View Full Version : Stop Sign Ticket need advice

07-01-2009, 06:43 PM
So I went out of the city today to Black Diamond and I received a failure to stop at a stop sign ticket for $287.
I was followed by cops pretty much the whole time I was in the city so I knew to be extra cautious about the rules of the road.
Sorry for the long essay but if anyone is willing to give me advice, thanks.

So here the story goes, I was at a 4-way stop and I stopped for a brief moment and began slowly rolling forwards and proceeded with a right turn onto a road which I thought was a 2 lane road but one ended up being a parking lane so I switched over and this girl that was making a left turn without signaling so I thought she was going straight and turned onto the lane that I was changing into almost hitting me. I then turned into a parking lot so I could do a u-turn and a peace officer comes up and says that I didn't stop for the stop sign and that I almost caused an accident.

some extra to clarify some things that might not be clear
-The stop signs are huge and there were many cars at the intersection so of course I stopped.
-I was rolling forward after I came to a complete stop for a brief moment, but creeped forward very slowly.

I think I will be going to fight this ticket as I am only a student and $287 is quite a dent on me since I am trying to pay for intuition.
What are the chances that I'll win this, I know its pretty much my words against his so any advice would help as I've never been to court yet either.

Also there was a car parked on the right curb and the peace officer was a few cars behind me so it should be hard for him to see me.


Some other questions I would like to know is how do I plead not guilty to this? Do I have to drive out to the court that's like an hour away just to tell them and then have to come back again at another date?

07-01-2009, 06:44 PM
Usually in court a stop = 3 seconds minimum.

Next time you are tailed like that, park the car. Then get out of the car and do some stretching.

07-01-2009, 10:32 PM
you pay for intuition? :nut: :rofl:

07-01-2009, 10:36 PM
I get all my intuition for free. It sucks, but hey, it's free.

07-01-2009, 10:43 PM
try and reduce it.. I doubt they will drop it.. Just explain the situation to the best of your knowledge.