View Full Version : Chavez to mine Uranium.

10-17-2009, 10:45 PM

Been a long time since Chavez has been in the news.

Hes made a trade agreement with Iran for Uranium mining technology. 20,000 BBL of refined gasoline (not crude) per day to help them find and probably refine Uranium.

I guess the secret is out, centrifuges are slow and boring. Aluminum thermite to force oxygen out of Uranium oxide seems to be chick nowadays (for those who can't bother to actually make breeder reactors)

IMO, its only a matter of about 50 years to a century before a majority of countries in the world will have the capacity to make nukes.

10-18-2009, 11:30 AM

10-18-2009, 12:19 PM
chavez is a media whore and it wont be long before the GOOD OL USA runs in and starts bombing the shit outa them

10-18-2009, 03:13 PM
Can't bomb everyone.

Chavez is just one of many. He does have resources to easily buy technology though. 20,000 BPD gasoline is what a $million per day? Thats $365 million dollars a year hes invested into acquiring uranium mining tech.

Mexico will be on the list next as well as probably French Guyana, and any dozen number of nations chomping at the bit to get nuclear tech. Brazil already has nuclear tech, which seems to have started a race in South America.