View Full Version : Thought Provoking Video. The Brewing Discontent - What happened to democracy?

03-28-2009, 11:54 AM

I believe his guy is right on target!

Americans and I would suggest Canadians have equally become nations of consumer zombies and political atheists. :banghead:
We need to stand up to corruption in our political representation NOW!

For instance, were we Canadians consulted before our government decided to commit tens of Billions or $$$ to buy up "toxic"mortgages (bad debt) from our private corporate banks to "Free up" the Canadian credit markets?
Were we consulted before throwing billions of $$$ into US based Automotive manufacturers threatening our government that we must comply and give them money or they shift production elsewhere? Extortion?

What hypocrisy? We as citizens are continually judged worthy by the financial system based on our prudent financial ecisions and management. Yet, our government whom we elect is free to make profound and disturbing financial decisions on our behalf without as much as a rational public discourse on the subject! Our government is talking out of both sides of their mouths. They use statements such as "profound danger from inaction" to justify immediate spending proposals that are not appropriately reviewed. Then they tell us that the economy will be better by the end of the year, when most of these spending proposals will not have even been implemented by. Does that add up? No. They use fear tactics to get immediate compliance on spending for special interests. Tell me this is not complete manipulation of the public to achieve the interest of the few paid for by the many. WEALTH REDISTRIBUTION not sound fiscal management.

Tsk Tsk, what have we as citizens and taxpayers become. I say we're nothing more than pushovers and patsies to the global elite who control our government, and our diminishing public wealth. We should all be ashamed with what we've become. Where is our investigative, independent media exposé of this evolving wealth transfer????

We need a similar Canadian centric production to circulate in Canada. Anyone want to help make something similar (video production) let me know?

Concerned Citizen

03-28-2009, 12:15 PM
I'll make a video for sure.

03-28-2009, 12:24 PM
Hey awesome.

Personally, I would like to see a video with a solid actor/speaker (preferably older) to convey the gravity/tone of the material, and a clean concise script in a similar format.

Do we have any good copy writers or aspiring actors on board??? (Not implying that this is in anyway an acting job, just need a solid public speaking type person)


03-28-2009, 12:25 PM
It has to be a brown guy in order to maintain political neutrality. Not even kidding. I can help as a crafty.

03-28-2009, 12:33 PM
This guy is a nut. Anti-immigration is only a movement when you have a welfare state, the country needs cheap labor or else all the jobs go overseas. He also says that the citizens lost representation, but I'd argue they never had it and that democracy can never work, representation only goes to those willing to make donations for it.

The best was "only start wars that you know you can win". Haha and universal service! "Buy a gun, you'll need it". This guy is a warmonger.

It's scary to see that these kinds of videos are going somewhat viral and getting good ratings.

03-28-2009, 12:45 PM
I am not going to debate, nor do I agree with the particular issues this guy brings up with respect to American politics.
However, I am suggesting that the tone of this video is somewhat inspirational as a jumping off point. I strongly feel the incredibly wasteful government tax$$$ spending without appropriate oversight is a shared and disturbing trend that has been brought on by the financial crisis. That is the important issue that needs more exploration and exposure in the Canadian "free" press.


Originally posted by mx73someday
This guy is a nut. Anti-immigration is only a movement when you have a welfare state, the country needs cheap labor or else all the jobs go overseas. He also says that the citizens lost representation, but I'd argue they never had it and that democracy can never work, representation only goes to those willing to make donations for it.

The best was "only start wars that you know you can win". Haha and universal service! "Buy a gun, you'll need it". This guy is a warmonger.

It's scary to see that these kinds of videos are going somewhat viral and getting good ratings.

03-28-2009, 06:31 PM
Whoa, that is only the US they are talking about there.

Canada, and more specifically the Canadian banks - are much more socialist than the US based banks. It also means that all big five Canadian banks made money in the last fiscal quarter, all of them.

While Citibank, Bank of America, and Royal Bank of Scotland are dying unimaginable deaths and needing massive bailouts - Canada is doing amazingly well by keeping its head above water.

I've always believed that a banking system that is slightly left of center is a good idea if you prefer stability. When you start going right - you get people like "Madoff" who just start throwing money that isn't theirs away for their own little stockmarket lotto portfolio.

So the banks are fine. As for the Auto industry - well that needed a trimming a decade ago, no surprise its the first to go now.

03-28-2009, 10:12 PM
Saw this a few days ago. Some very good points raised.