View Full Version : Bench workouts

04-22-2009, 10:38 AM
So heres the deal,

Due to certain lower back problems my physiotherapist told me I can only do workouts with my back being completely flat (on a bench). I cannot lift any weights standing up or sitting down because of the pressure it will put on my back.

The most obvious one of bench press, but im just looking for different ideas/variations.

Im looking to bulk up a bit too.

04-22-2009, 11:06 AM
Basic flat bench with a bar would be one
pec flies laying down (dumbell)
dumbell presses - you can do variations of these by rotating your arms both ways

you could do triceps laying down if wanted - carrying the bar overhand above your forehead and pushing down towards the stomach moving only your forearms.

Cable curls for biceps can also be done laying down.

lay on your stomach for reverse flies for shoulders.

there are alot, I dont know the names of alot of them lol, I just do them. haha.