View Full Version : F**K, my car got break in at University today! Anyone else?

07-28-2009, 06:39 PM
I never thought I would be the lucky one until today, he broke the back seat window and took everything from the car...at Lot 59 University.

Who else got lucky at this parking lot?

07-28-2009, 06:44 PM
I didn't get lucky.

But what was taken? Maybe he'll post it FS lol

07-28-2009, 07:09 PM
What was stolen?

07-28-2009, 07:19 PM
brutal dude.

07-28-2009, 08:19 PM
Damn! Sorry to hear that happened to you.. Did you report it to Campus Security? I thought they had security cameras at all of the parking lots...

07-28-2009, 08:42 PM
Same thing happened to me last year in lot 59. Had my fluid dynamics text (500$) taken and my physics text (230$) as well as a discopotato and my AVC-R taken from my trunk. Campus security is useless. they dont have cameras anywhere. I got all my things back because some girl in my math class was his GF. She was talking about all his new "parts" with her friend.. he must have cased my car. I followed her to her car. Wrote down her plate and gave it to campus security and they still did nothing.

I saw her later that week at the den. So I talked to who I figured was her bf, got his name, and I got his address and number through the magic of friends. Needless to say I got my shit back + an apology and he payed for a new window.

I wish you similar luck. Let me know if you need some help.


07-28-2009, 08:46 PM
Original Post Removed. (Please read the Forum Rules and Terms of Use (http://forums.beyond.ca/articles.php?action=data&item=1) before posting again, or risk getting banned).

07-28-2009, 08:55 PM
^beat me to it. or better yet (rather then use the slang "Got")

My car was broken into today at the University.

Originally posted by R154
they dont have cameras anywhere. I got all my things back because some girl in my math class was his GF. She was talking about all his new "parts" with her friend.. he must have cased my car. I followed her to her car. Wrote down her plate and gave it to campus security and they still did nothing.

I saw her later that week at the den. So I talked to who I figured was her bf, got his name, and I got his address and number through the magic of friends. Needless to say I got my shit back + an apology and he payed for a new window.

I wish you similar luck. Let me know if you need some help.


Thats awesome!:clap:

07-28-2009, 09:59 PM
I lost 2 pairs of brand name women sunglasses, yoga pads, CD deck remote control, CDs and some changes...and a piece of back window...

I hate car thieves, they got no skills at all...to the car owner the biggest damage is usually the window they broke!

and guys, thanks for correcting my English~

Originally posted by R154
Same thing happened to me last year in lot 59. Had my fluid dynamics text (500$) taken and my physics text (230$) as well as a discopotato and my AVC-R taken from my trunk. Campus security is useless. they dont have cameras anywhere. I got all my things back because some girl in my math class was his GF. She was talking about all his new "parts" with her friend.. he must have cased my car. I followed her to her car. Wrote down her plate and gave it to campus security and they still did nothing.

I saw her later that week at the den. So I talked to who I figured was her bf, got his name, and I got his address and number through the magic of friends. Needless to say I got my shit back + an apology and he payed for a new window.

I wish you similar luck. Let me know if you need some help.


R154, u r unbelievable! and thanks for offer to help!! I think maybe I should just let it go...:dunno:

07-28-2009, 10:21 PM
Originally posted by R154
Same thing happened to me last year in lot 59. Had my fluid dynamics text (500$) taken and my physics text (230$) as well as a discopotato and my AVC-R taken from my trunk. Campus security is useless. they dont have cameras anywhere. I got all my things back because some girl in my math class was his GF. She was talking about all his new "parts" with her friend.. he must have cased my car. I followed her to her car. Wrote down her plate and gave it to campus security and they still did nothing.

I saw her later that week at the den. So I talked to who I figured was her bf, got his name, and I got his address and number through the magic of friends. Needless to say I got my shit back + an apology and he payed for a new window.

I wish you similar luck. Let me know if you need some help.


Thats great but please please please tell me you reported him to the police.

07-28-2009, 10:22 PM
That sucks dude, sorry to hear this happened.

I wonder if the UC has even done anything to improve security in the parking lots, considering they increase parking fees every year. I think I recall seeing ONE camera in lot 10, that's about it.

07-28-2009, 10:27 PM
There are at least two or three posts about this every year.

I think the only thing you can do to curb it is to never leave loose items in your car that can be seen through the window.

07-29-2009, 08:19 AM
Originally posted by alloroc
There are at least two or three posts about this every year.

I think the only thing you can do to curb it is to never leave loose items in your car that can be seen through the window.

+1. Maybe get some window tint you plan to leave your belongings out :dunno:

07-29-2009, 08:42 AM
Window tint can still be looked through when you press your face against it.

I recommend leaving NOTHING in view, or better yet, nothing at all.

I always leave my car empty, INCLUDING the couple bucks in the change holder.

Nothing to steal in there. (Perhaps a ice scraper, and a roll of shop towel in the trunk)

07-29-2009, 08:48 AM
Originally posted by scat19
Window tint can still be looked through when you press your face against it.

Not if you get 5% limo tint. If you have a dark interior, it's practically impossible to see through.

But even with limo tint, I wouldnt trust leaving stuff in the back.

07-29-2009, 08:51 AM
Originally posted by scat19
I always leave my car empty, INCLUDING the couple bucks in the change holder.

Nothing to steal in there. (Perhaps a ice scraper, and a roll of shop towel in the trunk)


Nothing really can be done here unless someone witnessed or there was video. Shitty deal.

07-29-2009, 09:38 AM
Originally posted by nobb

Not if you get 5% limo tint. If you have a dark interior, it's practically impossible to see through.

But even with limo tint, I wouldnt trust leaving stuff in the back.

Then the crackheads break the window to SEE if you have anything of value.

You're better off leaving the windows open and having nothing inside than using tint or a cargo cover.

Someone was telling me they saw a crackhead get on the trunk of a sedan and jump through the rear window (the most expensive!) just to get some change and cds.

07-29-2009, 10:45 AM
Originally posted by nobb

Not if you get 5% limo tint. If you have a dark interior, it's practically impossible to see through.

But even with limo tint, I wouldnt trust leaving stuff in the back.

You SURE you want to go there?

I had my windshield tinted, I would know :rofl: :rofl:

07-29-2009, 10:55 AM
Originally posted by scat19

I had my windshield tinted, I would know :rofl: :rofl:

Maybe this is why your car has never been broken into? :rofl: :rofl:

07-29-2009, 11:24 AM
I've been rocking 5% limo tint (5 window) for years in my honda and mercedes- not one break in and all of my stereo equipment unscathed. My un-tinted jeep is another story however, having had my stereo ripped out twice, cd's all stolen, as well as they stole my jerry can full of gas to light my fence on fire.

07-29-2009, 01:16 PM
Originally posted by sushi_fish
Damn! Sorry to hear that happened to you.. Did you report it to Campus Security? I thought they had security cameras at all of the parking lots...

The security cameras don't do shit. I got my windshield smashed in lot 32 the night before a midterm last Fall sem. Called campus security, they said they would check the cameras...they came back and said that the cameras were facing 24th Ave (towards Volleydome) ... i didn't understand wtf they needed to monitor on the street

07-29-2009, 02:15 PM
I did not report him to the police in exchange for him paying for a new window and an apology. At the end of the day he was a student, and a first year at that. I scared the ever living bejesus out of him. I jsut dont understand how he knew what parts I had in my trunk especially because I only had them in my trunk for 2 days, and you couldnt see them, or any hint that I had them in the back. Kid MUST have cased my car, because AFAIK he is not an engineer or science student so what business he had stealing engg texts is kind of beyond me. Being as stupid as he was, he would have sold them back to the books store :rofl:

Nothing like rolling up to the parents house with a couple of guys that dont look very friendly.

He sent his mom out to talk to us first. :rofl:

She took one look at my buddy moe and went inside and grabbed him by the collar and brought him outside. We agreed to some terms.

I dont think he will be doing that again. You just never know whose car you could be breaking into. I know of one guy in particular that had a past, he had his car broken into. Story about the offender getting chased down by a bunch of guys with machete's but that was before I was in university. My brother said it was a pretty big deal around campus.

I am sure some of you guys heard about that one gangster that had his lexus broken into about 2 years ago. Saw the guy doing it, beat the snot out of him with a billy on campus. The guy got charged with assault and was busted with some drugs in his car when the campus po called the real police. :rofl:

I love my car I really do. And the idea of someone violating it and taking my hardwork away from me is infuriating. But at the end of the day everything is replaceable, it's just some metal and plastic. But risking hurting someone badly, or fucking their entire life by giving them a record seems excessive to me if they give my possesions back... they shouldnt have been in their hands in the first place, however, at the same time we've all done stupid shit. I hope that my compassion was enough to change his mind. And if it wasnt, the next guy can take care of him. Something tells me if darwinism doesnt get him, mr. lexus will.

Besides the police dont really do anything anyways. I have called them for a more serious break in before... The sheer volume of similar complaints dulls the effectiveness of the whole loss prevention system. Theives know this... the police arent really effective against theft anymore, atleast with car break-ins being so prevelant. I dont mean to sound nonchalant, but lets be realistic about this, how effective are our police against petty theft? Priorities.

07-31-2009, 10:39 AM
Hey guys, where do you suggest me to get my window replaced? Thanks!

08-01-2009, 03:39 AM
Moore's Auto Glass beside Glenmore and Blackfoot were the best price for me and they were pretty fast.