View Full Version : source for super cheap garmin GPS cables?

07-30-2009, 02:37 PM

i'm looking for a usb cable and ac charger for my garmin gps. i've found some on ebay for about $10-$12 USD for both cables with shipping, but i'm wondering if anyone knows of somewhere cheaper? just wondering cause last time i ordered a 25' s-video cable on ebay, someone on here pointed me to an online store where i coulda saved like $15.


07-30-2009, 03:09 PM
FYI my garmen nuvi 250 cable is interchangeable with the home and car charger for my motorola krzr.

this should expand your options, unless your Garmin has a different system.

07-30-2009, 03:19 PM
google it, make your own, for most of them all you ahve to do is jump a couple fo wires in the usb cable, or use a resitor between wires etc...