View Full Version : US Attacks Iran? (wait for it....)

10-21-2009, 05:45 PM

Israel and the US are due to begin a two-week military defence exercise, thought to be the largest of its kind in Israel's history.... etc

Attack on Iran imminent?

They have completely ditched the USD in all oil and gas transactions and just recently in September said they would be ditching USD in all foreign reserves as well.

10-21-2009, 06:05 PM
The US, Turkey and Israel took part in a similar lower-scale exercise last year


10-21-2009, 06:26 PM
If war was imminent, that would be pretty scary.

If military conflict did occur between Iran and Israel, it would be pretty devastating globally as it may instigate WWIII.

Assuming Republicans do not win the next election, if it is the case that the US would support in military efforts then Obama certainly does not deserve the Nobel Peace Prize.

10-21-2009, 08:38 PM
If Bush were in, noone would doubt that Iran is in the process of being invaded right this very minute.

But with Obama at the helm... I don't see it happening. There is always the possibility of a rogue or a group of rogue US generals flexing their position. If so - and Obama is against an invasion it could be the first sign of a growing rift between military and state (much like the strained and extremely difficult to maintain idea of religion and state unification.)

This has the potential to be far worse than anyone realizes. China having a rogue general (military) is the US' worst nightmare. The US having a rogue general could be the end of everything. IE: The invasion of Tibet by China was believed to be more a military move than a state one - The actual Chinese government itself was thought to be much more neutral on the takeover of Tibet. Iraq was definitively a state and military sanctioned war.

Whether or not its Obama sanctioned - Obama must remind his generals that he is the Commander in Chief and do it quickly.

10-21-2009, 08:46 PM
US will not attack Iran directly.

Israel will find some excuse and bomb the shit out of Iran.

It's gonna be ugly.

10-21-2009, 08:52 PM
Originally posted by Nusc
If military conflict did occur between Iran and Israel, it would be pretty devastating globally as it may instigate WWIII.

What, how why?

Iran doesn't have the capability to project power beyond their region.

I don't see how the whole world would get dragged into a US/Israel/Iran conflict. Russia and China won't be coming to its aid and regionally, the Arabs will quietly be cheering the destruction of Iran.

10-21-2009, 08:54 PM
he said this 2 years ago


10-21-2009, 09:13 PM
The nuclear bomb equation is interesting.

The US has been making bombs that burn very "clean", that being little residual gamma particles with long half lifes.

A tactical nuke that burns "clean" (reduces to almost purely radioactively inert lead) is an interesting tool of mass destruction. It is basically no worse than conventional explosives once the initial radioactive blast dissipates. There may come a day - when the US uses clean nukes to replace conventional explosives.

You can actually blame the russians for this one. The largest nuke ever set off, the Tsar bomb (50 megatons or about 2,000 times larger than the one dropped on on Hiroshima) was so large - that it actually left very little radioactive residue. Sort of like the idea of burning wet leaves slowly (which smokes like hell) or burning dry leaves really quickly (leaving no residue)

It is tactically useful in taking over oilfields because the short lived radiation tends to damage flesh irrepairably (killing millions) - but properly deployed far above the surface will not set the oilfields on fire.

Would the US fund someone to "clean" nuke Iran - probably not. The technology would be far too obvious. The US didn't nuke Iraq either - The US did however put boots to the ground in Iraq resulting in about 700,000 or so civilian deaths.

With the current economic situation in the US it would be stupid to use a nuke to invade Iran. Set some of the unemployed on conscription duty as foot soldiers.

"The dead cost nothing" - Name the English King.

10-21-2009, 10:08 PM
Originally posted by Toma
US will not attack Iran directly.

Israel will find some excuse and bomb the shit out of Iran.

It's gonna be ugly.

This. US still give shit load of "defense" equipment to Israel.

10-21-2009, 10:37 PM
It doesn't have to be ugly at all... nor does it have to destroy all the infrastructure..


The lethal range for tactical neutron bombs exceeds the lethal range for blast and heat even for unprotected troops, which is likely the reasoning for the idea that a neutron bomb destroys life and not infrastructure. If a neutron bomb were detonated at the correct altitude, deadly levels of radiation would blanket a wide area with minimal heat and blast effects when compared to a nuclear weapon of conventional design.

10-21-2009, 11:56 PM
Originally posted by badatusrnames

Iran doesn't have the capability to project power beyond their region.

Not yet.

Originally posted by badatusrnames

I don't see how the whole world would get dragged into a US/Israel/Iran conflict.

Once Iran obtains and uses nuclear weapons, it may be of concern in the region. Some may choose sides depending on the circumstances. Let us not forget about Israels aggression that occured a few summers ago.

Originally posted by badatusrnames

Russia and China won't be coming to its aid and regionally, the Arabs will quietly be cheering the destruction of Iran.
Is the later true? What about Israel?

Remember, I said may instigate WWIII. I never said it will.

10-22-2009, 11:24 PM
Originally posted by Nusc

Not yet.

And not for a while, not unless they develop ICBMs, long-range strike aircraft or a carrier battle group. Not happening.

Originally posted by Nusc
Once Iran obtains and uses nuclear weapons, it may be of concern in the region. Some may choose sides depending on the circumstances. Let us not forget about Israels aggression that occured a few summers ago.

The Arabs will side against Iran, simple as that. The Arabs were going to develop their own nuke to counter Iran's, but didn't. Why? Because they were assured that they are protected under the US nuclear umbrella.

If, and this is a big if, Iran develops a nuke, they won't use it. For them it's leverage. No different than the games North Korea has played so successfully (even though this is more likely to backfire for Iran). Iran knows that using a nuke will get them utterly and completely wiped off of the map. They aren't that stupid. Any capability they have, even with a nuke is no match for that of the US/Israel.

Besides, Iran is a long way off from having any sort of system to deliver what would be a likely primitive and large nuke they develop. Miniaturization to fit on a missile would be years away.

Originally posted by Nusc
Let us not forget about Israels aggression that occured a few summers ago.

Israeli aggression against Hezbollah? A Shiite group controlled and supported by Iran? Arabs don't care about them.

Or against Hamas? They don't get much love either.

Originally posted by Nusc
Is the later true? What about Israel?

Arab governments see Iran as a bigger threat to the region than Israel. Trust me, on the majority, they'd much rather see the current regime in Iran go away than Israel. For a lot of them, there's a quiet cooperation with and acceptance of Israel behind the scenes.

Originally posted by Nusc
Remember, I said may instigate WWIII. I never said it will.

This doesn't mean much. I can also say that Jesus may also return and incite Armageddon. Doesn't mean he will.

Supa Dexta
10-23-2009, 08:29 AM
But these guys are the ones that strap bombs to their backs and walk into crowds..

.. what IF.. iran as a whole decides to go out in a bang. Nuke isreal, and then wait and see what happens.. it's 50/50 on if they will be nuked right back, and depending on who's calling the shots, they may be up for it.. :dunno:

10-26-2009, 02:38 AM
Originally posted by Xtrema

This. US still give shit load of "defense" equipment to Israel.


Nobel Peace Prize, my ass :barf:

11-01-2009, 12:52 AM
Jason Kenny wants to ban criticism of Israel.

11-01-2009, 02:12 AM
Originally posted by Supa Dexta
But these guys are the ones that strap bombs to their backs and walk into crowds..

.. what IF.. iran as a whole decides to go out in a bang. Nuke isreal, and then wait and see what happens.. it's 50/50 on if they will be nuked right back, and depending on who's calling the shots, they may be up for it.. :dunno:

No these guys aren't the ones who strap bombs, those are the sunnis...

Iran won't "nuke" Israel firstly because they don't have a nuke... secondly because they're not building a nuke, thirdly because they're not even planning for a nuke

It would a huge red light bulb if Iran was intending on building nukes...

The IAEA has more than once claimed the allegations of Iran having a nuclear weapon / ambitions of nukes are false..

The current Iran missle tests are a strategic move... meaning if you fuck with us, we have the ability to fight back. And we will..

Nobody will engage with Iran, diplomacy is only way right now, attacking Iran will be a mistake, not because Iran is all that.. but like ritter says, it'll unleash a genie and that genie is not going back in the bottle... until a city is gone...
It wouldn't make sense for USA to do anything, Israel can keep bitching, but without US support wont do anything either...

Here is a nice video to watch


11-01-2009, 02:27 AM

11-01-2009, 07:35 PM
Originally posted by Supa Dexta
But these guys are the ones that strap bombs to their backs and walk into crowds..

.. what IF.. iran as a whole decides to go out in a bang. Nuke isreal, and then wait and see what happens.. it's 50/50 on if they will be nuked right back, and depending on who's calling the shots, they may be up for it.. :dunno:


usually i refrain from comment on things i know nothing about...:dunno:

Supa Dexta
11-01-2009, 08:15 PM
oh my. :facepalm:

11-01-2009, 08:27 PM
Uh, not all Arab countrie recognize Israel, they're such tards, that they black the country out on maps that are for sale.

I don't know that saying Arab countries would pick Israel over Iran isn't a bit of a misnomer, guy.

11-01-2009, 08:56 PM
With a huge recession going on and obama in office? yea chances of this happening are wayyyy too slim. Plus Iran has slowly started to allow Russia and France to enrich their uranium for them.

This is definitely not a sign of attack on Iran.