View Full Version : landscaping ideas - trees, shrubs, bushes

04-30-2009, 10:41 AM
I want to plant a few new tress/shurbs/bushes around my property.

I have a landscaping plan but am looking to deviate from it a bit. Anyone have any trees theyve planted and are happy with their growth, appearance, etc? (Im in Calgary btw)

04-30-2009, 03:08 PM
Im doing some landscaping for my house pretty soon, ive gathered some of my ideas from show homes seen in the newer communities. Im not sure if thats what you were after but its a good place to start.

04-30-2009, 04:03 PM
When can you start planting trees in the spring? Now?

04-30-2009, 09:25 PM
I would say wait a little for the ground to thaw out, mid-late may would be a good time.