View Full Version : What fakes / counterfeit items to buy in Hong Kong?

04-07-2009, 12:31 AM
Have a friend traveling to Hong Kong and said she can bring me stuff back. They supposedly have lots of fake / counterfeit things for sale there...

I just dont know what I want because i dont know what they have?? any ideas besides fake D&G, prada, Gucci etc sunglasses?

Whats worth bringing back guys?

04-07-2009, 12:33 AM
experiences in chinese prison, hopefully.

04-07-2009, 12:46 AM
fake sunglasses seem like a bad idea to me.... i like my sunglasses uv rated and polarized

04-07-2009, 12:48 AM
Originally posted by ZorroAMG
experiences in chinese prison, hopefully.


04-07-2009, 01:14 AM
A set of Callaways?

An episode of 60 minutes or 20/20 took a set to the Callaway factory to have them analyzed by the Q&A department... long story short is that they were a very good set of knock offs- only an expert would be able to tell the difference.

04-07-2009, 08:01 AM

04-07-2009, 08:13 AM
If you don't know where to get the good fakes then you shouldn't bother.

The places that sell real good fakes are usually hidden and are really shady.

The stores are usually upstairs in apartments.You look at a catalogue (the actual real catalogue), pick your items and then they tell you to meet in the back alley with cash.

Places in out in the open with stores on ground level sell really low quality fakes, if you can even call them that. LB, Channel, etc.

If you actually do want fakes, go to Shenzhen and shop there. You can get "A" grade fakes that are almost identical to the real stuff.

In HK, the people that sell stuff on the street also may have some better quality stuff, it's all chance if you'll find them or not though, they usually are around MTR stations.

I usually don't bother, whywould you want to rock a fake when you know it's fake? Are you gonna tell others it's fake? or try and fake the funk?

But to answer your question, any brand name will have fakes there. Jeans, handbags, sunglasses, watchs, games, phones, dvds, any thing you want lol.

04-07-2009, 08:25 AM
Originally posted by trliniar

Whats worth bringing back guys?


Do you own any real stuff?

Once you buy fake and people know, they will assume all your stuff is fake.

04-07-2009, 08:32 AM
Originally posted by benyl


Do you own any real stuff?

Once you buy fake and people know, they will assume all your stuff is fake.

Ditto....and when they know all your stuff is fake they will assume your broke..and you dont want that...:D

04-07-2009, 08:50 AM
why would u buy a $500 pants when u can buy the same looking one "fake"ones for $100 ? or just cuz the real ones are made by low payed kids then that makes the real ones better?

04-07-2009, 09:01 AM
Originally posted by Moezer
why would u buy a $500 pants when u can buy the same looking one "fake"ones for $100 ? or just cuz the real ones are made by low payed kids then that makes the real ones better?


I would rather no be a poseur.

My $50 bluenotes jeans work just fine. I don't need $300 jeans that mommy bought for me to feel good about myself.

04-07-2009, 09:31 AM
Originally posted by Moezer
why would u buy a $500 pants when u can buy the same looking one "fake"ones for $100 ? or just cuz the real ones are made by low payed kids then that makes the real ones better?

You can buy shitty fakes that people know are fakes for $100 or your can buy some nice jeans locally for $100 (Guess, Jack Jones etc etc)

04-07-2009, 09:55 AM
The fakes in HK are generally of low quality since only tourists buy them. As mentioned to get the better quality fakes you probably have to go to Shenzen and know where to go.

What's worth bringing back? That really is up to you isn't it? If there is something you want you can just see if she runs across it. Most people seem to stick to bags, sunglasses, watches and some designer cloth knockoffs.

04-07-2009, 10:07 AM
Originally posted by Neil4Speed

You can buy shitty fakes that people know are fakes for $100 or your can buy some nice jeans locally for $100 (Guess, Jack Jones etc etc)

Guess Cliffs are my favs:thumbsup:

04-07-2009, 10:38 AM
Werd, I brought back a set of fake clubs. Still used them. They hit true, and the right weighting, etc. My friend has the real set and you can't tell the difference.

04-07-2009, 11:10 AM
If i'm buying real stuff such as designer clothes, wallets and sunglasses in Hong Kong, is it cheaper then what it would cost here? or around the same?

04-07-2009, 11:15 AM

04-07-2009, 11:23 AM
Originally posted by Speed_69
If i'm buying real stuff such as designer clothes, wallets and sunglasses in Hong Kong, is it cheaper then what it would cost here? or around the same?

Hell no!

It is fucking expensive.

I was in HK between Christmas and New Years. Expect to tack on 20-30% more than it is here or in the US. The shitty exchange rate to the US dollar is really hurting us (HK pegs their dollar to the US dollar).

A Prada wallet that I bought my wife in Hawaii was $200 more in HK.

My watch was 40% more in HK than in Canada or the US.

Most of the stuff on sale ended up being the same price as what the non-sale price is here. Not worth it.

04-07-2009, 11:31 AM
yeah all clothing looks like crap and fits like crap and does not even look close to the real stuff, I looked everywhere when i was there and nothing is worth buying unless you want to look like a loser. Some glasses were nice but they fall apart in a week, the only good stuff you bring back from Asia is art woodwork or anything that has to do with their culture

04-07-2009, 11:35 AM
What is the limit you can bring back without having to pay duties?

04-07-2009, 11:43 AM
Like others said, you have to go to mainland to get the good stuff... Last time I went they had great watches, purses, suitcases and clothing....quality was top notch!

04-07-2009, 11:51 AM
Originally posted by R-Audi
Like others said, you have to go to mainland to get the good stuff... Last time I went they had great watches, purses, suitcases and clothing....quality was top notch!

Fantastic then, now where exactly do I find said shops. I'll be all up and down china for 2 months starting middle of the month, so I'll have lots of time on my hands.

I don't even play golf, but since it supposedly such a good buy I might pick up a set. What's a real set go for?

04-07-2009, 11:57 AM
Originally posted by Speed_69
What is the limit you can bring back without having to pay duties?

Depends how long you stay. If > 3 weeks then I believe you can bring back up to $500 worth of items without paying duties. Mong Kok has all the cheap fakes in HongKong. I didn't end up buying anything when I was there but I bought quite a bit of stuff in Thailand.

04-07-2009, 12:34 PM
Watch out at customs, bringing in counterfeits are illegal and they have the option of assessing your fakes at full retail prices, just to screw you over.

04-07-2009, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by TheCheff
Depends how long you stay. If > 3 weeks then I believe you can bring back up to $500 worth of items without paying duties.

how does that work? ever since i can remember we have always had to declare our purchases at vancouver int'l customs. then you pay the fees according to the amount you've brought in.

04-07-2009, 02:28 PM
Originally posted by TheCheff

Depends how long you stay. If > 3 weeks then I believe you can bring back up to $500 worth of items without paying duties. Mong Kok has all the cheap fakes in HongKong. I didn't end up buying anything when I was there but I bought quite a bit of stuff in Thailand.



Originally posted by n1zm0

how does that work? ever since i can remember we have always had to declare our purchases at vancouver int'l customs. then you pay the fees according to the amount you've brought in.

Fill out custom form on what you want to declare on re-entry. Clothes (with tags gone), and a watch or 2 would be safe to not declare. But if you start to bring in bigger than usual quantity, declare them.

04-08-2009, 01:24 PM
We went to a 5-6 story mall in Shenzen... dont know the name of it.. but its quite close to the HK border.. and you have to be very patient in there... people are all over you.

04-08-2009, 05:58 PM
going to see if i can get some artwork and maybe some fake watches and glasses... dont have close the cash to spend on an actual Rolex or omega..

04-09-2009, 02:40 AM
Watches are actually really good now. Most of the fakes are almost IDENTICAL to the real ones. Only experts can really tell the difference. If I can get 5 really nice quality automatic watches for around $1200 or $3000 cheaper than a real Rolex, why would I buy the Rolex if they're almost exactly the same? I mean if you can afford to buy 5 watches at full retail than go for it, but 5 real watches is probably the cost of my car.

04-09-2009, 07:19 AM
Originally posted by psycoticclown
Watches are actually really good now. Most of the fakes are almost IDENTICAL to the real ones. Only experts can really tell the difference. If I can get 5 really nice quality automatic watches for around $1200 or $3000 cheaper than a real Rolex, why would I buy the Rolex if they're almost exactly the same? I mean if you can afford to buy 5 watches at full retail than go for it, but 5 real watches is probably the cost of my car.

Thats bullshit. I don't see anything wrong with the fakes if you think of it as getting something a bit more fun and cheaper than a casio, but if you're trying to pass it off as a real high end watch you're a fool.

Sometimes they will last you a couple years but usually these conk out anywhere from 1 to 12 months. Also you can tell they are fake just by looking at the movements.

04-09-2009, 07:51 AM
Originally posted by psycoticclown
Watches are actually really good now. Most of the fakes are almost IDENTICAL to the real ones.

If you only care what it looks like, then yeah, some fakes are good.

But if you want a watch that might work after 6 months, then get the real one.

My brother brought back a Patek Phillipe from Thailand. It worked for 3 months. You going to fly back to Thailand and demand your money back?

04-09-2009, 07:59 AM
Originally posted by psycoticclown
Watches are actually really good now. Most of the fakes are almost IDENTICAL to the real ones. Only experts can really tell the difference. If I can get 5 really nice quality automatic watches for around $1200 or $3000 cheaper than a real Rolex, why would I buy the Rolex if they're almost exactly the same? I mean if you can afford to buy 5 watches at full retail than go for it, but 5 real watches is probably the cost of my car.

I have got a few high end "replica" watches from China/HK. All three of them failed within the year. They looked great, very close to the originals.

I wouldn't hesitate getting a Quartz movement, but the automatic ones are just simply not made to last.

For the price I paid for all three, I could have got one good quality swiss watch, something that I regret not doing.

04-11-2009, 05:07 PM
Originally posted by TDA
Watch out at customs, bringing in counterfeits are illegal and they have the option of assessing your fakes at full retail prices, just to screw you over.

yup this happen to a friend of mine she bought fake purses and end up paying taxs + custom fee at full retail price. if u go thru vancouver and they send u into that lil room for a serach then they gonna tax u on ur fake stuff.

04-11-2009, 05:27 PM
Interesting about the clubs. I would probs get a pair if they hit the same. I am not really a brand whore when it comes to golf, just as long as it works :P

04-11-2009, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by benyl


Do you own any real stuff?

Once you buy fake and people know, they will assume all your stuff is fake.
Who gives a fuck? :dunno:
Oh noes you didn't pay $400 for your jeans? Disrespect bro!

04-11-2009, 06:00 PM
What's the deal with fakes anyway? Fake it till you make it? Do you want other people to mistaken it as the real deal? "Hey! Look at that guy, he has a Rolex! :bigpimp:

:dunno: :rofl:

I'll be the first to say that if it's a high quality fake, I probably can't tell the difference. But seriously, buying fakes is so poser if you are passing it off as the real thing but it's your prerogative!

04-11-2009, 06:01 PM
Originally posted by arian_ma

Who gives a fuck? :dunno:
Oh noes you didn't pay $400 for your jeans? Disrespect bro!

No because you look like a fool and a label whore when you pay 100$ for 400$ jeans that look like shit/fit like shit and you're obviously trying to pass them off as real.

04-11-2009, 06:14 PM
Originally posted by sid_the_skid

No because you look like a fool and a label whore when you pay 100$ for 400$ jeans that look like shit/fit like shit and you're obviously trying to pass them off as real.

Exactly. Why not just spend $100 for a real pair of Guess or Levi's etc. and save yourself the ridicule! :dunno:

My wife gets at the malls sometimes. She's 27 but looks a lot younger. She'll run into these jail bait high school girls who are carrying fake handbags and calls out my wife who's carrying the real thing (overhears their conversations). That's so fucked up man. Just waiting for the day they show up in class and find out she's their teacher! :nut: :rofl:

04-11-2009, 06:23 PM
Originally posted by sid_the_skid

No because you look like a fool and a label whore when you pay 100$ for 400$ jeans that look like shit/fit like shit and you're obviously trying to pass them off as real.

On the other hand, you still look like a label whore when you buy the real $400 jeans. :dunno:

04-11-2009, 06:45 PM
Originally posted by BerserkerCatSplat

On the other hand, you still look like a label whore when you buy the real $400 jeans. :dunno:

This is true too.

I think people need to concentrate more on how clothes/jewelry fit/look on them than the brand itself. Carrying something expensive doesn't work if you can't pull it off.

Anyway, fuck it's slow at work tonight. :rofl:

04-11-2009, 06:52 PM
Originally posted by BerserkerCatSplat

On the other hand, you still look like a label whore when you buy the real $400 jeans. :dunno:

Well then he'll just look like a fool :)

Some people do buy expensive jeans for fit and style. If fakes have neither then whats the point?

04-12-2009, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by Neil4Speed

I have got a few high end "replica" watches from China/HK. All three of them failed within the year. They looked great, very close to the originals.

I wouldn't hesitate getting a Quartz movement, but the automatic ones are just simply not made to last.

For the price I paid for all three, I could have got one good quality swiss watch, something that I regret not doing.

Those aren't even that high end. Some of the high end ones are amazing quality, movement are genuine, even the non-gen movements are about 95% accurate to the originals. Some of the guys who make the watches are guys who used to work at Rolex before. And they're still relatively expensive, we're not talking "high" end reps that you can get off the street, most of the nicer ones are $500+

Theres tourbillions that are amazing quality, unbranded for around $1000. The price of most tourbillions start upwards of 10k. So its a pretty affordable watch for the exact same movement.

04-13-2009, 07:18 AM
Originally posted by psycoticclown

Those aren't even that high end. Some of the high end ones are amazing quality, movement are genuine, even the non-gen movements are about 95% accurate to the originals. Some of the guys who make the watches are guys who used to work at Rolex before. And they're still relatively expensive, we're not talking "high" end reps that you can get off the street, most of the nicer ones are $500+

Theres tourbillions that are amazing quality, unbranded for around $1000. The price of most tourbillions start upwards of 10k. So its a pretty affordable watch for the exact same movement.

Yes, I have heard about some of these 95% accurate fakes, but really, once you spend a grand on a watch wouldn't you want it to be real?

Also, why would a person who used to work for Rolex move to China to make reps?

04-13-2009, 08:59 AM
Originally posted by Neil4Speed

Yes, I have heard about some of these 95% accurate fakes, but really, once you spend a grand on a watch wouldn't you want it to be real?

Also, why would a person who used to work for Rolex move to China to make reps?

I always heard stories of watches made with the exact same internals as other high end watches. I searched for them for a long time, I believe its just a myth. Same with designer clothes, they will always tell you they have surplus stock. The REAL factory made too many and the staff took them and are selling them on the black market. Also fake stories told to tourists.

04-13-2009, 12:22 PM

And the good ones aren't made in China, some are Swiss made with Swiss movement.

And I guess after you spend a grand, you do kinda want it to be real, but thats $1000 for a tourbillion, which are hella expensive watches. Good fake Rolex's are around $300 with accurate genuine movement.

04-13-2009, 12:25 PM
Originally posted by realazy
If you don't know where to get the good fakes then you shouldn't bother.

The places that sell real good fakes are usually hidden and are really shady.

The stores are usually upstairs in apartments.You look at a catalogue (the actual real catalogue), pick your items and then they tell you to meet in the back alley with cash.

Places in out in the open with stores on ground level sell really low quality fakes, if you can even call them that. LB, Channel, etc.

If you actually do want fakes, go to Shenzhen and shop there. You can get "A" grade fakes that are almost identical to the real stuff.

In HK, the people that sell stuff on the street also may have some better quality stuff, it's all chance if you'll find them or not though, they usually are around MTR stations.

I usually don't bother, whywould you want to rock a fake when you know it's fake? Are you gonna tell others it's fake? or try and fake the funk?

But to answer your question, any brand name will have fakes there. Jeans, handbags, sunglasses, watchs, games, phones, dvds, any thing you want lol.


D. Dub
04-13-2009, 06:28 PM
Originally posted by ercchry
fake sunglasses seem like a bad idea to me.... i like my sunglasses uv rated and polarized

and without lead or other chemicals to leech into my skin.

04-13-2009, 08:15 PM
If you want to decorate, you can get fake pottery/ceramics. Chances are you wont ever be called on it being fake, if you care about that. Also unless you've been bragging that it was real, no one really cares. New looking decorative pot vs. old looking decorative pot.

Hell, they can even nuke it a bit so that it gives off the same level of decay as the stuff are 100s of years old. As far as I know it fools carbon dating. Although, the last time I heard about this was a few years ago so the process may have changed.