View Full Version : Memorial Drive: Closures on Sundays in August

04-15-2009, 11:38 AM
Michael Platt of the Calgary Sun has his take here:


Your thoughts? Close half of it down and let pedestrians/cyclists/etc roam free or leave it is as?

04-15-2009, 11:54 AM
Why close a major E-W artery like Memorial? Wouldn't closing off Kensington Road between 10th St and 14th St make more sense?

04-15-2009, 11:58 AM
Good idea in concept but how does it make sense to close off memorial when theres already bike paths and tons of open green space on both sides of the river.
Why not encourage peopel to come downtown and take advantage of Stephen Ave or Eau Claire or even Kensignton how the above poster suggested. Theres probably many other streets that are better suited for this and where the local residents and business improvement zones would appreciate and welcome this.

Druh is another alderman that needs to get the boot.

04-15-2009, 11:59 AM
There aren't that many options for going East-West in the north. If memorial gets closed then you either go up to 16th ave which has lights every block or go down into downtown which also has lights every block. But in this cunts mind FUCK people who actually have things to do and places to be on Sunday! People who jerk off by the river are more important.

There's a bike path right there. It's not stephen avenue with shops. You have a residential area on one side and the river on the other. People setting up entertainment and stuff on a main road is not "cultural" it's pretty ghetto. Especially since only half the traffic closed. How the hell do these retards even get elected.

04-15-2009, 12:17 PM
I predict that the closed lanes of Memorial will be completely dead while they are closed.

04-15-2009, 12:40 PM
and yet another utterly stupid fucking idea from our municipal government.

reasons why this is dumb: 1) memorial is a major east-west thorouighfare for vehicular traffic, 2) there are already giant paths along both sides of the river, 3) there is nothing on memorial or anywhere along it, 4) you can hardly 'enjoy the river' from the road - i predict that most people would prefer the path over the road anyhow.

i hope you all get out and vote in the next election. this city is run by stupid fucking idiots.

04-15-2009, 12:56 PM
Originally posted by whiskas
There aren't that many options for going East-West in the north. If memorial gets closed then you either go up to 16th ave which has lights every block or go down into downtown which also has lights every block. But in this cunts mind FUCK people who actually have things to do and places to be on Sunday! People who jerk off by the river are more important.

There's a bike path right there. It's not stephen avenue with shops. You have a residential area on one side and the river on the other. People setting up entertainment and stuff on a main road is not "cultural" it's pretty ghetto. Especially since only half the traffic closed. How the hell do these retards even get elected.

The other problem is that they are planning on having 2 lanes shut down on 16th ave as well until "fall" 2009. Heard on Global this morning that they need to remove the old railway burried under the road when they had a street car. So now you have a real problem trying to go East-West.

I really like how she stated that it's sleepy on a Sunday. Really, sleepy? Has she not ever driven in the summer on a Sunday. Get a clue.

04-15-2009, 01:02 PM
Originally posted by Ntense_SpecV
I really like how she stated that it's sleepy on a Sunday. Really, sleepy? Has she not ever driven in the summer on a Sunday. Get a clue.

No doubt, perhaps there's no morning or late-afternoon rush hour/gridlock, but the roads are just as busy on a Sunday as they are during non-peak hours on weekdays.

Then again, this is Druh Farrell we're talking about... I don't think she leaves her ivory tower very often.

04-15-2009, 01:02 PM
This is a really retarded idea. Worst part is, that it didn't even come to a vote, it just got approved. WTF.

adam c
04-15-2009, 01:16 PM
how are people supposed to get down there and where do they park? there is no space in that area already...:banghead:

04-15-2009, 01:21 PM

04-15-2009, 01:31 PM
Dumbest idea ever. They compare it to other cities that do the same thing in the summer. Unfortunately they failed to realize those cities have many alternate routes for drivers.

They interviewed some pathway users who also thought it was dumb because they say there is plenty of room on the existing pathway system.

04-15-2009, 01:43 PM
Originally posted by dennisaur
This is a really retarded idea. Worst part is, that it didn't even come to a vote, it just got approved. WTF.

The city has been following D'ruhs plans for quite some time now . Instead of making it easier along this major corridor , D'ruh has pushed for changes to make it more difficult . The City has recently spent MILLIONS on putting up rediculous flower planters on Memorial instead of building yet another two lanes going east/west (it WAS very easy to do ) .

The real reason ????? D'ruh lives in the hood . She'd love to see Memorial closed down permanantly ! The cost of her house would soar if the city turned Sunnyside/Kensington into a little cluster for the rich and famous . It's always been her plan to make driving to work downtown more difficult so people are forced to take the transit more ( like it's not already maxed out ) ... more money for the city ! Vola' .

As far as closing Memorial down ... why ? So most people can drive way more trying to go east/west ? As metioned above there is a huge bike/pedestrian pathway not 30 feet away . Are people becoming so fat that they can't walk on the pathways anymore ?

If you have been following D'ruhs plan for a while now ( i have ) she'd like nothing more then to get rid of ALL cars downtown and force everyone to transit . She's been the leading opponent to the so called urban sprawl , and would like nothing better to see all Calgarians crammed like sardines like in Japan . Less money the city has to pay for infustructure , and more money ( the theory ) going to the city .

D'ruh = nutjob , they shoulda punted her ass long ago .

04-15-2009, 01:46 PM
Originally posted by kaput
I blame Oprah.

I blame letting them out of the kitchen where they belong . :eek:

04-15-2009, 02:26 PM
Calgary is unique in that it has over 200 KM of cyclist paths within the city.

... so why is it necessary to shut down lanes on Memorial Drive?

04-15-2009, 02:33 PM
What a cunning stunt!

Seriously, moving E-W in this city is already difficult, thanks for shutting down a major roadway.

When are the next civic elections?

04-15-2009, 03:05 PM
How the fuck am I supposed to get downtown from COP or so without Memorial?

I don't spend a ton of time in Calgary, but I'm there quite a bit in the summer and I have friends that live downtown and parents that live in the NW. I hate 16th because it's a shitshow. I haven't even been to Peter's in a couple years because I don't want to drive on 16th.

Seriously, seriously stupid idea.

Okay, after actually reading the article, my WTF goes up... They want people playing on a road?! When there's already paths/parks next to it? Seems like a great idea, hope no one gets hit by a fucking car!

How about a police car that needs to get somewhere using it? Or better yet, an Ambulance or Fire Truck.

That's like closing down.... River Valley Road in Edmonton, and diverting everyone downtown or something.


04-15-2009, 06:29 PM
I don't think it'll really affect traffic all that much, but it's just another completely useless idea that the city council comes up with, just to justify having them around.

04-15-2009, 07:23 PM
While D'ruh 's idea of shutting Memorial Drive for the propuse of giving people space to have entertainment on half of that road, and only 1 to 1 lane for traffic. A good Idea, BUT the wrong road!
I'm against that as this road is a major road E-W for people to drive.

Come August when it do happen, I predict a lot of compliants ranted up and ANGRY drivers everywhere along Memorial Drive - their dirty cussing faces AT the people playing on side of road. I can almost visualize in my mind.

What a stupid idea! Silly Hall better be looking somewhere else soon.

04-15-2009, 07:53 PM

04-15-2009, 11:23 PM
:facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

Get a fucking grip you dummy. Wow.

04-15-2009, 11:29 PM
What a terrible idea, there are basically 3 usable E-W roads in the city 16th, memorial and glenmore... this lady either need to find more important issues to deal with or loose her job.

04-16-2009, 09:56 AM
Originally posted by blueToy

The city has been following D'ruhs plans for quite some time now . Instead of making it easier along this major corridor , D'ruh has pushed for changes to make it more difficult . The City has recently spent MILLIONS on putting up rediculous flower planters on Memorial instead of building yet another two lanes going east/west (it WAS very easy to do ) .

The real reason ????? D'ruh lives in the hood . She'd love to see Memorial closed down permanantly ! The cost of her house would soar if the city turned Sunnyside/Kensington into a little cluster for the rich and famous . It's always been her plan to make driving to work downtown more difficult so people are forced to take the transit more ( like it's not already maxed out ) ... more money for the city ! Vola' .

As far as closing Memorial down ... why ? So most people can drive way more trying to go east/west ? As metioned above there is a huge bike/pedestrian pathway not 30 feet away . Are people becoming so fat that they can't walk on the pathways anymore ?

If you have been following D'ruhs plan for a while now ( i have ) she'd like nothing more then to get rid of ALL cars downtown and force everyone to transit . She's been the leading opponent to the so called urban sprawl , and would like nothing better to see all Calgarians crammed like sardines like in Japan . Less money the city has to pay for infustructure , and more money ( the theory ) going to the city .

D'ruh = nutjob , they shoulda punted her ass long ago .

Toronto's Mayor David Miller sounds quite similar with his hatred for cars in the city. Expect to see a similar $60/year car tax upon vehicle renewal as well.

04-16-2009, 10:00 AM
Originally posted by szw

Toronto's Mayor David Miller sounds quite similar with his hatred for cars in the city. Expect to see a similar $60/year car tax upon vehicle renewal as well.

Do you seriously have to pay $60/year on top of your registration - just to own a car in Toronto? Did they say what the revenue collected goes towards? I knew it was expensive to live in Toronto, but damn. At least you guys have proper freeways and transit.

04-16-2009, 10:05 AM

Thomas Gabriel
04-16-2009, 10:50 AM
Who votes these people in? They consistently show that they have the opposite of the average Calgarian's interests in mind. I feel like we are living in some medieval monarchy where the king does whatever suits him with no regard for the peasants - and it fucking infuriates me.

04-16-2009, 11:02 AM
Originally posted by Ntense_SpecV

Do you seriously have to pay $60/year on top of your registration - just to own a car in Toronto? Did they say what the revenue collected goes towards? I knew it was expensive to live in Toronto, but damn. At least you guys have proper freeways and transit.

Its called the Personal Vehicle Tax: http://www.ontario.ca/en/services_for_residents/ONT06_017722. $30/yr for bikes/mopeds.

I have no idea what the money goes towards but there are some loopholes around it.

1) When it comes time to renew, change your registered address outside the 416 area code where you don't have to pay the tax, then change your address back after you have renewed in the tax-free area.

2) The tax is only paid when you renew your plates. My registration was due last week but instead of renewing, I turned in my plates and bought new ones for $20. Paid registration for 2 years so instead of spending $120 over two years I spent only an extra $20. A small victory but it felt good.

04-16-2009, 11:10 AM
yah and this is the reason why i am looking to move back east, this is fucking dumb, no fancy word needed here.

I though they would at least vote this in, i saw this in the news yesterday and this was me:banghead: WHY? they have plenty of rooms for you to run, bike, crawl, smoke crack already by the river,and now they want to give them more,

i cant believe the CPS didnt mention the fact of what they will do when they get a call in that area, oh sorry due to us having to travel around memorial we couldnt make in time to save you from that stabbing.

Do motorist/people have no say in this province, and yes 16th is shit bag road, i dont know who the fuck they hired to do the paving there, but i think us the TAX payers should get our money back for that project. I drive an impreza and even i find my self self dodging little hills of PAVEMENT on this road.

I dont know why the system here is so fucked, at least toronto has shit loads of good road to drive in... would i mind paying the extra 60 here, well i wouldnt if the roads here werent sooo SHIT and im not dogging Calgarians or the city but damm city councel needs to get their shit together.


04-16-2009, 11:12 AM
Calgary's freeze-thaw cycle wreaks havoc on the roads. Chinooks may be great to keep our winters from being a 6 month straight cold spell but it certainly makes it harder to keep our roads in good condition.

04-16-2009, 11:19 AM
How the fuck am I supposed to get to work on time on Sundays wtf! FMYLIFE

04-16-2009, 11:35 AM
The reason 16th ave is so bad right now is that they haven't laid the final layer of asphalt on it yet. it'll be much better once they get that down sometime this summer. :hijack:

04-16-2009, 12:17 PM
Originally posted by ExtraSlow
The reason 16th ave is so bad right now is that they haven't laid the final layer of asphalt on it yet. it'll be much better once they get that down sometime this summer. :hijack:

16th has been shit for years though. How fucking long does it take to pave a road?

04-16-2009, 12:34 PM
Originally posted by 95EagleAWD

16th has been shit for years though. How fucking long does it take to pave a road?

Not quite as long as to have a finished ring road...LOL.

04-16-2009, 12:35 PM
Originally posted by Ntense_SpecV

Not quite as long as to have a finished ring road...LOL.

Haha, touche... :thumbsup:

At least they're building that road. You guys are just repaving a bunch. ;)

04-16-2009, 12:46 PM
I guess i'm going to be the sole dissenter in this thread.

However, being a site primarily dedicated to vehicle ownership, this is naturally expected. Don't get me wrong, i LOVE cars, i love driving. However, i hate the automotive dependencies we've developed in north america.

I've read alot of Jane Jacobs's work, and subscribe to her theories of urban and community devlopment.

I'm not going to try and recreate her brilliant arguments and thoughtfull stances about fighting sprawl, urban renewal, and community building. But if you're interested, start by reading "Death and Life of Great American Cities" to undertand where i'm coming from (she was canadian, btw).

Basically, if you thought about it logically, intuition would make you think that traffic is like water. It will find a way to flow, and if you choke off an artery, it will flow harder in faster in another one. No one should be faulted for thinking this, and cities planners have done so and we as drivers feel this is true. However, it simply is not. Traffic is not like water. Roads ALLOW people to go places they otherwise would not. Traffic arteries allow suburbanites to connect to big box outlets 10's of miles away with ease. If it were not for these arteriest and thoroughfares, and with sufficient density of population, people coalesce into communities and build neighbourhoods.

The problem is that we are unfortuantely, too far gone, to correct for our mistakes. We've already built the crowchilds, deerfoots, and mclouds of calgary. The sprawl is here, surburban life is entrenched - so dramatically trying to force people to change rapidly is only going to cause chaos.

Hopefully over the next 100 years or so, we see calgary contract, population density go up, transit service improve and workplaces disperse - to accomodate a more natural, oil deprived, lifestyle.

Anyway, long story short. Huzzah! It's a good test of an idea, i'm all for it.

04-16-2009, 02:32 PM
Originally posted by Crymson

Anyway, long story short. Huzzah! It's a good test of an idea, i'm all for it.

I don't think anyone is dissenting her attempt at injecting more culture or at least more activities for people to do in this City. However, why would you close down a major artery to hold such a weekly event? It has already been mentioned that we have plenty of places with better infrastructure to hold something like this. Eau Claire and Stephen Ave just to name two places that would be great and are designed to hold a place for ppl to rollerblade and have entertainment and food stalls and whatever else. Hell we have a huge space in Princess Island Park for that as well.

If they want people to drive less they will have to put the infrastructure in place to make it convenient for people to want to choose public transportation. However, they always cheap out and go with whatever will save them money now instead of thinking long term solution. I don't see how this memorial closure will do anything to help reduce urban sprawl whatsoever.

Originally posted by Crymson

Hopefully over the next 100 years or so, we see calgary contract, population density go up, transit service improve and workplaces disperse - to accomodate a more natural, oil deprived, lifestyle.

We can only hope. As we have seen in the past though. The cities implementation ends up quite far from the theory.

04-16-2009, 02:52 PM
Absolutely retarded execution of a good idea. I can totally see what her vision is, but it's just the wrong spot to do it in. So what of the people that want to come down to this street for the entertainment? Where do they park? Oh right, they'll just come in on Memorial, clog it up and then clog up the neighborhood! Haha jokes on her. Just wait till people are parking their car in front of their house, trampling on her lawn, and peeing in her backyard.

And the other issue is access to Chinatown. Lots of people go there for dim sum in the morning and use the Centre Street lower deck.

Ah well. I really hope she gets royally screwed over by this fucking plan.

However, I did envision a different idea - something like a night market setup on Stephen Ave or even Kensington or a big parking lot. So invite a whole bunch of vendors (goods, food, etc..) and they would each setup tables/tents along the street and this would be a nightly activity on a weekend in the summer (kind of like the night market in Richmond). I think that would be fun. Now just need to turn this into a proposal. ;)

04-16-2009, 03:56 PM
Eau Claire night market would rule.

04-16-2009, 04:19 PM
Originally posted by clem24
However, I did envision a different idea - something like a night market setup on Stephen Ave or even Kensington or a big parking lot. So invite a whole bunch of vendors (goods, food, etc..) and they would each setup tables/tents along the street and this would be a nightly activity on a weekend in the summer (kind of like the night market in Richmond). I think that would be fun. Now just need to turn this into a proposal. ;)

Nope! Would never work, nobody wants all the:

1. Crime
2. Noise
3. Traffic

04-17-2009, 06:46 AM
Isn't Kensington already just a street filled with bars/shops, albeit one you can drive down?

04-17-2009, 07:40 AM
Originally posted by clem24
Just wait till people are parking their car in front of their house, trampling on her lawn, and peeing in her backyard.

That is what I had on my mind because I've drove on Memorial often and noticed pretty most of times one side of that street are filled with residents' cars (or their family, their friends?). I'd image some residents will be annoyed with stranger's car taking away their space they need.

And Kensington already HAVE pay parking everywhere on this street. No one can escape from skipping to pay for parking - they'll get tickets in mail. Beside, who wants to drive there? I wouldn't park there - not when there's a Sunnyside LRT station 10 minutes away.

04-17-2009, 12:17 PM
Originally posted by kenny

Nope! Would never work, nobody wants all the:

1. Crime
2. Noise
3. Traffic

That's why somewhere like Stephen Ave or in a big parking lot like they have in Richmond in Lansdowne.

04-23-2009, 10:26 AM
Well, Druh Farrell is digging in her heels. Said in news that she refused to let critics slammed on her for the idea of Memorial closure on Sundays. She said it's only 4 Sundays in Augest to see how the idea works out.

Excuse me? I'm sorry but the whole mess got started when she went striaght to city hall to get her idea approved... WITHOUT us as a community to have our say and vote on that idea!! That isn't how it's supposed to be run. Druh don't care about the community on Memorial one little bit.

Come to think of - did she ever went to the community hall to ask local residients on Memorial Drive in the first place at all?? Sure didn't make her a good ciziten as a member of local communtiy... hmm?

05-11-2009, 05:47 PM
Fuck me it passed...


05-11-2009, 05:54 PM
1st Annual Weekly Summer Beyond Cruise beginning in August!

The cruise route will snake its way through the surrounding communities, and right by Ald. Druh Farrell's house. We can all park our vehicles in the residential area and have a BBQ on the westbound lanes of Memorial Drive!


05-11-2009, 05:54 PM

Who the hell wants to walk on MEMORIAL DRIVE for fun???? The pathways are are closer to the scenic stuff (river etc) and ppl have no issue using them...so why the F would you want to shut down a road so ppl can walk around on bumpy pothole filled pavement with traffic on the other side of the median???

I bet the road will be deserted and this idea will be teh FAIL.

Totally stupid idea. :facepalm:

05-11-2009, 06:20 PM
this is the stupidist thing I have ever heard. Considering I live in Bridgeland and have to use either 16th ave or memorial to get anywhere this pisses me off.

I emailed Druh, Joe (my alderman), and Broncho.

Mayor Bronconnier,

I wanted to voice a few concerns I have over this proposed closure.

1.) Will left hand turns from the east bound lanes still be allowed?
This already causes many close calls and backups with two lanes open.

2.) Why would people be interested in walking down a road when they
could walk along a path that has a view of the river. Druh use this as
an argument to promote the closure however most people I talk to do
not share your sentiment. There is a path that can see the river or a
road that can see other cars. I fail to see the rational behind this.

3.) Has she arranged for any specific part of 16th ave to be re-opened
temporarily for this period. 16th ave during the day is already stop
and go and hence why I use memorial as my connector.

I am not impressed with this proposal at all.

Thank you for your time.

05-11-2009, 10:15 PM
yeah if people want to work out on public streets, do it 3am. memorial drive a major route w-e in calgary. if not the most important.

05-11-2009, 10:22 PM
What's with the gay-ass poem on the bottom of the article...

05-11-2009, 10:26 PM
who got beaters that're prone to break downs?

Let's cruise Memorial and turn it into a big fucking parking lot.

We'll make a tailgate party out of it when it's so jammed, even tow trucks can't get in. :D

05-13-2009, 10:54 AM
lol im down for a cruz!!!!

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

05-13-2009, 09:40 PM
Yeah, seen that in newspaper - un-freakin'-believe-crap-able!! I guess things will get tense as August comes. That is Druh we're taling about. What if - suppose this IF the festival idea should be a hit then Druh WILL see in pushing for more Sundays closures next year? We could be looking in July and August for Memorial Drive closures, then even more next year later! :banghead:

Think I will see about borrowing a BIG van and drive slowly on this road. Oh, and why not honk up for the festival? :devil:

05-14-2009, 08:40 AM

05-14-2009, 08:48 AM
The way to ensure that this is not well received is to make sure traffic is terrible that day.
I'll be making it a point to drive memorial during this closure, and I'll be careful to drive slowly so as not to endanger any festival goers.
Rolling beyond meet on memorial?

05-15-2009, 08:02 AM
I miss the good old, old days when citizens could just march in a trample in and stone council. I'm so tired of hearing of some of the stupid shit that silly hall wastes taxpayer time on over the years. The banning of Marylin Manson concert, the <$100,000 spent on the campain to rename Calgary to 'Calgary City', the ban on weed & feed so we have a city of dandelions, this lane closure when there already is a path right next to memorial.:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

It's middle of May and the city streets are full of fucking gravel and my area isn't even getting the streets cleaned until June which is a complet and total disgrace. They can gravel the entire city overnight but it takes almost four months to clean them???? How wonderful that pedestians will now have two paths along memorial drive to walk and admire the city's beautiful landscapes of weeds and gravel.:rolleyes:

Thomas Gabriel
05-15-2009, 09:36 AM
Originally posted by ExtraSlow
The way to ensure that this is not well received is to make sure traffic is terrible that day.
I'll be making it a point to drive memorial during this closure, and I'll be careful to drive slowly so as not to endanger any festival goers.
Rolling beyond meet on memorial?

I'm down. I was thinking of just dismantling the barriers though.

05-15-2009, 09:40 AM
I don't get what the big deal is. Its a sunday, there is hardly any traffic there at that time (because people don't go downtown on weekends...face it).

Whether the event is any fun or not is another issue...it will probably suck.

05-15-2009, 10:35 AM
Originally posted by szw
I don't get what the big deal is. Its a sunday, there is hardly any traffic there at that time (because people don't go downtown on weekends...face it).

Whether the event is any fun or not is another issue...it will probably suck.

It's not going downtown, thats not the problem, it's traveling from the west to the east. There are other ways to get downtown anyways. There are only a few major roads that go from the west end to the east end, 16th (which is a fucking disaster with all the construction) and Memorial. With Memorial closed down, all the traffic is diverted to 16th and with all the construction, it'll be a nightmare.

05-15-2009, 11:22 AM

First Lady
08-02-2009, 10:29 AM
Originally posted by 71car
What if - suppose this IF the festival idea should be a hit then Druh WILL see in pushing for more Sundays closures next year? We could be looking in July and August for Memorial Drive closures, then even more next year later! :banghead:

Actually it was originally suppose to be "a part" of the summer; then went down to just Sundays and eventually the "one" Sunday.

Oh, and why not honk up for the festival? :devil:

The "Bow Flow Festival" was unveiled with little ceremony.


... and my hubby's take on it...


08-02-2009, 11:14 AM
This 'festival' is the stupidest idea going. Not because of traffic, but because Druh is going on and on about how it will be a place to setup booths for food and knick-kacks that people can enjoy while walking along the river.

I'm a little confused because just south of the road closure is Eau Claire with it's wide paths along the river designed just for this. Now why would the city spend millions to setup these paths, just to close down a road.

A road that you can't even see the river from really while walking down it. To do that you would need to go the path, built by the city, along the river edge to really enjoy it.

I have no problem with this festival if there weren't already the infrastructure in place for it. And we are building even more with the upgrade to the East village. Hopefully in the future the residence of Sunny Side and Kensington can cross the river in their new fancy footbridge and take part in a festival on the south bank that has these wide pedestrian parades already built.

08-02-2009, 11:26 AM
i think i may put my fuel cut off switch to work while cruising memorial on that day.

08-02-2009, 11:28 AM
They have discussion forums. Go to work people:


08-04-2009, 02:28 AM
fuck the festival

08-04-2009, 03:07 AM
It appears as if this bullshit is only taking place on Sunday August 23rd.

When did this change occur? Last I remember this was supposed to happen EVERY Sunday in August?

08-21-2009, 06:53 PM
Sooooooo, how many posters in this thread who said they would cruise on Memorial as a sort of protest will actually be there cruising this coming Sunday?

08-21-2009, 06:57 PM
I would be down!

First Lady
08-21-2009, 09:26 PM
Hubby and I will be going down to film the sequel to this:


08-21-2009, 10:41 PM
Yeah, might be fun to do a few laps around there in the Avalanche... :)

First Lady
08-23-2009, 04:25 PM
We went down.... here is my better-half's review, with pictures.


He likely will do a Youtube sequel to the first one; we got some good footage... including someone biking down the centre of vehicle traffic in the remaining lanes of Memorial....:dunno:

08-24-2009, 08:57 AM
^ I snapped a video around 12:30pm (I will get it on YouTube later) of the entire stretch of closed lanes and there was no one using it at all... and very few people were around at all...

It was a waste. Who is paying for the street closures? You know it wasn't free to place up all those pylons & signage, so who is paying for it? I have a feeling it won't be the Sunnyside/Hillhurst Community Association...

F*ck Druh. You are history next fall. Adios!

08-24-2009, 09:40 AM
I like how they proved that the existing pathway could easily handle the extra people and tents, etc and not even tie up the road. I envisioned when this was being sold that the tents would be lined up down Memorial with no one there. This was even better, a long bare stretch of road with not a person in sight while cars are backed up along the road. What a waste.

Although I doubt Druh will go anywhere. The wackos in her riding will keep voting for her so they can have a block party along Memorial instead of in the community where it makes sense.

08-24-2009, 10:09 AM
Originally posted by DayGlow
Although I doubt Druh will go anywhere. The wackos in her riding will keep voting for her so they can have a block party along Memorial instead of in the community where it makes sense.

Fortunately, there are a number of individuals in Calgary (myself included) who have no problem taking some of our free time during the next campaign to visit her ward and do whatever we can to oust her.

08-24-2009, 12:53 PM
Would be interesting to find out how many of our tax dollars went into this festival, how much it would work out to on per head attendee. Of course, with no official head counts being taken, the proponents of this festival can and probably will spin things in such a way that everything will look quite rosy indeed. Interesting to red media reports, the funniest one being that "at many times there were more pylons than people on the closed section of Memorial Drive" - sounds like a success to me all right. Would've been great if someone had actually rearranged the pylons slightly and used them as a gymkhana course or something similar.

As for those posting that they will work toward oust a particular alderman (woman) at the next election, individuals working alone won't make a whole hill of beans difference - they're going to have to be organized with a plan. Of course, there'll have to be another worthwhile candidate running in the ward - otherwise all efforts to oust someone could be for naught if there isn't a qualified and viable alternative. Not my ward, but will be watchng with interest to see if those in opposition to the current elected official will actually organize and do something - talk is cheap, action is another whole different thing.

08-26-2009, 08:10 AM
I can't believe they want to expand this next year. I'm hoping the event DOES run next year to serve as a reminder that Druh needs to go. Druh is very anti car (she voted against saving Race City) and this stunt is just her thumbing her nose at motorists.
