View Full Version : Question about lebenese Couples...

06-30-2009, 07:35 PM
Well currently i live in the basement suite and the landlords ( arabic) live upstairs.. I always here the guy yelling and screaming at his wife. like every other day and sometimes everyday.. i cant speak Arabic so im not sure what they are saying.. But its pretty crazy. i went up there tonight after the guy stormed out. I asked her if everything was fine and if she needed to talk cuz id get my girlfriend.. But she said no no everything is just fine.. So i guess she isnt open to talk about problems..

So mainly my question is it normal for Leb's males to yell and scream at theirs wives? or am i just lucky enough to get this couple lol

06-30-2009, 07:45 PM
I thought the title was "Lesbian couples...". Not quite.

OP: I think it is a pretty well known fact that Middle Eastern and Arab men tend to opress oppress women. That is the way it is done (for the large part) over there, and some take the same mentality over here.

Oppression or not though - this just sounds like verbal abuse to me if he is "always" yelling at her.

06-30-2009, 07:50 PM
In b4 white knights
In b4 calling it like it is
In b4 anti-racist white knight
in b4 lock

06-30-2009, 07:53 PM
Originally posted by anschutz_92
In b4 white knights
In b4 calling it like it is
In b4 anti-racist white knight
in b4 lock

why would it get locked.. its a honest question about their ways.. im not affiliated with their ways so i though i would ask..

and to Kloubek thanks for the answer.. i guess its normal for this.. but i still think its wrong..

06-30-2009, 07:58 PM
Whenever I've been at a Arabic buddies house and I hear them talking Arabic it always seems like there yelling at each other :dunno:

Maybe thats just how it is

06-30-2009, 08:00 PM
Originally posted by 5000Audi

why would it get locked.. its a honest question about their ways.. im not affiliated with their ways so i though i would ask..

and to Kloubek thanks for the answer.. i guess its normal for this.. but i still think its wrong..

you think its wrong, and it is, in OUR society. Let them do what they do in their society if they want...provided it doesnt get to physical violence...that should be wrong in any society.

06-30-2009, 08:08 PM
I realize where you are coming from, but even verbal abuse hurts, mentally, which is worse then physically. It's all about respect.

Before the spelling police jump in, OP, it is spelt Lebanese.

06-30-2009, 08:11 PM
Originally posted by 5000Audi
Well currently i live in the basement suite till the enid of july and the landlords ( arabic) live upstairs.. I always here the guy yelling and screaming at his wife. like every other day and sometimes everyday.. i cant speak Arabic so im not sure what they are saying.. But its pretty crazy. i went up there tonight after the guy stormed out. I asked her if everything was fine and if she needed to talk cuz id get my girlfriend.. But she said no no everything is just fine.. So i guess she isnt open to talk about problems..

So mainly my question is it normal for Leb's males to yell and scream at theirs wives? or am i just lucky enough to get this couple lol

It isn't normal to yell and scream at our wives, you're just lucky to get that couple.

06-30-2009, 08:15 PM
no theyre not all like that. youre a lucky one thats all.

06-30-2009, 08:25 PM
I think that is the mentality of most Lebanese immigrant men who come from smaller villages. It is more of a norm in their society to yell and be "aggressive" You wont find that in more educated Lebanese people and most wives just take the abuse because they lack education themselves and can't leave the relationship due to already having a bunch of kids and no source of income.

And you also have to remember a normal tone of voice in Arabic does generally sound like yelling in comparison to the rest of world just speaking plain English.

06-30-2009, 08:46 PM
Originally posted by 2.2vtec
I think that is the mentality of most Lebanese immigrant men who come from smaller villages. It is more of a norm in their society to yell and be "aggressive"

This... in my experience anyways.

When we had carpet put down in our basement, it was 2 lebs, they were yelling pretty loudly at eachother, and it sounded like they were fighting. I went down and asked if everything was alright, and they gave me a really strange look like they didn't know they were doing anything wrong, and said everything was fine, lol.

06-30-2009, 09:04 PM
Originally posted by anschutz_92
In b4 white knights
In b4 calling it like it is
In b4 anti-racist white knight
in b4 lock

around here. no doubt :werd:

06-30-2009, 09:06 PM
^^^hmmm.....wow......nothing better to do?

06-30-2009, 10:42 PM
well to those who say they talk loud.. Well ive been living here for just under a year.. i know when they are " talking" and when HE is yelling.. its very aggressive and demanding.. he stomps on the floor, then once you hear nothing for a second the front door slams and he drives away.. I assume to his mothers since she lives like 6 blocks away..

I just think regaurdless of your background, you shouldnt yell and verbally abuse your wife. its ignorant and should not happen.. But i guess what can you do right...

06-30-2009, 10:52 PM
Maybe his wife was upset cause he had a small penis and he was trying to defend himself. :rofl:

06-30-2009, 10:55 PM
when you hear the bed squeeking, do you put your ear to the heating vents too?

I have an american couple living in my basement, i always hear the wife yelling at the man, stomping on the floor, then 2 seconds later burn off in her cavalier, is this normal in american culture?

06-30-2009, 11:03 PM
I think I know who your landlord is :rofl: I got it narrowed down to 3 guys, and all of their moms live a couple blocks away.

06-30-2009, 11:09 PM
Originally posted by FlySi
when you hear the bed squeeking, do you put your ear to the heating vents too?

I have an american couple living in my basement, i always hear the wife yelling at the man, stomping on the floor, then 2 seconds later burn off in her cavalier, is this normal in american culture?

First off.. your a fucking tool for suggesting i do that...

Second of all, i dont know if its normal for an american culture.. im canadian.. 2 differant places and life styles.. if you are talking about White people in general.. yes the females can yell from time to time.. usually if she yells at him alot.. most likly the relationship will end some time soon.. id wouldnt stand for a girl to yell and scream daily.. fuck her.. more girls out there... So there ya go...

LOL^^^ pmed you asking for the names lol

06-30-2009, 11:15 PM
The only tool we see in this thread is the guy sitting in a basement suite with one of those sound magnifiers trying to figure out the landlords argument upstairs which is absolutely none of his business, then posting about it on a car forum.

06-30-2009, 11:16 PM
Originally posted by mowglee
I think I know who your landlord is :rofl: I got it narrowed down to 3 guys, and all of their moms live a couple blocks away.

LOL you know the guy HAHAHA...to funny

06-30-2009, 11:19 PM

06-30-2009, 11:54 PM
I'm gonna go with the wife was upset cause the husband has a small penis.

06-30-2009, 11:54 PM
Originally posted by 89coupe
I'm gonna go with the wife was upset cause the husband has a small penis.
possibly lol.. i wouldent know.. haha..

07-01-2009, 12:03 AM
I'm gonna go with 89coupe knows what it's like to argue with his wife because she is upset he has a small penis

07-01-2009, 12:12 AM
Originally posted by FlySi
The only tool we see in this thread is the guy sitting in a basement suite with one of those sound magnifiers trying to figure out the landlords argument upstairs which is absolutely none of his business, then posting about it on a car forum.

Honestly dude, if he is yelling at her ALL THE TIME, it's not an argument, it's abuse. And as a decent fuckin human being, you should be concerned for those that are probably too scared to defend themselves. You really think his question was stupid because he thinks the husband upstairs might be abusing his wife?

07-01-2009, 12:21 AM
Originally posted by msommers

Honestly dude, if he is yelling at her ALL THE TIME, it's not an argument, it's abuse. And as a decent fuckin human being, you should be concerned for those that are probably too scared to defend themselves. You really think his question was stupid because he thinks the husband upstairs might be abusing his wife?
thats spot on to why i was asking.. like i said i dont know the culture so i asked a fourm that has many differant nationalities on it.. knew i would get a good answer here.. So no sir i am not a tool.. i just wanted to know if it was a norm or not.. i dont stand for spousal abuse.. if i see a guy hit a girl.. dont matter if i know her or not.. i will stand between the guy and girl and tell him to fuck off.. i could careless if the guy is bigger then me or not. id rather him hit me then a girl.. So like i said i was concered for my landlords wife.

07-01-2009, 01:18 AM
Your best bet is to just ask him outright . I'm sure by now you know a time that he may be by himself . Maybe he goes out for a smoke , or does the lawn at a certain time . Whatever .
Ask him about it . You have no idea what is really going on , so before you meddle , why not ask him what's up . I know lots of Lebanese , and I've worked with them for many years . Their culture is very different to ours , but for the most part , they are very honest and I'm sure he'll tell you whats on his mind . They are also not to keen on people putting their noses where they don't belong . So use tact . Being diplomatic is your best bet to finding out the truth .

Also , if it's really bothering you and you get no resolve , move . Lots of rentals right now . Being heroic in a bad situation doesn't always turn out too good when you don't know what's going on or this couples culture/history .

07-01-2009, 01:22 AM
violence is common

07-01-2009, 09:55 AM
LOL to all you nozzles saying it's common. :facepalm: If you aren't from some shitty little village in Lebanon, how do you know? If you are, what are you doing reading the net, go e-beat your wives.

Educated, civilized people aren't like that normally, in ANY country. There are just as many abusive douche white people as there are arabs....listen to the rest of your neighbours with your whisper 2000 and you'll see.

Stupid fucking thread with racist overtones, trying to incite a debate for negative reasons....

07-01-2009, 10:36 AM
I assume this is taking place in the SW neighbourhood of Westgate / Spruce Cliff (or one of the adjoning neighbourhoods)?

07-02-2009, 10:35 AM
Originally posted by ZorroAMG
LOL to all you nozzles saying it's common. :facepalm: If you aren't from some shitty little village in Lebanon, how do you know? If you are, what are you doing reading the net, go e-beat your wives.

Educated, civilized people aren't like that normally, in ANY country. There are just as many abusive douche white people as there are arabs....listen to the rest of your neighbours with your whisper 2000 and you'll see.

Stupid fucking thread with racist overtones, trying to incite a debate for negative reasons....

Amen to that. I bet the poster thinks we should clamp down on immigration because all these immigrants are coming to our country and causing all this crime in our city.

PS...I was watching Jerry Springer today...tell me something, is incest normal for white people?

07-02-2009, 10:39 AM
why the hell do u care if its "lebz" that all do that?

you should be giving the man props for putting women BACK to where they belong! lol jk jk...

07-02-2009, 10:50 AM
I think the OP was right in asking. Though like some said is that theres not to much you can do. Might even make things worse.

This happens once a while in our culture too, though in our culture woman dont put up with mans shit and either leave or call the cops on the guy. In the middle east and asia where its more common that the males are more dominant its harder for the woman to speak up.

07-02-2009, 12:13 PM
who cares if he yells at his wife? he could murder her for all i care
you should really learn to respect their culture and don't eavesdrop by putting your ears to the heating vents
its none of your business, its how people do things in that region, and its a far more efficient way of getting things done
you white-devils have a lot to learn

07-02-2009, 12:32 PM
ok lets get things straight here.. I DO NOT put my ears to a vent nor have some listing device.. if any of you guys have lived in a bacement before you can hear the upstairs people pretty well no matter where in the house you are..right now i am sitting on my couch in the front area, i can hear them just normally talking right above me.. im pretty sure a sheet of 5/8 flooring,1/2 drywall and some carpet dont make a house sound proff..if you senseless SOB's think i was saying it dont happen in all cultures and the white man is perfect i wasnt.. like i said more then once, i have heard of some countries where men are very demanding on their wives so i was simply asking if in the lebanese community if it was common or not..I dont stand for men that abuse their girls so i wanted to know if i needed to do anything..

And an FYI to incest on jerry springer, that show is fake so anything you watch is an act... thought id let you know that.. BUT incest is VERY normal in the white huterit cummunity..

And to OH-EIGHT, I care if someone is abusing their spouse..You may be a ignorant POS and only care about your own well being, but you know there are people in this world that will try to help out others if help is needed.. Think of it this was. is you were a female and a guy started to hit and rape you, while other were walking by your house hearing it.. What if none of them cared like you dont and just let it happen without giveing help.. You think it is right for someone to take abuse/get abused and not get help.. Fuck you if you think that is right.. i hope karma will come around to you and bite you in the ass...

07-02-2009, 12:40 PM
So 5000Audi is a Racist for asking about the another Culture? :rolleyes: Grow the fuck up people.

All he's doing is trying to find out if abuse is taking place so he can make an imformed decision on the next logical step.

Everyone saying mind your own business and leave it need to check their fucking morals.

Props to 5000Audi for asking and not making any snap judgements :thumbsup:

07-02-2009, 12:45 PM
Originally posted by 5000Audi
ok lets get things straight here.. I DO NOT put my ears to a vent nor have some listing device.. if any of you guys have lived in a bacement before you can hear the upstairs people pretty well no matter where in the house you are..right now i am sitting on my couch in the front area, i can hear them just normally talking right above me.. im pretty sure a sheet of 5/8 flooring,1/2 drywall and some carpet dont make a house sound proff..if you senseless SOB's think i was saying it dont happen in all cultures and the white man is perfect i wasnt.. like i said more then once, i have heard of some countries where men are very demanding on their wives so i was simply asking if in the lebanese community if it was common or not..I dont stand for men that abuse their girls so i wanted to know if i needed to do anything..

And an FYI to incest on jerry springer, that show is fake so anything you watch is an act... thought id let you know that.. BUT incest is VERY normal in the white huterit cummunity..

And to OH-EIGHT, I care if someone is abusing their spouse..You may be a ignorant POS and only care about your own well being, but you know there are people in this world that will try to help out others if help is needed.. Think of it this was. is you were a female and a guy started to hit and rape you, while other were walking by your house hearing it.. What if none of them cared like you dont and just let it happen without giveing help.. You think it is right for someone to take abuse/get abused and not get help.. Fuck you if you think that is right.. i hope karma will come around to you and bite you in the ass...

Originally posted by Hamann
So 5000Audi is a Racist for asking about the another Culture? :rolleyes: Grow the fuck up people.

All he's doing is trying to find out if abuse is taking place so he can make an imformed decision on the next logical step.

Everyone saying mind your own business and leave it need to check their fucking morals.

Props to 5000Audi for asking and not making any snap judgements :thumbsup:

:werd: :werd: :werd:

07-02-2009, 12:45 PM
Originally posted by Hamann
So 5000Audi is a Racist for asking about the another Culture? :rolleyes: Grow the fuck up people.

All he's doing is trying to find out if abuse is taking place so he can make an imformed decision on the next logical step.

Everyone saying mind your own business and leave it need to check their fucking morals.

Props to 5000Audi for asking and not making any snap judgements :thumbsup:


07-02-2009, 12:56 PM
you people are infidels
i am too tired to argue, hopefully FlySi will back me up, hopefully Toma will come too

07-02-2009, 01:24 PM

oh -eight haha urrrrrr

07-02-2009, 01:30 PM
Closed at request of OP