View Full Version : Honking = Stunting?

10-01-2009, 11:31 PM
Hi My name's Mike and am new here (And I already have a problem lol) Hear me out I would really like to know what to do in this situation...) :? :)
This all happened about a month and a week ago. I was hanging out with a couple of my other teenage buddies and we were going to celebrate the 'end of summer/before school starts' weekend. Anyways we left McDonalds heading to a local gas station before heading out to an old bridge I know of. On the way to Fas Gas, I passed by a Husky (a friend works there :)) that had 2 cop cars outside with their lights flashing (1 truck, 1 car) and without really thinking I did my 'signature' horn... Headed down the road and turned left. About 2 minutes later the truck's behind me light's flashing :confused:
Pull over he comes upto the window and asks about the horn.
I tell him I have a friend who works there and I was 'saying hi.'
He tells me that honking my horn is 'stunting.'
I simply tell him that I didn't know?
"Didn't you see the lights?"
I said I had but wasn't thinking...
He asks for my licence/registration and asks me, "You were the guy we had pulled up at the checkstop a couple nights ago right?" I told him I was and he replies with, "Oh, I know who you are then..." and leaves back to his truck.
10-15 minutes later he comes back and says, "Here's your ticket for stunting. Don't do it again" I said, "That kinda makes me feel dumb"
He said, "Well there it is" followed by an awkward silence with him leaving saying "Have a good evening"
Everyone I have talked to is saying that I should fight it? Really if I had known I was going to get a stunting ticket I would of pulled into the parking lot and 'burned rubber'/ filled the place with smoke to make it seem just? What should I do?

10-01-2009, 11:36 PM
What happened at the check stop?

10-01-2009, 11:36 PM
I dunno, it's 50/50 in my mind. No, normally honking isn't stunting, but to them you honked at two lit cruisers, probably distracting them and they got a little pissed.

I'd fight it, but if the cop shows with that as his story, I doubt you'll win.

10-01-2009, 11:51 PM
This is where it gets interesting with the checkstop lol Came into 'my' small town of 10,000 and I come across all these 'hidden' cruisers and cops everywhere. Tells me to pull over on a side street and tells me it's a 'Checkstop' Usual questions/gets my licence and registration... Am waiting and waiting and about 15-20 minutes later he comes back and I had the wrong pink slip (Was changing over insurance and plates from one truck to another, didn't realize insurance company gave me a Tempory insurance slip (in the truck) as well as the true pink card...sitting at home) :banghead: Anyway he said as long as I brought him the real pink slip by Monday morning (It was Friday night) he would let it slide. I was a happy guy :) He gave me a ticket for a light out but we shook hands, wished each other well, and I took off. Being a happy teen I did my 'novelty' horn as I went around the corner and outta site, my kinda thank-you :dunno: So my 'stunting' cop must of been at the checkstop that night as well...

10-01-2009, 11:58 PM
Originally posted by Tracer2008
Being a happy teen I did my 'novelty' horn as I went around the corner and outta site, my kinda thank-you

Yea they (the group of cops) could had interpreted that as "screw you pigs"

Then when he saw you again that night, giving you the ticket was his way of saying "screw you too"

10-02-2009, 12:03 AM
Originally posted by TomcoPDR

Yea they (the group of cops) could had interpreted that as "screw you pigs"

Then when he saw you again that night, giving you the ticket was his way of saying "screw you too"

Thats how I would have taken it.

10-02-2009, 12:07 AM
Use of a horn or high beams without just cause (improper use) is stunting if they want to be dinks. There is also a ticket for just improper use I believe.

10-02-2009, 12:08 AM
Sounds like you use your horn a lot for non-emergency non-attention reasons.

Might i suggest you install one of those horns that goes...


Might clear up any future confusions.

Police hear horn and sirens and they look at them as either forms of rage or forms of emergency.

10-02-2009, 12:13 AM
Never thought of it that way... Simple gestures can be taken so many different ways. But if we shook hands and I said thank-you to the guy before I left, you would think he would understand :confused: I would have to suffer from MPS to do that in a dickish way...

10-02-2009, 12:18 AM
Originally posted by TurboD
Sounds like you use your horn a lot for non-emergency non-attention reasons.

Might i suggest you install one of those horns that goes...


Might clear up any future confusions.

Police hear horn and sirens and they look at them as either forms of rage or forms of emergency.

My horn goes like this: Doop-da-da-doop-doop <Pause> doop-doop I have been using it for 5 yrs, same town, to friends on the street, Grad lol, Outside the school (In FRONT of cops) everywhere :D I could honestly give the judge a list of 50+ names of who knows my horn lol

10-02-2009, 12:21 AM
^^ too bad cops dont cares. You are an idiot for catching cops attention. Fight it and just dont do it again.

10-02-2009, 12:31 AM
Originally posted by Team_Mclaren
^^ too bad cops dont cares. You are an idiot for catching cops attention. Fight it and just dont do it again.

Trust me $402/ time Not gonna happen... (Not in front of cops again) It was right in the middle of harvest, Just trying to unwind with some friends Boys will be boys right? (Something to tell the grandkids, like my dad tells me of all his stories... Far worse than honking a horn)

10-02-2009, 12:35 AM
Originally posted by Tracer2008

Trust me $402/ time Not gonna happen... (Not in front of cops again) It was right in the middle of harvest, Just trying to unwind with some friends Boys will be boys right? (Something to tell the grandkids, like my dad tells me of all his stories... Far worse than honking a horn)

That won't really peak their interest (honking your horn)... What would be a story teller would be if you uppercut that cop for no reason, then the rest writes itself.

10-02-2009, 12:39 AM
there are hidden rules these days... whats next cant put out you head out of the window if your not a dog?:nut:. I was stoped once for honking at my friend while driving and i did it in front of 3 cop cars they stoped me and my friend, while stoped the cop asked me the same question over and over again as if i was ganna give him a wrong answer and his question was "why did you honk again"? my answer was "to get my friends attention to follow me... not even 1 min he takes my license and gose to his car comes back saying "your good, have a good night" me "yep thanks have a good day" but really it was night lol and he asked me why i honked like "5 times" :clap: :rofl: :rofl:

10-02-2009, 12:42 AM
Originally posted by TomcoPDR

That won't really peak their interest (honking your horn)... What would be a story teller would be if you uppercut that cop for no reason, then the rest writes itself.
Touchee lol Then I would go to jail, Can't get away with anything these days... :dunno: Just don't get caught right? :nut:

10-02-2009, 12:45 AM
Originally posted by FullMetal
there are hidden rules these days... whats next cant put out you head out of the window if your not a dog?:nut:. I was stoped once for honking at my friend while driving and i did it in front of 3 cop cars they stoped me and my friend, while stoped the cop asked me the same question over and over again as if i was ganna give him a wrong answer and his question was &quot;why did you honk again&quot;? my answer was &quot;to get my friends attention to follow me... not even 1 min he takes my license and gose to his car comes back saying &quot;your good, have a good night&quot; me &quot;yep thanks have a good day&quot; but really it was night lol and he asked me why i honked like &quot;5 times&quot; :clap: :rofl: :rofl:
:clap: You mean am not allowed to drive without my head out the window? Since when? :confused: Lol

10-02-2009, 08:40 AM
lol...stop honking all the damn time

10-02-2009, 08:48 AM
Originally posted by Tracer2008
Trust me $402/ time Not gonna happen... (Not in front of cops again) It was right in the middle of harvest, Just trying to unwind with some friends Boys will be boys right? (Something to tell the grandkids, like my dad tells me of all his stories... Far worse than honking a horn) ... you got a $402 ticket for honking your horn? Jesus christ.

10-02-2009, 08:49 AM

Stop honking when you don't need to honk! Wow, that seems overly simple.

Fight the ticket - it's worth fighting it. Hopefully it will get tossed out.

10-02-2009, 08:50 AM
Originally posted by Tracer2008

My horn goes like this: Doop-da-da-doop-doop &lt;Pause&gt; doop-doop

Did you get that horn at the same shop where you bought your rainbow sticker?

10-02-2009, 09:10 AM
Unlike most police officers, Judges are generally pretty reasonable people. This will work in your favour since its was a totally harmless act and stunting is a pretty serious ticket .

10-02-2009, 09:52 AM
I would say fight it as well.

Bring your horn in for evidence and show then that even an asshole cop cannot take offense to a horn like that.

I've been loling all morning reading some of these replies.

10-02-2009, 10:06 AM
A little of topic, but somewhat the same. Would this be the same as flashing your high beams?

Is it against the law to flash your high beams to warn people of a speed trap, because when I grew up we always did it. We also did it to warn of wildlife on the road, since in the Okanagan its common for deer and goats to be on the road.

10-02-2009, 10:08 AM
yes it is illegal.

10-02-2009, 10:16 AM
Let me get this straight: you install a novelty horn into your car, and sound it nearly every chance you get? A stunting ticket is a bit much, but what happens should you really NEED it and everyone who knows your horn doesn't take you seriously?


10-02-2009, 10:21 AM
seems a bit harsh for honking your horn.. but doing it in front of the cops was not your greatest idea

10-02-2009, 10:27 AM
Yeah getting a stunting ticket does seem pretty harsh for just honking the horn, I'd say just fight it.

Hah my co-worker got a stunting ticket for calling a cop an asshole, and he fought it. I believe he got POINTS to fight it and got off on it.

10-02-2009, 10:49 AM
Originally posted by The_Rural_Juror

Did you get that horn at the same shop where you bought your rainbow sticker?

You deserve a rainbow sticker for that comment :rofl: :facepalm:

10-02-2009, 11:14 AM
Originally posted by TorqueDog
... you got a $402 ticket for honking your horn? Jesus christ.

I know and no warning or anything... Worst part is is because it's 'stunting' my insurance will probably skyrocket :thumbsdow Because am a 'dangerous risk' cause of my age am already paying $750/6monthes. Wouldn't be surprised if it goes up to $1000+ :facepalm:

10-02-2009, 11:15 AM
Fight it. Don't listen to these idiots here.

10-02-2009, 11:21 AM
Rule #1 the vast majority of police officers DO NOT know the criminal code or traffic safety act. I'm in the midst of a complaint to CPS for one of their officers lack of professionality.

I was threatened with a ticket for no insurance simply because I forgot to put the new insurance slip in the car. However as I told the officer he is REQUIRED to contact the insurance company stated on the expired card to determine if I have no coverage.

The officer had the nerve to tell me, "To shut the f*ck up" or he would "Tow my car to the impound lot and haul my A$$ into court". The odd part is he did this in reaction to me simply telling him what the law in our province states.

Go to court and fight the ticket. The commisioner will likely drop the fine to $1. The proper ticket would have been along the lings of inapropriate usage of emergency equipment.

Police officers have a similar ticket that they can receive for using their overhead equipment for no apparent reason. I'm sure we've all see that happen way too many times. If you go to court they'll reduce the fine and change the ticket to what it should be.

10-02-2009, 11:23 AM
are there actually laws about when your can and cant use a horn?

horns mean many different things in many different places... is there an actual law specifically stating whats acceptable use of a horn in this country?

actually thats probably a dumb question.. theres gotta be a law.. theres a damn law for every little stupid thing. but anyone familiar with horn laws?

10-02-2009, 11:23 AM
Originally posted by A790
Let me get this straight: you install a novelty horn into your car, and sound it nearly every chance you get? A stunting ticket is a bit much, but what happens should you really NEED it and everyone who knows your horn doesn't take you seriously?


The horn is actually stock. lol I can use it normally like any other horn if I wanted. I started doing it in High School and it was kind of like my trademark. Being in a small town, when you heard it people knew it was me. lol

10-02-2009, 11:27 AM
You like the little boy who honked wolf.

10-02-2009, 11:28 AM
Originally posted by Rstar
Unlike most police officers, Judges are generally pretty reasonable people. This will work in your favour since its was a totally harmless act and stunting is a pretty serious ticket .
Am hoping so :) This guy looked pretty young (21-25?) Wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't a rookie wanting to 'earn his badge'?

10-02-2009, 11:31 AM
Originally posted by TurboD
I would say fight it as well.

Bring your horn in for evidence and show then that even an asshole cop cannot take offense to a horn like that.

I've been loling all morning reading some of these replies.

Imagine if it was one of those 'train horns' you can get nowadays... :D

10-02-2009, 11:31 AM
inapropriate usage of emergency equipment.

you can in theory get such a ticket for a variety of things not limited to miss usage of a horn. However why is it a common thing that people honk horns at wedding vehicles yet police officers do nothing. I don't see how that is any less dangerous.

Trust me there are a lot of examples you can give to the court as to why the ticket is BS, they either reduce it to $1 or completely drop it all together.

10-02-2009, 11:32 AM
I was going to suggest claiming that you bumped it by accident but it sounds like you honk with a particular timing and beat.

I hope you win in court

10-02-2009, 11:32 AM
Originally posted by The_Rural_Juror

Did you get that horn at the same shop where you bought your rainbow sticker?

Karma's a bitch

10-02-2009, 11:35 AM
Originally posted by quazimoto
inapropriate usage of emergency equipment.

you can in theory get such a ticket for a variety of things not limited to miss usage of a horn. However why is it a common thing that people honk horns at wedding vehicles yet police officers do nothing. I don't see how that is any less dangerous.

Trust me there are a lot of examples you can give to the court as to why the ticket is BS, they either reduce it to $1 or completely drop it all together.

Examples would be good actually :) I have honked going by weddings too... (Not ones that I was invited too either...) lol

10-02-2009, 11:37 AM
Originally posted by TurboD
I was going to suggest claiming that you bumped it by accident but it sounds like you honk with a particular timing and beat.

I hope you win in court

Lol 7 beats might be tough to explain as 'accidental' But thanks for the support :)

10-02-2009, 11:39 AM
I got one a long long time ago, honking at a wedding going by, maybe 2 seconds worth of short honks like you would do with a wedding, got a stunting ticket. Talked to the crown and basically said the woman cop who wrote the ticket must have been left at the alter or something to write me a ticket like that. got it dropped.

10-02-2009, 11:43 AM
Originally posted by Ben
I got one a long long time ago, honking at a wedding going by, maybe 2 seconds worth of short honks like you would do with a wedding, got a stunting ticket. Talked to the crown and basically said the woman cop who wrote the ticket must have been left at the alter or something to write me a ticket like that. got it dropped.
hahahaha.... she must have had a bit to much cube shift going on.

10-02-2009, 08:47 PM
I honk all the time., we are a "big city', go to new york downtown and listen to the honking.

i once got pulled over, on 5th ave for honking, i told the officer that my car nearly runs silent and Pedestrians with their ipod headphones shoved into their wax-laden ears never look both ways before crossing. hes says makes sense and said go on now.

10-02-2009, 09:21 PM
Originally posted by quazimoto
Rule #1 the vast majority of police officers DO NOT know the criminal code or traffic safety act. I'm in the midst of a complaint to CPS for one of their officers lack of professionality.

I was threatened with a ticket for no insurance simply because I forgot to put the new insurance slip in the car. However as I told the officer he is REQUIRED to contact the insurance company stated on the expired card to determine if I have no coverage.

The officer had the nerve to tell me, &quot;To shut the f*ck up&quot; or he would &quot;Tow my car to the impound lot and haul my A$$ into court&quot;. The odd part is he did this in reaction to me simply telling him what the law in our province states.

Go to court and fight the ticket. The commisioner will likely drop the fine to $1. The proper ticket would have been along the lings of inapropriate usage of emergency equipment.

Police officers have a similar ticket that they can receive for using their overhead equipment for no apparent reason. I'm sure we've all see that happen way too many times. If you go to court they'll reduce the fine and change the ticket to what it should be.

And that is why you were told to shut up (unprofessionally, I admit) - there is no law stating we have to call the insurance company to find out if you have coverage. The onus is on YOU to prove insurance, not on US. Find the section in the Traffic Safety Act and any legislation under it and I will eat crow.

I won't even touch that comment about the Criminal Code or TSA... if you seriously think that we know nothing about the laws we enforce, you are ignorant to the extreme. That is an incredibly stupid thing to say.

OP - fight that ticket. That is horseshit and I wouldn't have wrote it. My opinion of course, but I would take it to court.

10-02-2009, 10:06 PM
Originally posted by phil98z24

if you seriously think that we know nothing about the laws we enforce, you are ignorant to the extreme. That is an incredibly stupid thing to say.



10-02-2009, 11:40 PM
Originally posted by Redlyne_mr2

hahahaha.... she must have had a bit to much cube shift going on.

No, oddly enough I remember the cop being absolutly stunning. Definitely not one of those office chair wrecking, ham in a hot dog bun, food at the mouth walruses hahahahaha.

10-03-2009, 02:21 AM
Originally posted by Ben

No, oddly enough I remember the cop being absolutly stunning. Definitely not one of those office chair wrecking, ham in a hot dog bun, food at the mouth walruses hahahahaha.

I have been distracted more than once by a hot cop. There are some lookers on the force here in town, my luck though I'll get pulled over by some fat guy.:banghead:

10-03-2009, 02:27 AM
Originally posted by FraserB

I have been distracted more than once by a hot cop. There are some lookers on the force here in town, my luck though I'll get pulled over by some fat guy.:banghead:

ummmm I take offense to that http://www.classictvquotes.com/images/gallery/chief-wiggum-photo_210x210.jpg

10-03-2009, 09:50 AM
Any other country I have been to, it's paramount to honk at anything and everything LOL.

My best friends family always drive by my work and honk, always. It's almost instinct for me to hear them and pick out their car, always puts a smile because they don't care about what other people think even though they've been flipped the bird a bunch of times LOL. I think I'll tell them to stop though, don't want them to go through the hassle of a potential ticket.

10-03-2009, 11:26 AM
Ok lets see. Police officers in our city the last I checked receive 1 day of training in police training when it comes to traffic bylaws. Want to take a guess at how much training RCMP officers receive?

The fact is, the stunting ticket will not hold up in court. The officer gave you the wrong ticket on purpose. Essentially just trying to be an a-hole. What really peeves me off is that CPS doesn't do anything about this kind of activity when clearly the officers are acting unprofessional.

I would honestly say for every 5-6 good officers you have one that acts like SGT SLAUGHTER. Take into consideration I've also worked for CPS. They have some really great, sincere, professional people, but they also have less desireable officers as well.

10-03-2009, 11:34 AM
Originally posted by quazimoto
Ok lets see. Police officers in our city the last I checked receive 1 day of training in police training when it comes to traffic bylaws. Want to take a guess at how much training RCMP officers receive?

The fact is, the stunting ticket will not hold up in court. The officer gave you the wrong ticket on purpose. Essentially just trying to be an a-hole. What really peeves me off is that CPS doesn't do anything about this kind of activity when clearly the officers are acting unprofessional.

I would honestly say for every 5-6 good officers you have one that acts like SGT SLAUGHTER. Take into consideration I've also worked for CPS. They have some really great, sincere, professional people, but they also have less desireable officers as well.

Over the past 3 yrs since I recieved my licence, I have been pulled up at least 20 times. Everytime I have shown respect and been friendly, and they have returned the favor :). Same goes for my 'stunting' cop but he just seemed out to get me, and give my passengers a slightly hard time (with seatbelts not fully 'done up') She was sitting in the middle but different story.

10-03-2009, 11:39 AM
Originally posted by quazimoto
Ok lets see. Police officers in our city the last I checked receive 1 day of training in police training when it comes to traffic bylaws. Want to take a guess at how much training RCMP officers receive?

The fact is, the stunting ticket will not hold up in court. The officer gave you the wrong ticket on purpose. Essentially just trying to be an a-hole. What really peeves me off is that CPS doesn't do anything about this kind of activity when clearly the officers are acting unprofessional.

I would honestly say for every 5-6 good officers you have one that acts like SGT SLAUGHTER. Take into consideration I've also worked for CPS. They have some really great, sincere, professional people, but they also have less desireable officers as well.
So what about getting a stunting ticket for giving the finger? Or a dangerous driving ticket for going 50+? Are you saying all those tickets are wrong?

Honestly I have had many encounters with cops and tickets and unless you are a complete dick to the cop (ex. lippy, cocky)its pretty easy to get off or get a reduction. I love when people say cops are dicks and dont know how to do their jobs because I have been lucky with getting off with just a warning. *Knock on wood*

10-03-2009, 12:07 PM
that's why I said not all of them are pricks, there are some that are great and some that will give you tickets and pull you over just because they can.

By the way, you've been pulled over 20 times in 3 years? What's up with that.

Stunting for giving the finger, well they can't even give you a ticket for that. Literally there is nothing wrong with fingering someone if you want to be that way. It's all in our bill of rights. Heck you can even call a police officer a pig and there isn't anything under the law they can really do.

The vast majority of police officers will only give tickets out when you truly deserve it. I mean they look for things that are dangerous. I think that's why most cops won't give you a ticket unless you are going 20+ over. But if you are going 50+ and doing things that are dangerous then tickets to me aren't enough and it should get to the point where people start losing their licenses.

Giving a person a stunting ticket though which will jack their insurance up for no particular reason when it isn't warranted though is just wrong. The number of times an officer uses their overhead emergency equipment aka sirens when it is not warranted is a lot worse.

I know of one case in particular where two constables were given tickets from their sergeant for doing this and from my understanding that is very rare.

10-03-2009, 12:17 PM

10-03-2009, 12:21 PM
Originally posted by quazimoto

Stunting for giving the finger, well they can't even give you a ticket for that. Literally there is nothing wrong with fingering someone if you want to be that way. It's all in our bill of rights. Heck you can even call a police officer a pig and there isn't anything under the law they can really do.

It is viewed as being a distraction to other drivers, so yes they can give you a ticket for giving someone the finger.

10-03-2009, 12:24 PM
I read someone that a cop gave a ticket to a guy who fingered her for improper hand signal use or something to that effect.

Also, I thought that a precedent was set for flashing your high beams and it could be easily fought. I remember Hakkola sp? talking about it in a thread.

edit. found article

10-03-2009, 12:25 PM
As many people have said, fight it.

3 demerits for that? Pretty sure if you take it to get reduced (or even up to court), it will eventually get reduced to a violation with no demerits or MAYBE even thrown out.

10-03-2009, 12:26 PM
So according to you........

Distraction = stunting...

Stunting then = listening to the radio, talking to people in your car, looking at billboard advertisement.

Wrong answer try again.

Fingering a person is literally freedom of expression. I'm not saying it's a good thing, but you have the right to do it.

10-03-2009, 12:29 PM
Originally posted by quazimoto
So according to you........

Distraction = stunting...

Stunting then = listening to the radio, talking to people in your car, looking at billboard advertisement.

Wrong answer try again.

Fingering a person is literally freedom of expression. I'm not saying it's a good thing, but you have the right to do it.
Distraction to someone fucking else, not the fucking driver in the car.

here do some homework:

10-03-2009, 12:32 PM
When I was 16 my buddy was telling woooooooooo out the window and a cop heard him. He only yelled 1 time. He came up said what's all the wooing about. I said were super pumped about stampede and he was going to give me a stunting ticket but he laughed and left haha. I did get a stunting ticket for having my stereo too loud when I was 16 too. Only 150 bucks

10-03-2009, 12:36 PM
Yep and if you fight it you would win in court. In that case you'd have to be an idiot to finger a cop anyways.

But finger another motorist, best of luck getting a ticket for it. In our society, especially calgary, it seems to be the gesture you receive when somebody thinks your a shitty driver lol.

I could care a less if people finger me.

10-03-2009, 12:37 PM

10-03-2009, 12:37 PM
Originally posted by theken
When I was 16 my buddy was telling woooooooooo out the window and a cop heard him. He only yelled 1 time. He came up said what's all the wooing about. I said were super pumped about stampede and he was going to give me a stunting ticket but he laughed and left haha. I did get a stunting ticket for having my stereo too loud when I was 16 too. Only 150 bucks

So it actually said Stunting on it? Most people will know that it's not the "only 150 bucks" that people care about, it's the 3 demerits that comes along with it.

Or was it noise violation?

10-03-2009, 12:43 PM
It was stunting. But that was 10 years ago. I got it thrown out though

10-03-2009, 12:56 PM
Originally posted by quazimoto
Yep and if you fight it you would win in court. In that case you'd have to be an idiot to finger a cop anyways.

But finger another motorist, best of luck getting a ticket for it. In our society, especially calgary, it seems to be the gesture you receive when somebody thinks your a shitty driver lol.

I could care a less if people finger me.

Oh so you can get a ticket for giving someone the finger..... thought so.

Originally posted by 01RedDX

Shit, that's what your girl says too.

BTW, the actual saying is &quot;couldn't&quot; care less.


10-03-2009, 06:21 PM
What is with the Homo's who voted "No"?

10-03-2009, 09:56 PM
Originally posted by blink1
What is with the Homo's who voted &quot;No&quot;?
Obviously 47% of Beyonders are cops or idiots.

Of course fight it. Stunting is demerits, and to lose points and have your insurance go up for honking your horn is FUCKING RETARDED.

10-29-2009, 07:17 PM
Originally posted by 01RedDX
Has anyone checked OP's profile yet?

Case closed.

I don't know why this is :dunno: Just recieved one ticket, and I deserved it for speeding 127 km/hr in a 100km/hr zone. Examples the cops have given me for pulling me over... licence plate light out, trailer console is 'blocking' licence plate, one they were just checking white vehicles for someone, etc... Maybe it's because I own a white 3/4 ton truck (with the diesel :))when most of my friends own cars or small trucks? (Ford Rangers, Chevy S-10s...) When I was 16 I owned a Dodge Ramcharger, which I ownly drove for about 8 monthes, which had the mufflers ripped open and bigger tires and I never got pulled up in her. Am talking going thru town with stero blasting, and the old exhaust roaring away and I would get looks, but never pulled up. Just got a parking ticket for forgetting about it in the bus lane lol So I don't know :confused:

10-29-2009, 07:24 PM
Originally posted by blink1
What is with the Homo's who voted &quot;No&quot;?

It's kind of ironic? I mean 50% say no, the other 50% are tied between Noise violation and Yes lol But I am following thru with fighting it, went to court on Oct 16, spent 2 hrs in the courtroom just to give my plea... (If it happens again, or to you, just mail in your plea. I didn't think it would take that long) And my trial is set for December 4

10-29-2009, 07:26 PM
Originally posted by Toma

Obviously 47% of Beyonders are cops or idiots.

Of course fight it. Stunting is demerits, and to lose points and have your insurance go up for honking your horn is FUCKING RETARDED.

One of the examples am going to use on the judge :)

10-30-2009, 09:23 AM
Originally posted by Tracer2008

My horn goes like this: Doop-da-da-doop-doop &lt;Pause&gt; doop-doop

You realize 'your' signature horn call is over 100 years old?


10-30-2009, 07:00 PM
Originally posted by megavolt

You realize 'your' signature horn call is over 100 years old?


Wow You learn something new everyday :D But I was the first in my town, so you could say am bringing a small piece of history back into modern day? ;)

10-30-2009, 07:40 PM
Originally posted by 97'Scort
I dunno, it's 50/50 in my mind. No, normally honking isn't stunting, but to them you honked at two lit cruisers, probably distracting them and they got a little pissed.

I'd fight it, but if the cop shows with that as his story, I doubt you'll win.
Distracting them from their serious business...so serious in fact, that they had to drive away from the situation to give him a ticket.

10-31-2009, 10:06 AM
Originally posted by Tracer2008

Imagine if it was one of those 'train horns' you can get nowadays... :D

Like this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZVr2HlCMWM

10-31-2009, 12:29 PM
Originally posted by blink1
What is with the Homo's who voted &quot;No&quot;?

well, us homos read the story and came to the conclusion that the OP is possibly one of the stereotypical small town hicks that get drunk and drive around in their pickup full of cowboys honking, hooting, and hollering at every thing that moves ( based on his profile statement as well as his claim to fame of being pulled over 20 times in the last three years).

OP is most likely quite the douchebag.

10-31-2009, 05:42 PM
Originally posted by arian_ma

Distracting them from their serious business...so serious in fact, that they had to drive away from the situation to give him a ticket.

Can't see there being too serious of business at 1.30a.m in a town of 10,000 I think it was a drunken hobo outside a gas station...

10-31-2009, 06:03 PM
Originally posted by CMW403

well, us homos read the story and came to the conclusion that the OP is possibly one of the stereotypical small town hicks that get drunk and drive around in their pickup full of cowboys honking, hooting, and hollering at every thing that moves ( based on his profile statement as well as his claim to fame of being pulled over 20 times in the last three years).

OP is most likely quite the douchebag.

Obviously you never lived your teenage years... Seeing as how your birthday's on July 8th, 1991. Seeing as how you live in Calgary I bet you have never had the priviledge of meeting a...Countryboy? I am willing to bet you wouldn't have a clue as to how your food is made, or where it comes from. Hate to say it, but nature didn't grow loaves of bread, bagged/packaged vegetables, and meat comes from butchered cows (that don't raise themselves) Do yourself a favor next summer CMW403: leave those city limits, find a relative or a friend who owns a farm, and get a job for 6 monthes to see how it's like. Then you can be what you think as us 'stereotypical small town hicks that get drunk and drive around in pick-ups full of cowboys honking...' :nut: Come to think of it, Calgary is cowboy central? :facepalm:

10-31-2009, 06:11 PM
Originally posted by Tracer2008

Obviously you never lived your teenage years... Seeing as how your birthday's on July 8th, 1991. Seeing as how you live in Calgary I bet you have never had the priviledge of meeting a...Countryboy? I am willing to bet you wouldn't have a clue as to how your food is made, or where it comes from. Hate to say it, but nature didn't grow loaves of bread, bagged/packaged vegetables, and meat comes from butchered cows (that don't raise themselves) Do yourself a favor next summer CMW403: leave those city limits, find a relative or a friend who owns a farm, and get a job for 6 monthes to see how it's like. Then you can be what you think as us 'stereotypical small town hicks that get drunk and drive around in pick-ups full of cowboys honking...' :nut: Come to think of it, Calgary is cowboy central? :facepalm:

I was born and raised ranch north of Edmonton and i from experiance 60% of the people i grew up around fit his exact description so his assumptions are a little true. Then again i grew up in a town with alot less than 10k people.

10-31-2009, 06:15 PM
anyone who was born in 1991 - your opinion is irrelevant.

small town people are the best.

10-31-2009, 06:28 PM
Originally posted by calgarys_finest

I was born and raised ranch north of Edmonton and i from experiance 60% of the people i grew up around fit his exact description so his assumptions are a little true. Then again i grew up in a town with alot less than 10k people.

Fair enough said, We like to make some noise sometimes (Living in wide open spaces allows us to be as loud as we want, without really bothering anyone :) ) But I tend to think alot of people in the city honk in traffic jams, does that make them 'hooting, hollering' cowboys? lol I don't think so...

10-31-2009, 07:41 PM
Originally posted by Tracer2008

Obviously you never lived your teenage years... Seeing as how your birthday's on July 8th, 1991. Seeing as how you live in Calgary I bet you have never had the priviledge of meeting a...Countryboy? I am willing to bet you wouldn't have a clue as to how your food is made, or where it comes from. Hate to say it, but nature didn't grow loaves of bread, bagged/packaged vegetables, and meat comes from butchered cows (that don't raise themselves) Do yourself a favor next summer CMW403: leave those city limits, find a relative or a friend who owns a farm, and get a job for 6 monthes to see how it's like. Then you can be what you think as us 'stereotypical small town hicks that get drunk and drive around in pick-ups full of cowboys honking...' :nut: Come to think of it, Calgary is cowboy central? :facepalm:

lol the reason i can make this assumption so accurately is because i am from a family full of people like you. my uncle owns a ranch outside of cochrane with 100 head of horses and a British army adventure training camp. my cousins are all EXACTLY like you. thats why i can look at the way you write and your mannerisms and i can tell you are exactly like all of them. let me guess...

you drink budweiser and you chew cope. you get as drunk as you possibly can and you drive around in fields with your music blasting and all your buddies in the back hooting and hollering. on occasion you have to drive to the gas station for cope or the liquor store for bud and you regularly get pulled over doing so. also, 75% of the cops in your little town know you by name and joke around with you when they pull you over.

and BTW, i have worked at my uncles ranch helping lead trail rides into the rockies for 5 summers now. iv branded 50/100 head of horses that he owns.

to be honest, i am probably more of a cowboy then yourself i just would prefer no one knowing about it.:thumbsup:

12-04-2009, 11:45 PM
Originally posted by CMW403

let me guess...

you drink budweiser and you chew cope. you get as drunk as you possibly can and you drive around in fields with your music blasting and all your buddies in the back hooting and hollering. on occasion you have to drive to the gas station for cope or the liquor store for bud and you regularly get pulled over doing so. also, 75% of the cops in your little town know you by name and joke around with you when they pull you over.

Your about 33% right... I have the odd bud, but am more of a rye kind of guy. Would never chew, Don't drive around in fields very often, (Mainly because thats where crops are grown :nut: ) I have been pulled over a fair bit, but never really chat up the cops, never joke around with them either lol

12-04-2009, 11:48 PM
Originally posted by CMW403

and BTW, i have worked at my uncles ranch helping lead trail rides into the rockies for 5 summers now. iv branded 50/100 head of horses that he owns.

to be honest, i am probably more of a cowboy then yourself i just would prefer no one knowing about it.:thumbsup:

You work with horses, I work with cows. 200+

12-04-2009, 11:53 PM
Anyways I just want to thank everyone for contributing to my topic. Court was today and I have been dismissed of the charge :) I would definitely recommend if anyone has any doubts with tickets, to definitely fight them if they feel just. (Speeding and true stunting don't fall into the 'Fight' category) I hope to stick around and provide my own feedback :thumbsup: And hopefully I shouldn't have any more troubles in the future

12-05-2009, 06:26 PM
Originally posted by Tracer2008
And hopefully I shouldn't have any more troubles in the future
well, stop honking your fucking horn like a reckless, inconsiderate teenager :dunno:

12-05-2009, 06:27 PM
Originally posted by Tracer2008
Anyways I just want to thank everyone for contributing to my topic. Court was today and I have been dismissed of the charge :) I would definitely recommend if anyone has any doubts with tickets, to definitely fight them if they feel just. (Speeding and true stunting don't fall into the 'Fight' category) I hope to stick around and provide my own feedback :thumbsup: And hopefully I shouldn't have any more troubles in the future

Right on dude.

12-05-2009, 09:37 PM
Originally posted by Tracer2008
Anyways I just want to thank everyone for contributing to my topic. Court was today and I have been dismissed of the charge :) I would definitely recommend if anyone has any doubts with tickets, to definitely fight them if they feel just. (Speeding and true stunting don't fall into the 'Fight' category) I hope to stick around and provide my own feedback :thumbsup: And hopefully I shouldn't have any more troubles in the future


12-11-2009, 12:32 AM
Originally posted by nonlinear

well, stop honking your fucking horn like a reckless, inconsiderate teenager :dunno:

Any real need for swearing? And as for the reckless, inconsiderate teenager part you wouldn't have a clue if those details were right... All you know I could be the neighbours son, the cousins best friend, or your daughters boyfriend :poosie: :rofl:

12-11-2009, 12:40 AM
Originally posted by Toma


Basically was called upto the front, the cop took the stand and described the night. I got to ask him why he thought it was 'stunting' and not a noise violation. He feared his safety. Then I asked the judge about Grad and weddings when people honk their horns do they get tickets as well? Then I told him about the insurance hike I would recieve if I was charged, and he saw my point as valid :) Dismissed the charge, I walked out free but I could tell the cop wasn't pleased... I would of accepted any other charge, but stunting is too serious

12-11-2009, 12:43 AM
Originally posted by Tracer2008

Basically was called upto the front, the cop took the stand and described the night. I got to ask him why he thought it was 'stunting' and not a noise violation. He feared his safety. Then I asked the judge about Grad and weddings when people honk their horns do they get tickets as well? Then I told him about the insurance hike I would recieve if I was charged, and he saw my point as valid :) Dismissed the charge, I walked out free but I could tell the cop wasn't pleased... I would of accepted any other charge, but stunting is too serious

Oh, I know.... lots of cock sucker cops these days.

Glad it worked out.