View Full Version : Why so much credit for my old Motorola digital box?

Perfect Dark
04-06-2009, 09:30 AM
So we decided it's time to upgrade our ancient Motorola digital box and I called Shaw to see if they have a trade in program. I was shocked when they told me that I would get a 275 dollar credit and that the new box was only 120 dollars.

Is there something I am missing? Why are they willing to give me that much in return for an old cable box?

adam c
04-06-2009, 09:37 AM
really? you're complaining?

Perfect Dark
04-06-2009, 09:39 AM
Originally posted by adam c
really? you're complaining?

Haha not all! Just curious.

04-06-2009, 09:46 AM
Are you wanting to upgrade to an HD box? I had no idea they took back the cable boxes in trade...

I might take the leap to HD this week if that's the case.. playoffs!

Perfect Dark
04-06-2009, 09:53 AM
Originally posted by ppatko
Are you wanting to upgrade to an HD box? I had no idea they took back the cable boxes in trade...

I might take the leap to HD this week if that's the case.. playoffs!

We already have a HD-PVR box so all I am looking for is the basic digital cable box.

04-06-2009, 11:51 AM
Originally posted by Perfect Dark
So we decided it's time to upgrade our ancient Motorola digital box and I called Shaw to see if they have a trade in program. I was shocked when they told me that I would get a 275 dollar credit and that the new box was only 120 dollars.

Is there something I am missing? Why are they willing to give me that much in return for an old cable box?

Do you own the box, or rent it (free), did you have a deposit on the box you forgot about?

Perfect Dark
04-06-2009, 12:23 PM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok

Do you own the box, or rent it (free), did you have a deposit on the box you forgot about?

We bought it outright and no deposit. I am heading there this afternoon and will update what happens.

04-06-2009, 12:42 PM
its called a promotion

they will obviously want you to sign a contract

04-06-2009, 12:51 PM
Shaw doesn't have contracts.

btw which model is yours?

04-06-2009, 03:45 PM
In the interest of helping other Beyonders you should post up the model of the box

Perfect Dark
04-06-2009, 05:08 PM
Well I got there just to find out that no such deal exists...the best they would do is give me $55 credit towards an HD model. I guess the old saying applies, if it's too good to be true...

Also, the lady at Shaw mentioned that the box I have is better than the one they offer now as it has more audio connections.

The one I have is a Motorola DCT-2224.

PS - If your remote ever shits the bed they will exchange it for a new one free of charge. Even if it's the old style they will give you a new one.