View Full Version : Montana Road Trip ??

04-28-2009, 10:37 AM
so me and a few people are thinking of doing a completely random road trip this summer and we thought of heading south into Montana.
none of us have been so we don't really know where to go, what to do and what to see.
Any recommendations? We're all mid 20's, like adventures, outdoors, crazy random things and can still party.
We would camp too if possible to cut down on costs.

We're thinking like a 3 day weekend or something, leave after work on a thursday, come home sunday evening.

04-28-2009, 11:13 AM
Here are a few things I find fun to do in Montana.

going to the sun highway
Virginia city (if you like old cowboy ghost towns)

04-28-2009, 12:40 PM
If you like shopping you can go to Great Falls. They have a few campgrouns there too.

04-28-2009, 02:37 PM
Originally posted by 3g4u
[B]Here are a few things I find fun to do in Montana.

going to the sun highway

Did this drive with a buddy last year, very memorable and tonnes of fun. A fantastic drive, we did it in a day, left at 4 came back in the evening.

Go as early as you can to GTSH otherwise you will get stuck behind a camperwagon.

05-05-2009, 04:24 PM
My friend and I went to Great Falls last year. Slept in the car at rest stops just outside the city to cut down on our costs. They have a "waterpark" (kinda small and lame, but still fun), which we went to halfway through the weekend where we were able to shower.
Whitefish and Kalispel are good, though I haven't been since I was 10, so perhaps my opinion on those doesn't count, haha. The drive through Glacier National Park via Logan's Pass is pretty cool though. Beautiful views.

05-05-2009, 05:36 PM
We did Calgary to Yellowstone National Park. It was awesome. We stayed in Bozeman which is about 8 hours from Calgary. Got up the next day went to Yellowstone which is another 3 hours, went for the day and drove back to Bozeman. You can also camp Yellowstone, though I am not sure of the conditions this time of year. We Went back to Bozeman the night we went to Yellowstone and ate at Famous Dave's which is like Big T's BBQ only 1000% better. We stayed at the Holiday Inn across the street which has the largest pool in the area and headed back for Calgary the next day. Did some shopping in Great Falls on the way home.

We have done a few trips to Montana, and this was another favourite. We went to http://www.lastchanceranch.biz/wagon/ for a prime rib dinner complete with sing-a-long, great stories and fantastic food, wagon ride, cowboy coffee. Not sure what time of the year they start this. It's in Helena, fantastic time. We also did the Spokane Bar Sapphire Mine and Gold Fever Rock Shop, we did the Sapphire mining it was lots of fun, we bought 2 bags of rocks to go through and had some really great usable stones. We just recently finished going through all our rocks a year later. We fully intend on taking some back to have them looked at and maybe have a trinket made.


We have this booked for Aug 2009 http://www.gatesofthemountains.com/charter.htm#dinner