View Full Version : Creating a Blackberry Duplicate

09-17-2009, 09:41 AM
Hi everyone!

The trackball on my Bold started to wear out (the ball is depressed into the Bold. Doesn't have a 'clicky' feel anymore) and so, I called Rogers and they sent a replacement Bold.

Now, is it possible to make a carbon copy of my old phone and just transfer it to the new one (minus BBM and BIS etc.)?

Hopefully that made sense and hope someone can help!

09-17-2009, 09:46 AM
You use the Desktop Manager software to create a backup, than load the backup onto the new device. You can also keep your BBM contacts this way.

09-17-2009, 09:47 AM
Or you can hook both phones up to the same comp and do a transfer. Its SICK. Updates your bbm contacts for you, chagnes all your settings (alarms, ringer settings, background, menu locations).
Good to back up at the same time though, in case you lose the phone break it etc.

EK 2.0
09-17-2009, 09:48 AM
Or, when you get your new Berry, using the Desktop Manager there is a "switch device" tab. You can also use that utility as well.

But making a weekly back up, or even a couple times a week is a great idea for all smart phone users....

09-17-2009, 11:03 AM
Originally posted by EK 2.0
But making a weekly back up, or even a couple times a week is a great idea for all smart phone users....

:werd: :werd:

Definately agree. My phone does it every time I sync it.

09-17-2009, 10:16 PM
Thanks for the help everyone! I made a carbon copy and now, it's copied! :clap:

Now, how do I sync and backup my phone?