View Full Version : Longboarding

03-26-2009, 09:53 AM
Does anyone here do this? I skateboarded as a kid, but I snowboard now and haven't skated in like 15 years.

What's can beyond tell me about longboarding? Is it fun in Calgary, where are good places to go and to buy them?

03-26-2009, 10:17 AM
Of course it's fun in Calgary.
Pathways, lots of hills around, good exercise and transportation.

Red Nik up by Mount Royal has a good selection and in spring they have a fleet of demo's that you can try out in their parking lot. Might be a good call since many boards ride differently and aren't for just cruising anymore

carvers (pintails), cruisers, speed/drop boards(downhill)
mini's etc.

If you want something on the cheap, I also have a few that I've made and some extra new parts kickin' around.

PM me your weight/height/shoe size and I can let you know if any of my builds would fit ya.

silverfishlongboarding.com if you need to be schooled.

03-26-2009, 10:24 AM
Thanks dude, pm'd

03-28-2009, 03:47 AM
Calgary is a sick city for longboarding, there are tons of hills and smooth paths to hit up.
I've skated since I was 4 and have been longboarding the last 3 years (I'm 23).

If you skated in the past I really recommend getting a board with a slight kick-tail. Its not enough to pop, but it makes a HUGE difference getting off curbs and such around town!

Red Nik is definitely the best place to pick up a board and has a ton of demo boards. Head down once the snow melts and take a few out for a ride and just see what feels right!

When you get on the right board nothing feels better :thumbsup:

03-28-2009, 12:01 PM
I used to skate too, but I have to fall too far now and my knees and ankles are pretty destroyed from skating. I've been told downhill longboarding gives a similar sensation to snowboarding, except the carving is much more precise than when on snow. I usually try to occupy myself with other sports in the summer, but I think I'm going to try it this summer.

03-28-2009, 02:09 PM
My cousin, Steve Lange, is a wicked longboarder out of Vancouver. He sometimes comes here for demos at Millenium and the like. I've done a little bit but definitely don't have his skills. He's skated for Skull Skates, Redneck and I think he's with Sector 9 now. He scored the cover of Concrete Wave last year. Pretty epic to see some of those guys race and then hit the park on their longboards!

03-28-2009, 02:24 PM
Some of the longboarding videos in Vancouver i've seen are INSANE!