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11-04-2009, 11:36 AM
This is a huge problem in Europe and worldwide. When is something going to be done to restrict the influx of people that are destructive to European societies?

Video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaPz7p-1-bk)

11-04-2009, 11:42 AM
An experiment in multiculturalism that has not gone well. 70% of their immigrants are unemployed.

It's like that here in a lot of ways sans-violence. If you're caught scrutinizing any type of foreign relgious practice, people like Antonito, are ready to drop the intolerance adjectives on you.

I believe there is nothing wrong with preserving your culture. Even if you are white. :facepalm:

adam c
11-04-2009, 11:52 AM
^ i think you should watch the video again, this isn't to do with preserving your culture, it was about the arabs and muslims trying to control the city and turn it into an arab/muslim state

11-04-2009, 11:59 AM
Originally posted by adam c
^ i think you should watch the video again, this isn't to do with preserving your culture, it was about the arabs and muslims trying to control the city and turn it into an arab/muslim state And that has nothing to do with a predominantly white country preserving its culture.. how?

11-04-2009, 12:12 PM
:facepalm: what a mess...why can't people just respect the host nation's laws etc and not cause such a bloody mess?

11-04-2009, 12:30 PM
"jihad driving school" and the one muslim giving the 'heil hilter' salute? WTF? :banghead:

11-04-2009, 12:37 PM
Not to be racist, but fuuuuuuuuuuuuuu that video pissed me off. They multiply quicker then rabbits, then they roam the world and try to turn every susceptible country into their own, Canada included. I am not painting everyone with one brush because i myself have many Muslim friends, but it really angers me that they have no respect to enter a new country and conform to the laws set out by that country. They have such a "we are superior" and "i dont give a fuck" attitude that something needs to be done.

/Applies flame suit

11-04-2009, 12:37 PM
Have you heard of Nick Griffin? He is the leader of the British National Party. Interesting guy.

People say he denies the Holocaust. In his own words he says that we have to stop using the holocaust as a reason not to say anything about ethnicity in countries. I agree.

Sharia law = dark ages.


He is standing up for original british people.

11-04-2009, 12:42 PM
I can't stand how the guy pronounces Malmö.

11-04-2009, 12:43 PM
Originally posted by beyond_ban
Not to be racist, but fuuuuuuuuuuuuuu that video pissed me off. They multiply quicker then rabbits, then they roam the world and try to turn every susceptible country into their own, Canada included. I am not painting everyone with one brush because i myself have many Muslim friends, but it really angers me that they have no respect to enter a new country and conform to the laws set out by that country. They have such a "we are superior" and "i dont give a fuck" attitude that something needs to be done.

My thoughts exactly. They bitch and moan at any country that has the democratic freedoms and human rights to let them in, and then try to subvert the country using established laws and constitutions. It's happening in Canada, The US, Germany, the Netherlands, and all over Europe. When are these places going to grow the balls to put their foot down?

11-04-2009, 12:44 PM
Originally posted by Hakkola
I can't stand how the guy pronounces Malmö.

Thats all you have to say about the video? Being from Finland, whats your take on this? Is this happening in your native country as well?

11-04-2009, 12:50 PM
Originally posted by beyond_ban
Not to be racist, but fuuuuuuuuuuuuuu that video pissed me off. They multiply quicker then rabbits, then they roam the world and try to turn every susceptible country into their own, Canada included. I am not painting everyone with one brush because i myself have many Muslim friends, but it really angers me that they have no respect to enter a new country and conform to the laws set out by that country. They have such a "we are superior" and "i dont give a fuck" attitude that something needs to be done.

/Applies flame suit

I agree, I also have Muslim friends.

the expansionism mentality is becoming overwhelming. Our governments need to start taking a MUCH tougher stance or we will eventually become one large Muslim state. Not only governments, but citizens as well. FUCK the racism card, ethnic groups toss it around far too much when they feel any sort of oppression in a new country.
Head back to your own country, or conform to our laws, and Customs.
I wish we took more of an American stance. "E Pluribus Unum"

is it not written in the Qur'aan that Muslims must spread their influence around the world? (or something along those lines) Please correct me if I am wrong...

11-04-2009, 12:57 PM
The biggest problem there is that the Swedes are even more apathetic than Canadians. By the time they want to really do something to preserve their way of life, it might be too late.
The next thing you know, Ikea will be selling prayer mats.

11-04-2009, 12:59 PM
I was going to say something but Finland's situation is slightly different.

I think the largest ethnic minority in Finland is Somalian, a lot of Finns don't like them because they don't learn the language and get basically everything they need for free, so it's a bit of a strain on the system. I think there's about 10 000 of them, but most of them live in the Helsinki metro area so there isn't much they can do to influence the country politically or culturally.

The biggest problem I see with them was that they kind of segregate themselves from the rest of the population, but I think when the kids go to the army it forces some kind of interaction.

I never really talked to anyone about it, so my knowledge on the subject is pretty limited.

11-04-2009, 01:01 PM

11-04-2009, 01:08 PM

Of course, all these segments are Christian bias. Take away the sensationism, you can't really hide the fact.

11-04-2009, 01:10 PM
A growing issue that I think more people should be aware of.

11-04-2009, 01:15 PM

dosent that one guy look like this?

they should have just imported people from central america because they are very humble and hard workers. and very peaceful. if i was the mayor or president of sweden i would make a law with zero tolerance, if you break a law or dont look for work id deport your ass back home. simple as that, go be a bum back home. about the race/religon part i dont want to comment because i dont know much about them but the should smarten up because they are giving themselves a bad rep for them and every muslim around the world.

11-04-2009, 01:20 PM
Kick the fucking cockroaches out. Stupid cunts.

11-04-2009, 01:25 PM
Wow, those videos are really eye opening. We, as a culture, are WAY to politically correct and conform to the people coming to our country more then we make them become a resident of our country. If you want everything you had in the place you came from, don't expect Canada to give it to you. Just GTFO and go back to where it was that you left. The sad thing is, Canada is run by a PUSSY "everyone has equal rights and deserves the best life possible" Government that bends over backwards to help and make immigrants feel at home. The immigrants take advantage of that and then bend our country over forwards and proceed to anally rape it.

11-04-2009, 01:29 PM
Originally posted by banned3x
[IMG]they should have just imported people from central america because they are very humble and hard workers.

Interesting contrast though. Look at Canada's immigration over the past decades. For the large part, immigrants from places such as Asia and Central and South America, for example, have come here, worked hard, contributed positively to society and sought to integrate themselves in this country and live the Canadian way.

Now countries are facing large waves of immigrants that look to do the opposite.

11-04-2009, 01:29 PM
Originally posted by Xtrema

holy crap! first i want to thank all the abortion clinics.....

is this for real? guys start banging every girl you see!! knock em up please! we need to save canada and the world!! so whos with me?!!!

11-04-2009, 01:31 PM
Simple math guys.

Social programs like health and pension work on a pyramid scheme. The longer people lives, the more people you need at the bottom to pay into these programs.

Nobody is having kids (or have more defective kids at later ages, but that's a different topic) so in order for it to work, immigrants are needed.

The question is, how does government stop the segregation of these new comers?

Originally posted by banned3x

is this for real? guys start banging every girl you see!! knock em up please! we need to save canada and the world!! so whos with me?!!!

That's why the bible say: "Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it. Reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals that scurry along the ground"

The problem is Western and Asian countries has been developed and raising children cost too much. Women right advance women beyond being baby factories. Unfortunately, same can't be said with most Muslim countries and Muslim immigrants. There are a lot of progressive Muslims but I believe other religions have a larger progressive followers.

11-04-2009, 01:35 PM
Originally posted by beyond_ban
Wow, those videos are really eye opening. We, as a culture, are WAY to politically correct and conform to the people coming to our country more then we make them become a resident of our country. If you want everything you had in the place you came from, don't expect Canada to give it to you. Just GTFO and go back to where it was that you left. The sad thing is, Canada is run by a PUSSY "everyone has equal rights and deserves the best life possible" Government that bends over backwards to help and make immigrants feel at home. The immigrants take advantage of that and then bend our country over forwards and proceed to anally rape it.

Agreed, but do you plan to do anything about the poor state of the government and it's weak knee policies?

11-04-2009, 01:42 PM
related topic in US.


11-04-2009, 01:52 PM
Originally posted by G-Suede

Agreed, but do you plan to do anything about the poor state of the government and it's weak knee policies?

Really, what can one do to ACTUALLY have an effect? Move away?

On a side note, anyone down for a Beyond Group Impregnation?

11-04-2009, 01:55 PM
Originally posted by beyond_ban
Really, what can one do to ACTUALLY have an effect? Move away?

Become active with a political party with a platform that aligns with your beliefs, values, and goals. Then start recruiting.

11-04-2009, 01:58 PM
Originally posted by G-Suede

Become active with a political party with a platform that aligns with your beliefs, values, and goals. Then start recruiting.

Do you speak from experience?

11-04-2009, 02:03 PM
Originally posted by beyond_ban
Do you speak from experience?

No. I speak from speculation, conjecture, and wishful thinking. Why do you ask?

11-04-2009, 02:10 PM
Originally posted by G-Suede

No. I speak from speculation, conjecture, and wishful thinking. Why do you ask?

Merely seeing if you were on the same page as me, as you seem to have the same stance on this topic.

11-04-2009, 02:12 PM
Originally posted by beyond_ban

Merely seeing if you were on the same page as me, as you seem to have the same stance on this topic.

I am and I do.

11-04-2009, 02:16 PM
Originally posted by G-Suede

Become active with a political party with a platform that aligns with your beliefs, values, and goals. Then start recruiting.

Is there a political party/platform that does align with your beliefs?

11-04-2009, 02:19 PM
It's simple. We, as a culture, are too politically correct and accepting, and constantly afraid of stepping on their toes. The Muslims see this and prey on it, taking advantage of the fact that our culture is simply put, too "nice"!

Originally posted by beyond_ban
Wow, those videos are really eye opening. We, as a culture, are WAY to politically correct and conform to the people coming to our country more then we make them become a resident of our country. If you want everything you had in the place you came from, don't expect Canada to give it to you. Just GTFO and go back to where it was that you left. The sad thing is, Canada is run by a PUSSY "everyone has equal rights and deserves the best life possible" Government that bends over backwards to help and make immigrants feel at home. The immigrants take advantage of that and then bend our country over forwards and proceed to anally rape it. :werd:

11-04-2009, 02:19 PM
This shit is scary. :eek:

11-04-2009, 02:20 PM
I think they only way to integrate people, especially waves of immigrants into a canadian society, would be to implement mandatory military training for a year following high school for all Canadians..

School *should* be breaking down cultural barriers, but due do overwhelming desire for ethnicities to segregate themselves within our society, new canadians are able to move through our school system without really having to integrate.

A mandatory military service, with obvious military authoritriansm and discipline would force relationships and connectivity with a wide variety of canadians and other ethnicities. Combine that with Canadians' favorite view of themselves -- that of the stoic military peace keepers, may even instill the canadian identity into new canadians that will take root in their communities.

my 0.02$.

adam c
11-04-2009, 02:21 PM
can you think of all the progress and technological advances just disappearing 100 years from now

11-04-2009, 02:39 PM
Originally posted by syeve

Is there a political party/platform that does align with your beliefs?

Traditionally that would be the conservative, or more right wing ideologies. But Conservatism in Canada is so watered down, it would be hard to find much of what you are looking for in an official party platform.

11-04-2009, 02:51 PM
Originally posted by Crymson
School *should* be breaking down cultural barriers, but due do overwhelming desire for ethnicities to segregate themselves within our society, new canadians are able to move through our school system without really having to integrate.

Abolish religion based school systems (i.e. Catholic school system).

The Catholic school system give precedence for existence of other religion based schools in the country which prevents integration.

11-04-2009, 03:00 PM
Rage2 for PM?

11-04-2009, 03:06 PM
It's funny....

Our 'Culture' CANNOT sustain itself. We simply do not have enough kids.

Wanna blame someone for NEEDING immigration??

Western thought, capitalism and selfishness.

The Family has taken a back seat to careers, cars, and affluence.

11-04-2009, 03:18 PM
Originally posted by Toma
It's funny....

Our 'Culture' CANNOT sustain itself. We simply do not have enough kids.

Wanna blame someone for NEEDING immigration??

Western thought, capitalism and selfishness.

The Family has taken a back seat to careers, cars, and affluence.

QFT. Whats the average cost of raising a child now in this inflated society? According to this (http://www.babycenter.com/cost-of-raising-child-calculator) , it costs around $350k American to bring a child up and put them through a public college. Now multiply that by 4 kids and you can really see why there are so many 1-2 child families.

11-04-2009, 03:24 PM
Originally posted by beyond_ban

QFT. Whats the average cost of raising a child now in this inflated society? According to this (http://www.babycenter.com/cost-of-raising-child-calculator) , it costs around $350k American to bring a child up and put them through a public college. Now multiply that by 4 kids and you can really see why there are so many 1-2 child families.

Why can immigrants bring up 4-5 kids in a household?? Even ones surviving with less than average wages?

And $350k?? Yeah... right.... another product of western thought and capitalism.... bread to be consumers, and we are about to go extinct.

No one to blame but ourselves.

11-04-2009, 03:27 PM
Originally posted by Toma

Why can immigrants bring up 4-5 kids in a household?? Even ones surviving with less than average wages?

And $350k?? Yeah... right.... another product of western thought and capitalism.... bread to be consumers, and we are about to go extinct.

No one to blame but ourselves.

If you compare the average standard of living from a 8-9 person Muslim family compared to a 3-4 person average Canadian, it is ridiculous. We live in an age where material possessions are more important then preserving ones culture and way of life.

11-04-2009, 03:29 PM
Besides... who cares?!?!? Is it a bad thing??

Eventually we will all be one colour. That part is undeniable.

"Culture"?? What is it anyway? What is Nationalism? Civic Nationalism? Isn't this just 'racism' on a mass scale?

Why is it important to preserve ones "culture"? Lets not get emotional arguments here... just facts.

If we really were all the same, would the world not be a better place?

11-04-2009, 03:37 PM
Originally posted by Toma

If we really were all the same, would the world not be a better place?

Maybe, but the food would be pretty shitty.

11-04-2009, 03:40 PM
Originally posted by abyss

Maybe, but the food would be pretty shitty.

:rofl: By the time we are all beige/brown, we will be eating paste anyway.

11-04-2009, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by Toma
If we really were all the same, would the world not be a better place?

Tumor, not everyone wishes to have both the genitalia of a man and a woman, but in this case it would suit you just fine....then you could go fuck yourself.

11-04-2009, 03:47 PM
Originally posted by G-Suede

Tumor, not everyone wishes to have both the genitalia of a man and a woman, but in this case it would suit you just fine....then you could go fuck yourself.

:rofl: :rofl: well played.

I for one like who i am, and what i stand for. I may be pegged as a racist or supremacist, but i would like to preserve the white color for a long time. There are fundamental differences in the way that our culture and the Islamic culture think, and i would like to keep it that way. I prefer that they keep their beliefs in there country, and ours in our own. They don't see us all becoming one and being "the same", but rather they want world domination through overpopulation and pressing their beliefs onto us. Look at Denmark, they can't live together without yelling NUKE DENMARK. WTF, you guys are in Denmark while you scream that.

11-04-2009, 04:00 PM
Originally posted by beyond_ban

:rofl: :rofl: well played.

I for one like who i am, and what i stand for. I may be pegged as a racist or supremacist, but i would like to preserve the white color for a long time. There are fundamental differences in the way that our culture and the Islamic culture think, and i would like to keep it that way. I prefer that they keep their beliefs in there country, and ours in our own. They don't see us all becoming one and being "the same", but rather they want world domination through overpopulation and pressing their beliefs onto us. Look at Denmark, they can't live together without yelling NUKE DENMARK. WTF, you guys are in Denmark while you scream that.
LOL.... yeah, but whos fault is it that we whities cannot sustain our population?

lmao.... lets blame the coloured folk!!


Another byproduct of western philosophy... "it's always the other guys fault."

I really dont like white people.... like the really pale ones.... and neither does any other white person. It's why they invented tanning beds..... I prefer my chicks tanned.

Or is it so we could look brown and think white?? :poosie:

See, I knew you guys could not come with something that would hold up to logic....

Try harder lol

11-04-2009, 04:41 PM
Originally posted by Toma

LOL.... yeah, but whos fault is it that we whities cannot sustain our population?

lmao.... lets blame the coloured folk!!


Another byproduct of western philosophy... "it's always the other guys fault."

I really dont like white people.... like the really pale ones.... and neither does any other white person. It's why they invented tanning beds..... I prefer my chicks tanned.

Or is it so we could look brown and think white?? :poosie:

See, I knew you guys could not come with something that would hold up to logic....

Try harder lol

I'm white. I have 2 kids, and plan on having more. I get strange looks from coworkers sometimes when I mention this. Our society has idolized material possessions and societal status to the point that people think it's crazy to want to raise a family. I don't blame other people, I blame my own society.

I don't care about ohw much it costs to raise kids, that's not what i think about. Having a family is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I work hard to provide for them and so that my wife can stay at home and teach them the morals, values and standards that have gotten us to where we are. They can pay for their own college...I had to and i got through it.

11-04-2009, 04:45 PM
Originally posted by freshprince1

I'm white. I have 2 kids, and plan on having more. I get strange looks from coworkers sometimes when I mention this. Our society has idolized material possessions and societal status to the point that people think it's crazy to want to raise a family. I don't blame other people, I blame my own society.

I don't care about ohw much it costs to raise kids, that's not what i think about. Having a family is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I work hard to provide for them and so that my wife can stay at home and teach them the morals, values and standards that have gotten us to where we are. They can pay for their own college...I had to and i got through it.


edit: I wonder what role feminism has in western society's decline?

11-04-2009, 04:57 PM
Originally posted by freshprince1

I'm white. I have 2 kids, and plan on having more. I get strange looks from coworkers sometimes when I mention this. Our society has idolized material possessions and societal status to the point that people think it's crazy to want to raise a family. I don't blame other people, I blame my own society.

I don't care about ohw much it costs to raise kids, that's not what i think about. Having a family is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I work hard to provide for them and so that my wife can stay at home and teach them the morals, values and standards that have gotten us to where we are. They can pay for their own college...I had to and i got through it.

Amen brother!

11-04-2009, 04:58 PM
Originally posted by Toma

LOL.... yeah, but whos fault is it that we whities cannot sustain our population?

lmao.... lets blame the coloured folk!!


Another byproduct of western philosophy... "it's always the other guys fault."

I really dont like white people.... like the really pale ones.... and neither does any other white person. It's why they invented tanning beds..... I prefer my chicks tanned.

Or is it so we could look brown and think white?? :poosie:

See, I knew you guys could not come with something that would hold up to logic....

Try harder lol

. . . and you just seem to like the sound of your own voice. I am not saying it isn't the greed and need for material possessions that are fueling the white culture, i am just saying that there has to be some middle ground. Sure let there be immigrants, let them take over the population, but at least preserve what our country used to stand for rather then turning into a mini - India. I am not married, nor do i have children but i do plan to have at least 3 kids... wayyy down the road. I'm just going to wait another 10 years so i have the lifestyle i want, with enough kids to keep our culture alive.

11-04-2009, 05:19 PM
Originally posted by beyond_ban

i do plan to have at least 3 kids... wayyy down the road. . ....I'm just going to wait another 10 years so i have the lifestyle i want.....

:rofl: oh the Irony.

Supa Dexta
11-04-2009, 05:21 PM
I'm gonna get on this next summer.. And by 'this'.. I mean both the problem and the girlfriend.:thumbsup:

11-04-2009, 05:23 PM
Originally posted by Toma

:rofl: oh the Irony.

Irony? I am not being selfish and having one kid, so i can afford to get my toys. I want the best of both worlds, seems like a reasonable decision :dunno:

It doesn't matter when you have your kids, it is just the fact of having kids.

11-04-2009, 05:31 PM
Originally posted by beyond_ban

Irony? I am not being selfish and having one kid, so i can afford to get my toys. I want the best of both worlds, seems like a reasonable decision :dunno:

It doesn't matter when you have your kids, it is just the fact of having kids.
Is it?? What happens if every generation delays having kids form say age 20 to age 30... meaning you do, then your kids do, then their kids do...

What happens in 100 years? Roughly a 3 fold difference?

11-04-2009, 05:35 PM
to all muslims on beyond, how does it feel to be part of the religion that is turning humanity into a filthy rotton steaming pile of shit?

I bet it feels similar to a mormon 20 years ago being a member of an officially racist organization.

11-04-2009, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by Toma

Is it?? What happens if every generation delays having kids form say age 20 to age 30... meaning you do, then your kids do, then their kids do...

What happens in 100 years? Roughly a 3 fold difference?

Sure, it will take a few years longer, but at least the population would be sustained. Plus, whats the average age to have a kid anyways? I cannot see it being 20. . .

11-04-2009, 07:34 PM
i say bring in the chinese and asians in general... i have no idea how muslims and chinese interact with each other!

Anyone know?

11-04-2009, 07:37 PM
Rather scary stuff, although I don't think Sweden is unique. Europe is being over run by radical Islam... its only a matter of time until we join them. Time for western nations to stand up for themselves.

Thomas Gabriel
11-04-2009, 07:46 PM
Originally posted by qcp1
i say bring in the chinese and asians in general... i have no idea how muslims and chinese interact with each other!

Anyone know?

They hate each other. I could never hang out with my Asian friends and Muslim friends at the same time. Muslims are slightly more racist though. They don't even like other browns lol.

11-04-2009, 08:17 PM
i think Toma has a point. it will all eventually blend....but this ISNT blending. this isnt the melting pot where we learn from each other take the best from all cultures and get a sweet deal at the end. Variety is the spice of life dont forget.

This is one way, their way. and hostile if it needs to be.
that's it that's all.

I'm canadian born half brit, half chinese and man it boils my blood seeing the PC shit going on in canada and even more so the UK. The good news is it's starting to get to my relatives over there and eyes are opening hopefully the whole population of original brits. Hopefully it's just not too late. It isnt equality when one group takes advantage of the other, and it's not racist to stand up to that.

11-04-2009, 08:26 PM
Originally posted by qcp1
i say bring in the chinese and asians in general... i have no idea how muslims and chinese interact with each other!

Anyone know?
Asian gangs tend to be more covert and deadly, traffic drugs more, the youth are largely unemployed living with their moms, selling drugs.

They do not mix very well with the Lebanese gangs, but are deadlier and better organized.


11-04-2009, 08:34 PM
I wonder if a muslim majority will continue the aboriginal payments and reserve system? there could be a silver lining to this cloud afterall!!!

I know way off topic sorry...

11-04-2009, 08:37 PM
I was just wondering out loud...

The only point I have to make is that since we supposedly live in a democracy, that means we were ultimately responsible for the rules and requirements of immigration.

We preach equality, freedoms of speech, religion, blah blah...

cant have it both ways.

Our own fault.

If I was king of Canada, the rules would be different. If we need 10000 people to immigrate, I would take applications, and chose the BEST applicants who would agree to the rules.... YOU MUST work. One adult in the family MUST learn the language BEFORE you come. You MUST agree to our rules, laws and culture. You are here on a trial basis, if you have a kid here, it does not automatically get citizenship until YOU EARN yours.... You pay FULL price for medicare, schooling until you earn your citizenship, which includes an English test. Our LAWS are above your religious beliefs.

If you cause trouble, or bitch, or create unrest in relation to these rules... you are fucking gone back to wherever you came from.

These are fair rules if you want a better life, and want to live with us.

Is this a democracy?

11-04-2009, 08:40 PM
Originally posted by TurboD
to all muslims on beyond, how does it feel to be part of the religion that is turning humanity into a filthy rotton steaming pile of shit?

I bet it feels similar to a mormon 20 years ago being a member of an officially racist organization.

You act as if ALL Muslims are in agreement with what was shown in the video..there are many who are disgusted and embarassed by that sort of behaviour and actions..don't be naive and paint all with the same brush

11-04-2009, 08:43 PM
I don't believe in immigration laws, I feel that anyone should be allowed to live wherever they please.

I also feel that society should not have to pay for other citizen's to be unemployed or sick etc.

and @ Trini.

ALL MUSLIMS contribute to this behavior.

They read the same book, they cannot tell someone how to interpret the words in the book.
They cannot condemn someone that follows the rules in their books.

Most muslims believe non-believers should be killed, but they leave that for allah to do, rather than follow the text and carry out the action themselves.

I have lost a reputation point for posting a picture of mohammad on beyond, that shows you straight away how seriously they take their BS religion.

If I have a nice organization that gathers at the park once a week to talk about supernatural , and a large amount of people join this group and become murderers in the name of the group.
The logical and rational thing to do would be to abandon this group for the sake of being associated with the killers that kill in the name of your group.

11-04-2009, 08:49 PM
:facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: christ

11-04-2009, 08:50 PM
Originally posted by Trini
:facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: christ

wow, a classic facepalm and refuse to put forth a point.

11-04-2009, 08:51 PM
makes no sense trying to convince a person who has a point of view installed in his mind.

11-04-2009, 08:53 PM
How to you get religious extremists?
You make a religion, obviously false, and give the text of the religion contextual verses that can be interpreted by evil people as spoken by god.

11-04-2009, 08:54 PM
Originally posted by Trini
makes no sense trying to convince a person who has a point of view installed in his mind.
Yup... and I have a Tshirt that says it slightly differently:

"Sorry, I just cant fix Stupid"

11-04-2009, 08:57 PM
That's the problem with Muslims.

They don't care to condemn the people that don't read the book the way they do.

They just say, to each their own.
One day they will wake up and realize their text was written by a man with a penis.

The reason muslims cannot debate this subject is because they were brought up to believe in supernatural and they were taught that the world works with a god in the background watching over everything.
and so you cannot debate rational people, because you were brought up to think that it's ok to have irrational beliefs that clearly are not compatible with the way the world works.

The muslim will not debate because he realizes how stupid he looks quoting verses from the book his parents pushed on him and a lied to him as a kid with.

welcome to the real world bitches.
people don't get on unicorns and gallop into heaven to bang virgin whores.

11-04-2009, 09:12 PM
Originally posted by Toma
I was just wondering out loud...

The only point I have to make is that since we supposedly live in a democracy, that means we were ultimately responsible for the rules and requirements of immigration.

We preach equality, freedoms of speech, religion, blah blah...

cant have it both ways.

Our own fault.

If I was king of Canada, the rules would be different. If we need 10000 people to immigrate, I would take applications, and chose the BEST applicants who would agree to the rules.... YOU MUST work. One adult in the family MUST learn the language BEFORE you come. You MUST agree to our rules, laws and culture. You are here on a trial basis, if you have a kid here, it does not automatically get citizenship until YOU EARN yours.... You pay FULL price for medicare, schooling until you earn your citizenship, which includes an English test. Our LAWS are above your religious beliefs.

If you cause trouble, or bitch, or create unrest in relation to these rules... you are fucking gone back to wherever you came from.

These are fair rules if you want a better life, and want to live with us.

Is this a democracy? ...I can't.....really help it... but I... agree.

Don't let it go to your head.

11-04-2009, 09:12 PM
Originally posted by TurboD

The muslim will not debate because he realizes how stupid he looks quoting verses from the book his parents pushed on him and a lied to him as a kid with.

LOL.... all religion is false... be it Muslim, Jew, Christian, Catholic, Budhist...

all are blatantly false, all have used their direct or interpreted versus for gain and violence.

No one wants to debate you cause you cannot debate a person with an illogical incongruent thought process....

Welcome to the real world :poosie:

11-04-2009, 09:14 PM
Originally posted by Toma

LOL.... all religion is false... be it Muslim, Jew, Christian, Catholic, Budhist...

all are blatantly false, all have used their direct or interpreted versus for gain and violence.

No one wants to debate you cause you cannot debate a person with an illogical non congruent thought process....

Welcome to the real world :poosie:

I agree with the first part of that post.

I have proof the world works within the laws of reality, every day, 24/7

the muslim has no proof the world works the way they claim.

11-04-2009, 09:17 PM
Originally posted by CUG
...I can't.....really help it... but I... agree.

Don't let it go to your head.

LOL, same here. :eek:

11-04-2009, 09:44 PM
Originally posted by TurboD
welcome to the real world bitches.
people don't get on unicorns and gallop into heaven to bang virgin whores. [/B]

Sig worthy:rofl: :rofl:

If rationality prevailed it would not just apply to muslims but to all religious zealots who believe in invisible sky fairies.

I assume a reference to hitler or the nazis to come up at some point in this thread now.

11-04-2009, 10:24 PM
CBN = Christian Broadcasting Network, so that helps to explain the alarmist tone of the story ....obviously all media is biased to a certain extent, but an American based station founded by Pat Robertson airing a story that is critical of another religion?...I personally don't subscribe to any religious based news services.

"massive immigration has made Malmo today one-quarter Muslim"

I'm not sure where they get their numbers from -- 25% muslim? I can't seem to find that supported on any website (outside of these ultra-conservative hate websites that pop up when I try to search for more info). Well I found this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malmo#Demographics (source is the city's website, but it's in Swedish). Maybe they're assuming that all the people from the former Yugoslavia and Bosnia and Herzegovina are muslim, along with the immigrants from places like Denmark/Poland/Hungary/Germany, and that the muslim population is reproducing at an exponential rate.

"Jihad driving school" did crack me up slightly (like we're supposed to feel threatened by the name -- well maybe if we're ignorant). "Jihad" means "struggle" and that certainly was the case with me when I first started learning how to drive when I was 13.

11-04-2009, 10:38 PM
Extremism from any side is fucking scary. One race or religion shouldn't be out to 'conquer' other nations.

11-04-2009, 11:34 PM
Originally posted by Canmorite
Extremism from any side is fucking scary. One race or religion shouldn't be out to 'conquer' other nations.

Exactly. "Biased" reporting aside, we can't ignore the facts. People that just write this sort of stuff off will be in for one hell of a surprise when things boil over and there's nothing we can do about it (because its too late).

11-05-2009, 12:48 AM
The Muslims would be more effective in taking over the world if they stopped blowing each other up :dunno:

I don't really see the appeal in having 8 kids and being pissed off at the world either. Not that all Muslims do this, but lots say that eating pork is wrong because of whatever reason, yet they go out and get drunk which is also wrong I thought?

I thought raping women because they are unveiled is rather odd, even if there was a God, I doubt he/she would approve of this behaviour. All of the stupid protests, wanting to nuke Europe/America is just going to alienate the Muslim community and spread hatred. If this shit keeps up we are going to get some crazy leader that starts a holocaust version 2.0 against the Muslims. I know not all Muslims are crazy, just like every other group but the crazy ones need to STFU, because they are ruining it for the normal ones.

11-05-2009, 01:04 AM
^^^ to all you...

LOL... its a CONSPIRACY film produced by Christians to make Muslims look bad.


I doubt the translations or actual chants are legit.... I wonder if they were taken out of context, or even voiced over. I wonder if their data is legit? Did ANYONE verify any of it?

Given the situation in the mid east, and the violence thrust upon these people... you sheeple will watch a relatively mild protest and condemn them for their anger? After having millions of their people slaughtered, imprisoned, tortured, their economy strangled, their culture stripped, their people thrust into concentration camps....

We the WEST are over there, on their soil, murdering them en-mass. The UN, Doctors without Borders etc estimate that over ONE MILLION Iraqi kids died as a result of sanctions alone!

Because WE the WEST feel some sort of right to be OVER THERE.

I am frankly surprised they are not MORE violent. That they dont blow up more trains. Crash More planes....

They have every reason to be REALLY pissed off.

It is not about "spreading their religion" imo. It's about survival, since we are over there trying to exterminate and enslave them.

11-05-2009, 01:07 AM
Originally posted by Gainsbarre

I'm really sorry, but nothing you brought up in your apologist rant took away from the overall sentiments of people in Europe who are persecuted for standing up to muslim extremists who are public anti-semetic.

I like how you call it a "tone" :rofl: Anything to question the legitimacy of the issue being presented. You're an expansionist too, and everything you post in relation to topics like this are a clear example of that... I guess that explains your "tone".

Completely par for the course with people like you. Sickening, but I guess it works for you, so you keep doing it. :facepalm: :facepalm:

11-05-2009, 05:10 AM
Originally posted by Toma
^^^ to all you...

LOL... its a CONSPIRACY film produced by Christians to make Muslims look bad.


Yeah, that was the first thing I thought. I mean, don't you guys know who that person who introduced the segment was? I immediately recognized it as Pat Robertson.

Based on that, I question the validity of this source.

11-05-2009, 08:11 AM
There's a larger dynamic here that has played itself out time and time again in the last century:

War zones generate refugees, many of which gravitate to the more prosperous countries. Unfortunately, it's usually the more prosperous countries and their friends that are waging (or encouraging) war on the smaller ones.

Look at the waves of refugees North America has had: Germans, italians, ukranians post WW II. Vietnamese in the 70's. Lebanese in 82. Salvadorans and Chileans in the 80's. Afghanis in the 80s. Former Yugos in the 90s. Now, it's Iraqis, and Afghanis part II. [1]

The Moral of the story is: Victims of war will invade your country. Don't participate in war, and encourage international stability, and there'll be a lot less refugees knocking on your door.

11-05-2009, 10:24 AM
I'm gonna go with TurboD for this one.

Sure is amusing, a religion that's supposed to be about peace, ends up being a bunch of bigots against anyone that doesn't think the same way.

Those vids were insane, propaganda aside. LOL @ the demonstrations in Sweeden of all palces, it's just like the shit you see on the news from Gaza. Same people, same attitudes, same actions. And fuck me, killing that jewish guy slowly while making his family listen over the phone?

I dont even know what to say. Animals...

11-05-2009, 10:38 AM
I dunno. I honestly thing this is stupid. Where everyone but white people get to preserve or try to preserve their culture...When we do it we're racists or worse...

11-05-2009, 11:23 AM
interesting points in this post.. and id like to throw in my opinion.

i dont like how the terms israel and jews are used interchangeably, one is a nation, one is a people, you can hate the nation without hating the people..

i agree with what toma has posted for the most part, and i do realize that Canada has increasing islamic presence. Am i threatened by this? no, because in Canada people do assimilate, they want to. otherwise they wouldn't have left. But for various reasons it takes a few generations for people to lose the "edge" as i see it..
do i see muslims celebrating christmas anytime soon? probably not, but i do think people will lose there sense of religion.. i've seen it happen, Canadians tend not to be religious even if there parents are immigrants, and these Canadians children will even less religious.

still waiting for antonio...

11-05-2009, 11:35 AM
Well... I blame all of this on the invention of the nuke.


The nuke forces countries that were otherwise secular (especially imperialist nations like Britain) to open their immigration policies to nations that have the nuke.

Because one nuke nowadays can easily destroy not just a city - but a an area the size of a state or even a whole European country in 1/4 second. The nuke is the ultimate "equalizer" noone dare refuse or give preference to anyone nowadays.

Dominion (racial, religious or otherwise) died the day that two nations got the nuke.

Immigrants either way are almost always poor. Arab oil tycoons do not immigrate to Sweden - they have no need to. Alternately white people who tend to go to the middle east for example - are usually doing it for work (usually poor, in the military or a working grunt in the oilfields - for the money.)

Many billionaire Arabs are unhappy about the influx of poor white people into their oilfields, especially the white military types who get less than 30K per year to hold a gun (just kill people, build nothing and grow nothing) If any nation paid someone to enter a country and just kill people - some would call it fair game (Osama would) reciprocation.

Sweden hasn't been nuked yet - So all things being equal - I don't think things are really as bad as this guy is making them out to be.

The only thing preventing it its not money or wealth, heaven knows many people would spend hundreds of billions of dollars to have the ability to nuke each other (or even throw pies in the faces of people like Rob Anders) The only thing holding back is the idea that in some small way we are better off together than irradiated.

11-05-2009, 11:37 AM
Originally posted by dirtsniffer
no, because in Canada people do assimilate, they want to. otherwise they wouldn't have left.

Do you REALLY think that today? Really? You don't have to look far (NE Calgary) to know that this doesn't seem to be the case. At all.

11-05-2009, 11:49 AM
Originally posted by Hakkola
I can't stand how the guy pronounces Malmö.

HAHAH It's TERRIBLE how they keep pronouncing it!! I use to take the train over to Sweden to go grab cheap cheese and redbull (as it was banned in Denmark). If anyone has spent extensive time in Scandinavian countries, you will really notice the difference between crossing the boarder into Sweden going that route.

11-05-2009, 01:41 PM
Originally posted by Seanith

Do you REALLY think that today? Really? You don't have to look far (NE Calgary) to know that this doesn't seem to be the case. At all.

i do think that, i have had lots of friends over the years that have immigrated from all over the world, and usually they feel a sense of Canadian identity rather than cling to their grandparents culture

11-05-2009, 02:06 PM
Originally posted by TurboD
ALL MUSLIMS contribute to this behavior.

They read the same book, they cannot tell someone how to interpret the words in the book.
They cannot condemn someone that follows the rules in their books.
Do you really believe this?

There are people who kill in the name of Christianity all the time. Would you say that all Christians support that then?

11-05-2009, 02:20 PM
Originally posted by iceburns288

Do you really believe this?

There are people who kill in the name of Christianity all the time. Would you say that all Christians support that then?


if 90% of a religion are considered "moderates" or "part-timers", they lend credence and harbour the 10% that are "extremists".

If there weren't 900 million moderat christians, the extremists would be dragged into the streets and shot, or likely be considered a terrorist or racist organization and prosecuted.

Same applies to muslims.

11-08-2009, 01:10 PM

11-16-2009, 10:40 PM

11-16-2009, 10:51 PM
Originally posted by iceburns288

Do you really believe this?

There are people who kill in the name of Christianity all the time. Would you say that all Christians support that then? Could you elaborate on this a little bit? Like to within the last 20 years? I looked and can't find anything even remotely as extreme as what the radical muslims are doing these days.. (the beheading, mutilating female genitals, stoning female rape victims to death and having religious police around etc)

11-17-2009, 12:37 AM
Originally posted by CUG
Could you elaborate on this a little bit? Like to within the last 20 years? I looked and can't find anything even remotely as extreme as what the radical muslims are doing these days.. (the beheading, mutilating female genitals, stoning female rape victims to death and having religious police around etc)

Though with a little more time, I could probably find more. These are Central African Christians who abandon andbrutally kill small children who are accused of witchcraft, all in the name of Jesus. The pastors often seem to do it for profit.

While many here in Canada would not consider it 'christianity', they use the same bible and pray ostensibly to the same god. Might not many first-world muslims feel the same about the crazy backwater muslims?