View Full Version : Breastfeeding in a public pool...

04-07-2009, 09:31 AM
No, not at a public pool... but in the pool itself...

Fucking ridiculous... overly-righteous mothers piss me off.


04-07-2009, 09:34 AM
Umm... why are they so bent on doing so in the pool? I personally wouldn't be offended (I'm not easily offended) but wouldn't it just be simpler to do so in the locker room or even on the deck? What makes being in the pool so essential? Is it just a case of someone making a fuss just for the concept of doing so?

What's next? They petition to be able to sit in the middle of the road, or how about they show up in the pub or some other unsuitable place and breastfeed?

04-07-2009, 09:36 AM
Well personally.. in a pool is a little fucked.. like.. OUTSIDE of the pool is fine.. what if the baby gets a bunch of chlorine in its mouth? or gets tit milk in the water.. AWKWARRRRRRRRRRD

04-07-2009, 09:38 AM









04-07-2009, 09:38 AM

04-07-2009, 09:39 AM
Originally posted by Tarrantula
Well personally.. in a pool is a little fucked.. like.. OUTSIDE of the pool is fine.. what if the baby gets a bunch of chlorine in its mouth? or gets tit milk in the water.. AWKWARRRRRRRRRRD

How do babies not get chlorine in their mouths at the pool when swimming? And if you're worried about breast milk in the water, I guess you don't know that baby swim diapers are only designed to filter solids (#2). #1 just passes right through.

04-07-2009, 09:41 AM
If peeing in the pool is wrong, then obviously leaking breast milk is unacceptable in the pool too.

Nothing wrong with breast feeding, but a little modesty and common courtesy wouldn't hurt either.

My daughter was breast fed and the last thing my spouse would ever do is pop her tit out in public and let the baby go to town...

Some women.

04-07-2009, 09:50 AM
Originally posted by lint

How do babies not get chlorine in their mouths at the pool when swimming? And if you're worried about breast milk in the water, I guess you don't know that baby swim diapers are only designed to filter solids (#2). #1 just passes right through.

Im not too concerned about the milk in the water.. but if the baby took in a large amount of water at the same time.. still bad. On the other hand.. its a little out of place to be if you know you are going to have to breast feed your child. What if he spits up everywhere? its still gross.

To each their own I guess :dunno:

04-07-2009, 09:54 AM
So... if they can breastfeed in the pool, I can eat my wendys in the deep end? Such a timesaver when i'm a ready for lunch but also want to go for a swim.

04-07-2009, 09:56 AM
look at me please? :banghead:

04-07-2009, 09:59 AM
Well, I don't see the HUGE deal. I just don't understand the point.

The amount of kids that piss in there is a far greater worry to me than a bit of breast milk. There is enough chlorine in the pool to kill a small town not to mind all those little germs floating around from other people's bodies.

Now why fight for the right to breastfeed in a pool? Really? You want to take your infant child into the chemical dump to give them a snack? This woman must be off her noodle thinking that it would be the best place to do the act. What ever happened to common decency? I am starting to think Brittney Spears took away all common sense and self-respect for a lot of these women who cry out for attention.

04-07-2009, 09:59 AM
Originally posted by lint

How do babies not get chlorine in their mouths at the pool when swimming?

It's instinct to close your mouth while swimming, even for an infant.

04-07-2009, 10:00 AM
Fuck I hate these Womyn with their lack of common courtesy. I had a client start feeding in my office, no blanket or anything. Her husband was present and all, but why would you just whip it out in front of another male seated across the table from you. I conducted our meeting as usual, but after I told them that I will step out and let them discuss in private...just cuz I felt super uncomfortable in my own office. :guns:

04-07-2009, 10:01 AM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok

It's instinct to close your mouth while swimming, even for an infant.

Right. So the only time an infant would get water in their mouth is if they happen to be breast feeding in the pool?

04-07-2009, 10:03 AM
You guys are all complaining about the wrong things.

- Leaking breastmilk? So what, no lactating women are allowed in pools anymore? Leakage happens on its own.

- Chlorinated pool water danger? As if. When I go swimming my mouth comes in contact with pool water on a regular basis. A bit of water on a nipple is not going to kill your bubble child.

- Decency issues? So now you guys are SCARED of breasts?

The REAL issue for me is the fact that after you feed a baby the chances of it spitting up, puking or taking a crap are VERY high. Does that really need to happen in the pool? Why would you want to take the chance? Sure it probably won't kill anyone, but it is pretty gross.

That is the only issue I see as being an issue. All the other ones come from the population of germaphobes and puritans.

04-07-2009, 10:04 AM
Originally posted by sputnik
1. Decency issues? So now you guys are SCARED of breasts?

2. The REAL issue for me is the fact that after you feed a baby the chances of it spitting up, puking or taking a crap are VERY high. Does that really need to happen in the pool? Why would you want to take the chance? Sure it probably won't kill anyone, but it is pretty gross.

1. I would just say to this that it might not be appropriate for all ages to see.. I dont really care.. but some people might be offended.

2. 100% agree.

04-07-2009, 10:09 AM

Fat & Ugly is FAT!

Who wants to see that woman's tities? She is repulsive. DOES NOT WANT!

04-07-2009, 10:09 AM
Originally posted by mac_82

LOOVEE that Cambodian breast milk.....:rofl:

04-07-2009, 10:10 AM
My bad, i didnt read your post and was retarded and read "at the pool" so i voted iffy, if a mom has a towel over the kid and sitting on one of the chairs on the side - sure, no biggy.

IN the pool = :barf:

04-07-2009, 10:12 AM
its really stupid. yeah breast milk is good for the babies. but in the pool is stupid, what next they demand they be allow to breast feed while driving??

stupid women there just want the attention. why not breast feed in the pacific ocean??

04-07-2009, 10:22 AM
Originally posted by sputnik
- Decency issues? So now you guys are SCARED of breasts?

Excluded middle.
Being oppose to a woman whipping her tits out doesn't make someone scared of breasts.
I find it distasteful when I see some guy walking around the mall with no shirt on, but I'm not frightened of his nipples.
I'd find it inappropriate if someone showed up to work every day wearing flip flops, but it's not because I'm scared of their toes.

There is a widely accepted decorum in our society. Being partial to that decorum does not make you some kind of puritan or zealot.
More to the point, this bitch is purposefully snubbing her nose at common decency to get attention. It's not like breastfeeding with a certain amount of modesty would cause her any undue hardship. The VAST majority of women perform the same act on a routine basis without causing a huge disturbance. She chooses to pull her tits out in public, in front of a pool full of kids, because she wants the attention that it brings. This has nothing to do with feeding her baby, and everything to do with feeding her ego. This isn't about breastfeeding, it's about her using her kid as an excuse to do whatever she wants for the sole purpose of getting attention simply because she has a 7 pound excuse, so she knows she can get away with it.

That's what's offensive.
I couldn't possibly care less about her floppy tits.

If I have bladder control problems, should I be able to whip my dick out and piss into a bottle in the middle of the mall? You're not scared of my dick are you?

Also worth noting: That kid looks like it's about a year and a half old. Exactly how fucking long is she planning on letting it gobble on her troughs?

04-07-2009, 10:32 AM
Originally posted by TKRIS
Also worth noting: That kid looks like it's about a year and a half old. Exactly how fucking long is she planning on letting it gobble on her troughs?
My thoughts exactly :rofl: . I could care less if someone did this, but I wouldn't let my wife do it in a pool.

04-07-2009, 10:40 AM
Looks like she's getting her due share of hate mail:


But it's odd - the article makes it seem like most people are angry over the fact that her daughter is 21 months old and she's still breastfeeding her. I'd be more irritated at the fact that she MUST do it in a public pool.

04-07-2009, 10:43 AM
Originally posted by TKRIS


You said it. :werd:

Most women cover with a blanket as well if they have to nurse in public. At the age that kid looks, she's not breastfeeding in a pool for her child's health, she's doing it for the attention.

If we were talking about a 2 month old infant going batshit crazy, then i'd be a more understanding if she was AT the pool and not IN it.

04-07-2009, 10:52 AM
Originally posted by topmade
but I wouldn't let my wife do it in a pool.

wouldn't LET her? Did you run this by her? lol

04-07-2009, 11:12 AM
Originally posted by w_man
wouldn't LET her? Did you run this by her? lol
Don't need to :thumbsup: she's not the kind of person to do this in public.

04-07-2009, 11:18 AM
i guess convenience is more important than etiquette these days and on that note if thats the case i can now go to a public pool, hop in and drink my milkshake and eat my peters drive in onion rings and double cheese because its more convenient than having to get out and do it. cause hey i dont decide when i get hungry.

and i guess i would also be allowed to just piss and shit in said pool cause holding it in is unhealthy besides getting out to relieve myself in the proper place is also inconvenient. cause i dont decide when i have to go.

And while im taking my swim i guess ill just stop wearing trunks because the argument that its natural and nobody should be offended (which they will be if i take them off) also applies.

its a whole new pool now.

this woman is on crack.

04-07-2009, 11:54 AM

04-07-2009, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by badatusrnames
Umm... why are they so bent on doing so in the pool? I personally wouldn't be offended (I'm not easily offended) but wouldn't it just be simpler to do so in the locker room or even on the deck? What makes being in the pool so essential? Is it just a case of someone making a fuss just for the concept of doing so?

What's next? They petition to be able to sit in the middle of the road, or how about they show up in the pub or some other unsuitable place and breastfeed?

Yeah it is iffy no doubt.

BTW, if some lady decides to breast feed her kid in my restaurant, what can I do? Tell her to stop? lol

I hate being placed in odd situations like that. Reminds me of the time this lady wanted to change her kids diapers right in the dining room with other people around! Oh man, some people!!!:nut:

04-07-2009, 12:49 PM
I don't think this is ok to do, not because of hygiene, or because the chemicals in the water could potentially harm the child. But as a general concept i think it inappropriate.

First of all, there are likely young children around who might not grasp the concept of what is going on and could find it disturbing. Second, the two seconds it would take her to jump out and do it on the deck is not going to harm her or her child...

Just a question... anyone think that maybe she is just taking advantage of the water? Maybe her child is to heavy for her to hold (seeing as she is well past breast feeding stage) so she looks to buoyancy???

Who knows! Either way, I still think breast feeding in a pool is unnecessary!

04-07-2009, 12:52 PM
Originally posted by max_boost
Reminds me of the time this lady wanted to change her kids diapers right in the dining room with other people around! Oh man, some people!!!:nut:

... are you serious??! Haha wow, if I saw someone changing their kid's diaper in the dining area of a restaurant I would lose my shit on them.

What did she say when you told her no?

04-07-2009, 01:10 PM
^she said I have the right to change my daughter's diaper on this restaurant dining table just like I had the right to breastfeed my 2 year old daughter in the middle of the Kilarney pool...so fuck off!

04-07-2009, 01:15 PM
Breastfeeding's all good but I don't want to see your tit while I'm trying to swim. It's pretty simple. The fact these women are breastfeeding 4 year olds is another level of crazy altogether. If it can talk to you it's generally ready for real food. Fucking militant breastfeeders! :facepalm:

04-07-2009, 02:28 PM
i pee in the pool so its all good

04-07-2009, 02:55 PM
I personally don't give a shit if she wants to breastfeed her kid wherever she pleases, but I think that she must be some kind of idiot to actually WANT to breast feed in a pool. Sit on the side at least... I don't care about the tit, but more about the health of the kid sucking on a chlorine soaked boob in a pool full of fecal and piss particles... ewwwwww!

04-07-2009, 03:12 PM
@TKRIS well said sir, well said
even so i have no problem with women breast feeding in public, just at least TRY to cover up, and keep it out of my pool please

Originally posted by max_boost
I hate being placed in odd situations like that. Reminds me of the time this lady wanted to change her kids diapers right in the dining room with other people around! Oh man, some people!!!:nut:

that reminds me, a few months ago i was walking in the mall with a friend, and some lady was smack in the middle of changing her babies diaper right on the seat (the public couches they have set up in market mall)
Just as i walked by (and could smell it) security came by and told her to change the baby in the bathroom

04-07-2009, 03:23 PM
Originally posted by TKRIS










This isnt about a mother fighting for her rights. This isnt about how hygenic the pool is for the infant or others. This is about getting your fat ass in the paper.

Look at the fat bitch smiling in all her photo ops, even in the one about her receiving death threats, listed her full name for Facebook. Seems like a desparate last attempt for attention from a fat, single mother in her 30's who knows time is running out.

04-07-2009, 03:41 PM
If Shamo feels that's how they feed their young ones, so be it... There're better things to worry about than waste time everytime someone does these little out-of-norm stunts in society.

And by Shamo, I'm just talking about oceans and whales in general, you know the nature of things.

04-07-2009, 03:50 PM
^I Lol'd

04-07-2009, 03:56 PM
What I don't really understand is the City of Calgary's policy making in the first place. I mean, who down at City Hall came up with this one..."gee, I think that breastfeeding mom's should be able to feed their kid right there in the pool while 76 yr old Bob is doing laps." :nut:

04-07-2009, 03:59 PM
Someone give this woman some air-time, please, that's all she really wants. :rolleyes: Just like the sea-donkey with the Kia Rio, this is just a 'hey look at me!' stunt.

04-07-2009, 04:12 PM
Would this thread be different had the said women in question been Megan Fox?

Why yes, yes it would.

04-07-2009, 04:19 PM
Meagan Fox breast feeding = good
Fat ugly moms breast feeding in a public pool = bad

04-07-2009, 04:23 PM
Exactly. Which leads me to believe that this thread is neither about breast feeding nor a woman's cry for attention; its about fatties... and here at beyond we hate the fatties.

04-07-2009, 04:32 PM
Originally posted by sputnik
You guys are all complaining about the wrong things.

- Leaking breastmilk? So what, no lactating women are allowed in pools anymore? Leakage happens on its own.

- Chlorinated pool water danger? As if. When I go swimming my mouth comes in contact with pool water on a regular basis. A bit of water on a nipple is not going to kill your bubble child.

- Decency issues? So now you guys are SCARED of breasts?

The REAL issue for me is the fact that after you feed a baby the chances of it spitting up, puking or taking a crap are VERY high. Does that really need to happen in the pool? Why would you want to take the chance? Sure it probably won't kill anyone, but it is pretty gross.

That is the only issue I see as being an issue. All the other ones come from the population of germaphobes and puritans.

Hit the nail right on the head.

I think we need some attention whores to protest that breast feeding IS allowed in the pool by taking dumps in it.

What annoyed me was that she is suppose to be a day home operator and take client's kids out to the pool as well. How well can she do her job when she got a kid attached to the nipples?

04-07-2009, 04:42 PM
Alright, I'll weigh on on this one. As a breast feeding mother, I think this woman is absolutely insane.

Just to clarify some misconceptions though, calgary health recommends breast feeding until 24 months of age. I will choose to refrain from posting my opinion on that, but let's just say it's not a good one.

Second of all, the kids in question are 21 months and 3 years old. Kids that age can wait 10 minutes for their lunch until their mom can get out, clean up and find a comfortable place to feed. If it was an infant of 6 months or under, then that might be a different story, but I still think IN the pool is ridiculous no matter what age the kid is. Lucas got brutally sick from being in a swimming pool a few weeks ago, they're dirtier than a freakin bathroom, even with all the chlorene.

And it's true, a lot of babies poop while they're eating. And breast fed babies dont have solid poop, it's almost completely liquid. I think that reason alone would be reason to take your kid out while they eat. Those diapers don't hold it all in THAT well!

Most 'lactivists' (what us mommies call the hardcore 'F-you' crowd when it comes to breast feeding) CONSTANTLY use the line "If you can eat here, so can my child". Well last time I checked, pools didn't allow bottles, sippy cups, cheese burgers or cans of pop in their pool, so their arguments don't really hold up.

In my world, decorum is king. I had a friend litterally whip out a boob to feed her kid around me (in public no less) and it was really uncomfortable. And I'm a woman! So yeah, I've been one to sit in a stall of a woman's bathroom or go out to my car if there isn't a suitable place for feeding. My little guy refuses to be covered so I have to be a little crafty, but I make it work. I want people seeing my boobs probably less than even the most squeemish man out there. At my house, a fellow mom's place or a room specifically meant for breast feeding, I'm not as ridgid about covering up, but yeah, I definitely think these women are taking the "mother's rights" thing WAYYYYY too far. Most other moms I've talked to agree with me 100%, so I know that these crazy people are few and far between.

I feel bad for the PR guy who has to try to make both sides happy on this one, such a hot topic these days :banghead:

04-07-2009, 04:44 PM
If a baby (or anyone) pukes in a pool, they clear it. And when you boob/bottle feed a baby you're supposed to burp it which often leads to puking/spitup. They want to do it on deck away from the water fine, I don't care.

04-07-2009, 04:47 PM
Beyond meet at that protest and just stare at their fat ugly tits to piss them off, or one person goes beside them in the pool and pisses then GTFO

04-07-2009, 04:54 PM
Originally posted by Tarrantula
or gets tit milk in the water.. AWKWARRRRRRRRRRD

your honestly complaining about getting breastmilk in water?? What do little kids do in water ALL THE TIME?? PEE... too me, pee is a lot worst than breastmilk....

Honestly, Im completely fine if breastfeeding is done in public, I mean, breastfeeding is the best for a child, its been going on for how many thousands of years?? its completely natural, ALTHOUGH, i do believe it should be covered up.

As for in the pool? hmmm tough call, i mean, chances are, the mothers also have other small children there that they dont want to leave unattended while they go to feed their other child, or pull them out of the pool from the fun, but maybe the mothers could sit on the side of the pool and ask one of the other moms to watch their other child... tough decision.

04-07-2009, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by anschutz_92

Fat &amp; Ugly is FAT!

Who wants to see that woman's tities? She is repulsive. DOES NOT WANT!

you are so childish! Its not about "who wants to see her breasts" its about feeding her child. you really need to grow up and stop thinking females breastfeed so people can stare at them!:rolleyes:

04-07-2009, 05:04 PM
Originally posted by LittleAngel
you really need to grow up and stop thinking females breastfeed so people can stare at them!:rolleyes:

To be fair, this one certain is breastfeeding so that people can stare at her.

I agree with your premise, but since she is clearly doing this for the attention, she's fair game.

EDIT: I just realize how ironic that justification is, given my new signature. Haha

D. Dub
04-07-2009, 05:06 PM
What a bunch of prudes. :D

04-07-2009, 05:08 PM
Originally posted by TKRIS

To be fair, this one certain is breastfeeding so that people can stare at her.

I agree with your premise, but since she is clearly doing this for the attention, she's fair game.

probably not, she probably does it because she or the child is too attached to let go, there are babies out there that wont even take a bottle so in that case they dont have a choice.

Melinda is right tho, a child that age CAN wait 10 minutes or so for their milk. My baby is 7 months old and she can wait for her bottle to get ready, children 6 months and older dont demand food the way a child under 6 months will.

04-07-2009, 05:30 PM
Originally posted by LittleAngel
probably not, she probably does it because she or the child is too attached to let go, there are babies out there that wont even take a bottle so in that case they dont have a choice.

Nah, she's either an attention whore or stupid. Sounds like common sense/consensus is to take it to the side of the pool. If she had done that, there would be no issue at all but she decided to make it an issue.

04-07-2009, 05:43 PM
Well if this dumb bitch can be allowed to pull her titties out for a purpose, I guess I should be allowed to relive my testicular pressure build-up (TPB) as well. I mean, I COULD do it in private, but why should I have to? Besides, I like the feel of the water dirty pool water against my body.

04-07-2009, 06:00 PM
Originally posted by Wildcat
Would this thread be different had the said women in question been Megan Fox?

Why yes, yes it would.

My actions would be the same, the only obvious differences would be the expression on my face and the fit of my pants.

04-07-2009, 06:08 PM
Originally posted by calgarydub
Well if this dumb bitch can be allowed to pull her titties out for a purpose, I guess I should be allowed to relive my testicular pressure build-up (TPB) as well. I mean, I COULD do it in private, but why should I have to? Besides, I like the feel of the water dirty pool water against my body.

You're comparing an attention whore mom who breastfeeds openly in a pool to you yanking on your dick in public?

I'm against what this woman is doing but that is just a ridiculous comparison.

04-07-2009, 06:11 PM
Originally posted by calgarydub
Well if this dumb bitch can be allowed to pull her titties out for a purpose, I guess I should be allowed to relive my testicular pressure build-up (TPB) as well. I mean, I COULD do it in private, but why should I have to? Besides, I like the feel of the water dirty pool water against my body.


Wrong issue at hand.

04-07-2009, 07:08 PM
Originally posted by Xtrema


Wrong issue at hand.

Ba dum chhhhhhhhhh

16 people have deemed this acceptable. I'm actually quite curious who these people are and why they believe so.

I told my Mother just now about this and her response was, "that woman sounds like an overweight feminist." :rofl:

04-07-2009, 07:59 PM
I agree with the poster who said that if that woman can breast feed in the water, then I should be able to "eat my fast-food burger in the deep-end". So funny yet so true!! I agree with the whole notion of the 7-pound excuse in this scenario!

04-07-2009, 08:06 PM
If a kid like my son at 21 months can open a fridge and pull his own juice out of the door. He can stop sucking on a tit. If he can ask for a tit he doesn't need it

04-08-2009, 08:06 AM
Originally posted by LittleAngel

your honestly complaining about getting breastmilk in water?? What do little kids do in water ALL THE TIME?? PEE... too me, pee is a lot worst than breastmilk....

No, I dont thinks its THAT bad, but it would be awkward to have a milky cloud around you.

but yes, a lot of worse shit goes on all the time. Im sure some perve has got his rocks off in the water before.

04-08-2009, 08:20 AM
Originally posted by Tarrantula

No, I dont thinks its THAT bad, but it would be awkward to have a milky cloud around you.

when breasts leak breastmilk it wouldn't be a "cloud around you" you wouldn't even notice, they don't pour out.... lol

04-08-2009, 08:24 AM
Originally posted by LittleAngel

when breasts leak breastmilk it wouldn't be a &quot;cloud around you&quot; you wouldn't even notice, they don't pour out.... lol

hey, if someone bumps her the wrong way.. or she is full of it.. ive seen it squirt before. but yes, in reality she would have to be milking herself into the water for a while.

04-08-2009, 08:59 AM
AHahahaha, Sorry, but really.... milking herself ???

As for the milk cloud.... some people do "leak" in abundance so it is possible. Although, after many many months of feeding, i doubt that she is still "full" enough to do so. As for the little ones, i agree! there is a point in time where the should eat real food and not boobie milk. Give the kid some carrots, worst comes to worst she can find them floating around if she drops one in the pool!

04-08-2009, 09:03 AM
Originally posted by OneOfMany
AHahahaha, Sorry, but really.... milking herself ???

As for the milk cloud.... some people do &quot;leak&quot; in abundance so it is possible. Although, after many many months of feeding, i doubt that she is still &quot;full&quot; enough to do so.
....boobie milk......

I was using "milking herself" loosly. But, yes she is probably as wrinkly as raisins. Who would actually milk themselves into a pool? Hopefully no one.

Also, I like your use of "Boobie Milk"

04-08-2009, 09:05 AM
just happened to see it in the Calgary Herald.


04-08-2009, 09:10 AM
They are putting up signs to allow it IN the pool? Did I read that correctly? or are they just going to "ask" them to do it outside of the pool basin instead of making it "Against policy"?


04-08-2009, 09:14 AM
I read that and wonder what exactly her reasoning is behind all this? If there is a logical reason why people should be allowed to feed in a pool then i will support her... but as far as i can she the WHOLE point behind this is just to clarify if it is ok, not to give a reason why it should be... Correct me if i am wrong?

04-08-2009, 09:19 AM
Originally posted by Tarrantula
They are putting up signs to allow it IN the pool? Did I read that correctly? or are they just going to &quot;ask&quot; them to do it outside of the pool basin instead of making it &quot;Against policy&quot;?


Yes, they are allowing it IN the pool.. there really isnt much rules on breastfeeding, you can do it pretty much anywhere, anytime in front of anyone...

04-08-2009, 09:21 AM
Originally posted by OneOfMany
I read that and wonder what exactly her reasoning is behind all this? If there is a logical reason why people should be allowed to feed in a pool then i will support her... but as far as i can she the WHOLE point behind this is just to clarify if it is ok, not to give a reason why it should be... Correct me if i am wrong?

Well seems like she just wants to clarify that it is ok to breastfeed in a pool. Apparently for 2 years the mothers there have been told to leave the pool when feeding their children, but as far as they were concerned they were allowed to do it in the pool. I think the whole point is to make it clear to everyone that they are allowed to do it and the lifeguards to stop telling them to go elsewhere

04-08-2009, 09:28 AM
But they just said (on the citys website) that they (lifeguards) will be asking women if they would feel more comfortable doing it outside of the pool? Pick a fucking side already.

04-08-2009, 09:33 AM
Originally posted by LittleAngel

Well seems like she just wants to clarify that it is ok to breastfeed in a pool. Apparently for 2 years the mothers there have been told to leave the pool when feeding their children, but as far as they were concerned they were allowed to do it in the pool. I think the whole point is to make it clear to everyone that they are allowed to do it and the lifeguards to stop telling them to go elsewhere


The next time one of these 'lactivists' does this around me, uncovered, i'll be sure to stare/watch them.

If they give me the, "it's natural - would you stare at someone eating?" and i'll reply with, "It's natural for me to stare at boobs. As for watching someone eating, if they got boobs on display then yep, i'll be watching them eat too."

It goes both ways, if they lack discretion, so can I !!!

04-08-2009, 09:38 AM
Originally posted by LittleAngel
you can do it pretty much anywhere, anytime in front of anyone...

And this is where you would hope these mothers would exhibit some discretion and class... though in the cases of these women, it's obviously lacking.

04-08-2009, 09:42 AM
Originally posted by hampstor
It's natural for me to stare at boobs.

I have only been caught staring at oneofmany boobs.. erm i mean... what?

04-08-2009, 09:50 AM
Ahaha Thanks for that!

Well on a not my boob related note, i wish i could talk to this lady! I want to know why she is putting up such a fight... i can't think of a reason that breast feeding in a pool would be worth such a fight. Is it benificial to the baby? Like a soothing situation, or just a personal prefernce.... I don't want to dweall, but trying to ignore the tits hanging out mentality i really wonder why this is worth putting signs up and being upset when people as you to leave....

04-08-2009, 10:05 AM
This woman must be bat shit crazy to feel she has every right to breast feed anywhere she wants...Go to the side of the pool. I should be allowed to eat my subway in the pool then. Dropping lettuce and vegetables and sub meat everywhere...Then people can swim among the food I've dropped...Should we not all have the right to feed ourselves in the pools now???

04-08-2009, 10:06 AM
Originally posted by OneOfMany
Ahaha Thanks for that!

Well on a not my boob related note, i wish i could talk to this lady! I want to know why she is putting up such a fight... i can't think of a reason that breast feeding in a pool would be worth such a fight. Is it benificial to the baby? Like a soothing situation, or just a personal prefernce.... I don't want to dweall, but trying to ignore the tits hanging out mentality i really wonder why this is worth putting signs up and being upset when people as you to leave....

Yeah, I would also like to know.. whats the point in fighting? is she truly THAT lazy? like.. why even fight it when most people dont feed in the pool?

I guess there is always someone who has to push the limits I guess..

04-08-2009, 10:11 AM
Originally posted by Super_Geo

And this is where you would hope these mothers would exhibit some discretion and class... though in the cases of these women, it's obviously lacking.

thats true.

I mean, there is nothing wrong with breastfeeding in public, but cover up!!

04-08-2009, 10:13 AM
She obviously feels strongly for it? I dunno. Maybe we are all jealous we cannot eat in the pool!

04-08-2009, 10:15 AM
Originally posted by OneOfMany
maybe you could bring your boyfriend and.. maybe i wont finish that sentence


You are my hero. You mean I could be looking at them AND.... I wont finish that sentence either!


04-08-2009, 10:19 AM
I'm not sure why you're still reading so much into this. If there was any actual reasoning or benefit, it would have been presented. There isn't.
She is not doing this for any actual reason. She is doing this for the attention, and just to spite everyone else because she feels having a 2 year old strapped to her teet makes her superior. There is no reason for her to not be more courteous and discreet aside from her desire to tell everyone else "fuck you, I can do whatever I want".

Like I said, it has nothing to do with feeding the kid, and everything to do with feeding this bitch's fat ego and sense of entitlement.

On a personal note: I can't even fucking imagine my daughter, who's a similar age, still being breastfed. She eats steak for fuck's sake!
Also, FWIW, the actual benefits from breastfeeding are grossly overemphasized. This is something I did no small amount of research on before my daughter was born.
A quick google search produced this article, which after a quick perusing, seems to sum it up fairly well.
If anyone's interested in the names of actual studies, etc. and can't find them on their own, I can likely dig them up again.

04-08-2009, 11:07 AM
For a society that is mostly prudish, am intrigued to see the city allowed breastesses in public

04-08-2009, 11:23 AM
I think we are all missing the bigger picture here..

Who the fuck swims in public pools?!

04-08-2009, 11:55 AM
Originally posted by Primer_Drift
I think we are all missing the bigger picture here..

Who the fuck swims in public pools?!

ahahaha well put.

Never read every post, kinda skimmed through, but i really find this unacceptable.
Swimming is a priviledge, breast feeding, sure it can be a right.

F- off now.
The chicks probably ugly, and trying to get back on the world in the form of this.

04-08-2009, 06:04 PM

Another TKRIS FTMFW thread.

Just because you can do it, doesn't mean you should.

04-08-2009, 07:14 PM
Breastfeeding that long is just creepy. I breast fed both of my children until they were 6 months. I found it very time consuming and felt very house bound because I would never breast feed in public. If we went out I pumped, easy solution.

Right at the hospital nurses are super pro breast feeding. If you don't wish to breast feed it's a major uproar. Like your some sort of monster that shouldn't have had children. I had a friend that for her own reason didn't. Nurses bothered her on a hourly basis about it.

The pool lady....she did it to make a point. Yeah everyone. I can breast feed wherever I want to. Nothing you can do about it. It's natural. ..blah, blah, blah. Not natural to eat while you're in the pool. Sorry. Get out. So next time I am with my kids...I think I will bring juice for a drink in the pool.