View Full Version : Stop in Dubai?

07-06-2009, 01:25 PM
Heading out on a trip and i have the opportunity to stop in Dubai, it looks pretty neat but is it just another Mexico type vacation? Seems like there are some cool buildings and stuff but other then that its just a bunch of resorts.

07-09-2009, 09:38 AM
must not be a popular place for beyonders to go

07-09-2009, 09:50 AM

07-09-2009, 10:01 AM
It's a really cool place, it would be nice to go there for a few days and hang out, its more than just resorts, there are many malls you can check out and lots of cool things to do. For shopping, its very expensive for most things. If you want to do some shopping, go to Al Karama for the fake goods. you can also get really good deals on gold and other jewelery if you go to the gold suhk's (sp?) The malls are cool to walk through and check out, but I don't recommend buying anything from them, you could probably get clothes and stuff cheaper in Calgary.

07-09-2009, 12:01 PM
There is some fun stuff to do in Dubai, although I wouldn't really compare it to Mexico (no booze or partying really).

Wild Wadi is wicked fun. The indoor ski hill is kind of neat for an hour. The gold / diamond souks are worth a wander.

The beaches look nice but I don't think the public beaches are all that great. Women aren't really supposed to show any skin so I'd think the only place people go to sun tan is in the resort areas where tourists hang out.

07-09-2009, 01:09 PM
I'm there right now. I've been coming here every summer for 4 years now. Also, this city is only as great as all the stuff you hear about happening here if you have a lot of money. There are a lot of amazing places (ie. hotels, resorts, parks etc) here that are somewhat expensive. Also, yeah like David said everyone is really conservative here, so if you want to go to a real beach you'd have to go to a resort where the tourists are.

07-11-2009, 02:06 AM
I thought it would be cool to check out Dubai as well until I saw a
BBC documentary (http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00jqgww/Panorama_Slumdogs_and_Millionaires/) on how they treat their workers (this is just one of the videos I saw). People have to realize that Dubai isn't full of fancy buildings and amazing shops, it's also a world full of poverty and desperation.