View Full Version : Reducing FIREFOX memory consumption

05-06-2009, 02:42 AM
I hate to admit this but sometimes I really suspect the slowness of my browsing experience comes from heavy memory usage by my Firefox, and there is nothing to replace good-ol-firefox. I need to open too many tabs and cannot afford buggy Internet Explorer. Stumbled upon Techbuzz, Thilaks show a way how reduce memory usage in Mozilla Firefox. Ive tried it and think it helps a lot.
How to reduce memory usage in Mozilla Firefox

about:config in the Firefox address bar
Search for browser.sessionhistory.max_entries
Double click on the value 50, change it to something lower, 5 should be good.

What this means?
Averagely we surf less than 5 of the websites we previously surfed before, there is no need to use up that much memory (which is 50 by default).

05-06-2009, 06:31 AM
Thanks. Will try tonight for sure

05-06-2009, 08:57 AM
Firefox 2 has a memory leak that was addressed in Firefox 3. Make sure you're up to date or just get Chrome.