View Full Version : 15 yr old raped, people stand around and don't do anything

10-28-2009, 12:10 AM

A hint of resignation tinges Margarita Vargas' voice when she talks about the people who gang raped a 15-year-old girl at Richmond High School on Saturday.

"They think it's cool," said Vargas, who called police to report the ongoing assault. "They weren't raised to respect girls."

The investigation into the two-hour rape outside the school's homecoming dance continued Tuesday, as police leafleted the campus to advertise a $20,000 reward for information leading to the conviction of anyone who participated. Detectives continued wall-to-wall interviews of students and former students, having already arrested a 15-year-old boy and 19-year-old Manuel Ortega.

"This is a fluid investigation," Detective Ken Greco said. "There will be more arrests."

Police will meet with prosecutors Wednesday to discuss charges for those in custody.

Meanwhile, young people in Richmond increasingly feel as though they are on trial themselves, as a national chorus of gawkers judges them based on the inaction of the few who hooted and laughed, punched the girl as she lay semiconscious on a bench, and even joined in the assault after word of it got around.

Strangers e-mailed the school, comparing its students to animals.

Vargas only cares what one person thinks -- the victim -- and she wants her to know that it matters to someone.

Atianna Gibbs, knows it could have been her sister.

And a Richmond High student named Alexandra, worried enough about her safety to withhold her last name, Advertisement says the victim would have died if police hadn't broken up the assault, an alcohol-fueled gang rape as the homecoming dance went on in the gym.

"We called the police as soon as we found out," Vargas said. "As soon as we found out."

"No matter who she was, who she was before, she doesn't deserve that," Gibbs said.

They were watching "The Proposal" on television Saturday night when word suddenly arrived from campus, two blocks away: A girl got drunk after homecoming. A bunch of guys stripped her naked and were using her. At school. Right now.

"I was on Emeric (Avenue) with some friends when some dudes walked up and were like, 'There's a drunk girl back there,' " said Raul Rubio, who brought back the news to his girlfriend. "They said she was naked, and if you want to get f---ed, go back there."

Rubio did not. Nor did he want to risk arrest. He found someone with a phone as quickly as he could, he said. Several of the women at Vargas' walked to the perimeter of the crime scene after calling 911 but were too afraid to proceed further without police presence. Officers arrived quickly and broke up the trouble, arresting Ortega as they say he ran from them.

The victim remained hospitalized Tuesday in stable condition. This newspaper does not identify victims of sexual assault.

The victim left the dance by herself about 9:30 p.m. to get a ride home, Greco said. She walked up 23rd Street toward Emeric, intending to phone her father for her ride.

But before she did, a classmate called to her from behind a cyclone fence separating a campus courtyard from the street. He hopped the fence, and together they returned to the shadowy, hidden spot, where a group of people were drinking and hanging out.

The victim drank a large amount of brandy quickly, police say, and was soon incapacitated. While semiconscious, she was raped. As many as seven people assaulted her as she lay on a bench, while others jeered, beat her, robbed her and took photos with their cell phones. Police say they don't know how many people watched during the course of the attack, but some reports have said as many 20.

For several days, the community has struggled to understand how so many could stand by and watch, failing to call police or alert other adults in the area.

"It's all about, 'What are others going to think about me if I snitch? If no one else is saying it, then it must not be OK" to speak up, said Tatiana Colon, director of education and youth services at the Family Violence Law Center in Oakland.

"The culture that we've created is that it's OK to speak your mind if you're being tough," she said. "Snitching is not something we equate with toughness. Being sensitive and nice and conscientious is not something we equate with toughness."

The lack of action on the part of bystanders will make recovery for the victim that much more difficult, said Marcia Blackstock, executive director of Bay Area Women Against Rape.

"To have other people witness and not do anything about it will really compound her issues," Blackstock said.

Witnesses who failed to report the crime could be charged with aiding and abetting if police can show their actions facilitated or goaded the perpetrators, said Dara Cashman, head of the Contra Costa District Attorney's Office sex crimes unit. Passively watching the crime is not a crime itself unless the victim is younger than 14.

Neil Smelser, a professor emeritus of sociology at UC Berkeley, said crowds in such situations often can be broken into four categories: those who perpetrate the action; those who actively encourage it but don't participate; those who observe without supporting or speaking out against the action; and those who object to it and may or may not vocalize that to the rest of the group.

"They may think, 'Why do I need to get involved in this if it doesn't involve me?' Maybe they're stunned, maybe it's denial, or fear," Smelser said. "You don't necessarily want to blame these people in not getting involved and calling police. You often have to avoid simple judgments and look at all the circumstances. It's the kind of scene that encourages a helpless feeling."

For the school district's part, officials plan to "review and revise our protocols," said Marin Trujillo, spokesman for West Contra Costa Unified.

"There were two site supervisors at the dance. One left at 9 p.m., had a previous engagement. Another was dismissed by a teacher. They were going to close the doors; there were four Richmond police officers there, and they felt they had enough security."

What. the. fuck. :whipped:

10-28-2009, 12:19 AM
That's a rough neighbourhood of SF tho.

10-28-2009, 12:19 AM
I fucken kill everyone, consequences be damned.

10-28-2009, 12:20 AM
Holy fucken shit what's this world coming to?

10-28-2009, 12:27 AM
Originally posted by TomcoPDR
That's a rough neighbourhood of SF tho.
:rofl: You actually say that as if it justifies it. Absolutely ridiculous. Poor girl, I hope for the best for her in terms of recovery, both mental and physical.

10-28-2009, 12:27 AM
wow....people like this get raped in jail
what is the world coming to that people think this is alright. :banghead:
I hope everyone that watched is found and charged as well

10-28-2009, 12:38 AM
Originally posted by Melinda

:rofl: You actually say that as if it justifies it. Absolutely ridiculous. Poor girl, I hope for the best for her in terms of recovery, both mental and physical.

naw I ain't playin' that and Hilltop area... I was at the Hilltop Mall at Circuit City, thought I was gonna get robbed; by one of the clerks.

10-28-2009, 07:36 AM
"The culture that we've created is that it's OK to speak your mind if you're being tough," she said. "Snitching is not something we equate with toughness. Being sensitive and nice and conscientious is not something we equate with toughness."

Are these people FUCKING RETARDED?

I can't think of anybody that could just STAND THERE and watch someone get raped :nut: All of them deserve to be in jail.

10-28-2009, 07:55 AM
Originally posted by HiTempguy1

Are these people FUCKING RETARDED?

I can't think of anybody that could just STAND THERE and watch someone get raped :nut: All of them deserve to be in jail.
And I hope all that watched and participated gets gang raped in jail. Sweet justice

10-28-2009, 08:51 AM
The investigation into the two-hour rape outside the school's homecoming dance

TWO HOURS. Holy crap you would think that someone would have said something.

10-28-2009, 08:54 AM
"Hey man, there is a naked drunk girl over there. Anybody can join in."

"Thanks for the heads up bra, ima go check it out."


10-28-2009, 09:21 AM
People are that desperate they have to rape somebody?

Then again - getting yourself that intoxicated beyond self-defence is retarded.

However, it still doesn't make it right.

For all the guys with girlfriends, what would you do if this happened to your girl? I don't even want to think about it.

10-28-2009, 09:21 AM
Two and a half hours... Jesus christ :facepalm: What the hell is wrong with kids these days?!

10-28-2009, 09:25 AM
Not that I would wish HIV or AIDS upon anyone in this world.... BUTTTT, if she happen to have it before this happened (à la Kids), that would be fucking awesome.

I guess the human race evolving had to stop at some point in time... de-evolution time now

10-28-2009, 10:01 AM
what the fuck?!?! :barf:

I hope that the prisonmates forget to spit when these guys get it in the ass.

Peices of shit.

10-28-2009, 10:08 AM
Wow i hope all these mother fuckers get it.. Fuckin fags..

10-28-2009, 10:15 AM
Originally posted by 403Gemini
Two and a half hours... Jesus christ :facepalm: What the hell is wrong with kids these days?!

No idea, but when I was that age it only took a few min.

10-28-2009, 10:26 AM
Wow, 4 cops are close by and she still have to endure 2hrs of rape just because nobody want to snitch?

My faith in kids and humanity lowers every day.

10-28-2009, 11:38 AM
To be fair, you WILL get shot if you snitch in Richmond.

I dunno, story is weird, doesn't make much sense to me. Hard to tell what really happened. It's definitely not a good situation, the reporting is slanting it pretty badly to get an emotional response.

10-28-2009, 11:51 AM
The internet doesn't desenitize people at all.

10-28-2009, 11:56 AM
oh god... if i was the father of that girl i would be dispensing justice with a shotgun.

what is wrong with people?

10-28-2009, 12:01 PM
Haha, you think it was the internet that desensitized them? All those kids have to do is look outside.

"The city has in recent years suffered from a high crime rate, so serious that the city council at one point requested a declaration of a state of emergency and asked for the intervention of the Contra Costa County Sheriff and the California Highway Patrol in order to ameliorate crime waves. Murder, vehicle theft and larceny rates are all high..."

"In 2004, Richmond was statistically the second most dangerous city in California and was named the 8th most dangerous city in the country. However, those rankings have changed and Richmond is now the third most dangerous in California behind Compton and Oakland..."

"For every 100,000 people there were 38.3 murders, 50.4 rapes, 485.8 robberies, 512 assaults, 1110.7 burglaries, 3497.4 counts of larceny and 2471.4 thefts of vehicles. Richmond had 42 murders in 2006; and the city experienced a record of 62 homicides in 1991."

10-28-2009, 05:39 PM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok
Not that I would wish HIV or AIDS upon anyone in this world.... BUTTTT, if she happen to have it before this happened (à la Kids), that would be fucking awesome.

I guess the human race evolving had to stop at some point in time... de-evolution time now

Or maybe if she's really lucky and one of those guys raping her left her with the HIV.

This is despicable. :(

10-28-2009, 06:30 PM
Originally posted by TomcoPDR

naw I ain't playin' that and Hilltop area... I was at the Hilltop Mall at Circuit City, thought I was gonna get robbed; by one of the clerks.

It's pretty bad... I spent some time exploring that area and over to Martinez a couple times... some rough spots.

10-28-2009, 06:43 PM
Originally posted by Xtrema
Wow, 4 cops are close by and she still have to endure 2hrs of rape just because nobody want to snitch?

My faith in kids and humanity lowers every day.

doesn't make it right but... this

Originally posted by googe
Haha, you think it was the internet that desensitized them? All those kids have to do is look outside.

"The city has in recent years suffered from a high crime rate, so serious that the city council at one point requested a declaration of a state of emergency and asked for the intervention of the Contra Costa County Sheriff and the California Highway Patrol in order to ameliorate crime waves. Murder, vehicle theft and larceny rates are all high..."

"In 2004, Richmond was statistically the second most dangerous city in California and was named the 8th most dangerous city in the country. However, those rankings have changed and Richmond is now the third most dangerous in California behind Compton and Oakland..."

"For every 100,000 people there were 38.3 murders, 50.4 rapes, 485.8 robberies, 512 assaults, 1110.7 burglaries, 3497.4 counts of larceny and 2471.4 thefts of vehicles. Richmond had 42 murders in 2006; and the city experienced a record of 62 homicides in 1991."

10-28-2009, 06:57 PM
kinda hard to justify seeing that happen and not do anything

10-28-2009, 09:12 PM
Originally posted by broken_legs

Or maybe if she's really lucky and one of those guys raping her left her with the HIV.

This is despicable. :(

that would be fucking shitty, but on the other hand whoever went after that guy would get it too.....

10-28-2009, 10:06 PM
Originally posted by googe
Haha, you think it was the internet that desensitized them? All those kids have to do is look outside.

"The city has in recent years suffered from a high crime rate, so serious that the city council at one point requested a declaration of a state of emergency and asked for the intervention of the Contra Costa County Sheriff and the California Highway Patrol in order to ameliorate crime waves. Murder, vehicle theft and larceny rates are all high..."

"In 2004, Richmond was statistically the second most dangerous city in California and was named the 8th most dangerous city in the country. However, those rankings have changed and Richmond is now the third most dangerous in California behind Compton and Oakland..."

"For every 100,000 people there were 38.3 murders, 50.4 rapes, 485.8 robberies, 512 assaults, 1110.7 burglaries, 3497.4 counts of larceny and 2471.4 thefts of vehicles. Richmond had 42 murders in 2006; and the city experienced a record of 62 homicides in 1991."

Originally posted by Jlude

It's pretty bad... I spent some time exploring that area and over to Martinez a couple times... some rough spots.

Originally posted by TomcoPDR
That's a rough neighbourhood of SF tho.

Oh I know, driving downtown Oakland through San Pablo is even safer than that shit up in there...

10-29-2009, 10:12 AM
That's disgusting to hear that 20 people watched and no one said a word. :facepalm: Not surprising, but still very fucked.

Richmond ranked #9 in the most dangerous city in America last year. Ranked #2 in California to Oakland. Ranked 3 in Auto Thefts, #5 in murders and within top 10 in rape in the US.

source: AssociatedContent.com

10-29-2009, 11:37 AM
Originally posted by googe
To be fair, you WILL get shot if you snitch in Richmond.

I dunno, story is weird, doesn't make much sense to me. Hard to tell what really happened. It's definitely not a good situation, the reporting is slanting it pretty badly to get an emotional response.

Probably about half is bullshit, and i doubt she was literally getting raped for 2 and a half hours. Fuck the media

10-29-2009, 12:00 PM
skip to 2:25, even 12 - 15 year old girls have learned that you dont snitch:

they just said on the news that 4 guys have been charged, among the charges was penetration with a foreign object. that made me sick to my stomach a little.

10-29-2009, 12:09 PM
Originally posted by JordanEG6
That's disgusting to hear that 20 people watched and no one said a word. :facepalm: Not surprising, but still very fucked.

Richmond ranked #9 in the most dangerous city in America last year. Ranked #2 in California to Oakland. Ranked 3 in Auto Thefts, #5 in murders and within top 10 in rape in the US.

source: AssociatedContent.com

When I moved to Cali, the wife and I flew in to Oakland airport, it was late at night, we just got off the plane and stepped outside so I could have a smoke. Steph pulls out about 7 or 8 hundred dollars from her purse and starts counting it in front of everybody. She never even thought anything of it and didn't even notice people around us. (she's not street smart AT ALL) I thought for SURE we were getting jumped. I could see a couple of the baggage guys plotting something. We got our bags and got the hell outta there quickly.

10-29-2009, 02:18 PM
Was she at least hot?

Pics? :dunno:

Yes, I know im going to get flamed for that comment.

10-29-2009, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by Tarrantula
Was she at least hot?

Pics? :dunno:

Yes, I know im going to get flamed for that comment.

You'll get flamed... in hell. :thumbsdow

10-29-2009, 03:03 PM
Originally posted by Jlude

When I moved to Cali, the wife and I flew in to Oakland airport, it was late at night, we just got off the plane and stepped outside so I could have a smoke. Steph pulls out about 7 or 8 hundred dollars from her purse and starts counting it in front of everybody. She never even thought anything of it and didn't even notice people around us. (she's not street smart AT ALL) I thought for SURE we were getting jumped. I could see a couple of the baggage guys plotting something. We got our bags and got the hell outta there quickly.

Not smart at all hahaha. I won't even wear a different jersey at a Raiders game. I've heard horror stories. LOL.

10-29-2009, 03:04 PM
Originally posted by Tarrantula
Was she at least hot?

Pics? :dunno:

Yes, I know im going to get flamed for that comment.

not cool. you wouldn't be posting smart ass comments like this if this happened to your sister or daughter.

10-29-2009, 03:15 PM
Originally posted by Ven
I fucken kill everyone, consequences be damned.


We need an apocalypse. Too much dead weight in this civilization.

Once arrested, prosecuted and convicted we get the equivalent of 20 more people on the lam, and a girl whose future is almost certainly ruined.

Folks caught red handed or fail a DNA test should be executed. Fuck the trial. Fuck the reasons and fuck the rehab.

10-30-2009, 04:35 PM
what the hell is wrong with people?

and don't give me that bullshit that it's the environment they live in...it's tv..it's the internet...that's all complete bullshit.

i'm tired of people blaming everything but themselves for this shit. it's the parents, the kids, the teachers, the police, the community, the PEOPLE who let things like this happen. it's the fall of humanity where we as a species are losing the ability to see past our own fat faces. we as a species are becomming a spineless pathetic testament to waisted potential.

how would you like to be that girls father? i'd wipe out the entire family of whoever was envolved, real personall and messy justice at the end of a framing hammer. the whole world would feel my pain.

disclaimer: i have a daughter

10-30-2009, 07:55 PM
Originally posted by scary_perry

Folks caught red handed or fail a DNA test should be executed. Fuck the trial. Fuck the reasons and fuck the rehab.

I like your thinking. :thumbsup: