View Full Version : Need HELP with Bell Mobility

05-16-2009, 09:11 PM
Hello everyone, I'm asking this on behalf of my friend.

She brought her Blackberry to a Bell store for replacement around February of this year because her trackball got messed up, everything went smoothly until just recently. Bell cut off her line and when she called Customer Service about it, they told her that she has a outstanding balance of $399 for water damage from her previous blackberry. She argued that the phone never got wet and the only problem with it was the trackball. She's talked to a few reps from Bell, and none of them were much help at all. One rep that I personally talked to even told me go back to the retail store where she got her phone sent off from and they could fix the situation, but how could a retail store help with my friend's bill?

So I guess before we start calling Bell Customer Service once again, I'm trying to see if anyone on here can give any input as to what else we should try to do or maybe something we could say that will maybe get a solution presented to the table?

05-16-2009, 10:19 PM
Go to the store and ask them "what water damage?" ... if successful, they change the work order and Bell gives your money back.

Be aware that phones have little sticker indicators inside, so if it was ever wet in there, they know.

05-17-2009, 02:18 PM
It's not the store claiming the water damage, whoever received the phone after it was sent off from the store is claiming it. And how come it took 3 months to find water damage? Yes, i know about the sticker that changes colour when wet, i think that's what they're using to claim the water damage. but could it be possible to have gotten wet during the shipping of the phone to Bell?

05-17-2009, 08:01 PM
Oh, my store services stuff themselves. Go ask them who they sent it to? :dunno: