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04-15-2009, 02:50 PM
From the second attack, I started getting suspicious as to why this was suddenly news, and was suddenly a problem, then seeing stuff like this:

Well, alarm bells were ringing...

Then I stumble on this lol...


Not saying its true, whatever, but the timing, and the shear silliness of this whole thing and its media attention... well... someone is trying to pull something lol... that is certain.

04-15-2009, 03:07 PM
good read, to bad he's an independant so you can't really call it credible.

04-15-2009, 03:11 PM
If you look hard enough, every demon has angel wings on their back.

04-15-2009, 03:16 PM
So.. on one hand he accuses European nations of dumping toxic waste into the sea off Somalia, which has apparently resulted in all sorts of medical abnormalities...

...then, he accuses the same nations of robbing the seas of their food to be sold to consumers in major European cities...

Wouldn't the fact that toxic waste has been/is being dumped into the sea off the Somalian coat negate the desire for anyone to want to harvest/sell seafood from this very body of water? I mean, the people of Somalia have been substantially impacted by the alleged dumping of waste into their seas, surely the ocean's bounty would be toxic as well?

It's not adding up here, sorry.

04-15-2009, 04:08 PM
^^ He does answer your concern.

POSTSCRIPT: Some commenters seem bemused by the fact that both toxic dumping and the theft of fish are happening in the same place - wouldn't this make the fish contaminated? In fact, Somalia's coastline is vast, stretching to 3300km. Imagine how easy it would be - without any coastguard or army - to steal fish from Florida and dump nuclear waste on California, and you get the idea. These events are happening in different places - but with the same horrible effect: death for the locals, and stirred-up piracy. There's no contradiction.

04-15-2009, 04:23 PM
^ Thanks for pointing that out. I didn't read the post-script.

04-15-2009, 05:08 PM
Terrorist, Freedom Fighter, same difference.

04-15-2009, 06:17 PM
Sounds like we need to dump more nuclear waste there :dunno:

Supa Dexta
04-15-2009, 07:37 PM
3 yrs ago>


04-15-2009, 08:00 PM
I knew this was going on for several years now. I wanted to mention that stealing fish from Somali waters and dumping nuclear waste into the Somali waters, but I did not think anyone would believe me. No this does not justify hostage taking, but you can see what the problem arose.

04-15-2009, 08:59 PM
Something tells me these pirates aren't eco-pirates.

04-15-2009, 09:00 PM
:facepalm: So they hijack and kidnap the crews of ships delivering food aid to their own country... Oh but they are the heroes of the local population? I can buy over fishing but I am sure that is mostly due to the locals fishing the crap out of their own waters more than some nebulous foreign country. The whole nuclear waste idea? If you are shipping waste and dumping it illegally why not just boat the damn stuff out to the middle of the ocean and drop it where no one will find it? If it is the mob then why would they not just drop it off mid ocean?

04-15-2009, 09:05 PM
Originally posted by mazdavirgin
:facepalm: So they hijack and kidnap the crews of ships delivering food aid to their own country... Oh but they are the heroes of the local population? I can buy over fishing but I am sure that is mostly due to the locals fishing the crap out of their own waters more than some nebulous foreign country. The whole nuclear waste idea? If you are shipping waste and dumping it illegally why not just boat the damn stuff out to the middle of the ocean and drop it where no one will find it? If it is the mob then why would they not just drop it off mid ocean?

Because other countries have coastal guards. It's the same reason why they just don't fish in the middle of the ocean.

Fact is that the dumping of nuclear waste into the Somali waters was going on BEFORE fish were being stolen.

Positive thing out of this outcome is people will hopefully understand what caused this.

04-15-2009, 09:11 PM
Yeah I dont believe these pirates are going after these ships because of what happened they might say that but they really just want to steal the product in the shit and make money cause they cant make money in the country because its soo messed up there

04-15-2009, 09:14 PM
Originally posted by bashir26

Because other countries have coastal guards. It's the same reason why they just don't fish in the middle of the ocean.

Fact is that the dumping of nuclear waste into the Somali waters was going on BEFORE fish were being stolen.

Positive thing out of this outcome is people will hopefully understand what caused this.

Uh, they'll still be a-piratin' one way or another. SIlly and naive to think they would stop just because their "good" excuse ran out.

04-15-2009, 09:20 PM
Originally posted by bashir26
Because other countries have coastal guards. It's the same reason why they just don't fish in the middle of the ocean.

Fact is that the dumping of nuclear waste into the Somali waters was going on BEFORE fish were being stolen.

Positive thing out of this outcome is people will hopefully understand what caused this.

:facepalm: Trust me you can fish all you damn well please in the middle of the ocean. There are not enough fish there to use nets but it is perfectly fine to dump waste. I am not talking on the coast I mean right in the middle of the damn ocean past the continental shelf in international waters or if you will roughly 1000 miles off the coast. There is no coast guard in international waters.

I am willing to bet crooked Somalian bureaucrats were giving these companies the right to dump waste on their continental shelf and getting some serious kick backs.

04-15-2009, 09:22 PM
Count on Toma.. nuff said :facepalm:

Like the other guy said, "every demon has angels wings" (if you look hard enough.)

I'd like to see proof of this from a credible objective source. Toma always seems to find the lies and present them as truth so long as it's anti-american. Glad I don't need dyno work done.

04-15-2009, 09:38 PM

04-15-2009, 09:59 PM

Like these Somali pirates care about the environment..

04-15-2009, 10:27 PM
Originally posted by turbotrip
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTxJLlQCe4U Holy shit, some rapper I've never heard of is saying it on youtube so it must be true :rofl:

The pirates are taking ships hostage because they can and because it's profitable. There isn't any legitimate money to be made in that fucked-up country, so they take ships hostage, it's not because of the nuclear waste dumping.

Newfoundland was over-fished by Canadians & foreign countries, yet you don't hear about them holding tankers for ransom :dunno:

04-15-2009, 10:30 PM
Originally posted by CUG

I'd like to see proof of this from a credible objective source. Toma always seems to find the lies and present them as truth so long as it's anti-american. Glad I don't need dyno work done.

Lies? I'm Somali. I've been in somalia. And I've seen people that were infected with radiation. He is not lying.

04-15-2009, 10:39 PM
Originally posted by bashir26

Lies? I'm Somali. I've been in somalia. And I've seen people that were infected with radiation. He is not lying.

And you believe that this is why they are holding ships from different countries ransom? You believe that justifies the piracy?

04-15-2009, 10:44 PM
Originally posted by CUG

And you believe that this is why they are holding ships from different countries ransom? You believe that justifies the piracy?

Originally posted by bashir26
This does not justify hostage taking, but you can see what the problem arose.

The reason why it started is because other countries were overfishing on Somali waters. They local fishermen were not able to fish so they were not able to make a living so they started pirating. Like I said this is not the right way to go about things, but you can see how it started.

I'll give you an example if a boy was constantly bullied day in and day out, always beat up, always made fun of you can see why he decides to take action and do something stupid. No its not right for that boy to take action and do something stupid, its not the right way to go about things, but you can see the cause.

I hope this makes sense.

04-15-2009, 11:00 PM
I'm sure these "defender of the common fisherman" heros are spreading the wealth they're accumulating evenly throughout their impoverished country... :rolleyes:


04-15-2009, 11:08 PM
Originally posted by Idratherbsidewayz
I'm sure these "defender of the common fisherman" heros are spreading the wealth they're accumulating evenly throughout their impoverished country... :rolleyes:


1. 150 million is no where enough to help Somalia, are you serious?

2. In the article is talks about how much money they made stealing. I didn't see them talking about where that money went, so why would you assume they didn't even give $1 to help out the country? You can't assume stuff.

04-16-2009, 02:21 AM
I actually heard about the foreigners stealing the fish thing a few years ago and the reason it is far worse than other countries is that somalia does not have a navy or a coast guard to protect its waters, never heard about the nuclear waste part though but I bet there is corrupt Somali officials taking kickbacks to let foreginers dump nuclear waste if its true.

04-16-2009, 02:31 AM
Somallliaaaaaa next doooor to kenyaaaaa


04-16-2009, 10:38 PM
Originally posted by gatorade
I actually heard about the foreigners stealing the fish thing a few years ago and the reason it is far worse than other countries is that somalia does not have a navy or a coast guard to protect its waters, never heard about the nuclear waste part though but I bet there is corrupt Somali officials taking kickbacks to let foreginers dump nuclear waste if its true.

Your first point contradicts your second point. Who would bother bribing a Somali official to allow something the official has no power to stop?

04-16-2009, 11:04 PM
Originally posted by Ca_Silvia13
good read, to bad he's an independant so you can't really call it credible.

Why does that make him less credible?

04-16-2009, 11:17 PM
Originally posted by Antonito

Your first point contradicts your second point. Who would bother bribing a Somali official to allow something the official has no power to stop?

Just because they couldn't stop it doesn't mean they couldn't help them do it or conceal it better, who knows its just a theory, I never tried to state it as fact.

04-17-2009, 08:14 AM
One person posted an article regarding dumping waste in Ivory Coast... While everyone is discussing Somalia. Thats like saying they do something in Victoria while we are discussing Newfoundland.
I know its in the same continent.. but it really couldnt be further away.

Although the Pirates could have started with good intentions.. I dont recall any of the last boats being filled with toxic waste or fishing boats. And while they could be doing this with patriotic toughts in mind, I bet its only a few that are actually benefiting from this.

I wouldnt doubt for a minute that gov't corruption is somehow linked to all of this.. I have spent time in South Africa, Mozambique and Botswana, and corruption runs wild throughout. Take it for what its worth, but these Countries are far more developed then Somalia.

04-17-2009, 09:00 AM
interesting read

04-18-2009, 12:25 AM
Originally posted by R-Audi

Although the Pirates could have started with good intentions.. I dont recall any of the last boats being filled with toxic waste or fishing boats. And while they could be doing this with patriotic toughts in mind, I bet its only a few that are actually benefiting from this.

I wouldnt doubt for a minute that gov't corruption is somehow linked to all of this.. I have spent time in South Africa, Mozambique and Botswana, and corruption runs wild throughout. Take it for what its worth, but these Countries are far more developed then Somalia.

My grandma lives in Bossasso the port city in Somalia, she tells us all the time how these pirates are helping out the city, there is absolutely nothing else going for them in that whole province but fish. The only people that actually have anything going for them are North American and European Somali citizens who have a passport, and have acquired some wealth. Heck, even the oil company over there was founded in BC by Somali's that used to live here in Canada.

LOL also what government officials are you guys talking about there is no government there...all it is, is people volunteering to safeguard the city. I don't disagree at all with the last comment also Somalia is by far the least developed nation in Africa sad but true.

04-18-2009, 04:23 AM
Originally posted by bashir26

The reason why it started is because other countries were overfishing on Somali waters. They local fishermen were not able to fish so they were not able to make a living so they started pirating. Like I said this is not the right way to go about things, but you can see how it started.

I'll give you an example if a boy was constantly bullied day in and day out, always beat up, always made fun of you can see why he decides to take action and do something stupid. No its not right for that boy to take action and do something stupid, its not the right way to go about things, but you can see the cause.

I hope this makes sense.

Ok but it's time to end. I don't think there are any trawlers that are stupid enough to fish near somali water right now and recent activities are becoming more radical and its reason is more for easy money, not the protecting somali water and resource.

04-18-2009, 08:18 AM
Originally posted by culebra

Ok but it's time to end. I don't think there are any trawlers that are stupid enough to fish near somali water right now and recent activities are becoming more radical and its reason is more for easy money, not the protecting somali water and resource.

Like I said they completely handled the issues in the wrong way.