View Full Version : Scared Pussy!

10-20-2003, 12:28 PM
I got a cat, and it likes to hide, it's not very sociable , how can I change that, I've only had it since Saturday but it spends most of the day under a bed or even in the furnace room, it seldom wanders into my basement and it's afraid to go into the kitchen.

Some times I go to pet it and it doesn't mind, but then a little later it is scared of me again.

What should I do to make it feel more at home?

10-20-2003, 12:35 PM
If you only had it since Saturday, give it some time first.

10-20-2003, 12:35 PM
I had 2 siamese cats, they just need to gradually get used to everyone and its surroundings. Its a new experience to them.

Takes time.

goodluck man.

10-20-2003, 12:54 PM
Don't chase it around and try to grab it etc - just ignore it and it will start to get curious and come out. Plus it will get used to whoever feeds it and that will be the new best friend.

Depending on how old the cat is, it could take a few weeks for it to calm down.


GTS Jeff
10-20-2003, 01:12 PM
rub catnip all over your clothing

10-20-2003, 01:18 PM
ignor it and let it be till it comes and find you. get some toys and play with the cat so it wont be afraid of you or the house.

my friend just got a cat and it's the most curious thing in the world. it never sleeps and just runs around looking at things. get some toys and it will be more comfortable with u.

10-20-2003, 02:08 PM
Get a dog, cats are antisocial.

10-20-2003, 02:36 PM
I wanted a dog but my moms friend needed to get rid of this cat because it was fighting over food with her other cats. It's interesting though, kind of nice I guess, except it gets aggresive after playing with the tennis ball I gave him.

10-20-2003, 07:56 PM
how misleading....i thought maybe this was about ur gf scared to have sex with you...bleh..

10-20-2003, 08:18 PM
Originally posted by FastDak318
Get a dog, cats are antisocial.

"Cats are like your best friend once u get to know them, it takes time and trust"
"Dogs are like the retarded kid in grade 5 who walks home with u everyday and begs you to play with it"

10-20-2003, 08:35 PM
you got to pet it and rub it, sometimes even kiss it, before the pussy opens up to you

10-20-2003, 10:40 PM
Originally posted by Danger_Mouse
"Dogs are like the retarded kid in grade 5 who walks home with u everyday and begs you to play with it"

10-20-2003, 10:50 PM
How old is the cat, Im assuming its a kitten.

When you first get them as pets they take along time getting use to the new surroundings, and getting use to the people, usually about a 2 week period is good to leave it to itself, Right now its still very scared you need to let it be and when it comes to you pet it and be nice to it, so it can develope a trusting relationship with you. Keep it up and let it do its own thing in about 2 weeks it should come around>
some cats however take longer then outhers to do so

WE currently have 6 cats, most we ever had was 10, weve probably had about 25 different cats in my day though.

My mom is a Maine coon cat breeder, And takes our cats to show,

our 2 top pure bread maincoones currently have 27 ribbens a piece, Princess is one of the top award winning cats in calgary and nother alberta,

If ur wondering Maine coon cats are the largest pet cats known to man, they are also the smartes, Out cat walker is 31 pounds, NO FAT AT ALL, Just a big cat,

Pet maine coons are around 450, breeders are around 800 - 1200, show main coones can range from 1000 -2000 depending on the quality, WE just sold a breeder for 1500 to some guy in drumheller.

Anyways let it take time man, She or he will come around dont sweat it, Have toys around so it can play with, this will help it stay out of hiding solitary for longer periods of time, this will alow it to get use to certain rooms quicker Ie kitchen, Living room, wherever toys are around, MAybe even think about getting another cat for it to play with, It wont feel so lonely and will feel more comforatble in ur home with another cat.

If you do, Keep the 1 cat solitary from the other cat for about a week, loet them see eachohter a few minutes every day for about a week, If you just let them run around They could bond, or they could kill eachohter before They properly know eachother.

Anyways just give it time.dont give up.

10-21-2003, 01:17 AM
Haha, life story????? j/k

The cat is not a kitten, and it's a himalayan blue and from what I know it's a show quality cat as well, except it's altered.

Thanks for the info, it's warming up to the house though, starting to wander more of the house.

Is there any good food I can give it other than cat food, like Ham or turkey etc... From what I've read chicken and fish are good but what else?

10-21-2003, 09:48 AM
Originally posted by Hakkola
Is there any good food I can give it other than cat food, like Ham or turkey etc... From what I've read chicken and fish are good but what else?

yah i unno what it's called but it smells like fish and taste like chicken so let her keep on lickin :poosie:

10-21-2003, 09:49 AM
Um, you don't give pets chicken - bones are fatal. :dunno:


10-21-2003, 10:44 AM
Originally posted by Mx6GtTurbo

yah i unno what it's called but it smells like fish and taste like chicken so let her keep on lickin :poosie: :rofl:

I read chicken in a cat book, you don't have to give a cat a whole chicken, you can get it boneless from the deli.

10-21-2003, 10:47 AM
Originally posted by Khyron
Um, you don't give pets chicken - bones are fatal. :dunno:


like hes going to give a kitten a whole funkin' chicken leg:rolleyes:

GTS Jeff
10-21-2003, 11:25 AM
Originally posted by Khyron
Um, you don't give pets chicken - bones are fatal. :dunno:

Khyron well so is bleach...so?

10-21-2003, 09:45 PM
Some people say you can feed cats normaly food, It isnt a good idea aspeically if its a show quality cat.

Normal food can give them BAD DIAREAH!!!!! and yes it can increase there life, but they can get sick and get bad diareah.

ten years ago people did this though because cat food was just cat food, Now special kinds of cat food actually has certain chemicles put into it to increase cats life, stop cavities, decaying, Also gives them the types of protein they need to give the a NICER FULL COAT, Giving them the right kinda cat food will actualy give it a nicer coat and increase personality cause it gives them the nutrition they need, like with people, FAST FOOD VERSES FRUITS AND VEGETABLES< WE should eat whats GOOD for us, decreases cancer helps us live longer gives us the essentials we need for a better lifes, same sorta thing wtih cats.

If you dont want ur cat shitting all over the house, DONT FEED IT HUNAN FOOD!!!!!

10-22-2003, 06:14 PM
Originally posted by sxtasy
you got to pet it and rub it, sometimes even kiss it, before the pussy opens up to you

I take it that you know how to 'pet', 'play' and treat the 'pussy' well SXTASY;)

10-22-2003, 10:04 PM
Originally posted by SILKY_SMOOTH

I take it that you know how to 'pet', 'play' and treat the 'pussy' well SXTASY;) :rofl: hahaha PM SENT!!!!;) :poosie:

DJ Lazy
10-23-2003, 10:25 PM
Silky_Smooth meet sxtasy.

I think you 2 would make a great couple... :rofl: :rofl: :love: