? Would you want some flip flop thrown at you? I know someone who actually attended the event that is vehemently against Bush. Part of political discourse is listening to those you disagree with and gaining a broader perspective, not just isolating yourself with what you want to hear. Far from everyone who attended the event did so because they are pro Bush.

03-18-2009, 07:56 PM
Originally posted by civicrider
protesting should be banned, what did those dip shits accomplish today other then wasting their time and the cities time. These dumb people who are always in these should look at getting a job instead of protesting knowing you will not get anything out of it. And when they realize no one cares the idiot in the group shoves a officer or something dumb, immature people with very little intelligence gathered for this.

He has a job, and most likely makes 3x what you do. Im not 100% on this, but im just making an assumption. Why do you have such a problem with protest? would you have a problem with it if it was something you believed in without a shadow of a doubt? And he didnt throw it at the crowd, he meant to throw it at the building that bush was in apparently.

Its pretty obvious he had the support of the crowd, as they were booing the cops when they arrested him.

03-18-2009, 08:00 PM
Originally posted by civicrider
protesting should be banned.

No it shouldn't, because then we would be living in a totalitarian state. The right to assemble and protest (peacefully) is an important part of a democracy.

That being said, it's a shame that this powerful medium for legitimate political expression is often tainted by people acting frankly, like immature, unintelligent morons.

Anyone see the footage of the march again police brutality in Montreal? How did protesters act? By being violent, how ironic.

03-18-2009, 08:09 PM
Originally posted by sr20s14zenki

He has a job, and most likely makes 3x what you do. Im not 100% on this, but im just making an assumption. Why do you have such a problem with protest? would you have a problem with it if it was something you believed in without a shadow of a doubt? And he didnt throw it at the crowd, he meant to throw it at the building that bush was in apparently.

Its pretty obvious he had the support of the crowd, as they were booing the cops when they arrested him.

of course some people have jobs that were there, and if there was something i believed in and i wanted to do something about it i would not protest as it solves nothing, if you want something done do something more productive, plan something out that might make a difference, because 90% of the time protests bring nothing positive, maybe gives them a feel good but in reality you just wasted your day. Oh and good assumption :thumbsup:

03-19-2009, 04:18 PM
- you can hear a cop say at the end that its just a ticket
- if you think protesting should be banned then move to fucking china
- lastly, i could see why the cops wouldnt want some douche throwin shit, its a peaceful deal and all and like food fights it just takes one shithead to start it

03-19-2009, 04:36 PM
Originally posted by sr20s14zenki
Its pretty obvious he had the support of the crowd, as they were booing the cops when they arrested him. It's pretty obvious that, if you hang out with people who have the same interest as you, you're going to have their support in that interest. I'm pretty sure people who didn't mind GWB being in town weren't going to show up and boo the protestors... they just went to work like normal people.

Birds of a shit-feather, Randy. Birds of a shit-feather.

03-19-2009, 09:33 PM
Originally posted by streetarab
- you can hear a cop say at the end that its just a ticket
- if you think protesting should be banned then move to fucking china
- lastly, i could see why the cops wouldnt want some douche throwin shit, its a peaceful deal and all and like food fights it just takes one shithead to start it

Haha actually they were going to take him to the reman center because he got mixed up with somebody else. Two other guys there were booked for assault, apparently one guy got in a brawl with 3 cops. Anyways, they accidentally booked him for assault, but they looked into it and he was set free.

But seriously guys....its a flipflop.....give me a break. This is like when klein was going to press charges on that student for the pie in the face. Same thing really....somebody showed their discontent for his dealings, made a point, and it got blown WAY out of proportion.

03-19-2009, 09:41 PM
Originally posted by sr20s14zenki
But seriously guys....its a flipflop.....give me a break. This is like when klein was going to press charges on that student for the pie in the face. Same thing really....somebody showed their discontent for his dealings, made a point, and it got blown WAY out of proportion.

You don't get it, do you? Flip flop, a big rock, it doesn't matter. You simply can't throw objects into a crowd of people, regardless of the context, without facing some consequence. It's a behavior that is socially unacceptable. It's the same reason people get ticketed for littering, public urination, etc. Would you want to be standing in line to get into the bar for example and have people flinging objects at you because they don't like that particular establishment? Of course not, and the reason we all expect that people won't randomly throw shit at you is because we maintain and enforce social order.

As far as someone showing discontent, like I said before, there are better ways to do that than acting like a Jr. High student.

All your buddy did is take away from legitimate protests.

03-19-2009, 09:42 PM
Originally posted by badatusrnames

You don't get it, do you? Flip flop, a big rock, it doesn't matter. You simply can't throw objects a people, regardless of the context, without facing some consequence. It's a behavior that is socially unacceptable. It's the same reason people get ticketed for littering, public urination, etc.

As far as someone showing discontent, like I said before, there are better ways to do that than acting like a Jr. High student.

All your buddy did is take away from legitimate protests.

Fair enough, you see it your way and i'll see it mine. I agree to disagree.

03-19-2009, 09:44 PM
the question i have is why did he have a flip flop to begin with? it is not that warm out to have them as acceptable footwear... must be a hippy.... damn hippies :D

03-19-2009, 09:47 PM
Originally posted by sr20s14zenki

Fair enough, you see it your way and i'll see it mine. I agree to disagree.

No! You must accept my point of view! Haha...

03-19-2009, 09:55 PM
Originally posted by badatusrnames

You don't get it, do you? Flip flop, a big rock, it doesn't matter. You simply can't throw objects into a crowd of people, regardless of the context, without facing some consequence. It's a behavior that is socially unacceptable. It's the same reason people get ticketed for littering, public urination, etc. Would you want to be standing in line to get into the bar for example and have people flinging objects at you because they don't like that particular establishment? Of course not, and the reason we all expect that people won't randomly throw shit at you is because we maintain and enforce social order.

As far as someone showing discontent, like I said before, there are better ways to do that than acting like a Jr. High student.

All your buddy did is take away from legitimate protests.
Pussification of Canada.

03-20-2009, 12:02 PM
Originally posted by top_speed

Pussification of Canada.

yes because those tough counties love throwing rocks at random people and causing disturbances, that's where everyone wants to live, hey you know what would make us look less pussy like? Give everyone guns and shoot each other, that would get their point across

03-20-2009, 12:07 PM

03-20-2009, 12:12 PM
Dis vil not be tollerated in das "homeland"

03-20-2009, 12:21 PM
What a tool.

03-20-2009, 02:12 PM
Originally posted by top_speed

Pussification of Canada.

No, it's called the preservation of social order.

So I guess to you, a place like Somalia would be a non-pussy state?

03-20-2009, 03:43 PM
Originally posted by civicrider

yes because those tough counties love throwing rocks at random people and causing disturbances, that's where everyone wants to live, hey you know what would make us look less pussy like? Give everyone guns and shoot each other, that would get their point across

you just went from throwing a flip flop to everyone shooting eachother with guns... good job

Originally posted by badatusrnames

No, it's called the preservation of social order.

So I guess to you, a place like Somalia would be a non-pussy state?

you just made the asumption that if we let someone off that threw a flip flop into a crowd we'd be no better than Somalia. Good job :rolleyes:

03-20-2009, 03:51 PM
Originally posted by BigMass

you just went from throwing a flip flop to everyone shooting eachother with guns... good job
Somalia. Good job :rolleyes:

ha ha your an idiot, he said we were pussies for making a big deal of this, so take it to the extreme "guns" so that must make us more hardcore and tough to satisfy top_speed

03-20-2009, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by civicrider

ha ha your an idiot, he said we were pussies for making a big deal of this, so take it to the extreme "guns" so that must make us more hardcore and tough to satisfy top_speed


03-20-2009, 04:13 PM
what a dumbass. fucking pointless. shoulda just ran afterwards

03-20-2009, 04:14 PM
Originally posted by BigMass
you just made the asumption that if we let someone off that threw a flip flop into a crowd we'd be no better than Somalia. Good job :rolleyes:

Haha, not an assumption, more of an analogy with a big dose of hyperbole thrown in. Do you understand? Or do you only think in literal terms?

Why does everyone take everything so literally around here? What happened to nuance, reading between the lines, analogy, metaphor, etc?

What I was trying to say is that the enforcement of social order and cracking down on anti-social behavior, whether it be fining people for littering, vandalism, infringing on the quality of lives of others, all the way up to prosecution of serious crime is what makes and keeps our society civil and our quality of life high. It is this maintenance and enforcement of social order that helps set us apart from parts of the world where disorder and corruption are rampant. Somalia is an example of the complete opposite end of the spectrum, where civil order has broken down completely and there is no authority or government. Like I said, my comparison was an exaggeration.

No, Canada will not become Somalia if some dude is allowed to hurl a flip flop into a crowd, but part of what keeps our quality of life high is that people are not allowed to infringe upon the quality of life of others without repercussion.

Do you think people should be allowed to do shit like blare their music till 2 AM on a weeknight, throw their garbage wherever they please, vandalize property, etc? Of course not. I also should be able to stand in public with the expectation that someone won't throw a flip flop at me.

03-20-2009, 04:48 PM
Originally posted by badatusrnames

Haha, not an assumption, more of an analogy with a big dose of hyperbole thrown in. Do you understand? Or do you only think in literal terms?

Why does everyone take everything so literally around here? What happened to nuance, reading between the lines, analogy, metaphor, etc?

What I was trying to say is that the enforcement of social order and cracking down on anti-social behavior, whether it be fining people for littering, vandalism, infringing on the quality of lives of others, all the way up to prosecution of serious crime is what makes and keeps our society civil and our quality of life high. It is this maintenance and enforcement of social order that helps set us apart from parts of the world where disorder and corruption are rampant. Somalia is an example of the complete opposite end of the spectrum, where civil order has broken down completely and there is no authority or government. Like I said, my comparison was an exaggeration.

No, Canada will not become Somalia if some dude is allowed to hurl a flip flop into a crowd, but part of what keeps our quality of life high is that people are not allowed to infringe upon the quality of life of others without repercussion.

Do you think people should be allowed to do shit like blare their music till 2 AM on a weeknight, throw their garbage wherever they please, vandalize property, etc? Of course not. I also should be able to stand in public with the expectation that someone won't throw a flip flop at me.

Point taken. However my point is that when someone litters and gets fined, or someone plays loud music at 2am it doesn’t make the 5oclock news. My point was that this in fact is being blown out of proportion.

03-20-2009, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by BigMass

Point taken. However my point is that when someone litters and gets fined, or someone plays loud music at 2am it doesn’t make the 5oclock news. My point was that this in fact is being blown out of proportion.

Yeah totally blown out of proportion. But I just disagree with the people that say he shouldn't have been punished at all. A ticket is right for this guy. Hauling him away in a police van was overkill though.

03-20-2009, 07:47 PM
Originally posted by badatusrnames

Yeah totally blown out of proportion. But I just disagree with the people that say he shouldn't have been punished at all. A ticket is right for this guy. Hauling him away in a police van was overkill though.

not really they have to set an example or this pile of dumb asses keep pushing and pushing the limits, the police showed right away they would not put up with any shit.

03-20-2009, 07:59 PM
I have only one thing to say. Anybody who supports that piece of shit bush, is a fucking tool. How can anybody go to a lunch/speach to hear that piece of shit speak? Shoe throwing is the greatest insult in iraq, and thats what he was emulating to the crowd of morons that were going to the speach. Again, i agree 100% to keep that piece of garbage out of canada. Dont forget, he is responsible for the shit we are going thru right now with the global economy. Thats my opinion, take it or leave it, i dont give a shit.

Felt good to get that out.

03-20-2009, 08:30 PM
You don't need to throw a shoe at Bush to show you disagree with him or his policies. Now everyone is talking about the shoe throwing rather than why the shoe was thrown :dunno:

03-20-2009, 08:34 PM
Originally posted by Eleanor
You don't need to throw a shoe at Bush to show you disagree with him or his policies. Now everyone is talking about the shoe throwing rather than why the shoe was thrown :dunno:

He wasnt throwing it at bush, he was throwing it at the crowd of traitors to go see bush talk.

i however understand what you are saying. Its not necissary, but some people feel more strongly than others, and it was meant more as a joke than anything.

03-20-2009, 08:37 PM
Originally posted by sr20s14zenki
he was throwing it at the crowd of traitors to go see bush talk. How are they traitors?

03-20-2009, 08:42 PM
Originally posted by Eleanor
How are they traitors?

This is just my opinion, and i apoligize if nobody agrees, but i think that bastard should be boycotted. I view them as traitors because they are taking the time to pay attention to what he says. What good did bush ever do....anybody?

Dont get me wrong, they have the right to do what they want to do, its just my opinion, take it or leave it.

I also dont agree with allowing the Aryan guard to march, as much of a joke as they are. They only have hateful racist things to say, and they stand for bigottry and nothing more. But, since we have this freedom of speech, they are allowed. Its sickening.

Jason Lange
03-24-2009, 07:59 AM
Originally posted by sr20s14zenki

This is just my opinion, and i apoligize if nobody agrees, but i think that bastard should be boycotted. I view them as traitors because they are taking the time to pay attention to what he says. What good did bush ever do....anybody?

Dont get me wrong, they have the right to do what they want to do, its just my opinion, take it or leave it.

I also dont agree with allowing the Aryan guard to march, as much of a joke as they are. They only have hateful racist things to say, and they stand for bigottry and nothing more. But, since we have this freedom of speech, they are allowed. Its sickening.

Just as you have voiced your opinion, so shall they in this country we live. Be grateful.