View Full Version : How long should a first date last?

03-21-2009, 05:08 PM
So how long?

I just took this girl out and she kept talking and talking. 2 Hours+ on a lunch date?


03-21-2009, 05:10 PM
Haha, thats a good sign actually.
Ive been on first dates that lasted 4+ hours.
I say the longer the better, shows that shes interested and you can take it from there.

It would be a pretty shitty first date if she hung out for 30 minutes and bailed..

just my 0.02 cents

03-21-2009, 05:11 PM
Werd. Longer the better

03-21-2009, 05:13 PM
Until the next morning!

*High five!*

I think long dates are a good sign that you're getting along, but short dates can be good too if you don't know each other very well. Then you don't miss out on a whole night if the date sucks, and if it's good, chances are there will be another date.

03-21-2009, 05:14 PM
Haha as long as it takes to at least make out on the first date.

03-21-2009, 05:16 PM
Bad ones last as long as you can stand it. Good ones should last until the next day if she is a naughty one, otherwise it ends with a primo make out session at her door step or in your car when you drop her off.

Done both, none were sustainable over time though.

Dating sucks.

03-21-2009, 05:27 PM
Depends how "prepped" you are before you go.

03-21-2009, 05:29 PM
Originally posted by MoDo27

Dating sucks.


Yeah, we got along good. I didn't talk to much, it was maybe a 70/30 split her/me.

Definitely a second date in the works.

This is where it gets tricky, after the second date any chances of FTF get pretty slim. Gotta seal the deal :D

03-21-2009, 05:39 PM
Originally posted by Darkane
So how long?

I just took this girl out and she kept talking and talking. 2 Hours+ on a lunch date?


:werd: she talked for a while because she has some interest

:rofl: :rofl:
good luck if your annoyed already

03-21-2009, 05:53 PM
Originally posted by Hakkola
*High five!*

* High five!*

Dudes left you hanging, so I figured I'd help a brother out.

03-21-2009, 05:58 PM
First date should be quick and simple IMO. Going out for coffee is always good because its pretty casual and you can make plans for a second date from there. Or if you're not interested its easy to bail when you're coffee is done without looking like an asshole...

03-21-2009, 06:01 PM
Originally posted by LadyLuck
Haha, thats a good sign actually.
Ive been on first dates that lasted 4+ hours.
I say the longer the better, shows that shes interested and you can take it from there.

It would be a pretty shitty first date if she hung out for 30 minutes and bailed..

just my 0.02 cents

Yea last time you were over at my place for like 3+ hours or something like that.

03-21-2009, 06:03 PM
Go watch "hes just not that into you" its a good flick for the OP to watch.

Cooked Rice
03-21-2009, 06:05 PM
Her talking too much is better than her not saying anything at all... The awkward silence is definitely a date killer, lol.

03-21-2009, 06:20 PM
Originally posted by Cooked Rice
Her talking too much is better than her not saying anything at all... The awkward silence is definitely a date killer, lol.

I would love to meet a girl that could talk about herself, not useless boring shit, but actually talk ABOUT herself (interests, hobbies, her views on whatever). :thumbsup: I don't mind listening at all, and I would say that if she wants to talk to you that long, you definitly have something going.

03-21-2009, 06:24 PM
Originally posted by HiTempguy1

if she wants to talk to you that long, you definitly have something going.

Unless she views you as a sister tho, or what if you're getting F-zoned.

Sorry OP, got to throw the possiblities out there.

03-21-2009, 06:25 PM
Originally posted by Darkane
So how long?

I just took this girl out and she kept talking and talking. 2 Hours+ on a lunch date?


A lunch date isnt even considered a date. A day date eliminates almost every chance of getting laid at the end.

Make it an evening date if you want anything to happen.

Hope your not in the friend zone yet.

Originally posted by TomcoPDR

Yea last time you were over at my place for like 3+ hours or something like that.

Who knows...next time I may double that time

03-21-2009, 06:52 PM
talking? wtf? chloroform takes care of that problem for me.

03-21-2009, 07:04 PM
The worst is when they keep talking and talking liek that..
About what?
NOTHING!! (..that i care about anyways)

03-21-2009, 07:27 PM
Lol, this thread is going exactly where I wanted it too :rofl:

Good responses thus far. I met her at the bar the week before, she punched me in the face twice. But we hit it off anyway ha.

What the fuck is wrong with some women? Two this year so far who wanna ruin my good looks.


See if anybody gets that pun. :thumbsup:

03-21-2009, 07:28 PM
20 mins

03-21-2009, 07:35 PM
Leave early (to build anticipation) or the next morning (after those pancakes :thumbsup: )

Or ASAP <--- hidden 3rd option for the psychos :nut:

03-21-2009, 09:10 PM
Originally posted by HiTempguy1

I would love to meet a girl that could talk about herself, not useless boring shit, but actually talk ABOUT herself (interests, hobbies, her views on whatever). :thumbsup: I don't mind listening at all, and I would say that if she wants to talk to you that long, you definitly have something going.

Ugh I have one that keeps talking about how she can do this and do that, and how she can do it better than most people. It gets annoying real fast when you hear it every day T_T. It's amazing how self-centered some people can be. I prefer the shy girl.

03-21-2009, 09:16 PM
I'm like 9-1 in my last 10 for fucking on the first date.
Maybe I just attract the desperate ones.

03-21-2009, 09:31 PM
Originally posted by bituerbo
I'm like 9-1 in my last 10 for fucking on the first date.
Maybe I just attract the desperate ones.

If you give them money after, it doesn't count. ;)

03-21-2009, 09:32 PM
Yeah depends how interesting the conversation is.

I met a girl at the bar last week, figured I was just going to fuck and huck her, but then we got talking and I ended up not even getting drunk, but just talking to her for hours. First Date is coming up, but I am never the dinner dude for first one. Coffee or just hang out or something.

03-21-2009, 09:36 PM
Allll niiiiggghhtttt Looonnnggg

03-21-2009, 10:04 PM
As long as you want. Make the time at night, be a few minutes late, show her your place first (you clearly forgot your wallet inside, show her the dog while you find it), arrange for walk/drinks close by to your place (use good logistics), use solid game and bring her back to your place. Pour her a glass of wine. Tease her for 10 minutes and ask her why she isn't naked. Case open and closed.

03-22-2009, 12:56 PM
If you don't kiss her on the first date is it all but lost cause from then on in?

Rat Fink
03-22-2009, 01:20 PM

03-22-2009, 01:27 PM
Originally posted by dregs
If you don't kiss her on the first date is it all but lost cause from then on in?

you probably won't have built sexual attraction, and most girls need to have some type of kino/physical touch to be hooked.

03-22-2009, 01:49 PM
From a girl's perspective, it depends on the situation I guess.

You say it was lunch... lunch is usually a safe bet to eat and run 'back to work'. If you let her talk that much, especially if you weren't interested, and you could have made up any somewhat legit excuse to leave, you didn't pull out the alpha male card at all. Since I'm totally an alpha female, I would eat any non-alpha male alive in a relationship, so if he doesn't have the balls to end the date before it drags on too much, he's already lost me. (Obviously she probably has a very different personality than myself, I'm just stating personal preference and opinion). I've personally had a lunch date when I had the day off, lunch went super well and I planned on going for a walk by the river anyway, so I said he was more than welcome to join if he wanted to. It gave him a free "Sorry I've got stuff to do" card or more time with me if he so wished. He chose the latter... but also turned out to be a clingy weirdo freak... my fault for inviting him on that walk.

Lunch is a bad first date IMO. Lunch can pretty much immediately put you in the friend zone, in which case, you're fucked. Make the date in the evening. If you don't know each other, coffee is safe, but going for other... more alcoholic, type of bevvies can loosen you both up and make for a better night. Better more open conversation, and well... etc.

Also, again personal opinion here, kissing after a lunch date or a coffee date has always proven to be weird for me. There is no sexual tension during a casual lunch or coffee that would lead up to there being a kiss. I've always corelated kissing on a first casual date, to desperation. However, if the date is a dinner, or something else... even bowling or something, where you can really flirt and build up that attraction to your personalities, then for sure a kiss on that type of date is a go!

03-22-2009, 01:52 PM
Originally posted by ~Leah~
From a girl's perspective, it depends on the situation I guess.

You say it was lunch... lunch is usually a safe bet to eat and run 'back to work'. If you let her talk that much, especially if you weren't interested, and you could have made up any somewhat legit excuse to leave, you didn't pull out the alpha male card at all. Since I'm totally an alpha female, I would eat any non-alpha male alive in a relationship, so if he doesn't have the balls to end the date before it drags on too much, he's already lost me. (Obviously she probably has a very different personality than myself, I'm just stating personal preference and opinion). I've personally had a lunch date when I had the day off, lunch went super well and I planned on going for a walk by the river anyway, so I said he was more than welcome to join if he wanted to. It gave him a free &quot;Sorry I've got stuff to do&quot; card or more time with me if he so wished. He chose the latter... but also turned out to be a clingy weirdo freak... my fault for inviting him on that walk.

Lunch is a bad first date IMO. Lunch can pretty much immediately put you in the friend zone, in which case, you're fucked. Make the date in the evening. If you don't know each other, coffee is safe, but going for other... more alcoholic, type of bevvies can loosen you both up and make for a better night. Better more open conversation, and well... etc.

Also, again personal opinion here, kissing after a lunch date or a coffee date has always proven to be weird for me. There is no sexual tension during a casual lunch or coffee that would lead up to there being a kiss. I've always corelated kissing on a first casual date, to desperation. However, if the date is a dinner, or something else... even bowling or something, where you can really flirt and build up that attraction to your personalities, then for sure a kiss on that type of date is a go!

Just make sure to ask her to help you paint your ceiling white. :bigpimp:

03-22-2009, 01:58 PM
Originally posted by sexualbanana

Just make sure to ask her to help you paint your ceiling white. :bigpimp:

BAHAHAHAHAHAHA thats the first thing I thought of when she posted that advice :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

03-22-2009, 02:09 PM
Originally posted by sexualbanana

Just make sure to ask her to help you paint your ceiling white. :bigpimp:

Originally posted by drtoohotty1

BAHAHAHAHAHAHA thats the first thing I thought of when she posted that advice :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Hey, I never suggested going on a golf trip to BC with a random even though you have mutual friends, so shut it! LOL I just do shit like that for the awesome stories hahah I've settled down now. :P

03-22-2009, 03:51 PM
Originally posted by ~Leah~
If you let her talk that much, especially if you weren't interested, and you could have made up any somewhat legit excuse to leave, you didn't pull out the alpha male card at all. Since I'm totally an alpha female, I would eat any non-alpha male alive in a relationship, so if he doesn't have the balls to end the date before it drags on too much, he's already lost me.

Wait, so you are saying if a guy finds you an annoying yappy broad and isn't rude to you or says something to ditch early, HE'S not good enough to keep up with you and YOU wouldn't date that guy? Errrmmmm....if I was being polite to you cause you yapped, you wouldn't HAVE to be worried about me not being alpha enough for you...I'd already be not calling you back on your third "so like, she was like..."

:D just a hypothetical, cause I DO like ya! haha

03-22-2009, 05:07 PM
Originally posted by sexualbanana

Just make sure to ask her to help you paint your ceiling white. :bigpimp:

you sly dog you...


03-22-2009, 09:44 PM
Originally posted by ZorroAMG

Wait, so you are saying if a guy finds you an annoying yappy broad and isn't rude to you or says something to ditch early, HE'S not good enough to keep up with you and YOU wouldn't date that guy? Errrmmmm....if I was being polite to you cause you yapped, you wouldn't HAVE to be worried about me not being alpha enough for you...I'd already be not calling you back on your third &quot;so like, she was like...&quot;

:D just a hypothetical, cause I DO like ya! haha

Well that's the thing. If the girl isn't a total ditz (judging by the way you quoted a girl "so like, she was like", you ARE speaking of the ditzy female variety), she can at least realize when she's talking too much and knows that she's dragging on. Usually anybody with any sort of social intelligence at all can tell when a person is bored with them, and would hopefully shut up at that point.

Mark, it sounds to me like since you'd "already be not calling me back on my third 'so like, she was like'", you like to be in control of the situation on dates. Basically, that was all I was saying with my post as well. I just go about making my points in extremely roundabout ways!

What I WANT to say makes sense in my head, but let me tell you ever since mommy brain kicked in a couple years ago, I am just not nearly as good with words and getting my point across anymore!

03-22-2009, 09:51 PM
^^^ Throw a snowball. That gets your point across right quick.

03-22-2009, 09:53 PM
Originally posted by Rat Fink

Oh man, I dated dozens of those girls before I finally met the girl I'm dating now. I love how all those &quot;superwomen&quot; usually don't have fuck all going for them at the end of the day. If they were so awesome at everything, why are they working some bottom of the totem pole job with little to no extra education, fucked up life priorities (shoes&gt;brains), and no way they will ever make it in life without latching onto some dude who will give them the ultimate free ride?


So true, I was at Moxies on Saturday, all these smoking hot waitresses that were just that, hot, short skirt wearing servers. At everything else they are just failures. No, they are not "students" (if they are they are taking hair, makeup or hotel management classes = fail) and they just live at home with momma that is a failure too and probably a min wage worker as well.

I just like looking at the chicks that have devoted their lives to look great, kinda like looking at a nice race car, it would be great fun on the weekends, but I dont want to deal with that shit on Monday morning...or any other week day !!

03-22-2009, 10:29 PM
Originally posted by Spoons
Yeah depends how interesting the conversation is.

I met a girl at the bar last week, figured I was just going to fuck and huck her, but then we got talking and I ended up not even getting drunk, but just talking to her for hours. First Date is coming up, but I am never the dinner dude for first one. Coffee or just hang out or something. Don't worry, you still might get the fuck and chuck :eek:

03-23-2009, 04:07 PM
Originally posted by ~Leah~


LOL I know...I was just teasin' ya! ;)

03-24-2009, 12:10 PM
well maybe next time he'll take you out for a night time date? :dunno: