View Full Version : 12 Fatality Facts for Motorcycles

10-10-2009, 10:46 PM
Fractuality - 12 Fatality Facts for Motorcycles 2008
The data is out and analyzed. If you want to read it all for yourself visit this link here: http://www.iihs.org/research/fatality_facts_2008/motorcycles.html

But knowing the attention span of most people (and most riders) here's the digested version.

1. Wear a helmet motherfucker, unless no one loves you and you don't owe anyone money you don't have. As the article states at the top:

Because serious head injury is common among fatally injured motorcyclists, helmet use is important. Helmets are about 37 percent effective in preventing motorcycle deaths and about 67 percent effective in preventing brain injuries

2. You are solely responsible when you crash, and half the time there's not even anyone else around to blame. Almost half of accidents were single vehicle (46%). That means you and only you rode beyond your limit.

3. Just because your state doesn't mandate a helmet doesn't mean you shouldn't wear one. There's a proportional relationship between people wearing helmets and states mandating that they wear one. That means if the state says wear a fucking helmet then you probably will.

4. Just because you're old doesn't mean you're a safe rider. Old fuckers (older than 50, you know who you are) are now the SECOND most likely to kill themselves on a motorcycle, right after people younger than 29. People in their 30's however have gone from being second most likely to the LEAST likely to crash. Yay 30 somethings.

5. Men suck. 91% of dead riders were male.

6. If you're a woman you're better off riding alone than riding bitch. 64% of women who were killed were riding on the back. And mostly women ride on the back. 89% of passengers killed were women.

7. Buying a bigger bike doesn't mean you can handle it. The number of people dying on bikes with engines larger than 1000cc's is going up. Fast. This is in contrast to people with smaller engines which are declining in fatalities.

8. Nice weather means use more caution. There were more deaths between May to September than any other months. If you don't ride regularly, don't just break out the motorcycle. Practice in a parkinglot first.

9. Weekends are way more dangerous than commuting. 42% of deaths happened on Sat and Sun as opposed to the entire rest of the week. Monday - Wednesday were the lowest. Remember commuters are USED to commuting. People on weekends aren't paying any fucking attention.

10. Later is NOT better for riding - riding between 3 and 9pm is more risky than early morning or late evening.

11. Heavily traveled roads, OTHER than highways, are the most dangerous. This is far more true in rural rather than urban environments.

12. You booze, you lose. 43% of waste cases were wasted. This is especially true after 9pm when 58% of people stopping more suddenly than they meant to were drunk.

Remember stats don't mean dick. Until you become one. Use your skills (assuming you have some) wisely and ride safe.


10-10-2009, 11:10 PM
common sense? :dunno:

10-10-2009, 11:17 PM
Originally posted by Khalil.e

2. You are solely responsible when you crash, and half the time there's not even anyone else around to blame. Almost half of accidents were single vehicle (46%). That means you and only you rode beyond your limit.

This isn't entirely true.

10-10-2009, 11:26 PM
that was the most useless shit ever

DUH 91% of motorcycle deaths are male....wow fancy that!!! wonder why!?!

/user requested lock!

10-10-2009, 11:33 PM
Yeah, a lot of that was just stupid statistic interpretation. Most occur between May-September? You mean riding season? Gee, fancy that. Between 3-9 pm? Like when people are coming home from work or going for a cruise?

10-11-2009, 01:09 AM
this just in...motorcycle crashes are likely to be less than fun.

judging by the other breaking news facts on this list I think that should make it on there.

10-11-2009, 06:06 AM
That was a grade 5 level statistics speal.

Sheer numbers dont mean anything unless is put into perspective

"The number of people dying on bikes with engines larger than 1000cc's is going up. Fast. "

Really? could it possibly be that more people are getting into motorcycling? Less people getting into lower cc bikes?

How about a statistic that shows number of fatalities PER 1000cc rider.

How about a statistic that compares CRASH rates (not death rates) between a 400cc enduro and a 1000cc sport?

10-11-2009, 08:36 AM
Originally posted by Khalil.e

5. Men suck. 91% of dead riders were male.

6. If you're a woman you're better off riding alone than riding bitch. 64% of women who were killed were riding on the back. And mostly women ride on the back. 89% of passengers killed were women.

8. Nice weather means use more caution. There were more deaths between May to September than any other months. If you don't ride regularly, don't just break out the motorcycle. Practice in a parkinglot first.

9. Weekends are way more dangerous than commuting. 42% of deaths happened on Sat and Sun as opposed to the entire rest of the week. Monday - Wednesday were the lowest. Remember commuters are USED to commuting. People on weekends aren't paying any fucking attention.

10. Later is NOT better for riding - riding between 3 and 9pm is more risky than early morning or late evening.

11. Heavily traveled roads, OTHER than highways, are the most dangerous. This is far more true in rural rather than urban environments.

:) [/B]

The rules are interesting, but these 6 are pretty obvious..
What is the percent of riders who are women? Maybe 9%?

How many guys ride pillion in the first place? The norm is girls for sure

May to september is all you get in Canada in the first place

Weekends are when people go for cruises, and long rides just for fun

Dusk/evening are the busiest times with the worst visibility (usually)

Busy roads would tend to be more dangerous

I guess it's just common sense. Ride sensible and ride safe

Masked Bandit
10-11-2009, 11:46 AM
Originally posted by revelations
That was a grade 5 level statistics speal.

Sheer numbers dont mean anything unless is put into perspective

"The number of people dying on bikes with engines larger than 1000cc's is going up. Fast. "

Really? could it possibly be that more people are getting into motorcycling? Less people getting into lower cc bikes?

How about a statistic that shows number of fatalities PER 1000cc rider.

How about a statistic that compares CRASH rates (not death rates) between a 400cc enduro and a 1000cc sport?

The other thing that should be kept in mind is the sheer number of bikes on the road over 1000 cc. 15 years ago an 1100 was the biggest metric cruiser on the road. Now that's almost starter size. Kawi's got a frickin 2.0 Litre motor in one of their machines.

This list is pretty much useless.

10-11-2009, 11:53 AM
Originally posted by Go4Long
this just in...motorcycle crashes are likely to be less than fun.

judging by the other breaking news facts on this list I think that should make it on there.

Lmao :clap:


10-14-2009, 09:59 AM
Originally posted by Masked Bandit

The other thing that should be kept in mind is the sheer number of bikes on the road over 1000 cc. 15 years ago an 1100 was the biggest metric cruiser on the road. Now that's almost starter size. Kawi's got a frickin 2.0 Litre motor in one of their machines.

This list is pretty much useless. I said what what, in the butt.

Get a GOOD helmet. I had the toppest highest motherfucking end Suomy and I still got brained

10-14-2009, 07:19 PM
Originally posted by CUG
I said what what, in the butt.

Get a GOOD helmet. I had the toppest highest motherfucking end Suomy and I still got brained

All helmets adhere to the same crash standards. A proper fitting helmet is FAR more important than what brand it is. A poor fitting suomy isn't going to do shit to protect your melon if you wreck.

If you can chew gum while wearing your helmet there's a good chance it doesn't fit you properly.

10-15-2009, 08:17 AM
Originally posted by Masked Bandit
Kawi's got a frickin 2.0 Litre motor in one of their machines. Triumph's Rocket III's got a 2.3L triple in it :D

And there's a supercharger for it:
