View Full Version : bicep workout

10-05-2009, 12:17 AM
My regular routine for weight lifting involves chest and biceps on the same day. There is only one general movement for biceps workouts and after every set(no matter what i'm doing), i would feel the underside of my forearm tear as soon as I let go of the weights. It is right along the bone in the forearms.
This has been happening for a while but haven't been bothering me since my most recent bicep workout. I dont think I have improper form or anything since it hurts for any bicep workout.
Anyone know why this is? Does this happen to anyone else?

10-05-2009, 12:30 AM
Well, it's probably 1 of 2 things, more than likely

1) Some form of tendon/muscle/ligament injury. However, if it's only happening on certain bicep exercises (e.g., curls) and nothing else (e.g., benching, chinups), then it probably isn't this

2) Most likely some form of forearm splint (kinda like a shin splint; there's a technical name for it, but i forget). It's usually aggravated by certain exercises, usually preacher curls and barbell curls (not ez-bar, but the regular barbell).

10-05-2009, 12:40 AM
Originally posted by 2EFNFAST
2) Most likely some form of forearm splint (kinda like a shin splint; there's a technical name for it, but i forget). It's usually aggravated by certain exercises, usually preacher curls and barbell curls (not ez-bar, but the regular barbell). [/B]

It's probably this.

You'd probably be better off resting for a few weeks, so you fully recover before you start up again. Every time you're working out, even if you feel like you're breaking through the pain you're just tearing it again and it'll have a hard time recovering.

10-05-2009, 12:53 AM
Thanks for the responses. I might try to take a rest and see if that helps.

Also, sometimes while doing curls, my metacarpals bones in my hand hurts. Could it be that I have weak bones since both places that hurt are somewhat bone related?
I do not have a lot of calcium intake as I rarely drink milk. I know I should be everyday but I just never remember to.

I feel that I could be lifting more but for these reasons I have been curling less weight than I am capable of.

10-05-2009, 01:02 AM
Somehow, i experienced exactly what you are going through right now. It hasnt bothered me since though. I took a rest, and made sure to strech properly before doing my normal routine. That, and i tried to keep up a better form.

10-05-2009, 01:19 AM
Originally posted by speeed
Thanks for the responses. I might try to take a rest and see if that helps.

Also, sometimes while doing curls, my metacarpals bones in my hand hurts. Could it be that I have weak bones since both places that hurt are somewhat bone related?
I do not have a lot of calcium intake as I rarely drink milk. I know I should be everyday but I just never remember to.

I feel that I could be lifting more but for these reasons I have been curling less weight than I am capable of.

What bicep specific (i.e., so not rows, chins, etc...) exercises are you doing right now?

10-05-2009, 02:22 AM
Originally posted by speeed
Thanks for the responses. I might try to take a rest and see if that helps.

Also, sometimes while doing curls, my metacarpals bones in my hand hurts. Could it be that I have weak bones since both places that hurt are somewhat bone related?
I do not have a lot of calcium intake as I rarely drink milk. I know I should be everyday but I just never remember to.

I feel that I could be lifting more but for these reasons I have been curling less weight than I am capable of.

highly unlikely... calcium deficiency in north america is very rare.

Shin splints = achilles tendonitis
Forearm splints logic would say something along the lines of wrist flexor tendonitis.
As far as i know its a result of overstressing muscle group. Or you have week form with you curls (ie. bent wrists instead of rigid straight)

10-05-2009, 08:04 AM
Originally posted by wintonyk

Shin splints = achilles tendonitis

Shin splints = primarily tibialis anterior issue not achillies

10-05-2009, 08:53 AM
The same thing occurred to me last week. It never hurt up until last week, I was doing the same weight as before, same form as well. This occurred during regular barbell curls, when lifting up it hurt along the forearm on the underside. It hurt by far the most when you put the weight down and release barbell to the ground or stand.

As for the over stressing muscle group, I don't believe I have as I've been doing the same weight and form for the past 2-3 weeks, if anything over stressing would have caused it to hurt before? :dunno:

10-05-2009, 03:27 PM
I get this pain doing curls too so I've started doing negatives/neutral grips. Watching the wrist probably helps...people like to increase their weights at the expense of their form.

10-05-2009, 11:02 PM
Originally posted by JMaj7
I get this pain doing curls too so I've started doing negatives/neutral grips. Watching the wrist probably helps...people like to increase their weights at the expense of their form.

Hopefully by negative grip (never heard that term before) you don't mean reverse grip (if normal curling is palms up, then reverse is palms down curling) .... if so, you shouldn't be doing that - that's a great way to cause a forearm tear.

Hammer curling (I assume that's neutral grip to you...) is a good one though to do.

10-06-2009, 01:06 PM

I meant negatives and hammer curls.

10-06-2009, 02:04 PM
whats the point of doing isolated bicep workouts when almost all your workouts should include your biceps in it

10-07-2009, 11:15 PM
So after experimenting with different workouts today, I found out that it only hurts when i'm doing curls using bars (ez bar,barbell, etc). But I have no problems curling with dumbells.

I'm pretty sure it's not my form, I've been using the barbells/ez bar for quite a while and I have had no problems, it is just recently when it started hurting.

Maybe I'll stick to dumbell curls instead. I should probably be changing my routine anyways since I've been doing the same thing for a little over 2 months but I feel like I haven't hit a plateau yet so I didn't bother.

10-09-2009, 12:36 PM
Originally posted by speeed
So after experimenting with different workouts today, I found out that it only hurts when i'm doing curls using bars (ez bar,barbell, etc). But I have no problems curling with dumbells.

I'm pretty sure it's not my form, I've been using the barbells/ez bar for quite a while and I have had no problems, it is just recently when it started hurting.

Maybe I'll stick to dumbell curls instead. I should probably be changing my routine anyways since I've been doing the same thing for a little over 2 months but I feel like I haven't hit a plateau yet so I didn't bother.

Yea, sounds like that form of forearm splints (Again, I don't remember the actual name of it) that usually only surfaces on bb work.

Stick with dbs for a while and it should go away, nothing to do with your form.

10-13-2009, 12:55 AM
You are doing way too much bro.
You are overstraining and could get by with less. You need to give the muscles at least six days of recovery if you are really slamming weights heavy. Every other day is nuts!
Your exercise selection looks sound however. Just give the guns a chance to breathe. Your workout routine should only target each muscle once a week (if you're lifting heavy).
But listen. It's a very common mistake and I was guilty of it as well.

10-15-2009, 10:07 PM
i have the same problem with my non-dominant forearm except only when i do Upright Rows...so this is some sort of forearm splint?

10-16-2009, 11:51 PM
Originally posted by jav_
i have the same problem with my non-dominant forearm except only when i do Upright Rows...so this is some sort of forearm splint?

could be; but you shouldn't be doing upright rows - those are an easy way to injure your r/c.

There are better exercises than them, that don't offer the r/c damage risk.

10-17-2009, 12:24 AM
Originally posted by volodymyra1
You are doing way too much bro.
You are overstraining and could get by with less. You need to give the muscles at least six days of recovery if you are really slamming weights heavy. Every other day is nuts!
Your exercise selection looks sound however. Just give the guns a chance to breathe. Your workout routine should only target each muscle once a week (if you're lifting heavy).
But listen. It's a very common mistake and I was guilty of it as well.

bullshit. you're confusing lifting heavy with lifting to failure.