View Full Version : fat haggard ass whores putting daughters in pageants.

03-24-2009, 08:50 PM
am i alone to think this shit is fucked up? i'm watching a program on tlc about it, and i am seriously creeped out. That shit can't be healthy for these little girls? their fat moms are so whacked out.

discuss. what kind of affects do you think it has on them? they're as young as 4. god.
sorry just makes me mad. :banghead:

03-24-2009, 08:54 PM
I think I saw a few minutes of that program :rofl:

The parents go out of their way to seem nonchalant and easygoing about how their daughters do but you can tell they probably beat the poor kids.

03-24-2009, 08:56 PM
The parents have to live through their kids since they are too fat to be in the beauty pageant

03-24-2009, 09:14 PM
I've never watched it, but have seen when flippin channels..

Girls will grow up to be spoiled stuck up bitches.

I definitely won't be raising my kids in that manner.

03-24-2009, 11:20 PM
Sexualization of little kids. It's gruesome.

03-24-2009, 11:26 PM
WOW! are they ever FAT!!(the mama's)

03-24-2009, 11:29 PM
i can not believe TLC would even give these people this kind of attention....

03-25-2009, 08:50 AM
Maybe TLC is desretely doing it to show an outsiders veiw on what this could do to your child???

I doubt it, but it seems to be working !!!!

Poor kids, i have watched the show, some of them do enjoy it which is fine all the power to them. But and a big BUT, is what extents they go to to win. I don't care how much you want your child to win or how much they want to be there, 4 years old is to young for make up and spray tan (yup they have done that, can tanning your kids in the fitting room), and fake eye lashes.... there has got to be a line! Your kid may look cute now, but make up has effects on the skin, way to pre age your child!

03-25-2009, 10:07 AM
Pathetic. I would never do that to a daughter of mine.

Teaching them at such a young age to place so much weight on appearance is a guaranteed ticket to having misplaced self esteem issues during their teenage years.

I'd like to see this stat:
- % of normal girls that put out just for acceptance in Jr High/High school
- % of ex-pageant girls that put out just for acceptance in Jr High/High school

I'm willing to bet that the ex-pageant girls will whore it up a lot more. Sweet if you're a guy looking to get laid in high school, a fucking nightmare if you're the father (but by then again, you would probably have already put a bullet in your head after being married to a fat whale for so long).

And also... am I alone in having a huge (pun intended) prejudice against overly fat women? I don't know what it is... I just find it really hard to respect them or anything they do.

03-25-2009, 10:17 AM
I am also strongly opposed to fat women. There's no excuse to be complacently unattractive.

03-25-2009, 10:18 AM
my gf watches this shit and i was seriously disgusted, then they wonder why their daughters grow up to be sluts 'i gave her everything as a child', yeah, the chance to be exactly that at 3 years old :facepalm: brainwashing parents ftl

03-25-2009, 10:37 AM
Originally posted by Super_Geo

And also... am I alone in having a huge (pun intended) prejudice against overly fat women? I don't know what it is... I just find it really hard to respect them or anything they do.

Really fat people in general are hard to respect in my opinion.

Masked Bandit
03-25-2009, 11:01 AM
I think these things go on in the Southern US quite a bit. I can't recall every hearing of one up here though. I have a four year old daughter and there is NO WAY I would ever put her through something like that.

03-25-2009, 11:44 AM

03-25-2009, 12:42 PM
Originally posted by JfuckinC
am i alone to think this shit is fucked up? i'm watching a program on tlc about it, and i am seriously creeped out. That shit can't be healthy for these little girls? their fat moms are so whacked out.

discuss. what kind of affects do you think it has on them? they're as young as 4. god.
sorry just makes me mad. :banghead:

why the hell are you even watchint the show?:banghead:

03-26-2009, 02:00 AM
Originally posted by mac70135

why the hell are you even watchint the show?:banghead:

in ordr to stop myself from drinking i watch tv you fagget
didnt work tongiht thoough hahahaha

but honestly. im glad you guys agree. this stuff makes me sick. if i had a daughter i would never do this to her! it fucks with their mental health i guarantee it.

03-26-2009, 09:59 AM
Worse yet is when the moms make the kids stay in it their entire lives (even at ages 15-18) and the girls are basically brain washed. I watched a special on it and they interviewed 2 girls whos only social outlet was these pageants and all they could talk about to other people is their prized tiaras and shit they've won, they couldnt have a political/intellectual conversation about anything else.

IMHO these pagents should be illegal - the children arent old enough to make their own choices, its not healthy for them (physically and mentally)... like sure I was thrown into every sport by my parents (soccer, hockey, baseball, football) and I didn't necessarily going to every game but it kept me healthy and fit as a kid.

03-26-2009, 10:01 AM

I’m Pretty Sure We’ve Hit a New Low

March 25, 2009 by Blast Dirtpeck

A while back I wrote a blog about a shitty late-night local access show called Text-me TV and how it signifies the coming apocalypse. It was the most asinine joke of a television program I had ever seen, and probably still is. And while I tend to get a lot of grief when I spend an inordinate amount of time bitching about things like TV shows, I know that it can be avoided by changing the channel, which I do quite frequently. However, I recently ran across a show on the horrendous TLC (the Learning Channel) that I just can’t ignore. It’s the most obnoxious and repulsive thing I’ve ever heard of on cable television, and the fact that this kind of behavior isn’t subject to constant scorn and criticism from the rest of the country is simply baffling. Reader(s), if you ever wonder why so many people hate Americans and American popular culture, I present to you Exhibit A: Toddlers and Tiaras.

If you aren’t familiar with the show, I’ll share what I have gathered from watching about two minutes of the show on the internet. I wasn’t comfortable watching any more than that because I’m pretty sure my IP or MAC address would have been logged in the FBI’s pedophile database if I had. But I digress. As far as I can tell, this is the show: a bunch of maniacal, sicko parents with serious mental issues paint up their daughters, whose ages range from about three or four to ten or so, like little hookers and enter them in beauty pageants, and the show documents various families as they prepare for the big pageant.

Lest you wonder, these aren’t innocent little “just for fun” contests to see who has the cutest kids, these are pageants. Pageant pageants. It’s serious shit, with tiaras, (hence the name) evening gowns, talent contests and the whole nine yards. These little girls get waxed, plucked, painted, brushed, spray-tanned and taught obnoxious dance routines so they look like a bunch of little plastic cartoons. The families hire stylists, make-up artists, and everything else to make these poor girls look like little prepubescent sex objects. It’s disgusting.

I cannot for the life of me figure out how this kind of thing is acceptable in modern society. Yes, I know we glorify pseudo-prostitutes like Britney Spears and Paris Hilton, and great swaths of people are inexplicably captivated by the Miss America/USA/World pageants, but most of us would agree that Britney Spears isn’t exactly looked upon lovingly by the general public. And while you could argue that the Miss USA pageant is a “celebration of beauty” or whatever, the reality is that it’s mostly a showcase in superficial bullshit, and probably far too popular than it should be.

So I wonder how any parent, in good conscience, could enter their own child in one of these things. Who would actually want to cover their daughter in so much make-up that she is hardly even recognizable any more, and then make her dance and parade around in front of bunch of complete strangers in the hopes of obtaining a bunch of empty, meaningless trophies? Maybe I’m just an old stick in the mud here, but I can’t think of any reason to do this.

To be clear, I’m not attacking the kids here; my problem is with the parents. No decent parent would allow their kid to be objectified and judged like this. It’s appalling. And I’m sure that many of the kids think these pageants are great harmless fun, but that’s not the point. Six year olds also think that playing doctor is fun too, but that doesn’t mean that parents should be encouraging them to strip naked with the neighbor boy across the street. How are these parents looking out for the welfare of their child? The answer, of course, is that they’re not looking out for their kids at all. It’s completely indefensible as far as I’m concerned.

I think the worst part of all this is that people are willing to have cameras document the whole thing and air it on cable television. You just know that every sick pervert out there DVRs this show religiously every week. This program, people who enter their kids in the pageants, and TLC should be ashamed of themselves. While there is probably some amount of public scrutiny going on (which I assume is where the term “prosti-tots” came from), clearly we aren’t doing enough to stop this nonsense.

This has been Andy sayin’, “Oohh a piece of candy!”

03-26-2009, 10:24 AM
worst show ever!!

those little girls are so scary looking and their moms are honestly fucked that need to get their fat ass into the gym