View Full Version : Best forums or sites to advertise

10-23-2009, 02:17 AM
I was wondering if there are any sites or forums based in Canada, preferably in Western Canada to advertise on.

My targeted audience is mainly Canada, demographic males and females ages 16-55. Banner from my companies would be placed on the site with good banner impressions.

Budget would be $3000-5000

If you guys know of any sites, if you could let me know, that would be great. Thanks :)

10-23-2009, 02:39 AM
How about this one? :dunno:

10-23-2009, 07:46 AM
Not after the way some of the mods treated my son after he tried to post in the discussions area about his online game a few months back. He followed the rules but they gave him no explanations and deleted his post.

When he asked why his post was deleted even though he posted it in the correct forum and he was not advertising it, they ignored him completely and deleted his 2nd post inquiring about the first delete, instead of giving him a simple explanation.

I would have paid for the advertising had they just answered his question. But when my son tried to chase down an answer and the specific mod who closed his post didn't bother to respond, it bothered me. Instead, I told him not to bother pursuing the explanation and that I would pay for his advertsing on a game forum and that was the end of that.

$250 was not a big issue, they should have just answered his question instead of ignoring him. That is one of the reasons I choose not to advertise on this forum for my businesses. It's a personal decision.

10-23-2009, 09:33 AM
LOL, how is that not advertising, when you post one of your own products? :facepalm:

ad⋅ver⋅tise  [ad-ver-tahyz, ad-ver-tahyz] -tised, -tis⋅ing.
–verb (used with object)
1. to announce or praise (a product, service, etc.) in some public medium of communication in order to induce people to buy or use it.

10-23-2009, 09:40 AM
Originally posted by Lubu
Instead, I told him not to bother pursuing the explanation and that I would pay for his advertsing on a game forum and that was the end of that.

Way to let your son fight his own battles :rolleyes:

I guess you sure are showing beyond, telling them how much business they lost.

10-23-2009, 07:26 PM
He needed to done with the supermods

10-23-2009, 08:21 PM
Nexopia. Very drama free!

10-23-2009, 08:33 PM
I suggest advertising on 4chan.org. Meets your demographic to a tee and is worldwide!

10-23-2009, 09:01 PM
Was this some poor attempt to get back at some of the mods (OMFG BOLD IS AWESOME!!!)

10-23-2009, 10:36 PM
Seems to be more at the mods discretion then a set rule.

10-24-2009, 09:36 AM
You would think that instead of just deleting posts like that they would actually initiate a dialog with the OP as it's a potential source of income for beyond. Or at least tell Rage2/Kenny to talk to them...

10-24-2009, 09:56 AM
When people legitimately want to advertise with us, they will initiate contact with us, or post a thread asking for advertising.

If they blatantly break the rules and advertise/spam without inquiring, they will never advertise and generally do the same thing on other forums, get banned off other forums, trying to sneak 'er in. No forum will let you freely spam/advertise.

When we replace the post, there's a link to the rules. It means you broke one of the rules. If you click on that link, it's shows all our rules. Not very hard to figure out WHY it was replaced.

Just like we've mentioned a million times on here, we can not and will not PM every single post we've replaced. Look how many the mods replace on a daily basis. It's IMPOSSIBLE to do it. We clear out around 50+ automated spam threads daily, we have no idea if it's a bot or a person doing it. If they want to complain about it, there's a suggestions forum to ask what happened.

And ya, I'm not gonna lose sleep over $250. :rofl:

10-24-2009, 03:02 PM
My question is do people come on Beyond just to complain about shit? I'm talking about more than just Lubu in this thread...

Everyones got something to say.

10-24-2009, 06:39 PM
Originally posted by Spoons

Everyones got something to say.

But nothing comes out when they move their lips just a buncha gibberish...

10-24-2009, 06:44 PM
Originally posted by TomcoPDR

But nothing comes out when they move their lips just a buncha gibberish...

And mother fuckers act like they forgot about dre...

10-24-2009, 07:03 PM
Originally posted by Lubu
I was wondering if there are any sites or forums based in Canada, preferably in Western Canada to advertise on.

Budget would be $3000-5000

Originally posted by Lubu
Not after the way some of the mods treated my son after he tried to post in the discussions area about his online game a few months back.


10-24-2009, 08:04 PM
lol @ this thread :clap: :rofl:

10-24-2009, 08:15 PM
Originally posted by Lubu
Not after the way some of the mods treated my son after he tried to post in the discussions area about his online game a few months back. He followed the rules but they gave him no explanations and deleted his post.

The regular members are far worse than the mods except for the post deletion powers. Enjoy your stay.

10-24-2009, 08:37 PM
Originally posted by Lubu
My targeted audience is mainly Canada, demographic males and females ages 16-55.
Also, this is equivalent to saying: "I am targeting my product to people who like to buy things."

10-24-2009, 11:29 PM
This was a fucking lame thread.

I'm going to act as though I'm interested in advertising somewhere with a lot of members in western Canada,


Am I even close, yes, I fucking am. OP is a troll, leave now.

Lubu, you don't even own a business, and you don't even have 5K. Shut up and leave.

10-25-2009, 12:43 AM
Originally posted by Lubu
I was wondering if there are any sites or forums based in Canada, preferably in Western Canada to advertise on.

My targeted audience is mainly Canada, demographic males and females ages 16-55. Banner from my companies would be placed on the site with good banner impressions.

Budget would be $3000-5000

If you guys know of any sites, if you could let me know, that would be great. Thanks :)
I'm going to ignore your ridiculous second post and give you some advice from an internet marketing perspective.

One: your target demographic is too broad, and you will easily exhaust your $5,000 budget with tons of untargeted, non-qualified traffic..

Two: Advertising on forums is, for the most part, not very profitable. Now, before you get your panties in a twist, keep reading.

Forums are generally very targeted, very specific groups of people. Beyond.ca, for example, is a forum about car nuts. Advertising your online game on beyond will certainly net you new members/users, but not to nearly the extent as advertising on a more targeted website would.

The user base on a forum is generally very loyal to the forum. Due to the fact that a form is so targeted, the cost of advertising on one is almost always higher. For an online game, I can almost guarantee that it'd be a money losing venture.

Three: There are much better sources of advertising. Almost all PPC platforms offer conversion tracking, allowing you to properly track your ROI so that you can see which keywords (if advertising in search), websites, and placements are generating your new users. In this way you are better able to scale your campaign while maintaining a consistent and trackable ROI.

Four: You clearly don't know anything about advertising online. This means that you will almost certainly waste your money. My advice would be to seek out related websites and find the mean price range that you can expect. From there, create optimized landing pages (destination pages for the banners) that are targeted to each and every traffic source.

Alternatively, you could outsource your advertising to a third party ad network, such as NeverBlue Ads, Canadian Sponsors, or Copeac. These networks will allow you to specify any stipulations you may have (ie- males/females, age, income, etc.).

Find some internet marketing forums, such as WickedFire or ABestWeb, and read up on it. You're wasting your time on here, not only because you don't know enough about internet marketing to make it worth your while, but also because nobody on here cares enough about your sob story/circumstances. You did an excellent job alienating the entire user base in your second post- well done :)

EDIT: I'd also like to mention that the above applies to just about anything that you're advertising. I just used the online game as an example. I've advertising everything from dating websites to high-end shoes, and the above applies to everything. Good luck.

10-25-2009, 07:04 AM
Really, I did not want to make a big issue out of this. If anyone thought this was some sort of attempt to "get back" at the mods here at Beyond, you are seriously mistaken. I have better things to do than wait 3 or 4 months later to do so. As you all read my 1st post, I never said anything about not wanting to advertise on Beyond. I was merely answering Kardon's question why I did not choose to advertise on Beyond. I actually make contacts here on Beyond for my businesses so I do use this forum. I just won't advertise here. My personal choice.

Originally posted by 97'Scort
I suggest advertising on 4chan.org. Meets your demographic to a tee and is worldwide!

Thanks for the advise 97'Scort, I'll try 4chan.org. I also paid for adverts on RedFlagDeals, Kijiji, canadiandriver.com, automotiveforums.com, nsxprime.com. They will do the trick. Lots of visitors to those forums. I had to ensure that my advertising dollars would be worth while. By the way, the mods at RedFlagDeals were very personable folks, in fact all of the mods/advert personnel at the forums above were great, but I was highly impressed by RFD especially, with their professionalism and overall friendliness :)

Originally posted by megavolt
You would think that instead of just deleting posts like that they would actually initiate a dialog with the OP as it's a potential source of income for beyond. Or at least tell Rage2/Kenny to talk to them...

Well, that is what I would think they would do, or at least reply back to this subsequent requests for an explanation, but sadly they didn't.

Originally posted by Spoons
My question is do people come on Beyond just to complain about shit? I'm talking about more than just Lubu in this thread...

Everyones got something to say.

FiveFreshFish, I would have to agree with you. Just look at the posts (with the exception of yours, Gooseberry, megavolt, TomcoPDR, 97'Scort). All childish useless posts, that's all I can say...

Originally posted by drtoohotty1

And mother fuckers act like they forgot about dre...

I had no clue what your post was referring to about dre until my son pointed it out it was a rap song. I must be really behind on the current songs :rofl:

10-25-2009, 09:29 AM
Originally posted by TomcoPDR

But nothing comes out when they move their lips just a buncha gibberish...

Originally posted by drtoohotty1

And mother fuckers act like they forgot about dre...

:rofl: :rofl:

10-25-2009, 11:06 AM
Originally posted by A790

One: your target demographic is too broad, and you will easily exhaust your $5,000 budget with tons of untargeted, non-qualified traffic..

I was thinking the same thing. So he's trying to target about 90% of the online population?!

A demographic would be 18-25 single male with an income of less than 50,000/year. That right there is how you describe a demographic. Not, 15-50 male male and female...

10-25-2009, 12:33 PM
Originally posted by Lubu
Thanks for the advise 97'Scort, I'll try 4chan.org.
That, um, wasn't advice I'd thought you'd take seriously. Perhaps you should run that one by your son as well.

If you want some actual honest suggestions, look at A790's post. You need to pick a market for your product. Now, I can infer from the list of websites you do advertise on that you're after car owners. Well, if you want exposure, Beyond.ca is one of the largest, despite your misgivings about the moderators. Other forums would be Revscene.net (west coast), wide-demographic areas like Plentyoffish.com or other dating sites, Facebook, Kijiji, Usedcalgary.com, if you just want general audiences.

10-25-2009, 12:45 PM
Originally posted by 97'Scort

That, um, wasn't advice I'd thought you'd take seriously. Perhaps you should run that one by your son as well.

If you want some actual honest suggestions, look at A790's post. You need to pick a market for your product. Now, I can infer from the list of websites you do advertise on that you're after car owners. Well, if you want exposure, Beyond.ca is one of the largest, despite your misgivings about the moderators. Other forums would be Revscene.net (west coast), wide-demographic areas like Plentyoffish.com or other dating sites, Facebook, Kijiji, Usedcalgary.com, if you just want general audiences.
Or, as I suggested, he'd run a Google AdWords content network campaign, with placements targeting the websites he's after.

I've been advertising on beyond.ca for over a year ;)

10-25-2009, 02:05 PM
This guy needs some A790 in his life. What a horrible marketing program.

"I market to homeowners who are 35-55 years of age and usually take $100K+/year" <-That's a demographic, even though minimal thought is put into it, that's a legitimate target audience, not "18-55 male and female"

I doubt the guy owns a business at all. Keep posting A790, I'm learning quite a bit in this thread from you
:thumbsup: thanks dude

10-25-2009, 02:18 PM
Originally posted by CUG
This guy needs some A790 in his life. What a horrible marketing program.

&quot;I market to homeowners who are 35-55 years of age and usually take $100K+/year&quot; &lt;-That's a demographic, even though minimal thought is put into it, that's a legitimate target audience, not &quot;18-55 male and female&quot;

I doubt the guy owns a business at all. Keep posting A790, I'm learning quite a bit in this thread from you
:thumbsup: thanks dude
Thanks bud :)

One thing I want to say about demographics is that they can be deceptively easy to target online. On Facebook, for example, you can easily target just about any criteria you want: age, race (to an extent), sex, interests, single/married, etc. It is EASY to target your demographic. What's deceptive about it is serving ads that your target demographic is going to WANT to see. Facebook, obviously, isn't the best advertising medium out there simply because people on it aren't qualified in any way (they have no desire to buy/shop/sign up/etc.) as they are checking their friends, posting notes, changing their status 3858712 times per day, etc.

The trick to effective advertising is to have your demographic broad enough to attractive visitors while remaining targeted enough to generate enough conversations to make the expense worth your while.

And hey, everyone needs a little more A790 in their life ;)

10-25-2009, 04:50 PM
Originally posted by A790

And hey, everyone needs a little more A790 in their life ;)

That's so creepy staring at your avatar and reading this. :(

10-25-2009, 09:17 PM
Originally posted by A790

I'm going to ignore your ridiculous second post and give you some advice from an internet marketing perspective.

(yadda yadda yadda)

Thanks Cam, great post you made. Definately an eye opener.:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: