View Full Version : Sarkozy: burkas 'not welcome' in France

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06-22-2009, 03:08 PM
I think this is great!


06-22-2009, 03:24 PM

06-22-2009, 03:37 PM
Sarkozy is an idiot....

But since the spotlight is again on the 'backwards' mideast, hardly surprising.

a social dsease
06-22-2009, 03:38 PM
:clap: to sarkozy. it might offend a few people, but good on him for not being a "politically correct" little bitch like most leaders and actually standing up for what (he thinks) is right.

06-22-2009, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by Toma
Sarkozy is an idiot....

But since the spotlight is again on the 'backwards' mideast, hardly surprising.


if a woman chooses to wear a burka, let them

06-22-2009, 03:43 PM
Who cares what people choose to wear?

06-22-2009, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by turbotrip


if a woman chooses to wear a burka, let them


06-22-2009, 03:45 PM
in France, freedom of speech exists and its President chose to speak his mind

06-22-2009, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by 89coupe


They live in France don't they?

There are no laws forcing them to wear anything specific unless they follow the laws of the religion the CHOOSE to follow.

06-22-2009, 03:46 PM

06-22-2009, 03:49 PM
01 is smart. sputnik is off his 'orbit'

06-22-2009, 03:49 PM
Originally posted by 01RedDX
Somehow I doubt that most women who wear them decided to do so without any coercion from husbands/family members.

Then if that was even the case, what difference does it make what Sarkozy or 89coupe think?

Is there point of view really going to change anything?

06-22-2009, 03:49 PM
Some Muslim women wear the burka by their own choice... it's true.

Just like some people choose to die their hair bright green... it's 'stupid', it's unpopular and it raises people's eyebrows... but still, it's allowed.

I don't think banning garments is really the right path to take... let people wear what they want.

06-22-2009, 03:50 PM
Originally posted by 01RedDX
Somehow I doubt that most women who wear them decided to do so without any coercion from husbands/family members.
That's cause your intellectually stumped.

Did you watch the BBC special on Dubai? What about talking to your Muslim friends and ask them why they choose to wear theirs? Oh wait,...

cause you are a racist, and dont have any muslim friends.

06-22-2009, 03:52 PM
get him his meds

06-22-2009, 03:55 PM
Originally posted by sputnik

They live in France don't they?

There are no laws forcing them to wear anything specific unless they follow the laws of the religion the CHOOSE to follow.

Religion? I'm pretty sure the origin of this practice was not enforced because of religion.

...and do you really think the woman who are born into families that still practice this form of subservience have a choice?

06-22-2009, 03:55 PM
Originally posted by B4tMan
get him his meds

Wow! So clever! Did you just think that up, or did you have to google it?

:poosie: :facepalm: :D

06-22-2009, 03:57 PM
Originally posted by 89coupe

Religion? I'm pretty the origin of this practice was not enforced because of religion.

...and do you really think the woman who are born into families that still practice this form of subservience have a choice?

So what you are really saying is our environment dictates our behavior and beliefs?

So being raised in the west, do we really have a choice, or do we behave along the lines expected or "sold" to us?

06-22-2009, 04:00 PM
Originally posted by Toma

So what you are really saying is our environment dictates our behavior and beliefs?

So being raised in the west, do we really have a choice, or do we behave along the lines expected or "sold" to us?

I'm saying woman who are born into a world taught to think they are less of a person than a man won't know any better, but that doesn't make it right.

06-22-2009, 04:00 PM
Originally posted by 89coupe

Religion? I'm pretty the origin of this practice was not enforced because of religion.

...and do you really think the woman who are born into families that still practice this form of subservience have a choice?

In France (and all other non-Islamic-law countries) anyone can leave a religion (and family if necessary) behind if they feel that their rights are being infringed upon.

There is no one forcing women to wear a burka or headscarf.

Just like there is no one forcing someone born in a fundamentalist Christian family to be straight.

06-22-2009, 04:01 PM
all you "brilliant" folks who claim to know so much about the religion and cultural practices, how many muslim women do you actually know who are forced into these practices?
I know many muslim women, and 99% of them wear them by choice, but that's a fact that most retards cant accept for whatever reason.

06-22-2009, 04:03 PM
Perhaps Sarkozy should focus more on the fat men wearing Speedos or old women going topless on the beaches of France instead.

06-22-2009, 04:07 PM
Originally posted by sputnik

In France (and all other non-Islamic-law countries) anyone can leave a religion (and family if necessary) behind if they feel that their rights are being infringed upon.

There is no one forcing women to wear a burka or headscarf.

Just like there is no one forcing someone born in a fundamentalist Christian family to be straight.

I see,

so lets say you are young woman born into this type of practice. You have been told your whole life that you have to follow these certain rules, very strict rules.

Your family then moves to the western world and you see a whole new world full of choices and different ways of living.

You express to your family that you want to explore this new world and to change your beliefs.

Your dad back hands you so hard it almost knocks you out. Then he spits on you and grabs you by the hair and says you disgrace him and the family. He says if you want to follow the western way of life so be it, but never speak to us, look at us or communicate with any family member ever again. Consider yourself a stranger, you are no longer welcomed.

Hmmm, maybe wearing the burqa isn't so bad after all.

06-22-2009, 04:09 PM

06-22-2009, 04:12 PM
Originally posted by 89coupe
I see,

so lets say you are young woman born into this type of practice. You have been told your whole life that you have to follow these certain rules, very strict rules.

Your family then moves to the western world and you see a whole new world full of choices and different ways of living.

You express to your family that you want to explore this new world and to change your beliefs.

Your dad back hands you so hard it almost knocks you out. Then he spits on you and grabs you by the hair and says you disgrace him and the family. He says if you want to follow the western way of life so be it, but never speak to us, look at us or communicate with any family member ever again. Consider yourself a stranger, you are no longer welcomed.

Hmmm, maybe wearing the burqa isn't so bad after all.

She still has every right to leave. She may never see her family again, however if you live in a family that abusive you are probably much better off leaving.

Would you suggest a woman should go back to her abusive husband/father in ANY situation?

06-22-2009, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by 89coupe

I see,

so lets say you are young woman born into this type of practice. You have been told your whole life that you have to follow these certain rules, very strict rules.

Your family then moves to the western world and you see a whole new world full of choices and different ways of living.

You express to your family that you want to explore this new world and to change your beliefs.

Your dad back hands you so hard it almost knocks you out. Then he spits on you and grabs you by the hair and says you disgrace him and the family. He says if you want to follow the western way of life so be it, but never speak to us, look at us or communicate with any family member ever again. Consider yourself a stranger, you are no longer welcomed.

Hmmm, maybe wearing the burqa isn't so bad after all.

Sadly thats not even exaggerating.

Originally posted by 01RedDX
Would you want your kids taught by someone resembling a ninja? Someone the kids can't even see?

I lol'ed

06-22-2009, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by 01RedDX
Would you want your kids taught by someone resembling a ninja? Someone the kids can't even see?

LOL... of course. And I would want them exposed to all religions, beliefs etc....

Perhaps then they would grow up tolerant, and not racist like a select few here.

06-22-2009, 04:15 PM
Originally posted by turbotrip
all you "brilliant" folks who claim to know so much about the religion and cultural practices, how many muslim women do you actually know who are forced into these practices?
I know many muslim women, and 99% of them wear them by choice, but that's a fact that most retards cant accept for whatever reason.

Yep, I have some Muslim friends, and the girls often choose to dress this way....

but of course, our choices are 'free', but their choices are not :nut:

06-22-2009, 04:16 PM
Originally posted by sputnik

She still has every right to leave. She may never see her family again, however if you live in a family that abusive you are probably much better off leaving.

Would you suggest a woman should go back to her abusive husband/father in ANY situation?

You obviously missed my point.:rolleyes:

06-22-2009, 04:18 PM
Wow! What a load of bullshit. So what, if your not wearing short ass skirts like all the sluts then your not welcome? Not everyone wants to be an attention whore and show off their body to every stranger. Yea Burka's are a little extreme when a regular scarf that most muslim women wear is enough but still, its all choice.

I'm surprised France gets away with this shit.

06-22-2009, 04:19 PM
Originally posted by Toma

Yep, I have some Muslim friends, and the girls often choose to dress this way....

but of course, our choices are 'free', but their choices are not :nut:

I wonder what the father would say/do if the daughter told him she refused to wear them?

06-22-2009, 04:21 PM
Originally posted by 89coupe

I wonder what the father would say/do if the daughter told him she refused to wear them?
LOL.... I can tell you, but you won't believe me anyway.

Tell me brad... girls in OUR society... by your own definition, peer pressure, surroundings... are they not forced to dress like porn stars?

06-22-2009, 04:22 PM
Originally posted by sputnik

She still has every right to leave. She may never see her family again, however if you live in a family that abusive you are probably much better off leaving.

Would you suggest a woman should go back to her abusive husband/father in ANY situation?

Wait a second. Think about the abuse cases we have in North America. The hardest thing for a woman (or man) to do is get he courage they need to leave the situation. It's not as easy as "oh, I don't like that you hit me/force me to wear whatever, so I'll just leave." Where are they going to go? Especially if they just moved to France, or are not comfortable with the culture to be on their own yet?

I can see a lot of these women "choosing" to wear a burka because they have no better option, not because they like it.

06-22-2009, 04:24 PM
Go home if you don't like it, the french certainly don't need more immigrants. Hell go back to Saudia Arabia where you get whipped for not wearing a burqa. Free choice my ass :rofl: Oh wait I forgot the free choice is to be honour killed for not wearing the damn thing :)

06-22-2009, 04:24 PM

06-22-2009, 04:26 PM
Originally posted by 89coupe

I wonder what the father would say/do if the daughter told him she refused to wear them?

accept it just like the 80% of muslim fathers in the world who's daughters dont wear burkas.

if the father wants to be abusive, its the daughters responsibility to leave

06-22-2009, 04:30 PM
Originally posted by Toma

LOL.... I can tell you, but you won't believe me anyway.

Tell me brad... girls in OUR society... by your own definition, peer pressure, surroundings... are they not forced to dress like porn stars?

Well I guess there is always an exception, but the original reason for burqa's was status, not religion.

They are not forced but definitley influenced by the whole "sex sells" compaign in North America.

Bottom line is, each Country has the right to enforce their laws. So those that 'choose' to wear burqa's will have to live somewhere where they are allowed.

06-22-2009, 04:43 PM
You shouldn't be allowed to force people to wear, or not to wear, anything.

That said. No government representative, bueaurocrat or civil servant should wear anything outwordly indicative of a religious beleif or allow their views to supercede the laws of the society (ie - not having to remove a head dressing for photo ID).

06-22-2009, 04:48 PM
Originally posted by 89coupe

Bottom line is, each Country has the right to enforce their laws. So those that 'choose' to wear burqa's will have to live somewhere where they are allowed.

So your saying taking away freedom is a good thing? Get real man. In today's world, we shouldn't be taking a step backwards. Islam is a very traditional based religion. As each generation is passed it is getting more modernized but you should let the people themselves choose that. Burka usage in alot of islamic countries (except for Saudi Arabia/Afghanistan where they are forced) have significantly gone down. There is no need for passing such law now when more and more freedom is given to women in this religion each day.

It is really sad how tainted the image of Islam has become in the western world. Just a few minority groups have made the whole religion seem so barbaric.

06-22-2009, 05:17 PM
Good move by France. :thumbsup:

The burqa is inherently sexist... I can't think of many arguments that can topple that statement. Why do women need to fully cover themselves in public while men can do whatever the fuck they want?

And while there may be some women who chose to wear it, there are still countless women who are coerced into it. Again, can't think of many arguments against that statement.

So, to protect the freedom of those who are being coerced into wearing it, it must be banned altogether. That way the women being forced into it can no longer be persecuted for not wearing them in public.

If no one is bitching about how Muslim countries can have a law saying that women must wear burqas in public, then why are people bitching that France is saying that women can't?

06-22-2009, 05:19 PM
Originally posted by TeamBestBud

Sadly thats not even exaggerating.

I lol'ed

Sikhism, Hindu and Christianity tells women to wear a scarf.

Originally posted by mazdavirgin
Go home if you don't like it, the french certainly don't need more immigrants. I forgot the free choice is to be honour killed for not wearing the damn thing :)
So Canada still needs immigrants? Yeah its not free choice my ass. Go ask any burka/scarf wearing girl to wear a skirt for $1000, then come back and tell us if scarf/ burka is free choice or not.

Originally posted by 01RedDX

Overtly religious symbols like the Burka are DIVISIVE and OPPRESSIVE! You should be supporting social integration but that is something that RETARDS like the one I'm quoting do not have the mental capacity to understand!

There is no need to go to extremes to preserve modesty. This is extremism.


How hard is it for you to grasp that just like men follow religion/Islam; women also follow religion with their free will.
To preserve modesty would be locking up women at home which is not mentioned ANYwhere in Islam. Now you'll come back and tell me that there are cases where women are locked up and shit but those people are not following islam.
If your level of modesty is premarital births, shit load of single moms, porn that doesn't mean we should be doing the same. Just like we don't impose our beliefs/cultures on you.

Originally posted by black13

It is really sad how tainted the image of Islam has become in the western world. Just a few minority groups have made the whole religion seem so barbaric.


06-22-2009, 05:24 PM
A leading French Muslim group warned against studying the burqa

Anyone find that warning worded a bit weird? Now, all I want to do is study burqa....... what the hell are they hiding?

I agree with Sarkozy's opinion but I would stop short saying it's not welcome. I think this often the debate in Turkey as well and I think Muslim world should modernize to at least allow women to show their full face even with headscarf.

06-22-2009, 05:28 PM
Originally posted by Toma


06-22-2009, 05:29 PM
Originally posted by 01RedDX

Overtly religious symbols like the Burka are DIVISIVE and OPPRESSIVE! You should be supporting social integration but that is something that RETARDS like the one I'm quoting do not have the mental capacity to understand!

I've seen 5-year-olds wearing hijabs in order to prepare them for a lifetime of darkness inside a burka. You're saying this is their choice?

There is no need to go to extremes to preserve modesty. This is extremism.

Originally posted by Super_Geo
Good move by France. :thumbsup:

The burqa is inherently sexist... I can't think of many arguments that can topple that statement. Why do women need to fully cover themselves in public while men can do whatever the fuck they want?

And while there may be some women who chose to wear it, there are still countless women who are coerced into it. Again, can't think of many arguments against that statement.

So, to protect the freedom of those who are being coerced into wearing it, it must be banned altogether. That way the women being forced into it can no longer be persecuted for not wearing them in public.

If no one is bitching about how Muslim countries can have a law saying that women must wear burqas in public, then why are people bitching that France is saying that women can't?

I agree. Fact of the matter is, France and their elected officials can say whatever they want. If the public disagrees, I'm sure we will hear about it. I haven’t heard anything substantial yet. I am against ALL visual outward "religious" symbols.

I believe in SCIENCE

:D :D :D

06-22-2009, 05:32 PM
Originally posted by Super_Geo
Good move by France. :thumbsup:

The burqa is inherently sexist... I can't think of many arguments that can topple that statement. Why do women need to fully cover themselves in public while men can do whatever the fuck they want?

Christianity tells women to cover their heads; it is not sexist and men are not allowed to do whatever the fuck they want; do a quick search on google and you would find out what exactly men are supposed to wear in Islam. In Quran; men are told before women to lower their gaze and behave with utmost modesty and THEN it tells women to lower their gaze and be modest. Just follow your common sense; a nun and pamela anderson, who would you hit on?

And while there may be some women who chose to wear it, there are still countless women who are coerced into it. Again, can't think of many arguments against that statement.
Not even a single stats that show the 'some' chose to wear it and 'countless' are forced to wear it. If you actually belonged to that sector you would know that 95% of women wear it by choice.

So, to protect the freedom of those who are being coerced into wearing it, it must be banned altogether. That way the women being forced into it can no longer be persecuted for not wearing them in public.
Ironic? :rofl:

If no one is bitching about how Muslim countries can have a law saying that women must wear burqas in public, then why are people bitching that France is saying that women can't?
How many muslim countries are we talking about? Take a look at few videos from Iran and how every woman is wearing a burka/scarf. Most of them are forced right??

06-22-2009, 05:32 PM
Originally posted by sputnik
Perhaps Sarkozy should focus more on the fat men wearing Speedos or old women going topless on the beaches of France instead.
Sputnik, you are right. North americans are often found there :D

06-22-2009, 05:32 PM

06-22-2009, 05:36 PM
"A leading French Muslim group warned against studying the burqa."

And yah, thats weird.

06-22-2009, 05:49 PM

06-22-2009, 05:53 PM
Originally posted by Xtrema

I agree with Sarkozy's opinion but I would stop short saying it's not welcome. I think this often the debate in Turkey as well and I think Muslim world should modernize to at least allow women to show their full face even with headscarf.
Islam has modernized alot and its still going with each passing generation. As far as I know, only Saudi Arabia/Dubai and Afghanistan is where wearing burka is mandatory. Infact I can tell you that Burka usage in countries like Iran and Iraq have definitely dropped significantly in the past 20 or so years. But it's not something that can change overnight. It takes time.

06-22-2009, 05:59 PM
Burka is not something Islam tells you to wear; its usually girls who wear burka that think it is necessary. Islam tells girls to wear a scarf and with that face can be seen.

06-22-2009, 06:05 PM
Originally posted by ragu
So Canada still needs immigrants? Yeah its not free choice my ass. Go ask any burka/scarf wearing girl to wear a skirt for $1000, then come back and tell us if scarf/ burka is free choice or not.

100$ or you family kills you because you dishonoured the family name? I don't know about that choice. Seems pretty obvious to me...

06-22-2009, 07:18 PM
Originally posted by black13
Wow! What a load of bullshit. So what, if your not wearing short ass skirts like all the sluts then your not welcome? Not everyone wants to be an attention whore and show off their body to every stranger. Yea Burka's are a little extreme when a regular scarf that most muslim women wear is enough but still, its all choice.

I'm surprised France gets away with this shit.

Originally posted by Ragu

If your level of modesty is premarital births, shit load of single moms, porn that doesn't mean we should be doing the same. Just like we don't impose our beliefs/cultures on you.

These comments are kind of frightening

Don't want to be covered head to toe? Then you'll look and act like a filthy whore!

06-22-2009, 07:40 PM
women are inferior beings and it is their responsibility to do as they are told

sarkozy is a dumbass, i hope he goes to hell

i also hope sharia law is introduced in canada

06-22-2009, 08:08 PM
Originally posted by OH-EIGHT
women are inferior beings and it is their responsibility to do as they are told

sarkozy is a dumbass, i hope he goes to hell

i also hope sharia law is introduced in canada


Your mother and or sisters , aunts etc. must be very proud of you .

Sarkozy is the leader of France , and your claim to fame ?

Sharia law , here ? LOL , This is Canada dude , not some dusty third world country where the sheep run scared .

06-22-2009, 08:45 PM
So why are Toma and his gang not speaking out against Islamic countries that force women to wear burqas? There are obviously women in Islamic countries who if given the choice would not wear one.

Oh, I know, as soon as a western nation (non islamic at that) speaks up for its laws and way of life they are racists... :rofl:

France can do what ever the fuck it wants, good for them for standing up for their way of life and not pandering to a select few extreme fringes of a certain religous group.

06-22-2009, 08:54 PM
Originally posted by blueToy


Your mother and or sisters , aunts etc. must be very proud of you .

Sarkozy is the leader of France , and your claim to fame ?

Sharia law , here ? LOL , This is Canada dude , not some dusty third world country where the sheep run scared .

Turn your sarcasm detector back on ;)

06-22-2009, 09:00 PM

06-22-2009, 09:06 PM
Originally posted by Sugarphreak


Freedom means you can be whatever religion you choose and (nearly) all that it encompasses within reason & governing laws.

What next, a ban on baseball caps?

I honestly don't understand how this is anything other than removing a freedom

Just like the freedom is taken away to not wear one in some Islamic countries huh?

I would hardly compare a full head to toe covering to a baseball cap.

06-22-2009, 09:12 PM

06-22-2009, 09:12 PM
funny how when they go live in another country and they don't like how something works, they complain...
if you don't like how the country is run, gtfo and go back to your homeland

but if someone goes to live in their home country, and doesn't like how something works, they have to live with it or get thrown in jail (or worse)

sharia law still sounds good to me though
no gays allowed, and up to four wives? whats not to like? sign me up!

06-22-2009, 09:13 PM
Originally posted by Super_Geo

Turn your sarcasm detector back on ;)

Dang .... I missed the 'word' icon .

All that wasted effort ...

Cheers to you Super Geo :clap:


06-22-2009, 09:20 PM

06-22-2009, 09:20 PM
Originally posted by HyperZell

Wait a second. Think about the abuse cases we have in North America. The hardest thing for a woman (or man) to do is get he courage they need to leave the situation. It's not as easy as "oh, I don't like that you hit me/force me to wear whatever, so I'll just leave." Where are they going to go? Especially if they just moved to France, or are not comfortable with the culture to be on their own yet?

I can see a lot of these women "choosing" to wear a burka because they have no better option, not because they like it.

So if burkas are made illegal somehow the abuse will stop?

If you are going to use an "spousal abuse" straw man against burkas you might want to reconsider your argument.

Matters of abuse have nothing to do with what clothing is illegal.

06-22-2009, 09:22 PM
Originally posted by Sugarphreak
What next, a ban on baseball caps?

Might prevent douchy balding 20-somethings from trying to be cool.

Next up. Ban popped collars and jaegerbombs.

06-22-2009, 09:26 PM
Originally posted by Sugarphreak

I don't agree that it is forced in some countries; that doesn't make it any better to force them to not wear them in others. The key word here being "Force".

There are women that have grown up wearing these; they are used to it and it is a way of life. How is it fair to take that away from them if they live respectful circumstances.

I once saw a group of women with Burka's on vacation... covered head to toe. They asked some people to take a picture of them. "How odd" I thought, somebody taking a picture of themselves with no face... but they were happy with it. They even looked at the picture and saw themselves as people with clothing, it was a way of life and they were comfortable with it. I don't see any reason to take that away from someone.

It is just clothing; it is exactly the same as socks, a hat or pants.

If you want to start adding symbolism too it you are going the wrong direction. If a woman is being abused or oppressed... then deal with the real problem.

If the woman "truly" has the choice then fine. However I seriously question many that do wear these have a 'real' choice.

This brings up the whole debate of children being 'brainwashed" (yes I said brainwashed) from birth to follow a certain religion or way of life, sheltered from the outside world, segregated from society. Its child abuse in my opinion.. Thats another thread though.

Anyway, this will never come to be, there are far to many extremist Muslims in Europe, there would be rioting and possibly even deaths if this actually passed. Its great living under fear.

06-22-2009, 09:27 PM
Originally posted by Sugarphreak

So basically because another terrible country shows huge intolerance we should as well?

don't take anything im saying in this thread seriously
im just spewing random things to spark argument, lol

i do believe the government interferes too much though
how i want to run my household is my business, i don't need people telling me what they think is best for me

for example, i dont understand the criticism of spanking children and other forms of physical punishment (belt, etc)
imo, people who have gone through this grow up with more discipline and become contributing members of society, unlike the good-for-nothing spoiled brats you see nowadays

06-22-2009, 09:34 PM

06-22-2009, 09:41 PM
Originally posted by Sugarphreak

People jump to conclusions too quickly, if the problem is spousal abuse then they should be expanding social programs to deal with that. Not banning something that has nothing to do with the problem.

I can agree with this, however, again, would these women actually come forward? Sorry, but I am highly skeptical. There might be a better chance in Canada or even the US, in Europe is a whole different story. There is so much segregation of the Muslim population along with a much more extreme viewpoint.

06-22-2009, 09:56 PM

06-22-2009, 09:58 PM
wow, beyond is like way beyond 780tuners.

06-22-2009, 10:04 PM
Originally posted by Sugarphreak
How is it fair to take that away from them if they live respectful circumstances.
France is Catholic Christian and even the president frowns upon this.

England is more lax, they have the option to move there.

06-22-2009, 10:07 PM
I agree with President Nicolas Sarkozy. There needs to be more intolerance of things that are plainly wrong. It's time to stop.

06-23-2009, 01:15 AM
haha its funny to see all the closet racists like 01RedDX come out to play in these threads

06-23-2009, 01:39 AM
Originally posted by ragu

How hard is it for you to grasp that just like men follow religion/Islam; women also follow religion with their free will.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Funniest post of '09.

:facepalm: to you Toma for being blinded. How's your burqa?

06-23-2009, 01:54 AM
Originally posted by turbotrip
haha its funny to see all the closet racists like 01RedDX come out to play in these threads

What race is it that you're suggesting 01RedDX is against?

06-23-2009, 02:14 AM
Originally posted by turbotrip
haha its funny to see all the closet racists like 01RedDX come out to play in these threads It's funny watching intellectual fucking midgets like you call someone a "racist" when they're actually picking apart a RELIGION.

They have the choice whether or not to wear them, the same choice that makes them decide whether they want their friends and family give them shit for not wearing one.

Aside from that, Europe bends over to the demands of radical muslims far too often. It's good to see some revolt coming from the top.

06-23-2009, 02:47 AM
Originally posted by G-Suede

What race is it that you're suggesting 01RedDX is against?
Anything brown. He's made that obvious over and over.

06-23-2009, 04:01 AM
lol at religion

-make their women dress like ninjas
-can't turn on lights or take the elevator during the sabbath
-base all their beliefs on some schizo dude who found golden plates in the woods that only he could see

06-23-2009, 04:20 AM
Originally posted by CUG
It's funny watching intellectual fucking midgets like you call someone a "racist" when they're actually picking apart a RELIGION.

haha yes indeed; almost as funny as watching nerds like yourself act out their lifelong fantasies as internet thugs

but were far too intellectual for personal attacks aren't we?

06-23-2009, 07:28 AM
Originally posted by CUG

Aside from that, Europe bends over to the demands of radical muslims far too often. It's good to see some revolt coming from the top.

how so? the muslims are treated so poorly it's not even funny

i actually think everyone would be better off - less discrimination, less violence, and less social problems in general - if france would transition to a islamic state

06-23-2009, 07:30 AM
Originally posted by Toma

Anything brown. He's made that obvious over and over.

Haha Toma, I am not brown but i don't think he likes Turks eighter. The guy is on out butts in every thread.. Maybe we use to tease this guy alot in school and now he is after us.:D

06-23-2009, 07:31 AM
Originally posted by OH-EIGHT
i actually think everyone would be better off - less discrimination, less violence, and less social problems in general - if france would transition to a islamic state Yeah, it's really working out for Iran :rolleyes:

06-23-2009, 09:46 AM

06-23-2009, 09:48 AM

06-23-2009, 10:47 AM
Originally posted by G-Suede

06-23-2009, 10:58 AM
Originally posted by ZorroAMG

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Funniest post of '09.

:facepalm: to you Toma for being blinded. How's your burqa?

Shouldn't you be busy taking some acting classes?

Originally posted by 01RedDX

I am against any kind of extremism in any religion - Ultra-orthodox Jews, Christian Fundamentalists, Muslim Extremists, etc - I hate them all, I admit it.

The problem is that your mouth runs like a whore as soon as something relating Islam/ middle east is brought up and every single time you spew more hatred than Hitler. Every post you've made reflects your animosity towards muslims doesn't matter if its extremism or not. If you don't know anything about a religion and you've gotta follow the media that only pursues to damage its image might as well do your research first.

06-23-2009, 11:11 AM
Originally posted by ragu
The problem is that your mouth runs like a whore as soon as something relating Islam/ middle east is brought up and every single time you spew more hatred than Hitler.

:rofl: Is ragu actually comparing someone to Hitler after the crap he spews about jews? Seriously Godwin's Law still holds...

06-23-2009, 11:18 AM
Originally posted by ragu

Shouldn't you be busy taking some acting classes?

The problem is that your mouth runs like a whore as soon as something relating Islam/ middle east is brought up and every single time you spew more hatred than Hitler. Every post you've made reflects your animosity towards muslims doesn't matter if its extremism or not. If you don't know anything about a religion and you've gotta follow the media that only pursues to damage its image might as well do your research first.

More hatred than Hitler? Please throw on the dunce cap and go back to playing in the corner by yourself.


06-23-2009, 11:37 AM
Originally posted by 01RedDX

I don't appreciate you slandering me. Your M.O. is to attack the man every time you lose the argument, with lies and baseless accusations, and I'm getting fucking sick of it.

I am against any kind of extremism in any religion - Ultra-orthodox Jews, Christian Fundamentalists, Muslim Extremists, etc - I hate them all, I admit it.

All the jackoffs who are dragging my name through the mud and making accusations - show me what I have said that is half as racist or hateful as the garbage Toma puts up, or shut the fuck up.

Toma, you have a personal or racist attack in every other post - I don't have to dig deep to find the hateful things you say about Jews, Americans and many other groups and races. And it's always the same little pack of hyenas that back you up and make you feel like you have a following, while the rest of beyond just rolls their eyes. It's getting fucking old man. There isn't really anything that can be argued here. Toma would have been banned a long time ago if he didn't own a dyno that the mods used.

Toma is very racist, though in seeing him, he's pale white himself. I remember most Serbs back in the day telling people that they weren't white they're "serb eastern european". I just wish clowns like that would put their money where their mouths are, go to the middle east, fight the "good" fight, and get their brain matter spilled onto a wall or something. That would be funny.

06-23-2009, 11:52 AM
Originally posted by CUG
There isn't really anything that can be argued here. Toma would have been banned a long time ago if he didn't own a dyno that the mods used.

Toma is very racist, though in seeing him, he's pale white himself. I remember most Serbs back in the day telling people that they weren't white they're "serb eastern european". I just wish clowns like that would put their money where their mouths are, go to the middle east, fight the "good" fight, and get their brain matter spilled onto a wall or something. That would be funny.

spot on

06-23-2009, 11:57 AM
From an Iranian:

"60% of Iran's population is under the age of thirty. Many are educated, but unemployment is rampant, and Dinner Jacket's crazy antics have brought more economic sanctions down on the country, making an already stagnant economy that much worse. The oil infrastructure is antiquated and beginning to fail. Young people are pissed. Many have relatives that live in the US, Canada, and Europe. They are very pro-west. Under Ahmadinejad, the religious police have been increasingly cracking down on western clothing, hair styles, and music, especially among women."

06-23-2009, 11:58 AM
Originally posted by 01RedDX
I don't appreciate you slandering me. Your M.O. is to attack the man every time you lose the argument, with lies and baseless accusations, and I'm getting fucking sick of it.

I am against any kind of extremism in any religion - Ultra-orthodox Jews, Christian Fundamentalists, Muslim Extremists, etc - I hate them all, I admit it.

All the jackoffs who are dragging my name through the mud and making accusations - show me what I have said that is half as racist or hateful as the garbage Toma puts up, or shut the fuck up.

Toma, you have a personal or racist attack in every other post - I don't have to dig deep to find the hateful things you say about Jews, Americans and many other groups and races. And it's always the same little pack of hyenas that back you up and make you feel like you have a following, while the rest of beyond just rolls their eyes. It's getting fucking old man.
Bravo! :thumbsup:

Originally posted by ragu
...The problem is that your mouth runs like a whore as soon as something relating Islam/ middle east is brought up and every single time you spew more hatred than Hitler...

06-23-2009, 11:59 AM
Originally posted by CUG

Toma is very racist, though in seeing him, he's pale white himself. I remember most Serbs back in the day telling people that they weren't white they're "serb eastern european". I just wish clowns like that would put their money where their mouths are, go to the middle east, fight the "good" fight, and get their brain matter spilled onto a wall or something. That would be funny.

Ok now really, l read this post and I have to laugh at the racist tones and comments being used to call someone else a racist. :nut:

06-23-2009, 12:39 PM
Originally posted by eljefe

Ok now really, l read this post and I have to laugh at the racist tones and comments being used to call someone else a racist. :nut: You guys will do anything to stay in a position to call a white westerner a racist, I'm not surprised. If you don't have that, the whole castle crumbles, am I right?

06-23-2009, 12:44 PM
I love these threads.


06-23-2009, 12:49 PM
Originally posted by CUG
You guys will do anything to stay in a position to call a white westerner a racist, I'm not surprised. If you don't have that, the whole castle crumbles, am I right?

Don't know what you are on about now CUG, I was only commenting on your racist tone in calling someone else a racist. I don't care who is white, yellow, brown or whatever- if you're going to call someone a racist it is pretty damned ignorant and ironic to do so by using racism yourself. It makes you any better how?

06-23-2009, 02:33 PM
Originally posted by ragu

Shouldn't you be busy taking some acting classes?

Shouldn't you be searching for a pimp $5000 car? :facepalm:

06-23-2009, 02:56 PM
Originally posted by ZorroAMG

Shouldn't you be searching for a pimp $5000 car? :facepalm:

Are you gonna 'act' to sell me your 20yr old pimp merc? Or are you gonna beg for more views for your 2min appearance?

06-23-2009, 03:27 PM
Originally posted by eljefe

Ok now really, l read this post and I have to laugh at the racist tones and comments being used to call someone else a racist. :nut:

Originally posted by ragu

Are you gonna 'act' to sell me your 20yr old pimp merc? Or are you gonna beg for more views for your 2min appearance?
haha alright now thats a little harsh man, personal attacks dont really help