View Full Version : Bad day.

08-22-2002, 01:09 PM
Well yesterday, I was driving down the street heading away from my house. Then all of a sudden I hear a popping noise, didn't think anything of it at first ... then continued to drive about 50 m's, then I hear a rumbling, I knew exactly what it was. So I get out to inspect, yup a flat tire .... easy enough right ?? NOPE:banghead: . You see there's a factory bolt lock on it ... something I neglected to notice when I bought the car. (partially my own stupidity) so I try slamming on a nut, doesn't work due to the fact that it's Round. So I call south center Fine cars, ask them what to do ... they tell me to get it there and they will replace it ... so after a $76 dollar tow, I am now waiting for the ass raping ahead form South center :banghead:

Audi Kid
08-22-2002, 01:47 PM
haha feel the german wrath!! FEEEL IT! haha

08-22-2002, 02:17 PM
shoulda called me dude, I have all that stuff...

08-22-2002, 03:07 PM
that happened to my uncles xterra.......they paid for everything and gave him a new set of wheels, with the key this time tho