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View Full Version : Killing Floor

05-28-2009, 12:13 PM
So I was incrediably bored, with no friends online to play L4D I really didn't want to play with randoms or the bots, and I didn't feel like playing WoW, and I'm frustrated with UFC Undisputed right now , I decided to look for something new to play.

I loaded up steam and was browsing their games and noticed a graphically beautiful game called Killing Floor. Basically it would be the result if Hellgate London and Left 4 Dead had a bastard child. Apparently the game was a mod of unreal 2k4 so its been around longer than l4d, so a lot of people are calling it a L4D rip off, which evidently, L4D ripped this game off in some ways.

That being said it has a very close feeling to 28 days later (english soldiers vs americans) where you have to work as a team to survive waves of enemies. After you survive all of the waves successfully you have to fight a boss. So far I've only seen the same boss on each level so there may only be one boss :nut: However the different types of creatures/monsters are wonderfully designed. I think there are only 7-8 different types of enemies, but when you are used to l4d and only fighting 5 different types of enemies with 5 different guns, Killing Floor seems acceptable ;)

Also there are "perks" you can choose. You can use any gun as any "perk" , but if you go commando, you can use machine guns more efficiently, reload faster, do more damage, see stealth enemies, etc. If you go specialist (I think thats its name... lol) you can use shotguns more efficiently and weld doors shut faster. Yes, you can weld doors shut, which makes this game feel a lot like aliens and it is awesome. Having to provide covering fire because a guy is covering your ass by welding a door shut is awesome.

Also inbetween each Wave you have 1 minute to find the vendor. THis is pretty easy since half way thruogh the wave the vendor makes a note of where she is and your compass points with an arrow, however you cant access her until all of the creatures are dead - that being said, some of the levels are pretty big and you will want abuot 10-15 seconds of buying stuff , cycling through the menu of the trader etc (and thats assuming you know what you want to buy already, if you are new to the game, you will want to allot yourself more time). So near the end of the wave (about 40-50 enemies) you will want to leave your fortified area with your team and get as close to the trader's room as possible. This is awfully painful as sometimes you get seperated and can cause quite a bit of panic.

The game is pretty smart as well, if you play with only 1 other friend, the game will scale for it. It wont send 1000 monsters after you, but rather an incrediably reduced amount. Most servers are 6 people servers, however there are a few fun custom map servers that allow 32 people and seeing literally thousands upon thousands of enemies coming at you while you and 31 other people try to hold the line ... well its fun ;)

For $19.99 I recommend checking it out if you enjoy L4D and are a bit bored.


edit: I'll add, the community for this game is incrediably friendly. If you join a server and spawn when they kill a wave, if you ASK for them to give you money , they will give you a lot of money to buy weapons (yes thats right, you can dump the money you earn to help out teammates) because its better to have everybody at max strength then having to carry the weight of the weak guy.

05-29-2009, 06:14 PM
I'm tempted, it was $14.99 if you pre bought it. Peoples impression seem pretty good.

05-30-2009, 01:28 AM
For $15 even if you just play it for 2 weeks thats better than seeing a movie at the theatres for $12.50

05-30-2009, 11:25 AM
Haha, true. :D

05-31-2009, 03:19 AM
Well its been about a week and a half and I'm still playing. It's nice that the achievements make your character stronger with particular weapons, make them cost less, hold more items, weld faster, etc.

05-31-2009, 10:23 AM
Aight, I'm down. Downloading right now.

05-31-2009, 11:59 AM
I downloaded this yesterday, pretty fun. Good suggestion :guns:

05-31-2009, 04:46 PM
yeah I bought it a while ago, played it for about 10 hours and got bored :( I will stick to some TF2 until Starcraft 2 is out.

06-18-2009, 06:50 PM
I just got it, good game, this is what L4D needs, reward system with upgrades and achievements, not just achievements, as challenging as it is getting them (achievements) i'd rather have my 'hard work' go towards better guns. Headshot skull fragments ftw! (probably why i'm a sucker for any zombie game)

lmk if anyone wants to play.

oh yeah, all the games i've played i've never been in one that we killed the patriarch , serious, not even once, is it even possible ? lol

edit: also would like to say that i bought this after downloading Americas Army 3 (Free on steam) and being so pissed off with that game went and bought this lol, dont download it! well not until a patch comes out, sooo buggy but what can you expect from a free game.

10-20-2009, 05:30 PM
For those of you with steam, this game is going free this thursday!

just a heads up if anyone who doesnt have it yet is interested in some free zombie killing

link (http://store.steampowered.com/news/2969/)

10-20-2009, 06:28 PM
Cool, can try it out.

12-09-2010, 12:36 PM
free from Dec 14-Jan 4 if oyu have killing floor, reminds me of the xmas themed wolfenstein ET map where you had to pull the candy cane to extend the bridge to steal santas presents or w/e ww2 style, nonsense, but good holiday themed fun

