View Full Version : Calgary BMW??

DJ Lazy
11-13-2003, 06:49 PM

Is Calgary BMW really that bad, to the point where BMW owners are Boycotting it?

Have any of you BMW owners on here ever had crappy customer service or sloppy repair jobs, or ANYTHING that would have you go against these dealerships?

I was thinking about getting myself into a Bimmer in the spring when I get out of school, but now I'm not sure if it is worth the hassle after reading that website...

Any input or experiences would be great to hear. :)

11-13-2003, 06:50 PM
ummm search and you will find enough stories on here too.

D'z Nutz
11-13-2003, 07:14 PM
Let's see... When my ABS lights went on, I went to get them to fix it. It took them almost two weeks to figure out that it was a faulty ABS module. Before that, they blamed everything including my car alarm, my aftermarket stereo, and even my car battery. Oh, and while they were fixing it, being the rocket scientists they were, they managed to lock the keys in the car and they expected us to deliver the spare key to them... in rush hour! My dad made them come get it and it took them about an hour and a half. They actually expected us to pay for the entire two weeks of labor they were dicking around with the car. Plus on top of that, they charged me $24 for a glove compartment lightbulb that didn't need changing, nor did I ask for.

DJ Lazy
11-13-2003, 07:27 PM
Are you still driving your bimmer, and if so, do you still take it to Calgary BMW for service or another shop?

D'z Nutz
11-13-2003, 07:28 PM
No, I sold it earlier this summer. But up until I sold it, I was having some guy by the name of Sheny (sp?) work on it. I'd highly recommend him over Calgary BMW anytime. He's listed in the phonebook.

11-13-2003, 07:30 PM
Originally posted by D'z Nutz
$24 for a glove compartment lightbulb

:eek: And I thought Volvo parts were expensive

11-13-2003, 07:58 PM
Originally posted by DJ Lazy
Is Calgary BMW really that bad, to the point where BMW owners are Boycotting it?


11-13-2003, 08:36 PM
Calgary BMW sales service has improved I must admit over the last several years but its still light years away from customer focused dealerships like Lexus dealerships. Don't know a thing about their service department though.

11-13-2003, 09:39 PM
Go buy a Lexus :D

11-13-2003, 09:54 PM
I bought my car from Calgary BMW last year and I had pretty good service from their sales department. :thumbsup: The sales was helpful and knows a lot about the car and best of all he wasn't pushy or being a snob. Unlike the Acura sales at Silverhill. :thumbsdow Yuck. Don't know about service there tho ..... Cuz now I bring my car to BMW Gallery for service since it's closer and so far I have no complaints.

11-14-2003, 03:50 AM
Not recommended.

Are they the only BMW dealer in town?

If so, there may be a good business opportunity here :D

11-14-2003, 04:00 AM
Theres two BMW dealers in Calgary, both owned by the same person. Lots of disgruntled Calgary BMW customers now goto the "new" BMW dealership up in Crowfoot thinking they are taking their business elsewhere. Not sure why BMW would allow the same guy to open two dealerships in one city.

11-14-2003, 11:13 AM
ive been going to bmw gallery lately and i have no complaints. and whenever i need new light bulbs, theyll gimme new ones for FREE :D

11-14-2003, 11:27 AM
Originally posted by kenny
Theres two BMW dealers in Calgary, both owned by the same person. Lots of disgruntled Calgary BMW customers now goto the "new" BMW dealership up in Crowfoot thinking they are taking their business elsewhere. Not sure why BMW would allow the same guy to open two dealerships in one city.

They also own Calgary honda (automall one).

I doubt that BMW cares... it is a franchise...

Did you know that one guy owns all of the McDonalds of Southern Alberta...

11-14-2003, 11:37 AM
BMW should care! They have controls on franchises for this exact reason. The dealer is the local face of BMW. if they want to be seen as a quality company and therefore car, they need to make sure their dealers are up to the task. BMW is making a big mistake by letting this go on. But it is possible that they dont know about it. How many people actually complain to BMW canada about their dealer. Not enough.

11-14-2003, 11:43 AM
i found it alright

11-14-2003, 12:42 PM
Listen to jdmakkord, do a search on this subject, If I remember it's a couple pages long, I have some complaints but I'm not gonna post them again.

11-14-2003, 01:36 PM
My Dad has gone there for a while, with minimal complaints. BUt he is friends with the Manager, so that cxould have something to do with it. He says they have way better service at Lexus though, and our Lexus is 11 years old!

11-14-2003, 08:06 PM
There's supposedly a new service manager, he used to work as the service manager for Calgary Honda. I had great service when he worked at Honda, hopefully he may change the service at BMW.

11-14-2003, 09:05 PM
Service is great, work delivered was very poor, many repeat visits. Shop forman is a great guy, very knowledgable but he seems to be the only one...

11-17-2003, 01:39 AM
Damn! I am looking to factory order an E46 from them. Not to sure what to do now?!:dunno:

11-18-2003, 12:25 AM
If i were you, i'd Definitly goto BMW Gallery up in teh NW. I've got friends that work there, and know a few of the dealers, and they're really good, down to earth, people that care about one thing before everything else. Their Customers. Everyone i've talked to that has bought a car from them has had nothing but pure praise about them.
At the debuet for the 5, Tony said that they had a 96% (or 94, can't remember) Customer Satisfaction rate.

11-18-2003, 12:36 AM
Originally posted by 00redLUDE
Damn! I am looking to factory order an E46 from them. Not to sure what to do now?!:dunno:

Nice ! E46s are very nice car ! and 2004 models are just out ! :clap:

11-18-2003, 01:48 AM
sounds bad but when i went out to shop for a new car and when i went alone (keep in mind im 20 and i look 12) only saturn, pontiac and chev dealerships actually paid attention to me. not even honda, even when i asked for help. guy said sure and continued to sit there and talk to his buddies at work. granted to domestics i stated are cheap(er) cars than the imports and low financing... but they shouldnt be the only one giving me service cause they dont know how much money i got to spend.

i wouldnt even dream on going to a BMW lot without my dad or anybody older than me

11-18-2003, 01:55 AM
Only way I've found to get good service at Calgary BMW is to dress nice and FLAUNT cash.

11-18-2003, 12:41 PM
Originally posted by Ben
Only way I've found to get good service at Calgary BMW is to dress nice and FLAUNT cash.

wear a jacket "I have a visa platinum"

nah man when i was out lookin at cars i was wearing a suit n shit and nobody approached me... probably again cause i look 12 heh

11-18-2003, 02:13 PM
I'm afraid that is just the way it is. Your much better off calling ahead, talking to a sales person then arrange to come by for a test drive. That way they don't judge you and ignore you.

11-18-2003, 03:34 PM
Originally posted by m10-power
I'm afraid that is just the way it is. Your much better off calling ahead, talking to a sales person then arrange to come by for a test drive. That way they don't judge you and ignore you.
This is actually a good idea! smart ! :thumbsup:

I just moved from Edmonton, I have to say the BMW in Edmonton is in the same boat, the people are nice, however, they are just too busy, need 2 to 3 weeks in advance for any appointment.:( Same as Calgary BMW, the service people are ok, (Kevin ?) but they don't have enough space for the work, long waiting time,and long booking time, other then that, they are fine to me.:D
I heard that Calgary BMW will move to a new location, with more space, and the new BMW Gallery dealer in NW is HUGE ! (very fast for service appointment too) same in Edmonton, there will be 2 new BMW dealers in Edmonton in the next 2 yrs (1 brand new dealer,and 1 just move to a new location)

I had good experience with "high-end" car dealerships from Edmonton and Calgary. BENZ, BMW, Porsche, Land Rover, even Lexus, when I walk in, they always nice and friendly! :thumbsup:

However, I got bad experience in the South Acura and NW Nissan ! :thumbsdow I went to that Nissan 3 times, not buying a car, but just want to look at the 350Z, no one talks to me, and when I asked them about the 350Z, they just say "NO, we don't have any" and when I went out to look at some 350Zs parked outdoor (no sold sign), one salesperson just yell, and said that car is sold, and drove it away! :( (Nissan in NE is good, let me see the car, sit in it, give me the book, and offer me test drive ! )

Anyway, I still thinking doing car shopping is FUN ! :bigpimp: