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10-18-2003, 10:45 PM
I just got back from seing it today, 2 thumbs up, Really well made, suspensfull over all great movie, Much better then the original 3... yes there was three of them before.

Funny ass night though, #1, like ATLEAST 20 people were kicked outa the theater throught the movie becausce they werent 18 or dindt have id, Im sitting there laughing my ass off cause im 15 and they never id'd me once, yet everybody else who were OLDER hten me got kicked out haha.

also if you go see the movie,******BRING EAR PLUGS******* I am almost deph because the chicks sitting on either side of me SCREAMED BLOODY HELL!!!!, lol like ive never heard anybody scream so loud in my life haha, ti was funy, All in all Wicked movie 2 thumbs up really well made, I defenatly suggest you guys check it out,

10-18-2003, 10:48 PM
i'll hafta go see that. Thanks for the positive input, anyone else?>

10-18-2003, 11:07 PM
Haha, thought it might be interesting to note that ebert and ropert gave it zero stars (I think it was them).

Have you seen the original texas chainsaw masacre? I think there's actually a couple sequels out already as well, or remakes :dunno:

10-18-2003, 11:11 PM
I saw most of the movie a few weeks ago, it's alright, nothing THAT great tho.

10-18-2003, 11:14 PM
Yes Ive seen the original i think it was made in 1977, There was also a Second, and a third texas chainsaw masacre made, Ive seen them aswell, the 1st chainsaw was the best outa the trilogy, But this NEW one was the best, Im not saying its as good as the matrix or wutever but the way they made it was really good, Not many people can make a chainsaw wielding maniac and turn it into a decent movie that actualy has plot and waht not, Last night I saw

House of the dead.

Worst movie ive EVER SEEN IN MY LIFe, No plot, NO theme HORRIBLE ACTORS< I relize it is harder then it looks to make horror movies like that, Anyways texas was really well made, EVeryone is intitled to there own opinions though

You mean sisco and Ebert, HAHA they gave it 2 zeroes lol, arnt they the ones that gave Blair which project like 5 stars haha* worst movie ever*,

How come you only saw HALF of texas chain saw masacre?

10-18-2003, 11:18 PM
Originally posted by prelude_crazy
House of the dead.

Worst movie ive EVER SEEN IN MY LIFe, No plot, NO theme HORRIBLE ACTORS&lt; I relize it is harder then it looks to make horror movies like that, Anyways texas was really well made, EVeryone is intitled to there own opinions though

You mean sisco and Ebert, HAHA they gave it 2 zeroes lol, arnt they the ones that gave Blair which project like 5 stars haha* worst movie ever*,

How come you only saw HALF of texas chain saw masacre?

House of the Dead must be like Resident Evil, which was also not a very good movie. They take a game, and try and make a movie out of it. Problem is, they should just STICK to the game's storyline. Resident Evil 1 and 2 had GREAT storylines, and would have made kick ass movies.

Ebert and Roeper now, Siscle's (sp?) dead.

And note that I said I saw it a few weeks ago, about 5 weeks ago to be exact :)

10-18-2003, 11:22 PM
oh, I thought you meant you * only saw Most of it* as in not the whole movie,

WHAT SISCO IS DEAD! HAHA when didt hat happen, Damn Im outa date.

Alread house of the dead had HORRIBLE ACTORS< they didnt even think ahead during the movie, one scene ther all outa bullets, the next thing you know they shut 100 rounds litterlly wiht hand guns lol,, without even reloading,

There was no plot just a shooting scence like 40 minutes long that was complete bull shit,

Also EVery 2 minutes they showed a clip from teh VIDEO GAME, HOW GAY IS THAT, like 20 mins of the movie is teh video game DONT SEE IT


10-19-2003, 12:58 AM
Originally posted by prelude_crazy
oh, I thought you meant you * only saw Most of it* as in not the whole movie,

WHAT SISCO IS DEAD! HAHA when didt hat happen, Damn Im outa date.

Alread house of the dead had HORRIBLE ACTORS&lt; they didnt even think ahead during the movie, one scene ther all outa bullets, the next thing you know they shut 100 rounds litterlly wiht hand guns lol,, without even reloading,

There was no plot just a shooting scence like 40 minutes long that was complete bull shit,

Also EVery 2 minutes they showed a clip from teh VIDEO GAME, HOW GAY IS THAT, like 20 mins of the movie is teh video game DONT SEE IT


Yeah, I saw most of it, 5 weeks ago....... it wasn't in theaters 5 weeks ago ;)

And yeah, he's dead man, since like 10 years or something, lol. It's now Ebert and a younger guy, Richard Roeper, who sometimes does some crazy ratings :confused:

10-19-2003, 01:04 AM
Man I never knew that, you learn something new everyday.

well 2 thumbs up see the movie.

10-19-2003, 01:15 AM

Wow you managed to almost spell Texas Chainsaw Massacre, but managed to mispell seen...:rofl: just kidding guy
Yea seen it, good movie, really disturbing ride and great to see the guys screaming too :thumbsup:

10-20-2003, 10:59 AM
that one with leatherface and that dude that drove the towtruck and the prom kids suckd ass

10-20-2003, 04:31 PM
was the black/white part at the beggining and end of the movie real footage? or was that just made for this movie?
the part with the cop going into the basement

10-20-2003, 05:51 PM
Originally posted by xDiMSuMx
was the black/white part at the beggining and end of the movie real footage? or was that just made for this movie?
the part with the cop going into the basement

10-20-2003, 06:41 PM
My friend found the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Hes got it on CD so far, putting it on tape soon. If people are interested I might be able to send it through MSN. Just wondering if anyone is interested, because wasn't the original banned :dunno:?

10-20-2003, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by Porsche_944
My friend found the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Hes got it on CD so far, putting it on tape soon. If people are interested I might be able to send it through MSN. Just wondering if anyone is interested, because wasn't the original banned :dunno:?

i saw the original... its horrible, the resolution is so bad, all the scense are friggin so dark.. you cant see shit! its pretty much looking at a black screen and listening to ppl scream

maybe this is why they remade a 4th friggin time (considering all the other ones were straight up horrendous).

10-20-2003, 09:24 PM
I was not impressed. It was more gory than anything

It was not even scary

10-21-2003, 06:48 PM
im going to watch it in on thurs so ill post back then and tell you all what i thought

10-21-2003, 11:01 PM
Originally posted by black94gt
im going to watch it in on thurs so ill post back then and tell you all what i thought

good, im thinking about seeing this movie.. but 14 bones is a lil steep for an unemployed student!

so go take your bitch out and report back to me ASAP. :D

10-21-2003, 11:37 PM
I saw it tonight....it's actually pretty good.

Definetly suspensful throughout the movie. Been a long time since I've seen a horror/suspense flick like that one. What was cool too is with this show they didn't even use any crazy special effects to freak the shit outta you.

When my friend dropped me off I was scroungin for my keys and my door kept creaking.....for a second I thought some dude with a chainsaw was gonna come ripping around the corner!

Definetly worth the cash to watch this one.

Plus....Jessica Biel is FINE!!!

10-31-2003, 08:53 PM
i watched it yesterday,it's okay, it was exciting all the way
"Run!, Run!......(buzzzz)....oooh, ouch..." and YES Jessica Biel IS fine

88 CRX
10-31-2003, 10:11 PM
Only good thing about the movie......Jessica Biel !!!

11-03-2003, 04:15 PM
Oh great... Now it's just a matter of time until someone REALLY tries to duplicate this insane display of cruelity upon Calgary... :rofl:

11-03-2003, 04:19 PM
yah saw it the day it came out man jessica biel is super fine...

11-03-2003, 05:07 PM
it was good, 2 thumbs up

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

01-08-2004, 04:53 AM
do you know what i found the remake of the texas chainsaw masacre to be dissapionting, after all the hype about the remake of this classic horror movie i thought i would be a peice of gruesume art, however like every horror movie today it was not a bit close to the genius of the 70's and 80's horror, eventhought the sequels to the orginal movie were nothing to write home about the first movie was definatly a stepping stone in creating blood curdling movies!!! i advise u to stick to the original definatly a masterpeice!!!!:devil:

01-08-2004, 07:43 AM
Originally posted by joanna
do you know what i found the remake of the texas chainsaw masacre to be dissapionting, after all the hype about the remake of this classic horror movie i thought i would be a peice of gruesume art, however like every horror movie today it was not a bit close to the genius of the 70's and 80's horror, eventhought the sequels to the orginal movie were nothing to write home about the first movie was definatly a stepping stone in creating blood curdling movies!!! i advise u to stick to the original definatly a masterpeice!!!!:devil:

congrats!!! you just bumped a 2 month old thread :thumbsup:

01-08-2004, 08:24 AM
Originally posted by 88CRX

congrats!!! you just bumped a 2 month old thread :thumbsup:

Its an oldie resurrected but I don't think its the record. Made me read some of the reviews and I think I'll check 'er out.

01-08-2004, 04:23 PM
Originally posted by prelude_crazy
I just got back from seing it today, 2 thumbs up, Really well made, suspensfull over all great movie, Much better then the original 3... yes there was three of them before.

Funny ass night though, #1, like ATLEAST 20 people were kicked outa the theater throught the movie becausce they werent 18 or dindt have id, Im sitting there laughing my ass off cause im 15 and they never id'd me once, yet everybody else who were OLDER hten me got kicked out haha.

also if you go see the movie,******BRING EAR PLUGS******* I am almost deph because the chicks sitting on either side of me SCREAMED BLOODY HELL!!!!, lol like ive never heard anybody scream so loud in my life haha, ti was funy, All in all Wicked movie 2 thumbs up really well made, I defenatly suggest you guys check it out,

There were actually 4 before this one.:D

01-08-2004, 05:08 PM
I liked the new one for two reasons: Jessica Biel's tits.

The original TCM was actually scary the remake is just hella gory.